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Rise of Nations/Printable version

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Rise of Nations

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There are over 200 different types units in Rise of Nations, ranging from the Ancient Age Hoplite to the Information Age Attack Helicopter. All military units are created from military buildings, including the barracks, stable, siege factory|factory, dock, airfield, missile silo and fortress. All unit types, such as Light Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Ranged Cavalry, are upgraded as the player advances through the ages. These upgrades usually represent revolutionary changes in their particular field; for example, the Arquebusier of the Gunpowder Age becomes the Musketeer of the Enlightenment Age, representing the great advantage of flintlock muskets over the earlier matchlock muskets and shown by increased attack power and reload speed. Also, each nation gets its own set of unique units; the Greeks get the Companion Cavalry and the Russians get the Cossack. Because of the wide variety of units in the game, the strategy factor becomes more diverse, allowing the player to make more choices and decisions regarding units. Units in Rise of Nations are very heavily balanced against each other, each having its own counter and a roughly equal cost, although perhaps in different resources discouraging any great diversity in armies. Units scale in cost as well, increasing in cost as their numbers increase. This, too, discourages diversity and is maligned by many players.


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Barracks units usually provide the backbone of most armies, requiring, as they do, food, the easily acquired and contantly produced resources, and because barracks are possible of being built in the first age.

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age
Light Infantry Slingers Javelineers Elite Javelineers Arquebusiers Musketeers Riflemen Infantry Assault Infantry
Heavy Infantry Hoplites Phalanx Pikemen Elite Pikemen Fusiliers Anti-Tank Rifle Bazooka Anti-Tank Missile
Ranged Infantry Bowmen Archers Crossbowmen -same- (Upgrades into Musketeers)
Scouts Scout -same- Explorer -same- -same- Commando Special Forces Elite Special Forces
Machine Guns Machine Gun Heavy Machine Gun Advanced Machine Gun
Flamethrowers Flamethrower -same- -same-

Stable or Auto Plant

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Stable units are often found in early Commando|raiding armies and are often to be found flanking an enemy. Their speed is their most valuable attribute, and they provide flexibility to armies.

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age
Light Cavalry Light Horse Light Cavalry Elite Light Cavalry Hussar Armoured Car Armoured Scout Car Armoured Cavalry
Heavy Cavalry Cataphract Knight Heavy Knight Cuirassier Light Tank Tank Main Battle Tank
Ranged Cavalry Horse Archer Heavy Horse Archer Dragoon Carabineer (Upgrades into Armoured Car)

Siege Factory or Factory

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Siege units are integral to any invading force, providing the heavy backup needed to secure key positions in enemy territory, allowing units to capture and hold cities, and destroy fortresses. The Siege Factory also provides Supply Wagons, needed to feed and clothe troops in enemy territory, minimizing the effects of attrition.

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age
Artillery Catapult Trebuchet Bombard Cannon Artillery Howitzer Rocket Artillery
Anti-Aircraft Anti-Aircraft Gun Anti-Aircraft Battery Anti-Aircraft Missile
Supply Wagons Supply Wagon -same- -same- Supply Truck -same- -same-

Dock, Anchorage or Shipyard

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Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age
Light Ships Bark Dromon Caravel Corvette Sloop Destroyer Cruiser Missile Cruiser
Heavy Ships Trireme Galley Carrack Frigate Man o' War Dreadnought Battleship Advanced Battleship
Fireships Fire Raft Heavy Fire Raft Fireship Heavy Fireship Submarine -same- Attack Submarine
Aircraft Carriers Aircraft Carrier -same-
Bombardment Ships Bomb Vessel Bomb Ketch (Upgrades into Dreadnought)
Fishermen Fishermen -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-


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Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Bombers Bomber Strategic Bomber Stealth Bomber
Fighters Biplane Fighter Jet Fighter Advanced Fighter
Helicopters Helicopter Attack Helicopter -same-


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Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Generals General -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Spies Spy -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Citizens Citizen -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Militia* Militia -same- -same- Minutemen -same- -same- Partisan -same-
  • Must be accompanied by 'Milita' research at the tower; Citizens then gain a 'To Arms' button on their Control palette


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Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Caravan Caravan -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Merchant Merchant -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-

Patriot Units

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- The Despot

- The Senator

- The Monarch

- The President

- The CEO

- The Comrade

Unique Units

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Each nation can produce exclusive units which are more powerful than the line of units they replace.

