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OERlabs Openbook/Project (OER-Seminars)

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University of Cologne

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OER seminars Kickoff, issues and topic priorities

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Within the framework of our project, several seminars will also take place, which take up the topic "OER" and its numerous facets: A seminar under the direction of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues as a regular offer for students of the Faculty of Humanities of the UoC and further BFP seminars in cooperation with the Center for Teacher Education of the UoC. BFP seminars (vocational field internship) are the second practical phase in the Cologne teacher training program. The seminar under the direction of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues is integrated into the project, but is not part of the project funding. The BFP seminars take place within the framework of project funding and the lecturers have to be employed externally.

Title Semester Lead Thematic Focus/Question
OER-Seminar UoC Design and production of digital learning materials S17

WS17/18 SS18

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues Production and use of digital learning material for schools and universities; insight into the problems involved in the production of OER and its use (copyright, data protection, re-use); development of didactic scenarios that could make the design and further development of OER the subject of educational offers; design of own learning materials that can be used in schools and universities and comply with the 5R principles.
BFP-Seminar Mobile Learning in School S17

WS17/18 SS18

Henning Host, Simon Smend Insight into the topic of "mobile learning" in schools; special features of the preparation of the contents of mobile learning; advantages and limitations, possible applications; basics of media law and media design
BFP-Seminar A must-have for teachers of the future: coding, handicrafts and teaching with the Raspberry Pi S17

WS17/18 SS18

Tobias Hübner, Victoria Lebedynska

Insight into the topics "OER" and "copyright"; conveying of the media didactic basics and media design basics; hand-ons for the work with the Raspberry Pi; creation of OER scenarios and materials for the use of the Raspberry Pi in schools.

BFP-Seminar Design and production of digital learning materials S17

WS17/18 SS18

Tobias Hübner, Victoria Lebedynska Introduction to the OER topic; teaching of the media pedagogical and didactical basics; insight into the topic "media design" and "(digital) didactic design"; deepening and application of the knowledge by means of selected tools in the course of the lab character; creation of a joint e-book with possible application scenarios of OER and competent handling of them; evaluation of the selected application possibilities.

Methods, "rules" and work processes

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SE: Designing and creating digital learning materials

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The project seminar takes up the most current research and practice questions and places them in the context of textbook research and media development. The participants will design their own learning materials that comply with the principles of the 5R and can be used in schools and universities. The seminar takes place each week and the project-related work takes place in groups formed during the face-to-face session. The choice of topics is left to the students. After an impulse "Produce digital learning material as an open educational resource" a workshop on the topic "From media production to the remix principle of OER" follows. The two sessions provide participants with a good introduction to the topic, since experience in media production is not considered a participation criterion. The virtual group work to substantiate the topic continues the work and leads to the group's own production of OER, initially as a rough concept. Then the intermediate presentation of the self-produced OER with the collegial consultation takes place. A further impulse "Pitfalls in media production (including media law)" enables the participants not only to avoid the typical and gross mistakes, but also to be familiar with the subtle peculiarities of producing their own OER. In the next virtual phase of group work, a detailed concept of the self-produced learning materials will be developed and presented. In the group consultation, the open questions are clarified, followed by the final presentation of the detailed concept to an external OER jury (from the media, publishing and pedagogical environment), which assesses the quality of the learning materials produced and gives the groups final feedback.


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The internship seminars are structured according to the principle of the blended learning concept. They consist of three phases, which take place in a repetitive rhythm building on each other. The three phases are: Self-learning phase, digital communication phase and face-to-face phase. All seminars provide the structured self-learning time in the form of portfolio work and cover 180 hours of effort. You can view the exact structure of the seminars here.

BFP: Mobile learning at school

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In the first self-study phase, students acquire the basics of digital media (media didactics, OER, media design). In the subsequent attendance phase, experience with digital teaching, mobile learning, SWOT analysis and lesson planning will be exchanged. In the following obligatory digital consultation, the participants will be given advice on how to design a series of lessons and develop their own ideas for content for mobile learning in the next practical part. In the next digital communication phase, the group work, guided by learning groups, will take place. Afterwards, the students have the opportunity to get advice in the analogue or digital consultation hours, so that the next practical part of the series of lessons and content on mobile learning is ready. The following attendance phase serves to present and evaluate the results.

BFP: A must-have for future school teachers: coding, handicraft and teaching with Rasperry Pi

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The seminar has the same structure and procedure as the seminar "Mobile Learning at School". The difference lies only in the focus of the topic: creation of teaching scenarios and materials for working with the Raspberry Pi.

