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Quest for Glory/Quest for Glory IV/Walkthrough

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Because the Structure of the game is largely non-linear, the walkthrough is broken into a few sections. The Introduction section describes the opening puzzles you need to get through to reach the Mordavian Valley. The Town of Mordavia section describes the essential places and puzzles in the town proper, and the Valley of Mordavia section does the same for everything outside the town gates.

The above sections briefly describe most of the puzzles which are neccessary for beating the game, and the sidequests section describes optional quests particular to individual character classes, but may be solvable by anyone depending upon what abilities your hero possess.

The Rescuing Igor section describes a strictly plot related set of events which occurs on day 5 and must be completed to beat the game, and Dealing with Baba Yaga and Rescuing Tanya are two more detailed quests which must be completed after certain events in the game are activated. Obtaining the Rituals is a non linear set of quests which must be completed before The Dark One's Cave/EndGame.

Strictly speaking, you could just use all the sections from Rescuing Igor onward as a direct walkthrough to the game. Keep in mind that many puzzles have alternate solutions, and any method of progressing through the game varies by skills and abilities although sometimes purely based on class.

Dark One's Cave/Introduction

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All character classes will begin the game after being mysteriously transported away from your friends in Tarna, landing in a strange room in the cave of the Dark One. You'll have nothing more than the clothes on your back. Thieves will need to seek a new set of tools and daggers, Fighters will need to acquire more weapons and equipment, although Magic Users and Paladins will still have all their usual abilities at their disposal.

The room will start out dark and get lighter. Magic Users can light the place up with juggling lights, but what you basically need to do is search each of the corpses to acquire a dagger, some flint, and some money left on the corpses. You'll be able to to take a torch from the central altar, and light it by creating a spark with the flint and dagger. The magically inclined can just use a simple flame dart spell to show off. Once you have some illumination you'll be able to force your way out of the door to the north, and arrive in a room with another large altar. Thieves will see a mark advising them on how to leave, Magic Users will find a cloth, and Fighters/Paladins will gain a rusty sword and shield and have to do battle with some badders[check spelling]. Try to avoid being poisoned, and if you are you'll want to move quickly from then on.

The next room will have you crossing a dangerous pit with only a rope bridge. Thieves can use their agility to walk it as a tightrope, Fighters can rely on strength to cross underneath the bridge by holding on, and magic users will have to hold up the cloth they grabbed earlier as a sail and fly across with the Levitate spell. From there it's just a dash to the exit, although you'll see a tentacled monster reaching up from below. You'll end up outside of the Dark One's cave and watch the mouth of the cave shut behind you. A young woman named Katrina will greet you with puzzlement and ask how you arrived here, then run away. You'll notice it's just turning to daylight.

Nearby is an arch with seven symbols inscribed in it, mouth, bone, blood, breath, senses, heart, and essence, with a golden six tentacled starfish at the base of the arch. Take the starfish, although you can come back for it later. Head down the path and you'll end up slipping down the slime to find yourself in front of a rock column with a Squid Stone on the top of it. Depending upon your skills and abilities, you can either cast Trigger on the stone, Levitate to the top, or use a rope and grapnel to pull yourself up if you want to come back later.

There will be a swamp to the west with grasping arms and some will-o-wisps if it's still nighttime. What you'll want to do know is head straight North until you can't go any farther then one screen east to reach the town of Mordavia where you'll get your bearings and conduct a good deal of your business in the game.

Town of Mordavia

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The front of the town of Mordavia is two large gates with some scarecrows standing nearby. You'll want to take some corn and search the nearby stump to acquire some more money. Just as a reminder, the gates will be closed all night long so if you need to get in or out after then you'll want to be able to either levitate or climb over. Inside the first screen of the town Erana's Staff watches over the villagers and prevents evil from entering the town walls. You won't be able to do anything with it yet so don't worry about it.

On the west side of town you have the inn, the burgomeister's, and the general store.

The Inn is where you'll want to spend most of your nights and get free meals whenever you sit down provided you've paid your rent. The inn will be locked up from the evening on so you have to knock to get in, and completely closed after midnight. If you need to get in or out after midnight you can levitate or climb out the window. Staying up until midnight will also allow you to meet a creature named the Domovoi, whose help you'll require later on. You can eat meals any time and chat with the townspeople in the evening. They aren't the friendliest bunch, but they're amusing to listen to and the voice actors ad-lib a lot of their lines.

