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Mirad Thesaurus/Human Body

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Human Body

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  • tob=human
  • tab=body
  • teb=head
  • tib=trunk
  • tub=arm
  • tyob=leg
  • top=soul
  • tap=physique
  • tep=mind
  • tip=sentiment
The stem of body part words begin with t, signifying a human or live creature, and end with b, meaning organism. Words referring to non-tangible parts begin with t and end in p.

The words are derived from the base word tob and descend organizationally.

The Body: Principal Parts
  • tab=body
  • taob=flesh
  • taab=lymph
  • taeb=muscle
  • taib=bone
  • taub=cartilage
  • tayob=skin
  • tayab=fat
  • tayeb=hair
  • tayib=nerve
  • tayub=gland
  • talob=artery
  • talab=joint
  • takib=vertebra
  • teb=head
  • yabteb=forehead
  • yobteb=chin
  • tebzan=face
  • tebnyeb=cranium
  • tebyeb=brain
  • teob=cheek
  • teab=eye
  • teeb=ear
  • teib=nose
  • teub=mouth
  • teyob=neck
  • tib=trunk
  • tiab=chest
  • tiayb=breast
  • tieb=lung
  • tiib=heart
  • tiub=belly
  • tiyob=kidney
  • tiyab=bladder
  • tiyeb=prostate
  • tiyib=testicles
  • tiyiyb=ovary
  • tiyub=penis
  • tiyuyb=vagina
  • tikab=esophagus
  • tikeb=stomach
  • tikib=liver
  • tikub=pancreas
  • tikyob=small intestine
  • tikyab=large intestine
  • tikyeb=anus
  • tub=arm
  • tuab=shoulder
  • tueb=upper arm
  • tuib=elbow
  • tuub=forearm
  • tuyob=wrist
  • tuyab=hand
  • tuyeb=fist
  • tuyib=palm
  • tuyub=finger
  • tulob=fingernail
  • tyob=leg
  • tyoab=hip
  • tyoeb=thigh
  • tyoib=kneel
  • tyoub=calf
  • tyoyob=ankle
  • tyoyab=foot
  • tyoyeb=heel
  • tyoyib=sole
  • tyoyub=toe
  • tyolob=toenail

The Human Being

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  • tob=human, man, person
  • toba=human
  • toban=humanity
  • tobaxer=humanize
  • tobaxen=humanization
  • tobser=become human
  • tobxer=make human
  • tobyan=mankind
  • tobin=humanism
  • tobina=humanistic
  • tobinut=humanist
  • tobifa=humanitarian
  • tobifin=humanitarianism
  • eytob=hominoid
  • tobyena=human-like
  • tobij=fetus
  • tobija=fetal
  • abtob=superhuman
  • abtoba=superhuman
  • otoba=non-human
  • tobufa=misanthropic
  • tobufut=misanthrope
  • toptun=anthropology
  • toptuna=anthropological
  • toptut=anthropologist
  • jwatop=early man
  • tobsana=anthropomorphic
  • twob=man
  • twoban=manhood
  • twobyena=manly, virile
  • twobyenan=manliness, virility
  • abtwob=superman
  • twobet=boy
  • twobetan=boyhood
  • twobetyena=boyish
  • twobetyenan=boyishness
  • toyb=woman
  • toyban=womanhood
  • toybyena=womanly
  • toybyenan=womanliness
  • toybser=become a woman
  • toybet=girl
  • toybetan=girlhood
  • toybetyena=girlish
  • toybetyenan=girlishness
  • suztob=mannekin
  • abtob=superman
  • apayetob=batman
  • apeltob=spiderman
  • fyatob=saint
  • fyatoban=sainthood
  • fyatobyena=saintly
  • fyotob=demon, bogeyman
  • aajtob=protohuman
  • sirtob=robot, automaton
  • vyotob=dummy
  • futob=bad guy, villain
  • ektobet=doll, marionette


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  • toob=gender, sex
  • tooba=gender-related, sexual
  • toobin=sexism
  • toobina=sexist
  • toobinut=sexist
  • antooba=unisex
  • ebtooba=intersex, cross-gendered
  • entooba=bi-gendered
  • evtooba=gender-neutral
  • hyaewatooba=ambi-sexual
  • hyatooba=pan-sexual
  • hyitooba=same-sex
  • hyitoobifa=homosexual, gay. homophile
  • hyitoobifat=homosexual, gay person
  • hyitoobifayt=lesbian
  • hyitoobifin=homophilism
  • hyitoobifina=homophile
  • hyutooba=alternatively gendered
  • hyotoobifa=asexual
  • hyutoobifa=heterosexual, straight
  • hyutoobifat=heterosexual, straight person
  • kyatooba=transgender
  • kyatoobat=transgendered person
  • kyotooba=cisgendered
  • kyotoobat=cisgendered person
  • kyetooba=of any gender, of whatever gender
  • otoobifa=asexual, non-sexual
  • ovhyitoobifa=anti-gay
  • oytooba=genderless
  • zeytoobat=transgendered person
  • twoob=male
  • twooba=male, masculine
  • twooban=masculinity
  • tooyb=female
  • tooyba=female, feminine
  • tooyban=femininity
  • tooybin=feminism
  • tooybina=feminist
  • tooybinut=feminist
  • twooyba=male-female

