Mirad Thesaurus/Religion
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- The most important roots in this sphere are:
- fya-....holy, sacred
- fye-....mythical, mystical, fanciful
- fyo-....evil, profane, unholy
- Here is a table showing the most important words using these roots:
fyaa....holy, sacred | fyea....mythical, mystical, fanciful | fyoa....evil, profane, unholy |
fyat....saint | fyet....ghost, wight, sprite | fyot....demon |
fyamir....heaven | fyemir....fantasy world | fyomir....underworld, hell |
fyadin....gospel | fyedin....fairytale | |
fyad....blessing | fyed....spell | fyod....curse |
fyadeuz....hymn | fyedeuz....skirl, incantation | |
fyasun....idol | fyesun....talisman | fyosun....taboo |
fyax....holy deed | fyox....sin | |
fyatop....angel | fyetop....ghost, phantom | fyotop....devil, evil spirit |
fyaz....grace | fyez....magic, fairy dust | fyoz....sorcery |
General Wordlist
[edit | edit source]- fyaa....holy, sacred
- fyaan....holiness, sanctity
- fyaaxer....to sanctify, hallow
- fyat....saint
- fyatan....sainthood
- fyatyena....saintly
- fyatxer....to beatify
- fyatxen....beatification
- fyatxwa....beatified
- fyaantin....monasticism
- fyaantina....monastic
- fyaantinam....abbey, cloister, monastery
- fyaantinut....monk
- fyaantinutan....monkhood
- fyaantinutyena....monkish
- fyaantineb....abbot
- fyaantineyb....abbess
- fyaantineban....abbacy
- fyaantinab....abbey, monastic hierarchy
- fyabexler....to enshrine
- fyabexlen....enshrinement
- fyabexlawa....enshrined
- fyabikam....chaplaincy
- fyabikut....chaplain
- fyabuer....to offer, sacrifice, devote
- fyabuen....consecration, devotion, offering, sacrifice
- fyabuena....devotional, sacrificial
- fyabuun....oblation, offering, offertory
- fyabuwat....oblate, sacrificial victim
- fyabeker....to heal shamanistically
- fyabekut....shaman
- fyabyekin....shamanism
- fyabyekina....shamanistic
- fyabyen....morality
- fyabyena....moral
- fyabyenay....morally
- fyabyender....to moralize
- fyabyendut....moralizer
- fyabyenden....moralizing
- fyader....to bless
- fyaden....benediction, blessing
- fyadab....hierarchy
- fyadaba....hierchical
- fyadabay....hierchically
- fyadeb....religious leader, high priest
- fyadeyb....high priestess
- fyadal....homily, sermon
- fyadaler....to preach, sermonize
- fyadalut...preacher
- fyadelyea....preachy
- fyadel....profession
- fyadeler....to profess
- fyadeuz....hymnody
- fyadeuz dyes....hymnal
- fyadeuzun....hymn, canticle
- fyadeuzer....to chant
- fyadeuzin....hymnology
- fyadeuzina....hymnological
- fyadeuzinut....hymnologist
- fyadrezun....psalm
- fyadil....prayer, orison
- fyadil dyes....prayer book, missal, breviary
- fyadil zyunes....prayer bead
- fyadil zyunesnyif....rosary
- fyadilam....chapel
- fyadileb....chaplain
- fyadildiut....muezzin
- fyadilena....precatory
- fyadilim....oratory
- fyadilsim'....pew
- fyadilsuam....hassock
- fyadilun....prayer, oration
- fyadilunyan....litany
- fyadilzabut....precentor
- fyadim....sacred font, baptismal font
- fyadima....baptismal
- fyadimber....to baptize
- fyadimbwat....person who has been baptized
- fyadin....evangel, gospel
- fyadina....evangelic
- fyadinuer....to evangelize
- fyadinuut....evangelist
- fyadinuen....evangelism
- fyadiyn....parable