The General Store has goods for sale and rations most importantly, as well as a gossipy shopkeeper who will fill you in on the valley and comment on certain events when they happen. Only thieves will need the shopping bag, only Paladin's will need the small broom, and only Thieves require the oil although it's helpful for all classes. An optional quest also involves reuniting the shopkeeper with her husband and going back and forth between them.

The Burgomeister's Office houses the law enforcement official himself and the jail. The Burgomeister will offer you the key to the Adventurer's Guild if you ask for it and will provide you with information about the valley and the people in it. Thieves may be able to break in through his window and loot some money from his desk, or a sufficiently skilled magic user with Open or any member of another class for that matter.

To the east side of town you have Nikolai's house and Dr. Cranium's.

Nikolai's House will have Nikolai himself wandering during the daytime and it's possible to break in through the window at night, but only advisable after you've helped him. See the Thieves section for more on this.

Dr. Cranium has some essential puzzles to get through. The doorbell is a simple Simon Says game to follow, and once inside you'll want to open up the right door and use the T.R.A.P. to learn how to catch an Antwerp. Give it an Avacado Sandwich and it'll work like a charm. You can also use it to learn about how to deal with a Hexapus for more points. You can then open the left door to use the antwerp in a maze to get a key, and go through the north door to create a keyhole by solving a puzzle and using it to reach Dr. Cranium. The difficulty of all the puzzles can be adjusted by using the Skill slider in the game's menu.

You'll want to see Dr. Cranium at least once a day from when you find him onward. For each of the first five days you talk to him you'll both have new things to say, and you can ask him about poison cure potions and healing potions to have him supply you with both, at the rate of one of each per day. You'll need to fill in a formula from the game's copyright protection to do so, and also to obtain a Rehydration Solution which is essential for beating the game. You'll have the option to get the Rehydration Solution the fourth day after you meet Dr. Cranium.

At the back of town you have two buildings, the Adventurer's Guild and the Monastery, as well as a gravedigger named Igor who usually hangs around. Igor's good for a little conversation and information, but you'll notice that the game automatically saves your progress whenever you reach this screen. Standing too close to the Monastery or trying to gain access is an easy way to be eaten by the Squidish carving standing above the door.

The Monastery will kill you if you get too close, so to get in with your vitals intact you'll want to take the six pointed golden starfish you found earlier, which is actually the sign of the Dark One, and place it upon the Monastery door. Other classes may also be able to climb in and out of the window up above. Inside the Monastery there's a shriveled up Domovoi sitting on the left cabinet. Once you've obtained Dr. Cranium's Rehydration Solution you'll want to use it on the Domovoi to restore it to life. Resting above the fireplace is a Hexapus named Hector. You can either kill it and lose some honor for beating up on a poor defenseless evil beastie, or feed it some garlic to placate it. You can then use on the pole to the right of the fireplace to head into the basement of the Monastery.

To get into the mad monk's desk, Thieves will want to disarm the trap, Fighters will want to just bash it open and bear the blow and maybe cure themselves of poison later, and Magic Users will want to cast open from a distance. However you get inside, you'll learn some more about each of the Dark One's rituals and where they're hidden. You can use the keg full of dripping blood-like wine to see a dark vision and gain the Blood Ritual. Thieves also have an optional quest in the Monastery, and any class can burn the place to the ground after they've done everything by lighting the evil book or curtains/rugs on fire and escaping, although only Paladins get points for this.

The Adventurer's Guild is the other building in the back of town, and the Burgomeister will give you the key to it if you ask nicely about it. You should read all the books in the library to gain some climbing skills if you're a Fighter/Paladin, improve your casting for Wizards, and learn how to use the exercise machine. Fighters or Paladins can break open the case for a better sword, and all classes except Magic Users can also get a rope and grapnel to make climbing a little easier. You should use the machine as much as possible every day until it says you've done enough for one day, adding some more weights each time. It'll increase your strength each time you do it. You should also sign the logbook as usual and read the past entries to learn about Piotyr and Erana.

Thieves also have a special quest to do in the Adventurer's Guild, but that will be covered in the Thieves Sidequest Section.

