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Oberon/ETH Oberon/2.3.7/Empty.Display.Mod

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(* ETH Oberon, Copyright 1990-2003 Computer Systems Institute, ETH Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich.
Refer to the license.txt file provided with this distribution. *)

MODULE Display;	(** portable, except where noted *)

Module Display provides the display drawing primitives and the base type of the visual objects, called Frames.

(* Native Oberon template display driver. *)


	BG* = 0; FG* = 15; (** Background, foreground color palette indices *)
	(** Drawing operation modes. *)
	replace* = 0;	(** replace destination. *)
	paint* = 1;	(** paint over destination.  *)
	invert* = 2;	(** invert destination. *)
	(** Message ids. *)
	remove* = 0; suspend* = 1; restore* = 2; newprinter* = 3; (** ControlMsg id. *)
	reduce* = 0; extend* = 1; move* = 2; (** ModifyMsg id. *)
	display* = 0; state* = 1; (** ModifyMsg mode. *)
	screen* = 0; printer* = 1; (** DisplayMsg device *)
	full* = 0; area* = 1; contents* = 2; (** DisplayMsg id. *)
	get* = 0; set* = 1; reset* = 2; (** SelectMsg id. *)
	drop* = 0; integrate* = 1; (** ConsumeMsg id. *)
	(** TransferFormat() return values.  value DIV 8 = bytes per pixel.  portable, release >= 2.4*)
	unknown* = 0; index8* = 8; color555* = 16; color565* = 17; color664* = 18; color888* = 24; color8888* = 32;

	Color* = LONGINT;	(** portable, release >= 2.4 *)
	Pattern* = LONGINT;
		w, h: CHAR;
		pixmap: ARRAY 8192 OF CHAR
	List = POINTER TO ListDesc;
	ListDesc = RECORD
		next: List;
		pat: PatternPtr

	Frame* = POINTER TO FrameDesc;	(** Base type of all displayable objects. *)
	FrameDesc* = RECORD (Objects.ObjDesc)
		next*, dsc*: Frame;	(** Sibling, child pointers. *)
		X*, Y*, W*, H*: INTEGER	(** Coordinates. *)

	FrameMsg* = RECORD (Objects.ObjMsg)	(** Base type of messages sent to frames. *)
		F*: Frame;	(** Message target, NIL for broadcast. *)
		x*, y*: INTEGER;	(** Message origin. *)
		res*: INTEGER	(** Result code: <0 = error or no response, >=0 response. *)

	ControlMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)
		id*: INTEGER	(** remove, suspend, restore. *)

	ModifyMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)	(** Change coordinates in container frame. *)
		id*: INTEGER;	(** reduce, extend, move. *)
		mode*: INTEGER;	(** Modes display, state. *)
		dX*, dY*, dW*, dH*: INTEGER;	(** Change from old coordinates (delta). *)
		X*, Y*, W*, H*: INTEGER	(** New coordinates. *)

	DisplayMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)	(** Display a frame, a part of it or its contents. *)
		device*: INTEGER;	(** screen, printer *)
		id*: INTEGER;	(** full, area, contents. *)
		u*, v*, w*, h*: INTEGER	(** Area to be restored. *)

	LocateMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)	(** Locate frame in display space. *)
		loc*: Frame;	(** Result. *)
		X*, Y*: INTEGER;	(** Absolute location. *)
		u*, v*: INTEGER	(** Relative coordinates in loc. *)

	SelectMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)	(** Selection control. *)
		id*: INTEGER;	(** get, set, reset. *)
		time*: LONGINT;	(** Time of selection. *)
		sel*: Frame;	(** Parent of selection. *)
		obj*: Objects.Object	(** List of objects involved, linked with slink. *)
	ConsumeMsg* = RECORD (FrameMsg)	(** Drop, integrate frames. *)
		id*: INTEGER;	(** drop, integrate. *)
		u*, v*: INTEGER;	(** Relative coordinates in destination when drop. *)
		obj*: Objects.Object	(** List of objects to be consumed, linked with slink. *)

	MsgProc* = PROCEDURE (VAR M: FrameMsg);