- fyadoyt....religious community, religious order
- fyadoytwid....brother
- fyadoytwidan....brotherhood
- fyadoytiyd....sister, nun
- fyadoytiydan....sisterhood
- fyadoytiydam....convent
- fyadren....scripture
- fyadrenyan....scriptures
- fyadrenad....verse of scripture
- fyadrena....scriptural
- fyader....to bless
- fyadun....blessing, benediction
- fyadwa....blessed
- fyadresiyn....hieroglyph
- fyadresiynyan....hieroglyphs
- fyadresiyna....hieroglyphic
- fyadresiyntun....hieroglyphology
- fyadresiyntuna....hieroglyphological
- fyadresiyntut....hieroglyphologist
- fyaduzun....oratorio
- fyadyes....bible
- fyadyesa....biblical
- fyadyesflidut....bible-thumper
- fyaifrer....to worship, adore, venerate
- fyaifrut....worshipper
- fyaifren....worshipping
- fyaifruwa....venerable
- fyaifram....church, house of worship
- fyaiframper....to attend church
- fyaiframput....church-goer
- fyaiframpea....church-going
- fyaiframpen....churchgoing
- fyaifrun....idol
- fyaifunxer....to idolize
- fyaifunxen....idolization
- fyaifunxwa....idolized
- fyailuer....to libate
- fyailuen....libation
- fyailuun....libation
- fyajad....prophesy
- fyajader....to prophesy
- fyajada....prophetica
- fyajadut....prophet
- fyajaduyt....prophetess
- fyajaduta....vatic, vatical
- fyajadwa....phophesied, prophetical
- fyajub....feast day, festival, holiday, holy day
- fyajub ivxelen....holiday celebration
- fyajuba....festive
- fyajuben....feasting, festivity
- fyajuber....to feast
- fyakoser....to go on a retreat, hide like a hermit
- fyakosdut....hierophant
- fyakosem....hermitage, sacred retreat
- fyakosut....hermit
- fyakosuta....hermit-related
- fyakosutam....hermitage, retreat
- fyakosutan....hermit status
- fyakosutyena....hermit-like, hermetic
- fyalobier....to forswear
- fyam....hallowed ground, hieron, holy place, holy site, sacred ground, sanctuary, temple
- fyamanzyus....halo, holy ring, nimbus
- fyameem....glebe
- fyameluk....sepulcher, sepulchre
- fyameluka....sepulchral
- fyamelukben....sepulture
- fyamelukber....to sepulcher, sepulchre
- fyameys....lych-gate, lychgate
- fyamil....baptismal water, holy water
- fyamil diym....baptismal font
- fyamilben....baptism, baptizing, christening
- fyamilbena....baptismal
- fyamilber....to baptize, christen
- fyamilbim....baptistery, baptistry
- Fyamilbut....Baptist
- fyamilbut....baptist, baptizer
- Fyamilbuta: Baptist
- fyamilbwa....baptized, christened
- fyamilbwen....getting baptized
- fyamilbwer....to get baptized
- fyamiluer....to sprinkle holy water on
- fyamiluar....holy water sprinkler
- fyamilyeb....stoup
- fyamilyeben....dipping
- fyamilyeber....to dip
- fyamilyebwa....dipped
- fyamir....heaven
- Fyamir....Heaven
- fyamira....celestial
- fyamirat....heavenly creature, heavenly host
- fyamiray....celestially
- fyamirtoyp....houri
- fyamuf....staff
- fyanaf....pall
- fyaojder....to vaticinate
- fyaojden....vaticination
- fyaojdena....vaticinal
- fyaojdud....oracle
- fyaojduda....oracular
- fyaojdudibut....oracle
- fyaojvad....oath, pledge
- fyaojvaden....swearing, pledging
- fyaojvader....to swear, pledge
- fyaojvadier....to take an oath
- fyaojvaduer....to swear in
- fyaojvadwa....sworn, pledged
- fyaojvadun....votary
- fyaojvadut....votarist
- fyaojvaduyt....votaress
- fyapop....crusade, mission, pilgrimage
