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Programming Basics/Introduction/What is a programming language?

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Whenever you want to implement an algorithm, you’ll have to translate it into a language that computers can understand, which is known as a programming language.

What is a programming language?

A programming language is a language that allows humans to communicate with computers.

A programming language can be defined as a high-level language or low-level language. A high-level language uses instructions encoded in a language more suited to humans.

What is a high-level language?

A high-level language is a programming language with a high-level of abstraction of the computer language.

While a low-level language uses instructions encoded in a language more suited to computers.

What is a low-level language?

A low-level language is a programming language with a low-level of abstraction of the computer language.

Each type of programming language has a different way of writing instructions. The instructions in a high-level language are called source code and are written in plain text.

What is a source code?

A source code is a collection of instructions written in plain text.

The instructions in a low-level language can be written in two different ways. Either by using binary numbers, and in this case the instructions are called machine code.

What is a machine code?

A machine code is a collection of instructions written in binary numbers.

Or by using mnemonics, and in this case the instructions are called assembly code.

What is an assembly code?

An assembly code is a collection of instructions written in mnemonics.