	Unit*: LONGINT; (** RasterUnit = Unit/36000 mm *)
	Left*, (** Left margin of black-and-white screen. *)
	ColLeft*, (** Left margin of secondary display, often same as Left. *)
	Bottom*, (** Bottom of primary map. *)
	UBottom*, (** Bottom of offscreen area (negative), 0 if not supported. *)
	Width*, (** Display width. *)
	Height*: INTEGER; (** Display height. *)
	arrow*, 	(** Oberon cursor. *)
	star*, 	(** Star marker to mark documents and viewers. *)
	cross*, 	(** Insertion marker. *)
	downArrow*, 	(** Marker to indicate disk operation. *)
	hook*,	(** Text caret pattern. *)
	grey0*, grey1*, grey2*, ticks*, solid*: Pattern;	(** Simulated grey levels. *)
	Broadcast*: MsgProc;	(** Message broadcast to all frames in the display space. *)
	pattern: List;

(** Change color palette entry. 0 <= col, red, green, blue < 256. *)
PROCEDURE SetColor*(col: Color; red, green, blue: LONGINT);
END SetColor;

(** Retrieve color palette entry or color components of a true color value. 0 <= red, green, blue < 256. *)
PROCEDURE GetColor*(col: Color; VAR red, green, blue: INTEGER);
	IF col < 0 THEN
		red := SHORT(ASH(col, -16) MOD 256);
		green := SHORT(ASH(col, -8) MOD 256);
		blue := SHORT(col MOD 256)
		red := 0;  green := 0;  blue := 0
END GetColor;

(** Return true color with specified components. 0 <= red, green, blue < 256.  Not all display regions support true color values, see TrueColor(). *)
PROCEDURE RGB*(red, green, blue: LONGINT): Color;	(** portable, release >= 2.4 *)
	RETURN MIN(LONGINT) + ASH(red, 16) + ASH(green, 8) + blue

(** Returns the color palette depth for the specified display region. Typical values are 1, 4 and 8 (not larger). *)
END Depth;

(** Returns TRUE iff the specified display region supports true color values. *)
PROCEDURE TrueColor*(x: LONGINT): BOOLEAN;	(** portable, release >= 2.4 *)
END TrueColor;

(** Get the current clip rectangle. *)
PROCEDURE GetClip*(VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER);
	x := 0;  y := 0;  w := Width;  h := Height
END GetClip;

(** Set the new clipping rectangle. *)
PROCEDURE SetClip*(x, y, w, h: LONGINT);
END SetClip;

(** Intersect with current clip rectangle resulting in a new clip rectangle. *)
PROCEDURE AdjustClip*(x, y, w, h: LONGINT);
END AdjustClip;

(** Reset the current clipping rectangle to the whole display, including offscreen area. *)
END ResetClip;

(** Copy source block sx, sy, w, h to destination dx, dy using operation mode. A block is given by its lower left corner sx, sy and its dimension w, h. Some drivers only implement mode = replace. *)
PROCEDURE CopyBlock*(sx, sy, w, h, dx, dy, mode: LONGINT);
END CopyBlock;

(** Copy pattern pat in color col to x, y using operation mode. *)
PROCEDURE CopyPattern*(col: Color; pat: Pattern; x, y, mode: LONGINT);
END CopyPattern;

(** Replicate pattern pat in color col into block x, y, w, h using operation mode, proceeding from left to right and from bottom to top, starting at lower left corner. The pattern origin is placed at px, py. *)
PROCEDURE FillPattern*(col: Color; pat: Pattern; px, py, x, y, w, h, mode: LONGINT);
END FillPattern;

(** Like FillPattern, but the pattern origin is placed at 0, 0. *)
PROCEDURE ReplPattern*(col: Color; pat: Pattern; x, y, w, h, mode: LONGINT);
END ReplPattern;

(** Block fill in color col and operation mode.  mode paint and replace are equivalent. *)
PROCEDURE ReplConst*(col: Color; x, y, w, h, mode: LONGINT);
END ReplConst;

(** Place a dot of color col in operation mode at x, y. Effect equivalent to ReplConst with a block of size 1, 1. *)
PROCEDURE Dot*(col: Color; x, y, mode: LONGINT);
END Dot;