Valley of Mordavia

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(map coming soon hopefully)

Town of Mordavia Gates

The town of Mordavia is to the North-West of the forest, and far north and one screen east of the swamp. If you can't find it keep following the north wall until you see it. You can pick up some corn from the field, get some money from the stump, and Katrina will meet you twice at night in this location. You can talk to her or use the hand icon on her for some options, and she may provide you with potions or a magical spell. The first time she meets you will be just after a few nights if you show up, and after that she may leave a note for you at the inn.

Erana's Garden.

Erana's Garden is only accessible from the south. To reach it you'll need to head three screens south of the town gates, two screen east, then south, east, and north to arrive in the garden. You'll find some change inside the first magical lantern, wizards should cast the fetch spell at least once a day on the tree to gain some mana-restoring fruit, and wizards should also detect, trigger, open, and fetch a spell scroll to learn Protection. Erana's Garden is one of the only safe places to sleep at night, and resting either here or near Erana's staff will give you some strange dreams about Erana being trapped with the Dark One.

The Cemetery.

The cemetery is one screen south, one screen west, then all the way north in relation to Erana's Garden, or two screens south, two screens east, and one screen north from the town gates. There's not a whole lot to do in the cemetery itself, although you can open the right crypt at night to fight a wraith, and Paladins will complete a special quest relating to the Rusalka here. Igor can be found hear during the daytime early on, and on the fifth day he will be stuck under the tombstone. There's also the locked Borgov crypt which you can either break into or wait to receive the key from Igor after saving him.

The Rusalka.

The Rusalka is to the south west corner of the map. You can head four screens south from the town gates, three screens east, and one screen south to reach her. She's the spirit of a drowned women who achieves a bit of undead revenge by drowning any men who stop by. You can give her some flowers to gain some points and win her respect, and Paladins have the chance to rescue her as well.

The Leshy.

The Leshy is one screen south and east of the cemetery, or one screen above Erana's Garden although the passage is blocked by trees. The Leshy plays games on visitors by hiding inside a bush or running away from you until you clear away all the bushes in an area. The first riddle it asks you will be what its name is. If you've read the Hero's Magazine in the Adventurer's Guild you'll be able to tell it it is the Leshy. The next thing the Leshy will tell you is that if you give it save a plant from glue, it will help you with a clue. It's easy to miss this particular puzzle, so you'll want to go to the swamp, and visit the Squid Stone to find the Bonsai Bush stuck behind some rocks. You'll want to blast away the rocks with spells or rocks you picked up yourself, and either fetch the bush or use the rope and grapnel to reach the top ledge and "fish" it up. Make sure you take the bush back to the Leshy and it will advise you to put it in Erana's Garden.

To solve the next riddle you'll need to visit the Rusalka at the lake to the south west to let the Leshy know that the Rusalka lives in the watery brine. After completing that riddle the Leshy will let you know the password to get past the Bushes in front of Baba Yaga's hut, which you can confirm to visit the hut and answer the next riddle, saying that Baba Yaga lives in a hut of sticks. To complete the next riddle you'll need to finish the quest related to baking Baba Yaga an Elderberry pie, to be able to answer about the Elderberry bush. Finally you'll need to either gain the heart ritual from the wraith guarding it or learn about the faeries seeking Erana's staff as a wizard to answer his last riddle correctly. Then you'll be done and Leshy will have one last surprise for you.

Completing the riddles is not essential to beating the game, it mainly provides you with some clues and gives you a measure for your progress so far, as well as giving you some extra points. The Leshy will let you know the password to get past Baba Yaga's bush, but so will the gypsies if you wait long enough.

The Castle Gates.

The castle gates are to the northwest of the forest, one screen south, two screens west, and one screen north of the Mordavian Gates. Boris Stovich, Olga's missing husband is the guard there. Katrina will meet you here at night twice after you've met her twice in front of the town gates. You can talk to Boris for information during the day or to reconcile him and his wife, and at night the Fighter or Paladin can break in and get past some Necrotaurs.

The Gypsy Camp.

The gypsy camp is to the absolute northeast of the forest. From Erana's garden if you head one screen east, all the way north, and one screen east then north you will reach it. Initially the gypsies will not trust you and refuse to let you enter their camp, but you'll get points for showing up anyway. Later on after you rescue Gypsy Davy you will be able to come here to have your fortune told or learn more information.

The Swamp.