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Atl-Atl Royal Atl-Atl Xopilli Atl-Atl Jaguar Infantry Jaguar Assault Infantry -same-
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Umpakati Yangombi Umpakati Impi Umpakati
Fighter Aircraft Hawk Fighter Eagle Fighter
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Highlanders Black Watch
Foot Archers Longbow King's Longbow King's Yeomanry
Bomber Aircraft Lancaster Bomber

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Fire Lance Heavy Fire Lance Manchu Musketeer Manchu Riflemen Manchu Infantry
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Cavalry Light Camel Camel Warrior Elite Camel Warrior
Cavalry Archers Chariot Heavy Chariot Mameluke Royal Mameluke
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Cavalry Chevalier Heavy Chevalier Horse Grenadier Horse Guard Grenadier
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Volksgrenadiers
Heavy Infantry Solduri Barbarian Vandal Landsknecht
Heavy Cavalry Tiger Tank Leopard Tank -same-
Machine Gun MG 42
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Cavalry Companion Cavalry Royal Companion Cavalry Stratiotai Royal Stratiotai
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Inti Clubmen Royal Inti Macemen
Artillery Inca Mortar Inca Siege Mortar
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Infantry Ashigaru Spearmen Bushi Elite Bushi Samurai Gun Samurai
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Foot Archers Hwarang Elite Hwarang Royal Hwarang Elite Royal Hwarang
Artillery Flaming Arrow Heavy Flaming Arrow
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Balamob Slinger Royal Balamob Slinger Eagle Balamob Slinger
Heavy Infantry Recoiless Gun Dragon AT Missile
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Cavalry Archers Nomad Steppe Nomad Horde Golden Horde
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Foot Archers Kushite Archer Royal Kushite Archer Apedemak Archer
Cavalry Archers Camel Archer Heavy Camel Archer Camel Raider Camel Corps
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Infantry Legion Caesar's Legion Praetorian Guard
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Red Guards Infantry Shock Infantry -same-
Light Cavalry Rusiny Lancer Cossack Don Cossack
Heavy Cavalry T-80 -same-
Artillery Katyusha Rocket
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Infantry Scutari Royal Scutari Tercio Royal Tercio
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Infantry Janissary Royal Janissary
Artillery Basilica Bombard Basilica Cannon

Thrones & Patriots Unique Units

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Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Gunpowder Infantry Continental Marines Marine Riflemen Marine Infantry Assault Marine -same-

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Horse Archers Sunka Wakan Eagle Feather Horse Musket Horse Repeating Rifle Horse
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Scouts Takohs -same- Akweks -same- Okwari
Heavy Infantry Spearmen Mohawk Spearmen Heavy Mohawk Spearmen Elite Mohawk Spearmen

Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Heavy Infantry Immortal Anusiya Athanoi Arquebus Immortal
Elephants* War Elephant Mahout Gun Mahout Culverin Mahout
  • A unique unit type available to the Persians and Indians at the Stable.
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Elephants* War Elephant Mahout Gun Mahout Culverin Mahout -
  • A unique unit type available to the Persians and Indians at the Stable.
Unit Type Ancient Age Classical Age Medieval Age Gunpowder Age Enlightenment Age Industrial Age Modern Age Information Age Post-Information Age
Light Ships Brig Fluyt Clipper
Merchant Armed Merchant -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Caravan Armed Caravan -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same-
Supply Wagon Armed Supply Wagon -same- -same- -same- -same- -same- -same


Rise Of Nations: Resources

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There are several main resources in Rise Of Nations, as described below

Main resources

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The Uses

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Food is one of the most common resources, and is needed in large quantities to raise armies of the basic infantry unit (such as the musketeer or slinger, for instance) or other basic units (such as the light cavalry). Food is the only resource required for creating villagers, who's resource increase tree starts at approximately 25 food and rises to over 50. Food is used extensivley in the early game, although its usefulness declines later on, when it is pushed out by Oil, Metal, and Wealth.