(** Returns the dimensions of a pattern. *)
PROCEDURE GetDim*(pat: Pattern; VAR w, h: INTEGER);
	SYSTEM.GET(pat, ch);  w := ORD(ch);
	SYSTEM.GET(pat+1, ch);  h := ORD(ch)
END GetDim;

(** Define a new pattern. *)
PROCEDURE NewPattern*(w, h: LONGINT; VAR image: ARRAY OF SET): Pattern;
VAR len, src, dest, i: LONGINT;  p: PatternPtr;  pl: List;
	len := (w+7) DIV 8;
	SYSTEM.NEW(p, 4+len*h);  p.w := CHR(w);  p.h := CHR(h);
	src := SYSTEM.ADR(image[0]);  dest := SYSTEM.ADR(p.pixmap[0]);
	i := 0;
	WHILE i < h DO SYSTEM.MOVE(src, dest, len);  INC(src, 4);  INC(dest, len);  INC(i) END;
	NEW(pl);  pl.pat := p;  pl.next := pattern;  pattern := pl;	(* put in list to avoid GC *)
END NewPattern;

(** Return the TransferBlock format of a display region. *)
PROCEDURE TransferFormat*(x: LONGINT): LONGINT;	(** portable, release >= 2.4 *)
	RETURN unknown
END TransferFormat;

(** Transfer a block of pixels in display format to (mode = set) or from (mode = get)  the display.  Pixels in the rectangular area are transferred from bottom to top and left to right.  The pixels are transferred to or from buf, starting at ofs, and with line increment stride, which may be < 0. *)
PROCEDURE TransferBlock*(VAR buf: ARRAY OF CHAR;  ofs, stride, x, y, w, h, mode: LONGINT);	(** portable, release >= 2.4 *)
	HALT(99)	(* TransferBlock not supported if TransferFormat() = unknown *)
END TransferBlock;

(** Change display mode. s is driver-specific. *)
PROCEDURE SetMode*(x: LONGINT; s: SET);	(** non-portable *)
END SetMode;

(** Display a picture.  Used internally by Pictures module only. *)
PROCEDURE DisplayBlock*(adr, dx, dy, w, h, sx, sy, mode: LONGINT);	(** non-portable *)
END DisplayBlock;

(** Return address of display located at x, or 0 if not supported. *)
PROCEDURE Map*(x: LONGINT): LONGINT;	(** non-portable *)
END Map;

(* Define standard patterns. *)
PROCEDURE CreatePatterns;
VAR image: ARRAY 16 OF SET;
	image[0] := {13};
	image[1] := {12..14};
	image[2] := {11..13};
	image[3] := {10..12};
	image[4] := {9..11};
	image[5] := {8..10};
	image[6] := {7..9};
	image[7] := {0, 6..8};
	image[8] := {0, 1, 5..7};
	image[9] := {0..2, 4..6};
	image[10] := {0..5};
	image[11] := {0..4};
	image[12] := {0..5};
	image[13] := {0..6};
	image[14] := {0..7};
	arrow := NewPattern(15, 15, image);
	image[0] := {0, 10};
	image[1] := {1, 9};
	image[2] := {2, 8};
	image[3] := {3, 7};
	image[4] := {4, 6};
	image[5] := {};
	image[6] := {4, 6};
	image[7] := {3, 7};
	image[8] := {2, 8};
	image[9] := {1, 9};
	image[10] := {0, 10};
	cross := NewPattern(11, 11, image); 

	image[0] := {6};
	image[1] := {5..7};
	image[2] := {4..8};
	image[3] := {3..9};
	image[4] := {2..10};
	image[5] := {5..7};
	image[6] := {5..7};
	image[7] := {5..7};
	image[8] := {5..7};
	image[9] := {5..7};
	image[10] := {5..7};
	image[11] := {5..7};
	image[12] := {5..7};
	image[13] := {5..7};
	image[14] := {};
	downArrow := NewPattern(11, 15, image);
	image[0] := {0, 4, 8, 12};
	image[1] := {};
	image[2] := {2, 6, 10, 14};
	image[3] := {};
	image[4] := {0, 4, 8, 12};
	image[5] := {};
	image[6] := {2, 6, 10, 14};
	image[7] := {};
	image[8] := {0, 4, 8, 12};
	image[9] := {};
	image[10] := {2, 6, 10, 14};
	image[11] := {};
	image[12] := {0, 4, 8, 12};
	image[13] := {};
	image[14] := {2, 6, 10, 14};
	image[15] := {};
	grey0 := NewPattern(16, 16, image);