The swamp is in the south west area of the map. If you south, one screen west, then all the way south you'll reach the swamp. There are two main swamp areas touching the land which having grasping arms, and will-o-wisps at night. You will need to journey through the swamp itself and take a will-o-wisp to gain two of the Dark One's rituals. To the east of the swamp is the Squid Stone rock which houses another puzzle and a nearby trapped bush. You can cross back up to the Dark One's cave by pushing or trigger the stone column, or using the rope and grapnel.

Baba Yaga's Hut.

The entrance to Baba Yaga's place is one screen south, two screens east, and two screens south of Erana's Garden. The trick is that the path is blocked by an enchanted bush. Wizards can just trigger the bush to get rid of it but other classes will need to learn the magic phrase from either the gypsies or the Leshy. What to do with Baba Yaga is covered in her section.


There are six wraiths in Mordavia, not counting the one which can be found in the Castle of the Boyar, and the one which only Paladins can fight. One wraith can just be found in the cemetery by opening the right crypt at nighttime. One can be found all the way south of the town gates, and another can be found two screens south and one screen east of the town gates. Still another wraith can be found four screens east from the last location, and another wraith is one screen south and two screens west of the gypsies. The last wraith is the most interesting one, and is found all the way south from the cemetery. This particular wraith may have the heart ritual in its burrow for non-wizards, and some Paladin equipment which will allow the Paladin to complete one of his optional quests. In general wraiths drain your life when you so much as stand in their area and you'll get a warning that you feel a cold chill coming on. You should be armed with the aura spell or an amulet, both of which you can get from the gypsies after you save Gypsy Davy. You can click the hand icon on the gray rocky burrow to engage the wraiths in battle, do your best to finish them as fast as possible, and make sure to loot their homes for treasure afterwards.

Other locations:

The Elderberry Bush is necessary for completing Baba Yaga's quest and can be found four screens south and west of the cemetery. The Faeries show up at night for the wizard sometimes, and are one screen south of Erana's Garden. Anna's Ghost appears at nighttime, two screens south and one screen west of the cemetery. She needs to be saved for Baba Yaga's quest as well, and is covered in that section.


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Sidequests are optional puzzles or challenges, usually for extra points if done by the appropriate class, although some of them can be done by everyone. The sidequests which can not be done by everyone include breaking into the castle gates as a Fighter, confronting the faeries as a Magic User, and rescuing the Rusalka and restoring the Burgomeister's honor as a Paladin. Any class which adds the magic skill can learn all the spells in the game except ritual of release or resistance, and any class which adds the Pick Locks skill can do all the thieves guild quests and rob the houses in town, and wizards with open can rob the houses anyway.

Fighter SideQuests

Fighters get extra points for killing each type of monster, including the pit horror inside the Dark One's cave. Fighters can also break into the Castle of the Boyar at nighttime and fight past two Necrotaurs to do so.

Thief SideQuests

Thieves will need to get into the Thief's Guild and solve some puzzles there, as well as rescue the Chief Thief by getting a statue from the monastery. They can also break in to Nikolai's house and the Burgomeister's, break the gypsy out of prison, and they'll need to pick all the locks to get around in the castle. Any class with pick locks can explore the Thieves Guild and other characters may be able to break into places with their own skills.

More to come later.

Magic User SideQuests

The main magic user sidequest involves dealing with the faeries and gaining the heart ritual, which is described in the section for Rescuing Tanya and obtaining the heart ritual. Magic Users can also gain the Hide spell by doing an extra favor for Baba Yaga by bringing her some more Garlic, Grue Goo or Bone Meal, there's a Protection spell to be found in Erana's Garden by detecting, triggering, opening, and fetching a spell scroll, and Dr. Cranium himself happened to have a spell lying around. Magic Users will definitely want to meet Katrina often enough to learn the Frost Bite spell, which allows them to do a magical area attack and is required to beat the game for that class. Any character with magic can complete all the quests which do not involve the faeries, but they will receive no points for their efforts.

Paladin SideQuests

Paladins have it easy in a sense since they can go to Erana's staff at nighttime and be advised by the ghost of Piotyr what honorable actions they should take. They will want to reconcile Olga and Boris by talking to both of them enough times and going back and forth between them and telling each what the other had to say until they're back together again. Olga is in the General Store, Boris can be found at the castle gates in the daytime. Paladins will also want to burn the Monastery to the ground once they've done everything inside of it, which leads to a couple amusing situations. Paladin's are also the only class which can save the Rusalka from an undead existence, and the only ones that can restore the Burgomeister's honor by finding the last remnants of the paladin Piotyr.

