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Mujje Tulye from Uganda/A tour of Kampala markets

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Kampala, the capital and largest city in Uganda host many markets

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A typical local market

There are many open markets in Uganda which mainly deal in fresh produce, dry foods, clothes, kitchen items, electronic items and shoes. Markets tend attract large crowds and open early in the morning till late. The Markets in Kampala are overseen by the Kampala City Council Authority and Market Vendors Associations.

Nakasero Market

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Nakasero Market is a market in Kampala, Uganda, located at the foot of Nakasero hill. It sells fresh food, textiles, shoes and cheap electronics.[1] it serves most restaurants and upscale hotels in the city centre. Nakasero market is located 50 meters off the Entebbe Road.It is one of the biggest markets in Kampala city central business District

Nakasero market

Nakasero Market started in 1895 where it was first established in the Lubiri (Palace). Later, in 1905 Nakasero Market was moved to Kagugube which was initially a temporary structure.[2]

Nakasero market is divided up into two areas; The open area which is partially covered and the closed area which is in an old building. In the open area, fresh produce is mainly sold and in the closed area one would find hardware, clothes and tourist items on sale.[3]

Nakasero market is managed by Nakasero Market Vendors and Traders Association.

The products sold at the market include: fresh fruits, vegetables, beans, meat, poultry, textile, electronics, matooke, eggs, coffee and spices.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakasero_Market

Nakawa Market

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Nakawa Market is located 4km from kampala town along Jinja road. It can also be accessed from naguru road. Nakawa market is one of the largest markets in Kampala. [4]

The market started off with temporary infrastructure and eventually permanent structures were developed due to the increased number of Traders.This lead to the increase in Clients, making it a popular market in Nakawa Division.[5]

The market is managed by Kampala Capital City Authority due to conflict in management.[6]

The produce includes: fruits like mangoes, oranges, pineapples; vegetables, beef, chicken, plantains, yellow bananas, clothes, spices, electronics, building materials, and household items.

St. Balikudenbe Market

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St Balikuddembe Market is located near Nakivubo Stadium between Kafumbe Mukasa road and Nakivubo place road. It was started in 1971 with vendors who were reallocated from Nakasero Market. The commodies sold in the market include foodstuffs, electronics and clothing.

Women selling produce at the bean market in Kampala

Nakulabye market

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Nakulabye market is found in Nakulabye, at the junction of Makerere Hill road and Hoima road, near the Nakulabye round about.

The market is owned and managed by Buganda kingdom. Traders used to trade from stalls built with eucalyptus poles and roofed with iron sheets. Some would trade on the ground, near tje roadside. New structures have been put up.

The market is a place of trade for mainly foodstuffs. The foods sold include: tomatoes, onions, yellow bananas, potatoes, plantains, vegetables, fruits, cassava, chicken, beef and fish (fresh or smoked).

Nankulabye market
Fruits at the open market in Nankulabye

There are over 6000 traders who work from Nakulabye market.

Kalerwe Market

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Kalerwe market is located on Gayaza road, near the Northern bypass, after Bwaise kubiri round about. The market is owned and managed by Kampala Capital City Authority.

Fresh foods are mostly traded at the market. Traders who run small stalls in Bwaise, Wandegeya and neighbouring places, come to the market especially early in the morning to buy on a whole sale basis, to go and sell on their stalls.

The foods sold at the maker include: bananas, matooke, fresh fruits, fish, meat, chicken, potatoes and cassava.

Oranges at a market stall usually used to make fruit juice
Pumpkins and watermelons in a market
Fruits markets in Uganda
Goat meat for sale at the butchery in the market.
Offals from a cow at the butchery
Nyanya in gayaza market
Vendor selling tea packed leaves
beautiful pumpkins at the market

Noted References

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  1. Uganda Travel Guide
  2. "living in Kampala".
  3. http://fortuneofafrica.com/ug/nakasero-market/
  4. "location".
  5. "fortune of africa".
  6. "ULII".