The Body

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  • tab=body
  • taba=corporal, bodily
  • tabogrun=corpuscle
  • tabos=organ
  • tabos ifbuut=organ donor
  • tabos zaykyoben=organ transplant
  • tabosa=organic
  • otabosa=inorganic
  • tabes=organism
  • ovtabes=antibody
  • tabgon=body part
  • tabnyaun=body mass
  • tabovmas=body shield
  • tabkex=body search
  • tabnyef=body bag
  • tabsaun=body type
  • tabsan=body shape
  • taba basyen=body language
  • tababaxlun=body massage
  • tabazan=strength of body
  • tabazaxer=body-build
  • tabazaxen=body-building
  • tabazaxut=body-builder
  • tabyuz=tegument
  • tabij=embryo
  • tabija=embryonic
  • tojtab=corpse
  • tojtabyubteax=autopsy
  • toptun=anatomy
  • toptuna=anatomical
  • toptut=anatomist
  • tabil=humor

  • taob=flesh
  • taoba=carnal
  • taobay=carnally
  • taobaya=fleshy
  • taobayan=fleshiness
  • taol=meat
  • yegtaobser=to reincarnate
  • yegtaobxen=reincarnation

  • taab=lymph, lymph node
  • taaba=lymphatic

  • taeb=muscle
  • taeba=muscular, myo-
  • taebaya=muscle-bound
  • taeboya=scrawny
  • taebyan=musculature
  • taeb nif=muscle fiber
  • taibyana taeb=skeletal muscle
  • yugfa taeb=smooth muscle
  • tiiba taeb=cardiac muscle, myocardium

  • taib=bone
  • taib gyian=bone density
  • taib sunyen=bone structure
  • ojfon taib=wishbone
  • taiba=osseous
  • taibaya=bony
  • taibayan=boniness
  • taiboya=boneless
  • taiboyan=bonelessness
  • taibayab=bone marrow, marrow
  • taibnyan=skeleton
  • taibnyana=skeletal
  • taibnyansyob=coccyx
  • taibnyansyoba=coccygeal
  • taibober=bone, de-bone
  • taibog=osselet
  • taibser=ossify
  • taibxen=ossification
  • taibxwa=ossified
  • taibvyixer=scavenge
  • taibvyixut=scavenger
  • taibyan=ossature, framework
  • taibyel=ossein
  • taibyem=ossuary
  • taibyena=bony, bone-like
  • tiabtaib=sternum
  • pittaib=fish bone

  • taub=cartilage
  • tauba=cartilaginous

  • tayob=skin, hide
  • tayoba=dermal
  • tayobtun=dermatology
  • tayobtuna=dermatological
  • tayobtut=dermatology
  • tayodril=tattoo
  • tayoyaz=pimple
  • tayobbuyk=bruise
  • abtayoba=epidermal
  • tayobbok=dermatitis
  • tayobabaxren=dermabrasion

  • tayab=fat, blubber
  • tayabika=fatty, blubberiness
  • tayabikan=fattiness, blubberiness

  • tayeb=hair
  • tayeba=capillary, hair-related
  • tayeb fuyv=hair pin
  • tayeb mifxar=hair spray
  • tayeb neaf=hair net
  • tayeb umxar=hair drier, hairdryer
  • tayeb yonkunad=hair fringe
  • tayebar=comb
  • tayebarer=to comb
  • tayebaren=combing
  • tayebarwa=combed
  • otayebarwa=uncombed, unkempt
  • tayebeb=tuft of hair
  • tayebbik=hair care
  • tayebbikam=hair salon
  • tayebbikut=hair stylists
  • tayebika=hairy, hirsute
  • tayebikan=hairiness, hirsuteness
  • tayebnad=hairline
  • tayebok=hair loss, alopecia
  • tayeboka=bald
  • tayebokan=baldness
  • tayebokea=going bald, balding
  • tayebonapa=disheveled
  • tayebonapxer=dischevel
  • tayoboya=hairless
  • tayebsyen=hairstyle, hairdo, coiffure
  • tayebsyenam=hair salon
  • tayebsyenut=hair stylist, coiffeur
  • tayebsyenxer=coiff
  • tayebtun=trichology
  • tayebtuna=trichological
  • tayebtut=trichologist
  • tayebuka=hairless
  • tayebukan=hairlessness
  • tayebun=toupe, wig, hairpiece
  • tayebuz=hair curl
  • tayebuzar=curling iron
  • tayebuzaser=frizz
  • tayebuzaxer=frizz
  • tayebuzika=frizzy
  • tayebuzikan=frizziness
  • tayebyaser=bristle
  • tayebzyeg=hair follicle
  • tayebzyun=hairball
  • pitayeb=scale
  • patayeb=feather
  • potayeb=animal hair
  • potayez=fur
  • potayebyan=mane, coat
  • uopetayeb=fleece, wool
  • upatayeb=down, goose down
  • vyotayebun=wig, hairpiece
  • vyupotayeb=buckskin, doeskin, suede
  • yipetayeb=cat fur
  • bepyotayeb=fuzz

  • tayib=nerve
  • tayib fab=nerve dendrite
  • tayib fib=nerve trunk
  • tayib fub=axon
  • tayib fyob=nerve root
  • tayibaun=neuron
  • tayiba naap=nervous system
  • tayibtun=neurology
  • tayibtuna=neurological
  • tayibtut=neurologist
  • tayixuer=excite, innervate
  • tayixier=get excited
  • uftayixer=annoy
  • uftayiser=get annoyed
  • tayub=gland
  • tayuba=glandular
  • teubila tayub=salivary gland

  • talob=artery (also: tiibuf)
  • taloba=arterial
  • talobog=arteriole
  • zoytalob=vein
  • zoytaloba=veinous
  • zoytalobog=venule