- fyapoper....to go on a crusade, go on a mission, make a pilgramage
- fyapoput....crusader, missionary, pilrim
- fyasem....altar
- fyasem abof....baldacchin, baldachin
- fyasem abtom....baldacchin, baldachin
- fyasem yuxlut....altar server
- fyasem yuxut....altar boy
- fyasem zomays....altarpiece, reredos
- fyasim masof....chancel
- fyasim....throne
- fyasimben....installing on the throne
- fyasimber....to install on the throne, put on the throne
- fyasimpen....assumption of the throne
- fyasimper....to occupy the throne
- fyasin....icon
- fyasin yonpyexin....iconoclasm
- fyasin yonpyexina....iconoclastic, iconoslastic
- fyasin yonpyexinut....iconoclast
- fyasina....iconic
- fyasindren....iconography
- fyasindrena....iconographic
- fyasinifren....paganism, idol-worship, heathenism
- fyasinifrut....pagan, idol-worshipper, heathen
- fyasinxen....iconification
- fyasinxer....to iconify
- fyasinxwa....iconified
- fyasiyn....emblem, hierogram, holy pictograph, sacred symbol
- fyasiyna....emblematic, emblematical
- fyastestuut....hierophant
- fyasun....idol
- fyasunam....shrine
- fyasunbeaxut....sacrist
- fyasunifrawa....idolized
- fyasunifren....idol worship, idolatry, idolization
- fyasunifrer....to idolize
- fyasunifrut....idol worshiper
- fyasunnuien....simony
- fyasunxen....idolization
- fyasunxer....to idolize
- fyasunxut....idolater
- fyasunxuyt....idolatress
- fyasunxwa....idolized
- fyasyeb....pyx
- fyasyeyb: pix
- fyat....holy being, holy person, sacred being, saint
- fyatan....sainthood
- fyatdindren....hagiography
- fyatdindrut....hagiographer
- fyatead....gospel, holy witnessing, testament
- fyateada....testamentary
- fyasin....icon
- fyateader....to give holy testimony, preach, spread the gospel
- fyateadut....holy witness, preacher, spreader of the gospel
- fyateadyan....gospels, hadith
- fyateaz....miracle, thaumaturgy
- fyateaza....miraculous, thaumaturgical
- fyateazay....miraculously
- fyateazen....thaumaturgy
- fyateazena....thaumaturgical
- fyateazer....to perform a miracle
- fyateazun....miracle
- fyateazuna....miraculous
- fyateazunxer....to work a miracle
- fyateazunxut....miracle-worker
- fyateazut....thaumaturge, thaumaturgist
- fyatef....mitre
- fyatefwa....mitred
- fyatez....religion
- fyateza....religious
- fyatezat....religious person
- fyatezam....church, place of worship, temple
- fyatezama....ecclesiastical, church-related
- fyatezun....mass, service, cult
- fyatezut....priest
- fyatezutan....priesthood
- fyateyz....cult
- fyateyza....cultist
- fyatid....friar
- fyatidam....friary
- fyatidyan....friary
- fyatif....alb
- fyatifren....hierolatry
- fyatim....sanctuary, sanctum
- fyatiydam....priory
- fyatiydameyb....prioress
- fyatob....holy person, saint
- fyatoban....sainthood
- fyatobyena....saintly
- fyatoyb....female saint
- fyatwob....male saint
- fyatof....frock
- fyatofober....to unfrock
- fyatofobwa....unfrocked
- fyatojben....immolation
- fyatojber....to immolate
- fyatop....holy spirit, holy ghost
- fyatwed....priest, holy father
- fyatyena....saintly
- fyatyenan....divinity
- fyatyez....hieromancy
- fyatyeza....hieromantic
- fyatyezan....hieromantics
- fyatyezer....to perform hieromancy
- fyatyezut....hieromancer
- fyaublam....mission headquarters
- fyaublawat....apostle, missionary