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Food can be gathered by farms, which are limited to five per city (seven for the egyptians), and give a base 10 gather. Fishing ships can also gather food. Fishing ships are very useful in water maps, serving both as a farm and as a sea-based lookout. Food production from farms is increased by building a granary in the city in which the farm is placed. Furthur upgrades can be bought at the granary. Food can also be gathered from a number of rare resources.


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The Uses

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Timber is one of the best resources to have on hand in large quantities, as it is used in almost all buildings and basic infantry units. Timber is used in all ships pre-industrial age, and most buildings even after the 20th century dawns. Wood is used to build farms, making it a nescessity for quick expansion.


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Also reffered to as "wood", timber is gathered most easily from woodcutter's camps built within a city limit, such that a lumbermill is boosting production. Woodcutter's camps hold anywhere from two to ten workers/villagers, based on the number of trees in the camp's range. Lumbermills have several upgrades for wood production, along with a few to strengthen buildings. Timber is found in only a few rare resources, and therfore large amounts of manpower must be dedicated to its production.


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The Uses

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Metal is used more late-game, especially after the dawning of the 20th century in the Industrial age in the form of ships and airplanes. Metal is also used in heavy infantry and cavalry, and all artillery post gunpowder age. One of the most important resources, it is furthermore used in machine guns, anti-aircraft buildings and vehicles, tanks, scout cars, flame-throwers, bomber, fighter, and fighter-bomber aircraft, buildings not withstanding. Many computer AI scripts will also request large sums of metal, up to 5000, as tribute in exchange for an alliance, especially in the early game before many players will have built smelters.


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Metal is gathered from mines, which are positioned near mountains. The size of the mountan determines the number of workers that can be stationed at the mine at any one time. Smelters can also boost metal production up to three times, assuming the mine in question is within the economic radius of the same city as the smelter. Many rare resources also have a metal bonus, including whales.

The Uses

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Oil is most definitely the most important resource in the late game, especially after the advent of aircraft carriers in the modern age. Oil is required in extremely large quantities for both conventional and nuclear missiles, making non-cheat nuclear warfare a very costly business. Oil is used in all mechanized cavalry and artillery from the industrial age on, along with airplanes and anti-aircraft guns. Oil is very important for most every army, as it is used in many units and, when required, is generally required in large quantities.


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Oil is gathered from oil wells, which each produce 35 oil every thirty seconds by default and take one citizen to run. Oil wells are found in the rocky areas that are abundant on most of the maps, and in sea-based deposits is denoted by a large black square under the surface. When a worker is assigned to build an oil well at sea, (an "oil rig") the worker simply moves out to the position in a boat and builds the well, which can then be used as a sea-based lookout. Oil rigs are poplar targets for marauding enemy fleets, though, so sea based exploration can be a costly business. Oil refineries, which serve the same purpose as a granary or lumbermill for food and timber, have the distinct advantage of being able to be built anywhere and have a stackable +33% effect. Therefore, if someone built two refineries, all of his oil wells would have a +66% bonus in production. Oil has the distinct stress-saving feature of having the screen jump to the nearest source when a citizen is told to build a well.


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The Uses

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Almost everything requires wealth, to put it simply. Most research and many units require it, along with many buildings.


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Wealth can be gathered from caravans, markets, or rare resources (such as whales). The Taxation technology at the temple provides a wealth gather rate based on the percentage of world territory controlled by your army. The percentage of taxation can be upgraded by various temple technologies. Caravans commute constantly between two cities, gathering wealth along the way through trading.


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The Uses

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Research, plain and simple. Knowledge is not required for anything else other than research.


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Since knowledge is the only resource that cannot be traded, wealth must be gathered by scholars at universities. Each university can hold seven scholars, who's gather rate can be upgraded by various university technologies. Scholars are usually killed off after all of the research is complete in a game, since the resource they gather is then unnesessary and they serve no other purpose.


