Rebol Programming/shift

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USAGE:[edit | edit source]

SHIFT data bits /left /logical /part length 

DESCRIPTION:[edit | edit source]

Perform a bit shift operation. Right shift (decreasing) by default.

SHIFT is a native value.

ARGUMENTS[edit | edit source]

  • data -- (Type: integer binary)
  • bits -- Number of bits to shift (Type: integer)

REFINEMENTS[edit | edit source]

  • /left -- Shift bits to the left (increasing)
  • /logical -- Use logical shift (unsigned, fill with zero)
  • /part -- Shift only part of a series.
    • length -- (Type: integer)

SOURCE CODE[edit | edit source]

shift: native[
    {Perform a bit shift operation. Right shift (decreasing) by default.} 
    data [integer! binary!] 
    bits [integer!] "Number of bits to shift" 
    /left "Shift bits to the left (increasing)" 
    /logical "Use logical shift (unsigned, fill with zero)" 
    /part "Shift only part of a series." 
    length [integer!]