- fyaublawatan....apostleship
- fyaublawatana....apostolic
- fyaublun....mission
- fyaubluna....mission-related
- fyaublawat....nuncio
- fyaut....church elder, cleric, imam, man of the cloth, parson, priest, rabbi, vicar
- fyauta....clerical, hieratic, priestly
- fyautam....rectory
- fyautan....imamhood, parsonage, priesthood, vicarage
- fyautyan....clergy, priesthood
- fyautyena....priest-like
- fyautyenan....priestliness
- fyauyt....priestess
- fyavad....homage
- fyavaden....sanction, sanctioning
- fyavader....to sanction
- fyavadut....homager, swearer
- fyavadwa....sanctioned
- fyavatex....faith
- fyavatexea....faithful
- fyavatexok....loss of faith
- fyavatexoker....to lose faith
- fyavatexoya....faithless
- fyavatexoyan....faithlessness
- fyavatexuka....faithless
- fyavatexukan....faithlessness
- fyavatexukay....faithlessly
- fyavatexut....believer, person of faith
- fyavatexutyan....the faithful
- fyavatexyen....faith, religious belief
- fyavia....divine, radiant, ungodly beautiful
- fyaviay....radiantly
- fyavizyeb....monstrance
- fyavobier....to foreswear, forswear
- fyavyad....oath, solemn promise
- fyavyaden....swearing
- fyavyader be ha Fyadyes....swear on the Bible
- fyavyader ha vyan....swear the truth
- fyavyader vyayux....swear allegiance to, swear loyalty
- fyavyader....to swear
- fyavyadwa del....sworn statement
- fyavyadwa tead....sworn testimony
- fyavyadwa....loyal, sworn
- fyavyadwan....loyalty
- fyavyan....gospel truth, sacred truth
- fyavyoden....abjuration, abjuring
- fyavyodena....abjuratory
- fyavyoder....to abjure, forswear, swear off
- fyavyodut....abjurer
- fyavyodwa....abjured, sworn off
- fyayuv....sacred bond, trust, allegiance, faith, fidelity, loyalty, fealty
- fyayuva....loyal, bound by faith
- fyayuvan....loyalty
- fyayuvat....trustee, person of faith
- ofyayuva....disloyal
- ofyayuvat....infidel
- ofyayuvan....disloyalty, infidelity
- fyax....good deed
- fyaxer....to do good
- fyaxut....do-gooder
- fyaxen....doing good
- fyaxel....rite, ritual, liturgy, sacrament
- fyaxela....liturgical, ritual, sacramental
- fyaxela Liad....liturgical Latin
- fyaxelam....church
- fyaxelamdeym....churchyard
- fyaxelampen....church-going, churchgoing
- fyaxelamput....church-goer, churchgoer
- fyaxelay....liturgically, ritually
- fyaxeler....to celebrate, perform a holy rite, perform the liturgy, practice, say mass, worship
- fyaxelea....celebrating
- fyaxelem....ceremonial ground, worship site
- fyaxelen....celebrating, celebration, saying mass, worshiping
- fyaxelim: chapel
- fyaxelin....ritualism
- fyaxelina....ritualistic
- fyaxelinay....ritualistically
- fyaxelinut....liturgist
- fyaxelut....celebrant, performer of a holy rite, priest, rabbi, worshiper
- fyaxelwa....celebrated, worshiped
- fyaxem....holy ground, holy site, sacred ground, sacred site
- fyaxer....to do a good deed, perform a sacred function
- fyaxilyeb....chalice, grail
- fyaxin....religion
- fyaxina deuz....chanson
- fyaxina vatexuen....religious persuasion
- fyaxina....religious
- fyaxinab....church hierarchy, clergy, ecclesiastical chain of command, religious hierarchy
- fyaxinaba....church-related, churchly, clerical, ecclesiastic, ecclesiastical
- fyaxinaban....ecclesiastically
- fyaxinabifa....churchly
- fyaxinan....religiosity, religiousness