BFP: Designing and creating digital learning materials

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The seminar also follows the principle of the blended learning concept. The aim of the seminar (apart from teaching the basics of OER, media design, media didactics, the associated legal situation, and the examination of examples) is to deepen the acquired knowledge through application. The students deal with the possibilities of OER in a division of labour, in this seminar with tools. These tools are then explained, evaluated and provided with possible application scenarios in order to enable competent handling of them. The evaluation of the selected application possibilities takes place with the help of the interviews, which the students carry out independently and then reflect on.


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The OER seminar "Design and Production of Digital Learning Materials" by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Sandra Hofhues was offered to students of educational sciences, pedagogy, educational science, music mediation, intermedia and early intervention.

The three BFP seminars are aimed at students studying to become teachers at the UoC.

Results and documentation

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The preparatory material for the BFP seminar "Mobile Learning", conducted by Henning Host and Simon Smend, is freely available as OER under CC-BY-SA license here.

All materials from the seminar "Coding with Raspberry Pi" can be found on Medienistik, Tobias Hübner's blog: Die OER-Werkstatt: Materials accompanying the Raspberry Pi Seminar at the ZfL Cologne.

The EBook of the BFP seminar "Design and Production of Digital Learning Materials" can be found in the Blog of the seminar.

Project organisation side-notes

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The OER seminar "Design and Production of Digital Learning Materials" was evaluated at the end of the semester by students using feedback forms to the teacher. Most students emphasize project-related group work and the practical development of their own ideas as points they particularly like about the seminar. The technical implementation, however, is a big challenge (or even too much) for many students, as the technical knowledge/understanding of most students is low and is not taught at the university.

Technical University Kaiserslautern

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A total of three OER seminars were planned, all of which are located in the educational sciences: Two seminars at Bachelor level and one at Master level. The seminar in the Master of Education did not take place because too few students registered for it. In another Master's seminar, students recorded OER in an input on copyright at school and had an OER/copyright memory created in the seminar.[1] In the following, the two bachelor seminars are presented one after the other. The overriding idea was to use team teaching from university lecturers and school teachers. Furthermore, persons from the University Library and the eTeaching Service Center are available as contact persons. In both Bachelor's seminars, attendance dates alternate with independent work phases. They are therefore organised according to central blended learning principles.

Blended learning refers to learning opportunities that are partly provided by classroom teaching and partly by location-independent media. In typical Blended Learning offerings, the given tasks are processed online. The preparation and discussion of the tasks takes place in the face-to-face phase. The relationship between the online and the presence part can be varied by holding other event parts online, such as the discussion of the tasks. (vgl. Hofhues, 2017)

SE 1: Media pedagogy - OERlab 2017

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Target audience Teacher training students in the Bachelor's program

Learning objectives The seminar was based on four learning objectives. The students should: 1) get to know basic dimensions of lesson planning, 2) get to know learning theories and methodical aspects, 3) implement acquired skills in self-designed units and 4) select media according to teaching goals. The seminar promotes didactic knowledge and skills, which should enable the design of individual learning spaces and support the reflexive and creative handling of media. This semester's focus is on OER (Open Educational Resources), which students should get to know and create, share and remix themselves. The visit to iMedia and the active preparation and design of two programme items on site for the Open Educational Resources Forum are also planned.


Seminar session Mode Topic
12.05.2017 Face-to-Face Introduction to seminar procedure and start of task 1
19.05.2017 F2F Working on task 1
19. - 30.05.2017 Independent working phase Working on task 1
30.05.2017 F2F Excursion iMedia 2017 Mainz
09.06.2017 F2F Start task 2
09. - 30.06.2017 Independent working phase Working on task 2
30.06.2017 F2F Presentation task 2

Didactic arrangement The first seminar was held via a Wiki,[2] which is still visible and will remain visible. The Wiki documents not only the procedure in the seminar, but also results and the intermediate steps leading there. Besides the documentation of the seminar organization should reflect the open practices of the seminar. The seminar is based on three major tasks (see below). With a teacher, who works with open educational resources, a practical seminar leader could be won, in order to supplement the project coworker of the OERlabs. Both were there to help and advise the students. This was necessary because the seminar was scheduled with only four attendance dates and the students therefore worked more independently. The independent work phase does not only include working on texts, independently exploring open programs or tools, but also the change from the student role to that of a teacher.

Task design Task 1: In concrete terms, the task consisted of: a) Research on OER, b) Creating OER matching to the research topic,[3] c) publish self-created material, d) plan a workshop on OER for the iMedia2017.[4] Task 2: a) To recognize the unique selling point of a given text on media pedagogical topics, b) To create a matching OER c) To publish the results of the work.[5] In the second working phase experiences from the role change are already incorporated.