	image[0] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[1] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[2] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[3] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[4] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[5] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[6] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[7] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[8] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[9] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[10] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[11] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[12] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[13] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	image[14] := {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14};
	image[15] := {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15};
	grey1 := NewPattern(16, 16, image);
	image[0] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[1] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[2] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[3] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[4] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[5] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[6] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[7] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[8] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[9] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[10] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[11] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[12] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[13] := {0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13};
	image[14] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	image[15] := {2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15};
	grey2 := NewPattern(16, 16, image);

	image[0] := {0..2, 8..11};
	image[1] := {0..2, 7..10};
	image[2] := {0..2, 6..9};
	image[3] := {0..2, 5..8};
	image[4] := {0..2, 4..7};
	image[5] := {0..6};
	image[6] := {0..5};
	image[7] := {0..4};
	image[8] := {0..3};
	image[9] := {0..2};
	image[10] := {0, 1};
	image[11] := {0};
	hook := NewPattern(12, 12, image);
	image[0] := {7};
	image[1] := {7};
	image[2] := {2, 7, 12};
	image[3] := {3, 7, 11};
	image[4] := {4, 7, 10};
	image[5] := {5, 7, 9};
	image[6] := {6..8};
	image[7] := {0..6, 8..14};
	image[8] := {6..8};
	image[9] := {5, 7, 9};
	image[10] := {4, 7, 10};
	image[11] := {3, 7, 11};
	image[12] := {2, 7, 12};
	image[13] := {7};
	image[14] := {7};
	star := NewPattern(15, 15, image);

	image[0] := {};
	image[1] := {};
	image[2] := {0};
	image[3] := {};
	image[4] := {};
	image[5] := {};
	image[6] := {};
	image[7] := {};
	image[8] := {};
	image[9] := {};
	image[10] := {};
	image[11] := {};
	image[12] := {};
	image[13] := {};
	image[14] := {};
	image[15] := {};
	ticks := NewPattern(16, 16, image);
	image[0] := -{};
	image[1] := -{};
	image[2] := -{};
	image[3] := -{};
	image[4] := -{};
	image[5] := -{};
	image[6] := -{};
	image[7] := -{};
	solid := NewPattern(16, 8, image)
END CreatePatterns;

	Unit := 10000;
	Width := 1024;  Height := 768;
	Left := 0;  ColLeft := 0;  Bottom := 0;  UBottom:= -255;
	pattern := NIL;
END Display.

(** Remarks:

1. Background and Foreground colors
Oberon can either be used with white text on a black background, or inverted with black text on a white background (the so-called paper model). To reduce confusion you should use the FG and BG constants in your code.

2. Screen Organization
Oberon supports multiple displays that are placed next to each other in increasing X coordinates. The X coordinate thus uniquely determines the screen, hence the single parameter of the Depth and TransferFormat procedures. Each screen contains a set of nested frames. Historically, the first screen (at Left) is the black and white screen, and the second screen is the color screen (at ColLeft). Today Left and ColLeft are typically set to 0 (for compatability with older applications), as only a few computers still use black and white displays. Only the color map is supported, and it now exists at the display origin.  The screen origin is located at the bottom-left corner of the display (i.e. Y decrease from the top to the bottom of the display).

3. The Frames and the Frame messages
Frames are the visual entities of Oberon. The frames are placed in the display space to make them visible. This involves inserting frames using the dsc and next fields into a container already located in the display space. All frames of a container are linked together in priority sequence using the next field. The dsc field points to the first child frame of a container. Note that this is only a convention and certain frames might decide to manage their contents in different ways. The frame messages are used to manipulate Frames.  Frames also respond to the object message defined in module Objects. 