  • talab=joint (also: yanar)
  • talaba=articulatory
  • tyoyib talab=knee joint
  • takib=vertebra
  • takiba=vertebral
  • takibyan=spine, spinal column

The Head

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  • teb=head
  • teb abunof=head covering
  • teb bexar=kerchief, bandana
  • teb tayeb=hair on the head
  • teba=capital, head-related
  • kyuteba=light-headed, lightheaded
  • kyuteban=light-headedness, lightheadedness
  • kyutebay=lightheadedly
  • kyutebser=grow light-headed, swoon
  • kyutebxer=make swoon
  • piteb=fish head
  • abteb=scalp
  • abteboben=scalping
  • abtebober=scalp
  • abtebobwa=scalped
  • tebbaxer=nod
  • tebbaxen=nodding
  • tebbyoyk=headache
  • tebbyoyker=have a headache
  • tebdrasin=portrait
  • tebdrasinam=portrait studio
  • tebdrasinen=portrayal
  • tebdrasiner=portray
  • tebdrasintem=portrait gallery
  • tebdrasinut=portrait artist
  • tebdrasinwat=character, portrayal
  • tebdrasinyan=portraiture
  • tebkun=side of the head
  • tebnig=head room
  • tebnuf=headstall
  • tebnyeb=cranium
  • tebnyeba=cranial
  • tebnyef=skullcap
  • tebnyem=skull
  • tebyeb=brain
  • tebyeba=cerebral
  • obteyeb=cerebellum
  • zoteyeb=metencephalon
  • tebyebib=brain stem
  • tebober=decapitate, behead, remove a head
  • teboben=decapitation, beheading
  • tebobwa=decapitated, beheaded
  • tebboka=insane
  • tebbokam=insane asylum, mental institution
  • tebbokan=insanity
  • tebbokat=insane person
  • tebbokay=insanely
  • tebsin=face, countenance
  • tebsina=facial
  • tebsinay=facially
  • tebsinea=facing
  • tebsinen=facing
  • tebsiner=face
  • tebsintun=physiognomy
  • tebsintuna=physiognomical
  • tebsintunay=physiognomically
  • tebsintut=physiognomist
  • tebsiunen=nodding
  • tebsiuner=nod
  • tebsiz=portrait
  • tebsizen=portraying
  • tebsizer=portray
  • tebsizut=portrait artist
  • tebsizwa=portrayed
  • tebtazun=bust
  • tebuz=crown
  • tebuza=coronal
  • tebuzben=coronation, crowning
  • tebuzber=crown
  • tebuzbwa=crowned
  • tebuzoben=uncrowning
  • tebuzober=uncrown
  • tebuzobien=abdication
  • tebuzobier=abdicate
  • tebuzobiwa=abdicated
  • tebuzobwa=uncrowned
  • tebuz bokogrun=corona virus
  • edeba tebuz=royal crown, regal crown
  • eyntebuz=diadem
  • eytebuyz=tiara
  • eytebuz=diadem
  • tebvoz=complexion
  • tebzan=face, countenance
  • tebzan abunof=facial covering
  • tebzan yuznad=silhouette
  • tebzana=facial
  • tebzanay=facially
  • tebzanen=confrontation
  • tebzanena=confrontational
  • tebzaner=face, confront
  • tebzansin=mugshot, face image, head shot
  • uttebdrasin=self-portrait, selfie
  • uttebsin=self-portrait
  • vatebbax=nod yes
  • vatebbaxen=nodding yes
  • vatebbaxer=nod yes
  • vatebsiun=affirmative nod
  • vatebsiuner=nod yes
  • vetebbaxen=shrugging
  • vetebbaxer=shrug, nod "maybe so"
  • vitebsiner=grin, put on a pretty face
  • vitebsinea=grinning
  • vitebsinen=grinning
  • vostebuz=wreath
  • votebbax=negative nod of the head
  • votebbaxen=nodding no
  • votebbaxer=nod no
  • votebsiun=negative sign, negative nod
  • votebsiuner=nod no
  • vutebsin=ugly mug, grimace, sneer
  • vutebsiner=grimace, sneer
  • yabteb=brow, forehead
  • yabteber=hold ones' head high
  • yabtebkum=temple
  • yapiiteb=shrimp head
  • yobteb=chin
  • yobteba=of the chin
  • zateb=face (also=tebzan and tebsin)
  • zateba=facial
  • zateber=to face, confront
  • zatebea=facing
  • zateben=confrontation
  • izzateber=face squarely, confront head-on
  • ibzateber=face away
  • zateb fix=face lift
  • tobot zateb=baby face
  • zatebtun=physiognomy
  • zatebtuna=physiognomical
  • zatebtut=physiognomist
  • zateb=face, front
  • zateba=facial, frontal
  • zateben=facing
  • zateber=face
  • zatebwa=faced
  • abzateb=forehead
  • zaytebsiner=face forward, face ahead
  • zaytebsinea=facing forward, facing ahead
  • zaytebsinen=facing forward, facing ahead
  • zoteb=back of the head (also=tebzon)
  • zoteyob=nape
  • zoytebsiner=face backwards
  • zoytebsinea=facing backwards
  • zoytebsinen=facing backwards