- fyaxinay....religiously
- fyaxinea....practicing
- fyaxineb....church elder, churchman, clergyman, cleric, priest, religious leader
- fyaxineyb....clergywoman, priestess
- fyaxineba....clerical
- fyaxinebam....rectory
- fyaxineban....priesthood
- fyaxineber....to administer the church, lead the church
- fyaxinebin....clericalism
- fyaxinebina....clericalist
- fyaxinebinut....clericalist
- fyaxinebyan....church leadership, clergy, religious leaders
- fyaxiner....to practice religion
- fyaxines....cult
- fyaxinesa....cultic
- fyaxineseb....cult leader
- fyaxineva....secular
- fyaxinevan....secularism
- fyaxinevat....secularist
- fyaxinkyaxer....to convert
- fyaxinkyaxsut....convert
- fyaxinkyaxen....conversion
- fyaxinkyaxwa....converted
- fyaxinut....faithful, practitioner of religion, religious person
- fyaxinvader....to religionize
- fyaxinxer....to religionize
- fyaxinyen....piety, religiousness
- fyaxinyena....pious, religious
- fyaxinyenan....piousness, religiosity
- fyaxinyenay....piously, religiously
- fyaxtin....religious doctrine
- fyaxtina....relating to religious doctrinal
- fyaxun....sacred object
- fyaxunbeaxut....sacristan
- fyaxunbexlut....church caretaker, sexton
- fyaxunim....sacristy
- fyaxunyeb....reliquary
- fyaxut....holy practitioner
- fyaxyel....anointment, holy oil, unction
- fyaxyelen....anointing, anointment, unction, chrism
- fyaxyeler....to anoint, christen
- fyaxyelwa....anointed, christened
- fyaxyen....cult, rite, ritual
- fyaxyena....cultic, cultish
- fyayuxer....to devote
- fyayuxea....devout
- fyayuxean....devoutness
- fyayuxeay....devoutly
- fyayuxen....devoting
- fyayuxut....devotee
- fyayuxwa....devoted
- fyayuxrut hierodule
- fyayxin....sect
- fyayxina....sectarian
- fyayxinan....sectarianism
- fyayxineb....sect leader
- fyayxininut....sectarianist
- fyayxinut....sectary
- fyaz....charm, grace, karma
- fyaza....karmic
- fyazay....gracefully, graciously
- fyazaya....benignant, charming, full of grace, graceful, gracious
- fyazayan....gracefulness, graciousness
- fyazder....to greet, hail, salute, thank, gratiate
- fyazden....greeting, hailing, salutation, gratiation
- fyazier....to to ingratiate
- fyazien....ingratiation
- fyaziyea....ingratiatory
- fyaziwa....ingratiated
- fyazika....benignant, charming, full of grace, graceful, gracious
- fyazikan....gracefulness, graciousness
- fyazikay....charmingly, gracefully, graciously
- fyazober....to disgrace
- fyazoben....disgracing
- fyazobena....disgraceful
- fyazobwa....disgraced
- fyazok....fall from grace
- fyazoya....charmless, graceless, void of charm
- fyazoyan....charmlessness, gracelessness
- fyaztos....gratitude
- fyaztoser....to be grateful
- fyaztosder....to express gratitude
- fyaztosden....expression of gratitude
- fyaztosaya....grateful
- fyaztosayan....gratefulness, gratitude
- fyaztosika....grateful
- fyaztosikan....gratefulness, gratitude
- fyazuer....to beguile, bestow grace upon, charm, enchant, enthrall, grace, gratify, i
- fyazuea....beguiling, charming, enchanting
- fyazueay....beguilingly
- fyazuen....beguilement, charming, enchantment, enthrallment
- fyazuka....charmless, graceless, void of charm
- fyazukan....charmlessness, gracelessness
- fyazukay....charmlessly, gracelessly
- fyazun....amulet, charm