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Radiation Oncology/Treatment planning/NTCP

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This page deals with concepts of Normal tissue complication probability, or NTCP.

See also: Radiation_Oncology/Normal_tissue_tolerance
  • Full text No PMID — "Use of normal tissue tolerance doses into linear quadratic equation to estimate normal tissue complicatio probability." T. S. Kehwar, Ph.D., D.Sc. and S. C. Sharma, M.D. Radiation Oncology Online Journal (www.rooj.com).
    • Tables 3 and 4 are most helpful.
  • Full text PMID 17998649 — "Analytical approach to estimate normal tissue complication probability using best fit of normal tissue tolerance doses into the NTCP equation of the linear quadratic model." T. S. Kehwar, D.Sc., DABR. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
    • See especially Table 4

  • Paul Scherrer Institut; 2005 PMID 15817357 -- "Estimation of radiation-induced cancer from three-dimensional dose distributions: Concept of organ equivalent dose." (Schneider U, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Apr 1;61(5):1510-5.)
    • Concept of organ equivalent dose (OED) for radiation-induced cancer
  • Princess Margaret, 2005 PMID 15936567 -- "Use of principal component analysis to evaluate the partial organ tolerance of normal tissues to radiation." (Dawson LA, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2005 Jul 1;62(3):829-37.)
    • Principal component analysis concept used to summarize the variance in parallel normal tissue cDVHs, and segregate cDVHs at high or low risk for complications.
  • MSKCC, 1991 PMID 2032883 -- "Fitting of normal tissue tolerance data to an analytic function." (Burman C, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 1991 May 15;21(1):123-35.
    • Lyman model applied to Emami tolerance data
  • Lawrence Berkeley, 1985 PMID 3867079 -- "Complication probability as assessed from dose-volume histograms." (Lyman JT, Radiat Res Suppl. 1985;8:S13-9.)
    • Development of NTCP model