The Eye

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  • teab=eye
  • teaba=ocular
  • abteab=eyelid
  • zeteab=pupil
  • teabyeb=eyelash
  • ateabyeb=upper eyelash
  • oteabyeb=lower eyelash
  • abteabyeb=eyebrow
  • teabzyeg=eye socket
  • teabzyun=eyeball
  • teabtun=ophthalmology
  • teabtuna=ophthalmological
  • teabtut=ophthalmologist
  • abteabyexer=furl one's eyebrows
  • anteaba=one-eyed
  • teabar=eyeglasses
  • teabarut=oculist
  • teater=see
  • teat=vision
  • teata=visual
  • teaten=seeing
  • teatwa=seen
  • teatwas=sight to behold
  • teatyaf=ability to see, the sense of sight
  • teatyafa=able to see, sighted
  • teatyafat=sighted person
  • teatyafwa=visible
  • teatyafway=visibly
  • teatyafwan=visibility
  • teatyafxer=to make visible
  • teatyofa=blind
  • teatyofat=blind person
  • teatyofan=blindness
  • teatyofxer=to blind
  • teatyofxwa=blinded
  • teatier=to perceive
  • teatien=perception
  • teatiyea=perceptive
  • teatiwa=perceived
  • teatiena=perceptual
  • teatuer=to show
  • teatuen=showing, demonstration
  • teatuyea=demonstrative
  • teaxer=to look
  • Teaxu him!=Look here!
  • teaser=to seem, to look
  • Tease bu at van...=It seems to me that...

The Ear

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  • teeb=ear
  • teeba=auricular, ear-related, auditory
  • yobteeb=ear lobe
  • teeter=to hear
  • teetyaf=ability to hear, the sense of hearing
  • teetyafa=able to hear
  • teetyafwa=audible
  • teetyafway=audibly
  • teetyafwan=audibility
  • teeytofa=deaf
  • teeytofan=deafness
  • teetyofat=deaf person
  • teetyofser=go deaf
  • teetyofsea=going deaf
  • teetyofxer=to deafen
  • teetyofxea=deafening
  • teexer=listen, pay attention
  • teexen=listening, attention
  • teexea=listening, attentive
  • teexut=listener
  • teexutyan=audience
  • yuvteexer=obey
  • yuvteexea=obedient
  • yuvteexean=obedience
  • teexier=to audition, audit
  • teexuer=to audition, let it be heard
  • teexuam=audio studio
  • tees=sound, audio
  • teeser=sound (like)
  • teesa=auditory, audio-, sonic
  • geltees=echo
  • gelteesa=echoic
  • gelteeser=to echo
  • teesdras=sonogram
  • teesnagar=audiometer
  • teesyen=acoustics
  • fitees=euphony
  • futees=cacophony
  • teesaza=noisy
  • teexar=hearing aid

The Nose

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  • teib=nose
  • teiba=nasal, rhinal
  • teiban=nasality
  • teibalier=sniff
  • teibalegier=sniffle
  • teibaxer=nuzzle
  • teibbok=rhinitis, cold
  • teibbokser=catch a cold
  • teibil=mucus, snot
  • teibiler=run at the nose
  • teibtun=rhinology
  • teibtuna=rhinological
  • teibtut=rhinologist
  • teibukxer=blow one's nose
  • teibuz=nose ring
  • teibyeg=nostril
  • teibyeger=flare at the nostrils
  • teibyena=rhinoid, nose-like
  • teipyoser=nose-dive
  • teipyuxler=to sneeze
  • teita=olfactory
  • teiter=to smell
  • teitier=to get a whiff of
  • teituer=to give off a smell
  • teityaf=sense of smell
  • teityof=anosmia, inability to smell
  • teityofa=unable to smell
  • teityofser=lose the ability to smell
  • teityofwa=odorless, impossible to smell
  • teixer=to smell, sniff
  • teixeuxer=to snore
  • teiz=perfume, aroma
  • teizber=aromatize
  • teizbar=aromatizer, perfumer
  • teizika=aromatic
  • teiznam=perfume shop
  • teizyeb=perfume vial
  • viteis=fragranace
  • viteiser=to smell fragrant
  • viteisea=fragrant
  • vuteis=odor, stink
  • vuteiser=to stink
  • vuteisea=stinky, malodorous
  • vuteisobul=deodorant
  • vuteixer=to stink up
  • vuteixen=putrefaction

The Mouth

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Mouth parts:
  • teub=mouth
  • abteub=alveolar ridge
  • zateub=vestibule
  • zoteub=back of the mouth
  • zoteubib=uvula
  • zoteubaob=tonsil
  • teubob=lip
  • ateubob=upper lip
  • oteubob=lower lip
  • teubab=tongue
  • teubeb=gum
  • teubib=jaw
  • teubip=tooth
  • teumib=palate
  • yugteumib=soft palate, velum
  • yigteumib=hard palate
  • teusibar=taste bud
Actions of the mouth:
  • teubier=to swallow
  • aynteubier=to swallow whole
  • eynteubier=to half-swallpw
  • igteubier=to gulp down
  • ikteubier=to swallow whole
  • ivteuber=to smile, grin
  • ivteubuer=to make smile
  • zyaivteuber=be all grins, beam
  • fuivteuber=to smirk, sneer, mock
  • uvteuber=to grimace, pout, sulk, mope
  • ufteuber=to frown, scorn, snear
  • ufteubuer=to make frown, displease
  • teubixer=to chew
  • ikteubixer=to chew up
  • teubixeger=to ruminate
  • teupixer=to bite
  • ogteupixer=to nibble
  • igteupixer=to chomp
  • teupixeger=to gnash
  • yagteupixer=to gnaw
  • yigteupixer=to crunch
  • ateupixer=to gnaw
  • ibteupixer=to bite off
  • yebteupixer=to bite into, indent
  • yebteubober=to suck
  • teuboxer=to kiss
  • teuboxeger=to smooch
  • teuboyxer=to give a peck on the cheek
  • teubiler=to salivate
  • teubilier=to suck
  • teubiluer=to spit, expectorate
  • teubilpuxer=to spit
  • teubiloker=to drool, slaver, slabber
  • teubilokeger=to dribble, drivel
  • teubyijer=to yawn
  • teuter=to taste
  • teuser=to taste (like)
  • teuxer=to taste
  • teuder=to shout, cry
  • uvteuder=to groan
  • ivteuder=to laugh

