Open Source Church/Families

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A Family is a group of Person records. Individual records are grouped into Families to represent the idea of a Family within the Church and share information common to all family members, such as address, phone number, email, etc.

Add a new family

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1. From the top menu, select People --> New family.
2. Fill in the form, bearing in mind that up to ten family members can be entered directly from this form.
3. Complete the individual lines for each person, entering the surname only if different from the surname of the family. All persons entered this way will create a new Person tab which will be assigned to the designated Family tab.
4. Press Save when the form is complete.

View a family

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There are two ways to view a family:
1. Enter a name to search for in the search field at the top of the page under ChurchCRM and click the button next to "Family" by pressing enter.
2. From the top menu click People --> View Families...

Add property

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A family can have a property as a "single parent". To add a new property click from the top menu, People -->Admin--> Family properties and add or modify the existing ones. The created properties can be assigned in the card of the selected family.

Add new member, note, donation or payment

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View the card of the selected family and press the relative add and edit buttons.

Remove a family

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1. Filter the desired family and view the family view.
2. Select "Delete this family" . If this button doesn't appear, then either you don't have permission to delete records, or the Family still has Person records assigned to it. You cannot delete a family record until all person records have been deleted from it.