Prussian/Genitive Nouns

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The Genitive case describes the possessor of a sentence. (The man's dog is brown.)

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

mērgā = girl

minsāwi = bowl

zuppi = soup

grazzus = beautiful, pretty

kāits = hot

wārmis = red

debīks = big, large

stas = that

malnīks = child

Sentences[edit | edit source]

Mērgas pippelis ast grazzus. = The girl's bird is pretty.

Tenesse spīlakugis ast wārmis. = His ball is red.

Nussan buttan ast debīks. = Our house is big.

Stāi ast malnīkan katta. = That is the children's cat.

Sunnis ast māise. = The dog is mine.

In English, there are two types of genitive pronouns: mine, the predicate nominative, and my, the possessive adjective. The predicate nominatives will be listed below, as they are not decline. The possessive adjectives, however are declined and will be charted in the index. (Postikastens ist postikastenas. :P)

Enough possessives. Here's one with of.

Zuppin minsāwi ast kāits. = The bowl of soup is hot.

Notice that it is not written bowl of soup, but rather of soup bowl. It is in the same order as the possessives.

Summary[edit | edit source]

In this lesson you learned genitive nouns and pronouns and a few adjectives.

Noun Endings[edit | edit source]


-s: as, an

-is: jas, jan


-a: as, an

-e: is, in

-i: is, in


-an: as, an

Pronouns[edit | edit source]







