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Doubling of Initial Consonants

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In the Neapolitan Language, there are many words that will cause a doubling for the initial consonant. These are usually predictable, but you must memorize which words do and don't cause a doubling. Words that do, are shown below:

  • A plural feminine adjective preceding a plural feminine word will cause a doubling (vecchie ffemmene)
  • A singular neuter adjective preceding a singular neuter word will cause doubling (buono ppane)
  • The feminine plural article 'e ('e ffemene)
  • The neuter singular article 'o ('o ppane)
  • The conjunctions e and né (pane e ccaso)
  • The prepositions a, pe, and cu (a mme, pe tte)
  • Negation nu (nu mmo)
  • Indefinites ogne and cocche (ogne ccasa)
  • Interragative and relative che (che ffemene!)
  • accussí (accussí bbello)
  • From the verb essere but not songo (so' ppazzo)
  • chiu (chiu ppocco)
  • The number tre (tre ffemene)
  • chistu and chillu when referring to neuter nouns of indefinite quantities (chillu ppane)
  • lloco
  • From the verb stà (staje ssempe)
  • From the verb puté (pô ssapé)