More to come later.

Rescuing Igor

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On the fifth day, Igor will turn up missing and the townspeople will be gathered in the square discussing the situation. They'll have found a gypsy wandering outside town at the same time Igor turned up missing and demand that the gypsy be hanged for Igor's death. The long and the short of it is that if you don't save the gypsy in the next three days or so you'll die as he is hung and curses the town. You can break the gypsy out of prison at night if you have the skills to sneak into the Burgomeister's, but if you're not a thief you'll probably be caught eventually unless you find Igor as well.

Luckily finding Igor is a fairly simple task, he's not in town or at Dr. Cranium's so all that's left to check is the cemetery. You'll hear a low moaning sound coming from underneath a grave. Curiouser and curiouser. If you have enough brute strength you may be able to lift the tombstone by sheer force. Magic Users are actually able to cast open on the stone to lift it out of the way, and Thieves or Fighters may use the rope and pulley to acquire some leverage in lifting the stone. Igor will leave the tomb delighted and hobble back to town. If you talk to him later in town he'll give you a key to the crypt.

Things will settle down around town and after a day or so the gypsy you rescued will show up outside the gates of town and invite you to stay at the gypsy camp sometime. He'll also announce himself a shapeshifter and turn into a wolf. Head to the gypsy camp and you'll talk with Magda the fortuneteller and Gypsy Davy, the man you rescued. Ask her and tell her about everything you've come across, and pay her by giving her money from your purse to have your fortune told. She'll give a fortune which describes yourself and some of the players who have had an influence on your past, present, and future.

You should return to talk to her at least once in each of the following days until she has no more fortunes or information to offer you. You'll need to talk to the gypsies about the Destiny Spell to free Erana's staff, and every time you have your fortune told you'll learn more about some of the characters in the valley who will affect you.

You'll also be treated in a friendlier fashion by the Burgomeister, the innkeeper and the townspeople, and you'll be able to talk to Bella, the innkeeper's wife about the valley and what happened to her family in particular with losing their daughter.

Dealing with Baba Yaga

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Sooner or later you're going to have to confront the evil hag. On the night of the third day a jester will show up in town who's totally unable to tell a joke. If you visit him in his room you'll learn he was cursed by Baba Yaga to lose his sense of humor, and you can also get a rubber chicken from him. Learning about the curse is necessary if you plan on invading Baba Yaga's hut.

There are two ways to gain entrance to the area where Baba Yaga lives. Geographically the entrance is south, east, then south of Erana's Garden, however it's blocked by an enchanted bush. Magic Users can simply Trigger the bush, but other classes will need to learn the magic phrase. This can be done by solving the first of the Leshy's riddles and rescuing the bush, or talking to the gypsies enough times.

This will let you get to the area outside Baba Yaga's hut, but it's guarded by a group of magical skulls, including a talking one who should look familiar to you. Yep, he's the one you gave a magical gem to in the first game, and if you can similarly enhance his appearance he'll let you pass. To do this you'll need to help Nikolai and his wife Anna.

Rescuing Tanya

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This quest is probably the one which gets most gamers stuck. You need to rescue the Domovoi in the Monastery by getting the Rehydration Fluid from Dr. Cranium, available on the fourth day if you give him the formula and a flask of grue goo. You also need to stay up until midnight at the inn to find the Domovoi sitting in the main hall of the inn. If you talk to him twice, once after you've rescued the Domovoi he'll tell you the story of Tanya and allow you to take the doll from the center cabinet that once belonged to her. The problem is if you don't do this in the first ten days or so you may never get the chance to meet the Domovoi.

In addition, all classes need to rescue the gypsy Davy and talk to the gypsies to learn about the Destiny Spell and how Erana's staff will allow one life to be sacrificed for another. Magic Users as well will need to learn the Ritual of Release spell from the faeries. Wizards need to the area south of Erana's Garden twice, and at least once after saving Igor. You'll find a magical fountain and staff on your two visits, both of which are illusions made by the faeries. You'll learn that the faeries want you to bring them back Erana's staff, and they'll teach you the spell you need to release it.

