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Network Lab/Collaboration in wikis and blogs

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

The collaborative environment of hypermedia communication facilitated the spread of formats based on public records and online social interaction. Through these formats have expanded the network of information sharing experiences that often result in creative processes in schemes designed to co-authorship.

According to O'Reilly (2005) understanding of the Internet as a platform on which the user can also publish, participate without a pre-defined behavior, drawing on experiences from other users. Web 2.0, according to the author, and offers services not packaged software, and is thus the era of the tags and play with the infinite possibility to remix content and even use the collective intelligence. For O'Reilly (2005) Web 2.0 is more than a technology, is attitude. It is in this context that the user has the possibility of using the components of the Web, collaborate and make the networked environment. Openness and collaboration are two key words in relation to activities that allow them to function as a Web 2.0 platform. These two phenomena are also developers of network effects, the effects and effectiveness of connectivity, which are increasing the value of a product or service with the increased number of users, "users add value". Blogs and wikis are two tools that put in operation openness and collaboration, and it is the heart of the platform, with regard to publishing and sharing. This is the 'attitude' which includes actions such as retrieving / modify / publish.

Blogs, as is known, are sites whose content is produced by one or more authors and readers involved with your comments (posts), it has the form of a record or diary dated and arranged in reverse chronological order, start- day regularly, which is filled with links, sounds (podcast), photo (fotologs) and videos (video blogs). Wikis are websites that any of the participants of a given collective can load / edit. The best known of wikis is Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia and much sought-after free consultation, which is held by any internet ready to cooperate with the project. Therefore, while blogs and wikis are very different tools, they have much in common: the attitude of co-operation or co-laboration based on a model that has been called "architecture of participation"