Python Programming/Development Environments

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You can edit Python source code files in any plain text editor such as Notepad, Notepad++ or Vim. However, there are multiple integrated development environments (IDEs) available for Python. A full list can be found on the Python wiki.

Visual Studio Code

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There is a Python extension for Visual Studio Code, a popular cross-platform code editor.



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You can use the Eclipse IDE as your Python IDE. The only requirement is Eclipse and the Eclipse PyDev Plug-in.

Go to and get the proper Eclipse IDE version for your OS platform. There are also updates on the site, but just look for the basic program, Download and install it. The install just requires you to unpack the downloaded Eclipse install file onto your system.

You can install PyDev Plug-in two ways:

  • Suggested: Use Eclipse's update manager, found in the tool bar under "Help" -> "install new Software". add in "work with" click add, and select PyDev ,and click "Next" and let Eclipse do the rest. Eclipse will now check for any updates to PyDev when it searches for updates.
    • If you get an error stating a requirement for the plugin "org.eclipse.mylyn", expand the PyDev tree, and deselect the optional mylyn components.
  • Or install PyDev manually, by going to and get the latest PyDev Plug-in version. Download it, and install it by unpacking it into the Eclipse base folder.


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There is a Python mode for Emacs which provides features such as running pieces of code, and changing the tab level for blocks.


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