Ancient (ca 2000 BC)

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The starting age of the game. The Ancient age offers only Foot troops and Tower defenses. Cities cannot increase above Small size, and Knowledge and Metal do not yet exist, so technologies and units that would cost Metal or Knowledge in future ages cost extra Wealth and Timber.This period of history represents the dawn of civilization. It was when humanity first learned to be an agricultural society around 10,000 B.C. and began to congealed to form Nations. The seeds of written language, mathematics and the Nation state was planted and germinated during these formative years of human history. It is the period when civilizations like the Egyptians and Babylonians were at their height, and when others like the Chinese and Greeks were on the ascension. It was when great monuments like the pyramids and the mysterious Sphinx was built. Causing even modern scholars to wonder how such feats of architecture could have been achieved by these ancient peoples. It was also when such clashes of civilizations like the legendary Trojan wars occured to determined the fate of civilizations. A civilization could fade from human memory if they could not survive these formative years of human history. It was indeed a struggle. For this period stretched over many millenia and lasting until around 500 B.C. when finally new powers would come to fore to create what would become the cornerstones of occidental and oriental cultures.

Classical (1999 BC - 500 AD)

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Stables, Siege Factories, and Forts can be built, adding to the power of the attack. This is countered by cities increasing to Large size if there are 5 different types of buildings in their sphere of influence. Knowledge and Metal are introduced, and Universities and Mines can be built.The Classical age was so named because it was the height of the Greek Civilization, the father of western civilization. Strictly speaking, the Classical age lasted from around 500 B.C., that was marked by the Persian and Greek wars until the death of Alexander the Great in 300 B.C., having achieved the conquest of eastern europe, the middle-east and south Asia. Which at the time was the largest empire the world has known. The mantle of western civilization would be taken up by the Roman Empire which would create a European Empire that would be the model of Empires and world powers to come. The Empire was forged in the Punic Wars with the Carthaginians and would create a dominion that not only included much of the Empire Alexander created but also included western Europe and North Africa. In Asia, this period also marked high points with the Chinese civilization which included the birth of Confucianism and the first unification of the Chinese civilization under Chin Shi Huang around 200 B.C. The game however, extends the Classical Age to around 500 A.D. to include the period of Roman domination of Europe, which shaped the character of Europe and its pivotal fall as an Empire.

Medieval (501 AD - 1299 AD)

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Forts become Castles, and Catapults can be upgraded to Trebuchets, which are significantly more powerful. Also, the key Supply Wagon unit is introduced (along with Spies), allowing for effective siege attacks. All unit types can receive upgrades. The Medieval age is considered the "height of the defense curve," as it gets easier to attack after the introduction of the Supply Wagon, and in subsequent ages.The Medieval Age is synonymous with what is called the Middle Ages. This period covers the next millenium after the fall of Rome to the fall of the Byzantine Empire around 1500 A.D. It is called the Middle Ages because in history it lies between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance in Europe. The middle ages were a time of great political and social change. Much of Europe transitioned first to the feudal system, then with the growth of nationalism, monarchies arose in nations such as England, France, and Spain. During the middle ages, such well know events as the Hundred Years' War between France and England, the Crusades, and the War of Roses occurred. It also corresponded to the Muslim rule of India, the formation of the Japanese civilization, the continued ascension of the Chinese empire and the spread of Chinese confucianism and Indian Buddhist philosophy into the rest of East Asia. But also included the rise of the Mongol Empire which created the largest Empire in human history with their astounding conquests of almost all of Asia and into the doorstep of Europe.

Gunpowder (1300 AD - 1715 AD)

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The introduction of Arquebuses, Bombards, and Dragoons pushes the balance of power toward the attacker. The introduction of Gunpowder is one of the most significant developments in history, and in the game. Getting here with a significant lead could end the game in your favor - if you haven't sacrificed defense to do so, and been conquered in the Medieval Age! This age starts with what corresponds to the Renaissance period in Europe, when the scientific stagnation that characterized the previous period of European history was firmly put to rest. Many great artists and scientist like Leonardo Di Vinci whose visionary ideals still amaze us today characterized this period. But also was marked by the invention of a fearsome new technology that was first used in China in limited fashion as far back as the 9th century A.D. The innovations in gunpowder and the pervasive use of gunpowder came after the middle ages in Europe where it was used in first crude cannons for knocking down walls. Its use was later refined and put to desvastating effect when the Ottoman Turks broke through the heretofore impenetrable walls of Byzantium, and slaughtered troops in the thousands on the field with these early weapons of mass destruction. The use of gunpowder was further refined to allow individual soldiers to employ this weapon on a smaller scale with the use of the arquebus and later the musket. Soldier that could wield this new weapon effectively within months of training began to replace the need for archers that needed to train for years to be effective. This period was also marked by the age of exploration when European powers began to strike out to explore and often conquer the world. Spain became a world power with the weapon of this day. It enabled the Spanish to wipe out the Native American Empires in Central and South America with a few hundred adventurer soldiers called Conquistadors. Near the end of this period England would also rise to the occasion and began to take the world power title from the Spanish with such strong leaders as Elizabeth the First. They were not alone of course. France, Portugal and the Dutch also did their share of exploration and conquests. Men such as Magellan, Pizarro, and Columbus were the tip of this European vanguard. This period lasted a mere two centuries until around the 1700's but the world now moves much faster then the earlier periods of history.

