Quenya/Duodecimal Numerals

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Quenya Duodecimal System

Note: Not attested, theoretical construction.

This is a theorised Quenya duodecimal system based on the knowledge that the Eldar had originally used this system before the arrival of men in Middle-Earth, and then adopted the decimal system from them. Most of what we know on Tolkien's Quenya numerals are characteristically decimal in construction, and not much provided into duodecimal numbers. Based on what is known is a re-constructed table of Quenya duodecimal numbers that will be subject to future revisions in accordance to any new attested information that may come, or more appropriate examples can be made.

Numbers 1 to 10 : 1 to 12

Quenya from 1 - 10
Tengwar Numerals ñ ò ó ô õ ö ÷ ø ù ú û ðñ
Duodecimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B 10
Decimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Tengwar t%5 `C1;E 5$m$ aD4# j$r$ `Vv$ `N1YÇ 1Ym^ 5$61R zlD5 t%v$ 7E81E
Quenya min atta neldë canta lempë enquë otso toldo nertë quain minquë rasta

Numbers 10 to 20 : 12 to 24

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya
ðñ 7E81E 10 12 rasta
ññ t%5 7E81E 11 13 min rasta
òñ `C1;E 7E81E 12 14 atta rasta
óñ 5$m$ 7E81E 13 15 neldë rasta
ôñ aD4# 7E81E 14 16 canta rasta
õñ j$r$ 7E81E 15 17 lempë rasta
öñ `Vv$ 7E81E - 5#d1E 16 18 enquë rasta - nahta [1]
÷ñ `N1YÇ 7E81E 17 19 otso rasta
øñ 1Ym^ 7E81E 18 20 toldo rasta
ùñ 5$61R 7E81E 19 21 nertë rasta
úñ zlD5 7E81E 1A 22 quain rasta
ûñ t%v$ 7E81E 1B 23 minquë rasta
ðò hÍU7E81E 20 24 yurasta
  1. Early word, "dozen & a half". Maybe obsolete by nahta- "to slay; to hurt, injure, wound / to confine, oppress"

Numbers 10 to 100 : 12 to 144

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya Alt. Quenya
ðñ 10 12 7E81E rasta hÍUv$ yunquë [1]
ðò 20 24 hÍU7E81E yurasta 7E81E `C1;E rasta atta
ðó 30 36 5$j$7E81E nelerasta 7E81E6 5$m$ rastar neldë
ðô 40 48 aD5#7E81E canarasta 7E81E6 aD4# rastar canta
ðõ 50 60 j$qR7E81E leperasta 7E81E6 j$r$ rastar lempë
ðö 60 72 `V5$7E81E enerasta 7E81E6 `Vv$ rastar enquë
ð÷ 70 84 `N1Y7E81E otorasta 7E81E6 `N1YÇ rastar otso
ðø 80 96 1Yj^7E81E tolorasta 7E81E6 1Ym^ rastar toldo
ðù 90 108 5$1R7E81E neterasta 7E81E6 5$61R rastar nertë
ðú A0 120 zlD7E81E quairasta 7E81E6 zlD5 rastar quain
ðû B0 132 t%vlD7E81E minquairasta 7E81E6 t%v$ rastar minquë
ððñ 100 144 1Ua|D tuxa 9Y81E hosta
  1. "both" + enquë "six", meaning 2 sixes, not the suffix -quë found in decimal for 10s. e.g. minquë "11", nelquë "13", etc.

Likewise with the numbers between 10 and 20 : 12 and 24, the single digit is said first, then the dozen digit:

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya
öó 36 42 `Vv$ 5$j$7E81E enquë nelerasta
ñû B1 133 t%5 t%vlD7E81E min minquairasta

Numbers 100 to 200 : 144 to 288

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya
ððñ 100 144 1Ua|D tuxa
ðññ 110 156 7E81E 1Ua|D rasta tuxa
ðòñ 120 168 hÍU7E81E 1Ua|D yurasta tuxa
ðóñ 130 180 5$j$7E81E 1Ua|D nelerasta tuxa
ðôñ 140 192 aD5#7E81E 1Ua|D canarasta tuxa
ðõñ 150 204 j$qR7E81E 1Ua|D leperasta tuxa
ðöñ 160 216 `V5$7E81E 1Ua|D enerasta tuxa
ð÷ñ 170 228 `N1Y7E81E 1Ua|D otorasta tuxa
ðøñ 180 240 1Yj^7E81E 1Ua|D tolorasta tuxa
ðùñ 190 252 5$1R7E81E 1Ua|D neterasta tuxa
ðúñ 1A0 264 zlD7E81E 1Ua|D quairasta tuxa
ðûñ 1B0 276 t%vlD7E81E 1Ua|D minquairasta tuxa
ððò 200 288 hÍU1Ua|D yutuxa

Numbers 100 to 1000 : 144 to 1728

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya Alt. Quenya
ððñ 100 144 1Ua|D tuxa 9Y81E hosta
ððò 200 288 hÍU1Ua|D yutuxa 9Y81E `C1;E hosta atta
ððó 300 432 5$j1Ua|D neltuxa 9Y81E6 5$m$ hostar neldë
ððô 400 576 aD4&a|D cantuxa 9Y81E6 aD4# hostar canta
ððõ 500 720 j$qR4&a|D lepentuxa 9Y81E6 j$r$ hostar lempë
ððö 600 864 `V5$4&a|D enentuxa 9Y81E6 `Vv$ hostar enquë
ðð÷ 700 1,008 `N1Y1Ua|D ototuxa 9Y81E6 `N1YÇ hostar otso
ððø 800 1,152 1Yj^1Ua|D tolotuxa 9Y81E6 1Ym^ hostar toldo
ððù 900 1,296 5$1R61Ua|D netertuxa 9Y81E6 5$61R hostar nertë
ððú A00 1,440 zlD1Ua|D quaituxa 9Y81E6 zlD5 hostar quain
ððû B00 1,584 t%vlD1Ua|D minquaituxa 9Y81E6 t%v$ hostar minquë
ðððñ 1,000 1,728 t$f$ mencë 9Y81E6 7E81E hostar rasta

Numbers 1000 to 10000 : 1728 to 20,736

Tengwar Duodecimal - Decimal Quenya Alt. Quenya
ðððñ 1,000 1,728 t$f$ mencë - -
ðððò 2,000 3,456 hÍUt$f$ yumencë t$f$ 1;E mencë atta
ðððó 3,000 5,184 5$jt$f$ nelmencë t$f% 5$m$ menci neldë
ðððô 4,000 6,912 aD5#t$f$ canamencë t$f% aE4# menci canta
ðððõ 5,000 8,640 j$qRt"$f$ lepemmencë t$f% j$r$ menci lempë
ðððö 6,000 10,368 `V5$t"$f$ enemmencë t$f% `Vv$ menci enquë
ððð÷ 7,000 12,096 `N1Yt$f$ otomencë t$f% `N1YÇ menci otso
ðððø 8,000 13,824 1Yj^t$f$ tolomencë t$f% 1Ym^ menci toldo
ðððù 9,000 15,552 5$1R6t$f$ netermencë t$f% 5$61R menci nertë
ðððú A,000 17,280 zlDt$f$ quaimencë t$f% zlD5 menci quain
ðððû B,000 19,008 t%vlDt$f$ minquaimencë t$f% t%v$ menci minquë
ððððñ 10,000 20,736 7E81Et$f$ rastamencë t$f% 7E81E menci rasta

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