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Radium SmartChain/upgrade to

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Radium Wallet upgrade

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The Radium wallet has been updated to, and users are REQUIRED to upgrade. Version and onward contains many code upgrades, some of which require a hard fork to implement. The hard fork will take place on 4/28/2016, when the new code will become active. Wallets that have not upgraded will no longer work correctly after that time. Users who have not upgraded by 4/28/16 risk losing their coins if they continue to use the old wallet after that date.

What is a hard fork?

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A hard fork is a planned network event where all the wallets agree at the same time to start using some new code or new rules. In our case, when the hard fork occurs, all the wallet will agree to use the POS v3 code. Wallets that are not upgraded will no longer function correctly.

Do I really NEED to upgrade?

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Wallet versions that MUST upgrade:


Wallet versions that MAY upgrade:


Which is the correct protocol version?

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Go by the wallet versions. Best bet, upgrade to

How To Upgrade

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Step 1 : Backup your wallet.dat in a safe place.

Step 2: IF you are using 1.3.x.x or 1.2.x.x. then you MUST remove the old blockchain database by removing the 'txleveldb' folder.

Step 3: Start the new wallet. Because we had to remove the old blockchain database, the wallet will need to resync. Once the wallet has finished syncing, the upgrade is complete!

How To Remove Old Blockchain Database

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Delete the 'txleveldb' folder from the Radium data folder. If you did not specify a custom data directory, this folder is located in your %appdata%/Radium directory, in the same place as your wallet.dat.

cd %appdata%/radium

rmdir txleveldb /s /Q


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Delete the 'txleveldb' folder from the Radium data folder. Linux users should find the 'txleveldb' folder in ~/.Radium, the same place as the wallet.dat

How To Upgrade (Mac)

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Coming soon!

I am getting: EXCEPTION: NStBios_base7failureE type error!

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This is because your old blockchain was not removed. One of the upgrades in Radium is a new database structure, that is both faster and more efficient. As a side effect of this change the wallet can not use or read the old blockchain database created by the older wallet. This error occurs when the new wallet tries to read a blockchain database created by the older wallet. It is easily corrected by following the upgrade steps below.