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Polish/Basic sentences 1

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^ Polish ^

  • Co to jest? / tso to yest / - What is it/this?

This question is used to ask about things/objects and refers mostly to both plural and singular, although the answers vary depending on the number:

  • To jest ... / to yest / > This is...
  • To są .../ to sõ / > These/Those are...


   " - Co to jest?"
   " - To jest książka." / to yest kshõshka / > This is a book.
   " - Co to jest?"
   " - To są książki." / to sõ kshõshki / > These are (some) books.

To get information about a person, you need to use "kto?" / who? /:

  • Kto to jest? > Who is it?

The possible answers are:

  • To jest...- in singular
  • To są...- in plural


   " - Kto to jest?"
   " - To jest człowiek." /to yest chwovyek/ This is a man/human.
   " - Kto to jest?"
   " - To są ludzie." /to sõ looje/ These are people.

The following sentences may be employed to introduce your family or friends to someone:

  • moja mama > my mom
  • mój tata > my dad
  • moja siostra / shostra / > sister
  • mój brat > brother
  • mój kuzyn / koozin / > cousin (male)
  • moja kuzynka / koozinka / > cousin (female)
  • moje dziecko / jetsko / > child
  • To jest moja rodzina. > This is my family.

< Polish pronunciation < ^ Polish ^ > Basic Polish sentences 2 >