4. Target or Destination frames
The Frame messages are often broadcast into the display space rather than sending them directly to a frame. This is useful when many frames are to be informed of an event. It is also a means to determine the exact location (in coordinates and nesting) of a frame in the display space by following the message thread from the display root object to the frame itself (see module Objects). It is also possible to address a broadcast message to a certain frame. This is called a directed broadcast, because the message is still broadcast, but is intended for a specific target only.  The target or destination of a broadcast message is identified by the F field in the FrameMsg. It is set to NIL when all frames are to receive the message (true broadcast) and to a specific frame if only that frame is interested in the message (directed broadcast).  The exact location, in coordinates and nesting, of a frame in the display space can be determined by tracing the message thread from the display root object to the frame itself.  See module Objects.

5. Frame Coordinates and Message origin
The coordinates of a frame are specified relative to its container or parent frame. The frame messages pass the absolute position of the top-left corner of the parent frame to their children in the x and y fields (called the message origin). Thus the absolute display position of a frame F is determined when it receives a frame message M:

	M.x + F.X, M.y + F.Y, F.W, F.H

M.x and M.y are set by the container to its absolute coordinates. refer to sections 5.5-5.7 of The Oberon Companion (in Book.Tool).

6. Invalidating Messages
Often a frame knows that a broadcast need not pass through the remainder of display space because it has already been handled. In such cases the res field of the frame message is set to zero or positive to indicate that an action has been completed and that the message is invalidated. Setting the res field in this way is called "invalidating a message" and will terminate the broadcast.

7. Broadcasting Frame Messages
The Broadcast procedure broadcasts a message through the display space. The procedure initializes fields in the frame message. The message origin is set to (0, 0), the message is time stamped, the res field is set to a negative value, and the dlink field (defined in the base type Objects.ObjMsg) is initialized to NIL. In addition, the clipping rectangle is set to the whole display area.  Refer to section 5.7 of The Oberon Companion (in Book.Tool) for a description of dlink.

8. Clipping
To prevent the clipping rectangle clipping the wrong display primitives, it is reset on each message broadcast or when a trap occurs. Clipping does not affect the drawing of cursors. The Gadget system uses "display masks" that hide the management of the clipping rectangle from the programmer.

9. NewPattern
The NewPattern procedure allows you to define patterns in a machine portable way. The sets contain 32 bits, each specifying a single pixel, with {0} the left-most pixel of the pattern. Each pattern line must be filled with empty bits so that it is a multiple of 32 pixels long. The first SET of the array contains the bottom line of the pattern.

10. ControlMsg
The ControlMsg is primarily used to remove a frame from the display space. When id is set to remove, the destination frame should be removed from its current location. This done by the container of the frame and is thus a slight misinterpretation of F as a destination frame. More than one frame is removed if the destination is a list of frames connected by the slink field. In this case, they should all belong to the same parent. This message should always be broadcast.
When the message id is set to suspend or restore it indicates that all frames from the destination downwards in the display space will be temporarily removed from the display space, or will be restored to the display space. This allows frames to update their internal data structures as they may have missed messages while suspended. This is because only those frames located in the display space receive message broadcasts. This message is sent to the top-most frame of that part of the display space involved with the destination set to NIL.

11. ModifyMsg
The ModifyMsg broadcasts a resize request to the destination frame. This allows moving the relative position or changing the size of a child in a container. When the mode is set to state, the frame should not display itself immediately but should only update its size and position and possibly indicate changes to its children. It is then the task of the sender to send a follow up Display message to the frame. The latter way of using the ModifyMsg allows a container to influence its children without having them draw themselves for each change made. This message must never be invalidated; i.e. it must travel throughout the whole display space. The dX, dY, dW, dH coordinates should always be set correctly to indicate the change in position and size from the original position and size. The id field of the ModifyMsg is ignored by most frames in the system.

12. DisplayMsg
The DisplayMsg sends either a redraw request or a print request to a destination frame, according to whether the value of device is screen or printer. When the destination is NIL, a whole DAG of gadgets is implied. When id is set to area, the area u, v, w, h inside the destination frame should be redrawn. Gadgets assumes that these coordinates are relative to the top left-most corner of the destination gadget. Thus v is negative.