Design of feedback During the attendance phases, one of the teachers was on site next to the seminar leader to answer questions directly and to discuss the interim results with the students. Since the teacher herself works with OER in her lessons, the students received feedback on the one hand with regard to school practice and on the other hand information on open educational materials. Both the seminar leader and the teacher were available to the students via e-mail during the independent work phases. In the planning and working phase for iMedia 2017, the students worked with open tools,[6] to which all members of the seminar had access. In this way, the seminar leaders were able to provide students with information on the progress of their work.

SE 2: Media pedagogy - OERlab

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Target group Teacher training students in the Bachelor's programme

Learning Objectives The seminar was based on four learning objectives. The students should: 1) get to know basic dimensions of lesson planning, 2) get to know learning theories and methodical aspects, 3) implement acquired skills in self-designed units and 4) select media according to teaching goals. The seminar promotes didactic knowledge and skills, which should enable the design of individual learning spaces and support the reflexive and creative handling of media. This semester's focus is on OER (Open Educational Resources), which students should get to know and create, share and remix themselves.


Seminar session Mode Topic
26.10.2017 Face-to-Face Introduction, seminar procedure and OER terminology
02.11.2017 F2F Research, evaluation, terminology Media pedagogy
02.-16.11.2017 Independent working phase Develop student content base
09.11.2017 F2F Simple briefing
16.11.2017 F2F Poster presentation
16.-30.11.2017 Independent working phase Preparation for group work phase OERlabs
30.11.2017 F2F Topic identification OERlabs, Input
30.11.2017-11.01.2018 Independent working phase Working on OERlabs-date
11.01.2018 F2F (maybe extended) Present preliminary result and OER-material
12.01.-02.02.2018 Independent working phase Dates (12.1., 15.1., 19.1., 26.1., 2.2.)
08.02.2018 F2F Reflection and closing

Didactic arrangement The second seminar took place in the winter semester 2017/2018 and started with the same staff but with a different time and organizational process. The changed schedule resulted from the fact that the same teacher could be won as in the first seminar, other obligations made it impossible for her to lead the attendance appointments. Therefore, the students were able to reach her via video telephony and ask for feedback. Secondly, the OpenLabs participants were able to benefit from the materials produced during the first OERSeminar. To ensure that the students of the second OERSeminar could also benefit from the OpenLabs, both events were linked to a few dates. It was the students' task to design and advertise an OpenLabs date themselves, i.e. to create material together with the OpenLabs participants on the respective date and to prepare a topic for it. The materials created in the OERSeminar are thus not only an end in themselves for the seminar's existence, but a joint material production that is freely accessible online for everyone. In addition, the students were again given longer work phases between the seminar dates. The seminar dates at the beginning of the semester were used to find topics and information about OER.

Task design Before working with and on OER, the seminar focused on concepts of media pedagogy, which were presented as posters by the students. The goal after the poster presentation was to plan and implement one of four OpenLabs appointments per student group. First the groups looked for a topic, structured the lab date roughly and thought about which material should be created in the lab and how the lab date can be made known in a meaningful way. This was followed by a presentation of the intermediate status in the seminar and a further work phase to plan the detailed course and to consider which support visitors* inside the lab need. Both were to be discussed with the teacher, adapted on the basis of the feedback and then implemented in the lab. In addition, the students ensured that the material produced was sent to the OERlabs team for publication.

Feedback Later seminar dates offered students feedback on their ideas and the planned procedure by the seminar leader and the tutors. After a further working phase, the current status was presented to the other students in the seminar in order to receive feedback from them and, for example, to exchange ideas on advertising design. The OpenLabs were open to the students at any time to get an impression of the process and to try out their own ideas on OpenLabs design on site. As a further feedback mechanism, a mandatory appointment was made with a teacher via video telephony. The students of the OERSeminars received feedback from four different perspectives (seminar leader, teacher, tutor and the students of the OERSeminar) before they presented their ideas to the audience. The different feedbacks offer the students advantages and disadvantages. If students, for example, want to work on volcanism,[7] then the tutors support them from a perspective that should open up many possibilities. If it is absolutely necessary to develop a concept that enables the use of geocaching, the teacher works from the teaching perspective and looks at the introduction to the topic in detail, for example. However, the students are thus prepared for the discussions and questions arising in the lab unit, without their need to try something different[8] being slowed down.

Our takeaways
  • OER needs practical relevance in courses
  • Allow students to contribute ideas/be open to unusual approaches
  • Let students choose their form of feedback


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