OpenSCAD User Manual/undersized circular objects

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Using cylinder() with difference() to place holes in objects results in undersized holes. This is because circular paths are approximated with polygons inscribed within in a circle. The points of the polygon are on the circle, but straight lines between are inside. This is discussed in some detail at

While the standard cylinder() and circle() generate inner (inscribed) polygons, here are modules to produce outer (circumscribed) and mid ( 1/2 way between) polygons.

cylinder[edit | edit source]

 module cylinder_outer(height,radius,fn){
   fudge = 1/cos(180/fn);
 module cylinder_mid(height,radius,fn){
   fudge = (1+1/cos(180/fn))/2;
Example of outer and mid cylinder
Example of outer and mid cylinder
partial view
partial view
 //example script to show differences
 cylinder(6,r=100,$fn=6);        // standard
 #cylinder(5.75,r=100,$fn=60);   // reference
 //CSG tree for this example
 group() {
   group() {
     cylinder($fn = 6, $fa = 12, $fs = 2, h = 5, r1 = 115.47, r2 = 115.47, center = false);
 % group() {
     cylinder($fn = 6, $fa = 12, $fs = 2, h = 5.5, r1 = 107.735, r2 = 107.735, center = false);
   cylinder($fn = 6, $fa = 12, $fs = 2, h = 6, r1 = 100, r2 = 100, center = false);
 # cylinder($fn = 60, $fa = 12, $fs = 2, h = 5.75, r1 = 100, r2 = 100, center = false);

cone[edit | edit source]

For cylinders with different top and bottom radii

 module cone_outer(height,radius1,radius2,fn){
   fudge = 1/cos(180/fn);
 module cone_mid(height,radius1,radius2,fn){
   fudge = (1+1/cos(180/fn))/2;
 cone_outer(5 ,10 ,5 ,6);
 cone_mid(5 ,10 ,5 ,6);

circle[edit | edit source]

And lastly not to forget the 2D world

   module circle_outer(radius,fn){
     fudge = 1/cos(180/fn);
   module circle_mid(radius,fn){
     fudge = (1+1/cos(180/fn))/2;