The Neck

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  • teyob=neck
  • teyoba=cervical, jugular
  • teyoba zoytalob=jugular vein
  • teyobuf=throat
  • teyobufa=gutteral
  • teyobufa talob=carotid artery
  • teyobufa zoytalob=jugular vein
  • teyobufa tayib=vagus nerve
  • teyobufukxer=cough, clear the throat
  • teyobufmup=pharynx
  • teyobufmupa=pharyngeal
  • zateyob=throat, larynx
  • zateyoba=laryngeal, jugular
  • zateyobbok=laryngopathy, throat disease
  • zateyobboyk=laryngitis, throat soreness
  • zateyobibvyilxer=to gargle
  • zateyobtun=laryngology
  • zateyobtuna=laryngological
  • zateyobtut=laryngologist
  • zoteyob=nape
  • tiebaluf=trachea, windpipe
  • tiebalufa=tracheal
  • teuz=voice
  • teuza=vocal
  • teuza nyifi=vocal chords
  • teuznyem=voice box, larynx
  • teuznyema=laryngeal
  • teuznyemyuijar=epiglottis
  • teuztaub=Adam's apple
  • teuztauba tayub=thyroid gland

The Trunk

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  • tib=trunk
  • tibaib=rib
  • tibaibyan=ribcage
  • yobtibser=to crouch, slouch
  • tibuzaser=to bow, bend over
  • tibuj=tail
  • tibujbaxer=wag the tail
  • zetib=waist
  • zotib=back
  • zotiba=dorsal
  • tiab=chest
  • tiayb=breast
  • tiabyoz=chest cavity
  • tiabaib=rib
  • zetiabaib=sternum, breastbone
  • tiabaibyan=ribcage
  • tikab=esophagus
  • tikaba=esophageal
  • tieb=lung
  • tieba=pleural
  • pitieb=gill
  • tiebal=breath
  • tiebalier=inhale, take a breath
  • tiebalien=inhalation
  • tiebaliar=inhaler
  • tiebaliwas=inhalant
  • tiebaluer=exhale, let out a breath
  • tiebaluen=exhalation, expiration
  • tiebaluir=lung machine, breathing machine
  • tiebaloker=belch, burp, eruct
  • teibaloken=belching, burping, eructation
  • tiebalyujber=to suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle
  • tiebalyujbwer=to suffocate, to be smothered, to be strangled
  • tiebbok=pneumonia
  • tiebbokier=to catch pneumonia
  • tiebil=phlegm
  • tiebtun=pneumonology
  • tiebtuna=pneumonological
  • tiebtut=pneumonologist
  • tiebuf=bronchus, bronchial tube
  • tiebufa=bronchial
  • tiebukxer=to cough
  • aztiebukxer=to hack, whoop
  • yabteibukxer=to couch up
  • tikeb=stomach
  • tikeba=gastric
  • tikebiil=gastric juice
  • tikebboyk=stomach ache
  • tikebbok=gastritis
  • tikebier=to digest
  • tikebien=digestion
  • tikebiwa=digested
  • tikebyik=indigestion
  • tikebyikwa=hard to digest
  • tikebil=chyme
  • tikebiloker=to vomit, throw up, regurgitate, puke
  • tikebiloken=vomiting, throwing up, regurgitation, puking
  • tikebilokun=vomit, puke
  • tikebukxer=pump the stomach
  • tikebukxar=stomach pump
  • tikebukxil=emetic
  • tikebyijber=to gut
  • tikebyijben=gutting
  • tikebyijbwa=gutted
  • tikebzyubaxrea=stomach-churning
  • patikeb=gizzard
  • tiib=heart
  • tiiba=cardiac
  • tiib igef=heart attack
  • tiibbektun=cardiology
  • tiibbektuna=cardiological
  • tiibbektunay=cardiologically
  • tiibbok=heart disease
  • tiibbyoyk=heartache
  • tiibil=blood
  • tiibil-=hemato-, hema-, hemo-, blood-, sanguin-
  • tiibila=sanguineous, blood-related
  • tiibil bal=blood pressure
  • tiibil bokuluen=blood poisoning
  • tiibil ifbuen yuzpur=bloodmobile
  • tiibil ifbuut=blood donor
  • tiibil imozkyalxen=hematosis
  • tiibil ivoza=blood-red
  • tiibil levafil nag=blood-alcohol level
  • iibil level=blood sugar
  • tiibil muil=blood plasma
  • tiibil nas=blood money
  • tiibil neg=blood level
  • tiibil neunam=blood bank
  • tiibil saun=blood type
  • tiibil syag=blood count
  • tiibil todat=blood relative
  • tiibil tum=blood cell, hemocyte
  • tiibil tyed=blood relation
  • tiibil vyaoyek=blood test
  • tiibil yebixlen=blood transfusion
  • tiibil yex=blood work
  • tiibil yontix=hemanalysis
  • tiibil yuzpen=blood circulation
  • tiibil zyiunog=blood platelet
  • tiibil zyobil=blood serum
  • tiibilaya=bloody
  • tiibilayan=bloodiness
  • tiibilbal=blood pressure
  • tiibilea=bleeding, rare
  • tiibilef=blood thirst
  • tiibilefa=bloodthirsty
  • tiibiler=bleed
  • tiibilglal=blood clot
  • tiibilglalser=coagulate, clot
  • tiibilier=suck blood
  • tiibilika=bloody, blood-filled
  • tiibilikan=bloodiness
