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Refugee Phrasebook/providing help

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This text should be rewritten and reordered.


Cite from refugeephrasebook.de:

Please consider that many other aid organizations might need your support more urgently.

Currently a lot of work and coordination is done through Facebook. But not everybody uses Facebook or even has an account on it!

Facebook group


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Help needed - here YOU can help

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Please add Date of creating that announcement and due-date if you think people have to work together - create 2 or more entries

request by organisations or helpers

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if you have an request from an organization, you are from an organization and want a rpb, and/or need help on creating new rpb, please post them to info @ refugeephrasebook . de

translator (proofreading)

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translator (new language)

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translation: it's hard to say what languages are needed and provided
take a look and select a few languages from here: https://github.com/refugee-phrasebook/backendscripts/blob/master/bash-scripts-for-pdf-generation/languages/iso-639-3_Id-Ref_Name_sortbyname.tab


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note: please add the app you need - use ANYAPP if you need just results

if you need help: please provide some input what you need, a homepage to get more information and a contact (maybe you), announcement+due-date is appreciated

I need help from you

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request by organisations or helpers

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if you have an request from an organization, you are from an organization and want a rpb, and/or need help on creating new rpb, please post them to info @ refugeephrasebook . de

translator (new language)

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If you are a native speaker of a language that is not included yet, please write to info @ refugeephrasebook . de and request access to the documents.

translator (proofreading)

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translator (xyz)

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e.g.: i'm a translator and can translate FROM: ger TO pol , contact me at me @ example . com