Obtaining the Rituals

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The Mouth Ritual, in case you're wondering, claimed that it would be left underneath the Dark One's sign but you'll find that it certainly isn't there. This is actually in the possession of the owner of the castle, Katrina, and is how she was able to open the mouth of the Dark One's cave at the beginning to let you out.

The Bone Ritual has to be found inside the Squid Rock, near the slippery path and outside the Dark One's Cave. It needs to be "illuminated by the light of a dead child's soul." It turns out that according to the gypsies the Will-O-Wisps who fly around the swamp at night are the souls of dead children. If you put out some candy which you can get from the general store you can scoop some up in a flask like fireflies. (you can also get free flasks from Dr. Cranium) Use the jar of Will-O-Wisps on the Squid Stone and you'll see some indentations which will let you use the Dark One's sign. Spell out the name of Avoozl, A-v-o-o-z-l, which you can learn from either the Monastery or the gypsies, and you'll unlock the Bone Ritual. Hitting the combination can be tricky, so you can hit the question mark enough times to skip the puzzle and any points, just make sure to click each of the letters until they change color and the sign is for sure pointing at them in turn, and it should open up. Make sure you let the Will-O-Wisps escape back into the swamp before morning or they'll die, and you'll lose some honor for it.

The Blood Ritual can be found inside the Monastery easily enough just by drinking from the keg in the basement. See the section on the town of Mordavia to learn how to get into the Monastery.

The Breath Ritual, according to the diary in the Monastery was left inside the Hangman's tree in a notch, but given that it's not there now the likely culprit was the nearby witch, Baba Yaga. The ritual is fairly simple to obtain once you've completed the main quest. See the section on Dealing with Baba Yaga for more about her quest. If you've completed the main task involving her, you can bring her an extra flask of Bone Meal or Grue Goo and ask for the ritual of the Dark One.

The Senses Ritual is hidden deep within the swamp next to the Mad Monk's tomb, guarded by Chernovy. Magic Users can use the Glide spell from Dr. Cranium to cross over the swamp with ease, Thieves can leap from one tuft of grass to the next with the Acrobatics skill, and Fighters can expect to slog their way through with brute force in getting through the swamp. Paladins may be able to use either the Glide spell or the brute force method. Head south until you reach the tomb, guarded by two Chernovy. Magic users can cast reversal and try engaging the monsters from a distance with spells, but they'll eventually get sick of that and cast a spell of darkness on you. Use juggling lights to dispel it, and you'll have to fight them in close quarters. Any other class can just reach the island where one of the Chernovy is and fight it directly in the usual manner. Once you've reached the tomb use the Dark One's sign on it, and you'll notice a bunch of symbols corresponding to the names of each of the rituals. You can use the question mark sign repeatedly to skip the puzzle and any points, or just enter the combination of the rituals in order, mouth, bone, blood, breath, sense, heart, and essence. As with the Bone Ritual you may need to select a symbol more than once to make sure the sign lands on it. After you're done just head north and exit the swamp for good.

The Heart Ritual can be obtained two ways depending upon your class. Magic Users will need to complete a sidequest with the Faeries. After gaining Erana's staff they will need to head south of Erana's Garden to be frozen in place by the faeries and engage in a magical confrontation with them. Erana's staff will declare you to be its rightful owner, and the faeries will try to attack you. Quickly summon the staff and cast resistance and reversal to block direct attacks and lessen the damage from elemental area affect magic. They'll be using reversal as well, so you'll almost certainly need to use the Frost Bite spell you hopefully learned by talking to Katrina. Take out the faeries and they'll disappear and you'll obtain the heart ritual. Other classes will need to fight a wraith south, west, then south of Erana's garden. You'll want protection from the undead by amulet or spell as usual, and simply hit it with your best attacks, and you'll find the heart ritual in its lair. Paladins may also find an extra bonus or two.

The Essence Ritual needs to be obtained within the Dark One's cave itself and is covered in that section.

The Dark One's Cave/EndGame

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After completing the major events: obtaining the rituals, and rescuing Tanya, you're ready for the final stage of the game. After rescuing Tanya you'll eventually get a letter from Katrina asking to meet by the castle gates at night.

You'll run into Ad Avis when you go there, and he'll send his necrotaurs after you. You can escape back to town if you have levitate and you're really smart, but you'll need to get captured to move on with the game anyway.