Enlightenment (1716 AD - 1880 AD)

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Heavy Infantry first gain ranged weapons in the Enlightenment Age, and all units gain significant upgrades, especially Cannon, which go from being primarily siege weapons to having a strong anti-personnel role as well. The Age of Enlightenment, also known as the Age of Reason in Europe. Beginning around 1700 A.D. and lasting to the middle of the 19th Century. It was characterized by the pursuit of knowledge and understanding of nature and humanities' place in it without resorting to religious beliefs. The age of Enlightenment saw many new ideas throughout Europe. Philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Voltaire discussed ideas about government, society, human nature, natural rights and questioned old beliefs that had been upheld by the church. At times it became a conflict between religion and the inquiring minds that wanted to know and understand the world through reason based on evidence and proof. Great scientific minds like Sir Isaac Newton would establish the scientific methods that we still use today. It was also a period of clashes in political philosophy as republicanism went up against Monarchies when Napoleon attempted to take over all of Europe, and America fought for its independence from England. Despite that, England grew to its height. The initial steps towards being a world power in the previous centuries was confirmed in the Victorian age when they could boast that the Sun never sets on the British Empire. Indeed by they had claim to colonial possessions around the globe.

Industrial (1881 AD - 1935 AD)

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A key moment in history and in the game, as new rare resources are introduced, and Oil becomes a necessary commodity. Offsetting this additional economic worry are the enormously powerful Tanks and Airplanes that defined modern warfare.The Industrial Age was ushered in by England in the middle of the 19th Century. Mass production and mechanization was the order of the day, and enabled those who embraced it to overcome those who didn't and often against overwhelming numerical odds. England's hold on the world was enabled by this paradigm, as they took over much Africa and caused the collapse of dynastic rule in China. Rifles and Machine guns were invented during this time, and caused massive casualties to the targets of these weapons. The American Civil war saw losses in the tens of thousands in just one battle, greater then the combined American casualties of later wars as soldiers struggled to adjusted to these weapons using outdated tactics. This period lasted through to the first quarter of the 20th century, which saw the invention of chemical weapons, the tank and the airplane. All of which saw action in the First World War. It was called a world war for the reason that the limits of influence and communication no longer was restricted to between neighboring countries or even continents, but stretched across the globe. Nations across the globe was embroiled in this single conflict in some way.

Modern (1936 AD - 1968 AD)

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Primitive unit types introduced in the Industrial Age now become potent weapons of war, as Tanks, Fighters , Bombers , and Cruise Missiles become available. The all-important Tactical Nuclear Weapon makes its first appearance in this era, which should incite the wise commander to spread his forces a little more sparsely on the battlefield. The Modern Age lasted between the end of the First World War to the 1980's with the end of the cold war. It was punctuated by the Second World War, which became the biggest conflict in human history as democracies faced the forces of fascism across the globe. This period saw the refinements of inventions and previous technologies to a high level. This culminated with development of the Atomic Bomb that ended the Second World War with the defeat of Fascist Germany and Japan. In a peaceful form of competition between nations, technological development continued with the Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States. Each vieing for sole super power status during the Cold War. However it was also against the background of proxy wars in Korea and Vietnam. Despite inconclusive results or even effective losses in these two conflicts. America winning the Space Race with its Landing of men on the Moon in 1969, combined with the American Capitolist economic system would prevailed over the countervaling communist economy championed by the Soviet Union. America would eventually become the sole super power in the World.