  • tiibililp=hemorrhage
  • tiibililpen=hemorrhaging
  • tiibililper=hemorrhage
  • tiibiliut=vampire
  • tiibillevelbok=diabetes
  • tiibillevelboka=diabetic
  • tiibillevelbokat=diabetic
  • tiibilnad=blood line, bloodline, ancestry, heritage, ethnicity, lineage
  • tiibilok=blood loss
  • tiibilokea=losing blood, bleeding, exsanguinating, hemorrhaging
  • tiibiloken=losing blood, bleeding, exsanguination, hemorrhaging
  • tiibiloker=lose blood, bleed out, exsanguinate, hemorrhage
  • tiibilokxen=bloodshed
  • tiibiloya=bloodless
  • tiibilp=bloodstream, blood flow
  • tiibiltumsyagar=hemocytometer
  • tiibiltun=hematology
  • tiibiltuna=hematological
  • tiibiltunay=hematologically
  • tiibiltut=hematologist
  • tiibiltyan=race, bloodline
  • tiibiltyana=racial
  • tiibiluer=bloody, get blood on, ensanguine, bleed
  • tiibiluf=blood vessel
  • tiibiluka=bloodless
  • tiibilvoza=blood-colored
  • tiibilvyun=bloodstain
  • tiibilvyunuen=staining with blood
  • tiibilvyunuer=bloodstain
  • tiibilvyunuwa=bloodstained
  • tiibilyebilbixut=bloodsucker, vampire
  • tiibilyova=blood guilty
  • tiibilyujun=clot, thrombus
  • amtiibila=hot-blooded
  • aymtiibila=warm-blooded
  • ojwosa tiibil tum=hematoblast
  • entiibilnada=of dual ethnicity
  • entiibilnadan=person of dual ethnicity
  • gle tiibilea=medium rare
  • grotiibila=anemic
  • grotiibilan=anemia
  • gyatiibila=thick-blooded
  • ifbuer tiibil=give blood, donate blood
  • ilbuixer tiibil=pump blood
  • ivoza tiibil tum=red blood cell
  • ivoztiibila=red-blooded
  • ivoztiibiltummul=hemoglobin
  • maza tiibil tum=white blood cell
  • neg bi tiibil level=blood sugar level
  • oker tiibil=lose blood
  • okxer tiibil=shed blood, spill blood
  • omtiibila=cold-blooded
  • tiibpos=cardiac arrest
  • tiibtun=cardiology
  • tiibtuna=cardiological
  • tiibtunay=cardiologically
  • tiibtut=cardiologist
  • tiibuf=artery, blood vessel
  • tiibufa yigsenbok=arterial sclerosis, hardening of the arteries
  • tiibufa=arterial
  • tiibufog=arteriole
  • tiibuyf=capillary
  • tikyeba yazbwa zoytiibiluf bok=hemorrhoids, piles, anal swollen vein disease
  • tebyeba tiibililp=cerebral hemorrhage
  • yebilbixer tiibil=suck blood
  • yebilier tiibil=suction blood
  • yebzoytiibufa=intravenous
  • yebzoytiibufay=intravenously
  • yeybtiiba=intracardiac
  • yeybzoytiibufa=intravenous
  • zoytiibuf=vein
  • zoytiibufa=venous
  • zoytiibufog=venule, veinlet
  • tayibtiibilufa=neurovascular
  • tiib byexes=heart beat, cardiac pulse
  • tikib=liver
  • tikiba=hepatic
  • tikibbok=hepatitis, liver disease
  • tikibil=bile
  • tikibtun=hepatology
  • tikibtuna=hepatological
  • tikbtut=hepatologist
  • tiub=belly
  • tiuba=ventral
  • tiubboyk=belly ache
  • tiubdalen=ventriloquy
  • tiubdalut=ventriloquist
  • zetiub=belly button
  • zetiuba=umbilical
  • zetiuba nyif=umbilical cord
  • zetiubuz=belly button ring
  • zotiub=buttock, butt
  • tiyob=kidney
  • tiyoba=renal
  • tiyobbok=renitis, kidney disease
  • tiyobtun=renology
  • tiyobtuna=renological
  • tiyobtut=renologist
  • tikub=pancreas
  • tikuba=pancreatic
  • tikubbok=pancreatitis
  • tikyab=large intestine
  • tikyob=small intestine
  • tikyeb=anus
  • tikyeba=anal
  • tikyebub=rectum
  • tiyab=bladder
  • tiyabil=urine, piss, pee
  • tiyabiler=urinate, piss, pee
  • tiyabileger=dribble
  • tiyabilim=pissoir
  • tiyabilsom=urinal
  • tiyabilyeb=bedpan
  • sumtiyabilen=bedwetting
  • tiyeb=prostate
  • tiyeba=prostatic
  • tiyebbok=prostatitis
  • tiyebil=semen, cum, ejaculate
  • tiyebiler=ejaculate, cum
  • tijebilen=ejaculation, cumming
  • tiyebiluer=inseminate
  • tiyebob=prostate gland
  • tiyub=penis, phallus
  • tiyuba=penile, phallic
  • tiyubraxer=masturbate
  • tiyubraxen=masturbation
  • tiyubier=fellate, suck
  • fiyubien=fellatio, sucking
  • fiyubiut=fellator, sucker
  • tiyubober=castrate, geld
  • tiyuboben=castration, gelding
  • tiyubobwa=castrated, gelded
  • tiyubobwat=castrato
  • tiyubuz=cock ring
  • tiwuyb=sexual organ
  • ebtiwuyber=have sex, have coitus
  • ebtiwuyben=having sex, coitus
  • ebtiwuyba=sexual, coital
  • ebtiwuyban=sexuality
  • ebtiwuybay=sexually

