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Common phrases

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  • Romanian (person): "Român" (Ro-MOOHN), "Româncă" (Ro-MOOHN-kuh)
  • Romanian (language): "Română" (Ro-MOOH-nuh)
  • please: "Vă rog" (Vuh Rohg) (formal)
  • please: "Te rog" (Teh Rohg) (informal / familiar)
  • sorry: "Îmi pare rău" (Oohm pah-reh ruh)
  • thank you: "Mulțumesc" (Mool-tzu-mesk)
  • you're welcome: Cu plăcere (koo pluh-cheh-reh)
  • yes: "Da" (Da)
  • no: "Nu" (Noo)
  • Excuse me: Scuză-mă (/'sku.zə.mə/) (informal)
  • I don't understand: "Nu înțeleg" (Noo uhnts-eleg)
  • Where's the bathroom?: "Unde este toaleta?" (Oon-deh yes-teh twah-leta)
  • Do you speak English?: "Vorbiți engleza?" (Vor-beets eng-lez-ahh)


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  • hello: "Salut" (Sa-loot)
  • hello: "Bună" (Boo-Nuh) (informal / familiar)
  • good-bye: "La revedere" (Lah reh-veh-DEH-reh)
  • bye: "Pa" (in informal occasions in Transylvania - "Servus" [sehr-voos])
  • good morning: Bună dimineața (boo-nuh dee-mee-nats-ah)
  • good day: Bună ziua (boo-nuh zee-wah)
  • good evening: Bună seara (boo-nuh seah-rah)
  • good night: Noapte Bună (nwap-teh boo-nuh)
  • How are you?: "Ce faci?" (/↗ t͡ʃe ↘'fat͡ʃʲ/)
  • ok: "bine" (/'bi.ne/)

Simple questions

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  • who: Cine (chee-neh)
  • what: Ce (cheh)
  • where: Unde (oon-deh)
  • when: Când (kuhnd)
  • why: De ce (deh cheh)
  • how: Cum (koom)
  • How many or How much: Cât (/kɨt/) , Câte (/'kɨ.te/)


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