When printing, the x, y coordinates indicate the absolute printer coordinates of the left-bottom corner of the frame on paper and not the left-bottom corner of the container. When the id is set to full, the frame must print itself as it appears on the display. When the id is set to contents the frame must print its complete contents. For example, a multi-page text can be displayed and printed. The frame can assume that the printer driver has already been initialized. Readying the printer is the task of the sender and is done by calling Printer.Open.

13. LocateMsg
This message is broadcast to locate the frame positioned at the absolute coordinates X, Y on the display. The result, if any, is found in the loc field. The frame should return the relative position u, v of X, Y inside itself. Gadgets return these coordinates relative to their top-left corner (i.e. v is typically negative). By convention, the message is invalidated when the loc field is set.

14. SelectMsg
When id is set to get, the message is used to return the current object selection, a list, in obj. The parent of the selected objects is returned in the sel field. This message is broadcast with the destination set to NIL. The time of the selection is returned in the time field. Each container frame in the display space typically compares the time of its selection with the time field in the message, updating the returned selection when it is after the time set in the message field. When id is set to set or reset, the destination frame should select or unselect itself. It should never draw itself at this point. This is the task of the message sender.

15. ConsumeMsg
When the id is set to drop, the destination frame is requested to consume the list of objects found in the obj field. In this way objects can be dynamically  added to a container. The relative u, v coordinates indicate the location inside the container. 
Typically v is negative.  When id is set to integrate, the message is broadcast and indicates that the frame owning the focus (caret) should consume the list of objects.

16. The Broadcast procedure is installed by module Viewers to the default message broadcasting procedure found in that module.

17. TransferBlock
TransferBlock is a fast way to read or write the display in a format as close as possible to the native format of the driver.  If the driver does not directly use one of the supported formats (defined below), it must select one and translate on-the-fly.  The caller must be prepared to handle any of the supported return formats.  The value returned by TransferFormat is constant, unless the display mode is changed.  TransferBlock performs clipping using the normal clipping rectangle.  When reading from the display, the pixels falling outside the clipping rectangle have undefined values.

18. TransferFormat returns
	unknown - TransferBlock not supported
	index8 - 8 bits per pixel indexed
	color555 - 16 bits per pixel XRGB 1x5x5x5
	color565 - 16 bits per pixel RGB 5x6x5
	color664 - 16 bits per pixel RGB 6x6x4
	color888 - 24 bits per pixel RGB 8x8x8
	color8888 - 32 bits per pixel XRGB 8x8x8x8
color components: R = red, G = green, B = blue, X = undefined.
multibyte values are stored in little-endian order in buf (least-significant byte first).
color components are stored in XRGB bit order (B in least-significant bits).
19. Color
There are two types of display drivers.  "Minimal" drivers that support only indexed color, and "full-featured" drivers that support indexed color and true color.  Monochrome drivers should emulate one of the two options.  The TrueColor() function can be used to determine what kind of driver is active in a display region.  A minimal driver only supports color values from 0 to 255 (0 to 0FFH), which are entries into the palette, and color values outside this range produce undefined results (e.g. garbage, index out of range trap).  A full-featured driver also supports 24-bit true color values that range from MIN(LONGINT) to MIN(LONGINT)+2^24-1 (80000000H to 80FFFFFFH).  The driver translates the color values to the internal format of the display buffer on-the-fly.

20. The RGB() function can be used to construct true color values.  The RGB components are defined as:
	R = ASH(col, -16) MOD 256, G = ASH(col, -8) MOD 256, B = col MOD 256, and
	col = MIN(LONGINT) + ASH(R, 16) + ASH(G, 8) + B, where 0 <= R,G,B <= 255
The RGB function can be used to compose color values, and GetColor can be used to decompose them, as well as to read from the palette.

21. Depth() returns the depth of the color palette.
	1 - recommend use of color indices BG and FG only.
	4 - color indices 0 to 16 supported.
	8 - color indices 0 to 255 supported.
No driver will support a color palette larger than 8 bits.  Instead it might support true color values generated by function RGB().  The TrueColor() function can be used to check if a driver supports such values.