The Arm

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  • tub=arm, brace, limb, appendage
  • tuba=brachial
  • antuba=one-armed
  • antubat=one-armed person
  • patub=wing, aileron, airfoil, pinion, fan
  • patubaser=to flap, flutter
  • patubasar=flapper, valve
  • patubyuj=flap, volet
  • patubzen=hub
  • pitub=fin
  • potub=paw
  • potuber=to paw
  • potuben=pawing
  • tostub=antenna
  • tubaxer=wave, flail,
  • tubsim=armchair
  • tubyog=stump, stub
  • tubyuzyuber=fold one's arms
  • untuboka=quadriplegic
  • uzyupatub=screw wing, helical wing, chopper
  • uzyupatubur=helicopter
  • yuztuber=to embrace, hug
  • zyuptub=turnstyle
  • tuab=shoulder
  • eybtuabuz=epaulet
  • tuabexer=to shoulder (a difficulty)
  • tuabnef=shoulder bag
  • tueb=upper arm
  • tuib=elbow
  • tuibaxer=to nudge, elbow
  • tuub=forearm
  • tuyob=wrist
  • tuyobuz=bracelet
  • tuyab=hand
  • tuyaba=manual
  • tuyabar=handle
  • tuyabaxrer=to wave
  • tuyabbek= manicure
  • tuyabbekut=manicurist
  • tuyabeler=hand-carry, deliver
  • tuyabelar=hand cart
  • tuyaber=to handle
  • tuyabexer=to manipulate
  • tuyabibiwa=hand-picked
  • tuyabier=to grab, take by the hand
  • tuyabilyeb=flask
  • tuyabirer=to grasp, clamp, grab, wrestle
  • tuyabirar=clamp
  • tuyabuer=deliver, present
  • tuyabuun=hand-out, present, delivery
  • tuyabumof=hand towel
  • tuyabumov=napkin
  • tuyabyanxer=join hands, shake hands, clasp hands
  • tuyabyanx=handshake
  • tuyabyex=fistful
  • tuyabyemog=fob
  • tuyabyexer=to clap, applaud
  • tuyabyex=clap, applause
  • tuyabzyun=handball
  • tuyaxer=wave
  • futuyaxer=mishandle
  • zuituyaxer=wave with the hand
  • haytuyaxer=wave hi
  • hoytuyaxer=wave goodbye
  • zituyab=right hand
  • zituyaba=right-handed
  • zutuyab=left hand
  • zutuyaba=left-handed
  • zuituyaba=ambidextrous
  • tuyeb=fist
  • tuyebaxrer=shake one's fist
  • tuyebovek=fist fight, boxing match
  • tuyeboveker=to fist fight, to box
  • tuyebovekut=boxer, fist fighter
  • tuyebyujer=clench one's fist
  • tuyib=palm
  • tuyibabaxer=pat, caress
  • tuyibaber=lay hands on, palm
  • tuyibier=palm (money)
  • tuyibuer=palm off
  • tuyub=finger
  • atuyub=thumb
  • atuyubek zyun=marble
  • atuyufuv=thumb tack
  • etuyub=index finger
  • etuyubizer=to point, to indicate
  • iftuyuxer=to tickle
  • ituyub=middle finger
  • ituyuber=give the middle finger
  • potuyub=claw
  • potuyuxer=to claw
  • tuyub milyeb=finger bowl
  • tuyub tel=finger food
  • tuyuba=digital
  • tuyubalab=knuckle, finger joint
  • tuyubaxer=to finger, fiddle
  • tuyubaxrer=to wag one's finger
  • tuyubifxer=to tickle
  • tuyubiga=nimble-fingered
  • tuyubigek=prestidigitation, magic
  • tuyubigekut=magician, prestidigitator
  • tuyubizder=point out, indicate
  • tuyubizdyea=indicative
  • tuyubuz=ring
  • tuyubyexer=to rap
  • tuyubyig=corn
  • tuyugiber=to poke
  • tuyuxer=to palpate, finger, feel, poke
  • tuyuxyafwa=palpable
  • utuyub=ring finger
  • yotuyub=pinkie
  • tulob=fingernail
  • tulob goyblar=nail clipper
  • tulob yugfar=nail file
  • tulobar=manicure device, nail cutter
  • tulobaryan=manicure set
  • tuloxer=to scratch, scrape, claw
  • tuloxun=scratch, scrape
  • tuloxefer=to itch
  • tuloxefbok=pruritis
  • tuloxefwa=itchy
  • tuloxefxer=to irritate, make itch
  • tuloxeger=to tickle
  • tuloxegar=tickler
  • tuloxegyukwa=ticklish
  • patulob=claw, gripper
  • patulober=to grip
  • patuloxer=to claw

