Open Source Church/Persons

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A Person represents a single individual. People can be grouped into Families, can belong to Groups, can have Properties, Roles, classifications, Volunteer and can be made Users of the application. First of all it is necessary to write the properties, roles and classifications of a generic person:
For the classifications from the left menu select People-->Admin-->Responsible for classifications and write into member, visitor, guest etc.
For the roles from the menu on the left select People-->Admin-->Family Roles and write into Head of Family, Wife, Son etc.
For the properties from the menu on the left select People-->Admin-->Properties of people and write disabled and add, for example, people's needs and resources as properties: economic needs, need for companionship , need for physical assistance, need for professional help, need for help for specific skills, professional resources, economic resources, etc.
For volunteering from the left menu select People-->Admin-->Volunteering Opportunities and create them in order to subsequently assign them to people.
Once this is done, it will be possible, for example, to search for people using queries by property, classification, role, etc. and send emails or contact only the people you find.

Add a new person

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There are two ways to add a new person:

From the left menu, click on "Add a new person"
Complete the form and press "Save" or "Save and add". This will add the person and create a new blank form to add another person (useful for large amounts of data entry). However, to insert a new family with its people it is better to use the Family Editor.

How to search and edit a person

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In the left menu under ChurchCRM type the first 2 letters of a person's last name, the list of all people with those 2 letters will appear. After selecting it, its tab will appear, where it is possible to assign one or more properties, groups, volunteer opportunities, notes, etc. and you can also make the person a user who will have privileges on site editing, writing etc.

Enter a person's age

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ChurchCRM automatically calculates age based on the given date of birth.
Age will be calculated as best as possible with the information provided. At least one year of birth must be entered. Even if you don't know a person's year of birth, you can always make an estimate until that information is available.

Remove a person

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1. Filter for the person you want and view their Person View.
2. Select "Delete this record"
If you don't see this link, you don't have permission to delete records
3. Confirm deletion

Send emails to many people

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1. Choose People --> View all people.

2. In the **Filter and cart** area, enter a name in the search field and choose *Apply filter*.

3. In the **List** area, click on the Cart icon corresponding to the people to add.

4. Continue adding people to your cart as described in the previous steps.

5. Choose the shopping cart icon in the header bar at the top of the screen.

6. Click on the *Email Cart* button. Your default email program will open which will include emails from your contact persons