Information (1969 AD - future)

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All modern upgrades to Economy, Technology, and Military are now available, including Stealth Bombers, ICBMs, and powerful Main Battle Tanks. Once all technologies in the Information Age are researched, special additional technologies become available to bring the game to a dramatic finish. The Information age represents the age we are now in. It became known by this name in the 1980's when the internet brought information accessibility to the masses like never before. But really began with the invention of the electronic computer in the 1940's when it was used to decrypt enemy communications. A single room size machine eventually evolved into a world wide communication network that its creators never dreamt of. The Jet plane that was invented at the end of the Second World War, not only matured at a rapid pace, it made leaps into Stealth Technology that would make obsolete, what was an advanced technology called radar that was invented during the Second World War that defended England's shores from Nazi Germany. This rapid pace of development and obsolescence of previous technology parallels the speed of communication mediums that travels at the speed of light. Technological viability that was measured in centuries in the ancient times, reduced to decades and then to years in the Information Age. Moore's Law that says that technological leaps would double the performance its predecessors every year or so is the order of the day. Indeed in Rise of Nations game ending technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Global Prosperity allows your nation to create troops or assimilate a captured city instantaneously.


Choosing a nation can be an important factor in how the game is played; each nation has several bonuses which may improve their ability offensively, defensively and/or economically. Below is a list of all the nations available in the original Rise of Nations:


Rise Of Nations Cheats

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Press enter to bring up the chat window, then enter the cheat and press enter again. If a cheat is not working, check spelling.

The Cheats

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  • cheat resource all+1000
    • 1000 more of all resources
  • cheat damage (name or no entry)(+ or -)(number)
    • Adjusts damage
  • cheat ai (on, off or debug)
    • Sets AI state
  • cheat ally (nation name)
    • Forces alliance with nation's name
  • cheat explore (normal, explored, all)
    • Changes game explore configuration
  • cheat defeat (nation name)
    • Defeats nation's name
  • cheat deploy
    • Deploys the currently selected Artillery unit(s)
  • cheat nuke
    • Aims a free nuclear missile at the mouse pointer. Be warned, it does have the embargo effect and counts down the armeggeddon timer.
  • cheat bird
    • Drops a Wild Bird at pointer location
  • cheat meet (nation name)
    • Forces encounter with nation's name
  • cheat finish
    • Finishes building or next item
  • cheat die
    • Kills all selected objects
  • cheat sandbox
    • Sets all players to human and map to full map
  • cheat pack
    • Packs the currently selected Artillery unit(s)
  • cheat peace (nation name)
    • Forces peace with nation's name
  • cheat insert (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)
    • Puts a building at pointer location
  • cheat add (number)(type)(who=RED)(x,y)
    • Puts a unit or building at pointer location
  • cheat safe
    • Places several Heavy Machine Guns around your capital. Handier in early ages since the guns are devastatingly effective against all pre-industrial age units.
  • cheat diff (0-5)
    • Sets the game difficulty
  • cheat achieve
    • Shows achievements
  • cheat commerce (number)(nation name)
    • Shows/changes the commerce level for nation's name
  • cheat library (number)(nation name)
    • Shows/changes the library tech levels for nation's name
  • cheat military (number)(nation name)
    • Shows/changes the military level for nation's name
  • cheat age (number)(nation name)
    • Shows/changes the nation's name’s age
  • cheat resource (name)(resourcetype or all)(+ or -)(number)
    • Example: cheat resource nation's name food + 1000 would give you 1000 food. cheat resource nation's name all + 10000 would give you 10000 of each resource.
  • cheat science (number)(nation name)
    • Shows/changes the science level for nation's name
  • cheat tech (name)(tech or all)(on or off)
    • Shows/changes technology
  • cheat ranges (0 or 1)
    • Shows the combat ranges
  • cheat reveal (on or off)
    • Shows full map
  • cheat human (name)
    • Toggles computer control off
  • cheat computer (name)
    • Toggle computer control on
  • cheat pause (0 or 1)
    • Toggle pause
  • cheat unmeet (nation name)
    • Turn encounter off with nation's name
  • cheat victory (nation name)
    • Victory for nation's name
  • cheat war (nation name)
    • Forces war with nation's name