0% developed


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General Stuff

III This is a Category III Language.


Flag of Mongolia
  1. 25% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Greetings, Introductions, Goodbyes
  2. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Classroom Orientation
  3. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Food
  4. 50% developed  as of Feb 2, 2009 Directions
  5. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Transportation
  6. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Communication
  7. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Shopping
  8. 0% developed  as of Dec 26, 2006 Medical
  9. 0% developed  as of Mar 13, 2013 Travel
  10. 0% developed  as of Mar 13, 2013 Bank
  11. 0% developed  as of Mar 13, 2013 Phone
  12. 0% developed  as of Mar 13, 2013 General terms


See also

Mongolian Dictionaries

Altaic-Language Wikibooks
Mongolic: Mongolian
Tungusic: Manchu
Turkic: Azerbaijani | Turkish | Turkmen | Uzbek
Buyeo: * Japanese* | Korean*
*The inclusion of Japanese and Korean in Altaic
and the existence of Buyeo is controversial.
See Altaic languages for more information on this dispute.