The Leg

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  • tyob=leg
  • antyoba=one-legged
  • antyobat=one-legged person
  • intyoba=four-legged
  • intyobat=four-legged creature
  • tyoper=to walk, amble
  • tyopyen=stride, gait
  • tyopyafa=ambulatory
  • tyoput=pedestrian
  • tyopem=walkway
  • tyopar=walker
  • entyoper=walk on two legs
  • entyoba=bipedal
  • intyoper=go on all fours, crawl
  • tyobaper=to straddle, stride
  • epiyetyob=frog leg
  • lapiityob=crab leg
  • yapetyob=ham
  • zatyob=foreleg
  • tyoab=hip
  • tyoab yanar=hip joint
  • tyoab taib=hip bone
  • tyoeb=thigh
  • tyoib=knee
  • tyoib yanar=knee joint
  • tyoibalab=knee cap
  • tyoiber=to kneel, genuflect
  • tyoibsom=kneeler
  • tyoiper=to crawl on one's knees
  • zotyoib=calf
  • tyoub=calf
  • tyoyob=ankle
  • tyoyoba=plantar
  • tyoyobaler=to trample
  • tyoyobarer=to stomp, squash
  • tyoyober=to supplant, tread
  • tyoyab=foot
  • tyoyab abaxlun=foot massage
  • tyoyab eysim=footstool
  • tyoyab poyxar=foot rest
  • tyoyaba=foot-related
  • tyoyabar=pedal, treadle
  • tyoyabarer=to stomp, trample, tread
  • tyoyabbek=pedicure
  • tyoyabbektun=podiatry
  • tyoyabbektuna=podiatric
  • tyoyabbektut=podiatrist, foot specialist
  • tyoyabex=foothold
  • tyoyabuzun=stirrup, foot loop
  • tyoyabyex dazen=kick-dancing
  • tyoyabyex=kick
  • tyoyabyexen=kicking
  • tyoyabyexer=to kick
  • tyoyabyexun=kick
  • tyoyabyexwa=kicked
  • tyoyabzyun=football, soccer ball
  • tyoyabzyun ekun=game of football, football match, soccer match
  • tyoyabzyun ekut=football player, soccer player
  • tyoyabzyun ifekam=football arena, soccer arena
  • tyoyabzyun ifekem=football field, soccer field
  • tyoyap=step, walk, pace
  • tyoyapnagar=pedometer
  • tyoyapar=walker
  • tyoyapea=ambulatory, walking
  • tyoyapem=walkway
  • tyoyapen zyuv=walking stick, cane
  • tyoyapen=walking
  • tyoyaper=to walk, go by foot, go on foot
  • tyoyaput=pedestrian
  • tyoyaputa gonem=pedestrian zone
  • tyoyaputa=pedestrian
  • tyoyapyafa=ambulatory, able to walk
  • tyoyapyafwa=walkable
  • tyoyapyex=kick
  • tyoyapyexen=kicking
  • tyoyapyexer=to kick
  • tyoyapyexut=kicker
  • tyoyapyexwa=kicked
  • tyoyapyofa=unable to walk, crippled, non-ambulatory, lame
  • tyoyapyofwa=impossible to walk, unwalkable
  • tyoyapyofxea=crippling
  • tyoyapyofxer=to cripple
  • tyoyapyofxwa=crippled, disabled, lame
  • tyoyapyuker=to limp, hobble, have a hard time walking, stumble
  • tyoyapyuken=limping, hobbling, stumbling
  • abektun bi tyoyab=foot surgery
  • apetyoyab=hoof
  • apetyoyapen=trotting
  • apetyoyaper=to gallop, trot, walk like a horse
  • be tyoyab=on foot, standing
  • bey tyoyab=on foot
  • daztyoyaper=to promenade
  • elyatyoyab=cobbler's last
  • entyoyaba=biped, bipedal
  • entyoyabat=biped
  • ibtyoyapyexer=to kick away
  • iftyoyap=stroll, pleasure walk, promenade
  • iftyoyapar=stroller
  • iftyoyapen=strolling, jaunting, promenading
  • iftyoyaper=to stroll, jaunt, promenade
  • iftyoyapien=taking a stroll, going for a jaunt
  • iftyoyapier=to take a stroll, go for a jaunt
  • iftyoyapuen=taking for a stroll, walking
  • iftyoyapuer=to take for a stroll, walk
  • iftyoyaput=stroller
  • igtyoyapek=race, foot race
  • igtyoyapek nead=race track
  • igtyoyapeker=to race, race on foot
  • igtyoyapekut=racer
  • igtyoyaper=to run, jog, rush, race, walk at a fast clip
  • igtyoyapem=running path, course, race course, running track
  • igtyoyaput=runner, racer, jogger
  • ivtyoyapen=prancing
  • ivtyoyaper=to prance
  • ivtyoyaput=prancer
  • iztyoyaba zetif=orthopedic corset
  • iztyoyaper=to walk straight
  • kuityoyaper=to walk with a limp, hobble
  • kuityoyapea=walking with a limp, hobbling
  • kuityoyapen=walking with a limp, hobbling
  • kutyoyaper=to step aside
  • kuityoyaput=hobbler
  • kutyoyapyexer=to kick aside
  • kyetyoyaper=to meander, stroll about, walk aimlessly
  • mebtyoyaper=to hike, mountaineer
  • mebtyoyapen=mountaineering, mountain hiking
  • mebtyoyaput=mountaineer, mountain hiker
  • momtyoyap=space walk
  • naptyoyap=march
  • ovdal naptyoyap=protest march
  • oyebtyoyapyexer=to kick out
  • oyebtyoyapyexen=kicking out
  • oyebtyoyapyexwa=kicked out
  • teaxtyoyaper=to strut, sashay
  • tobot tyoyapas=baby step
  • tujtyoyaper=to sleepwalk, somnambulate, noctambulate
  • tujtyoyapea=noctambulist, somnambulant, sleepwalking
  • tujtyoyapen=sleepwalking, somnambulation, noctambulism
  • tujtyoyaput=somnambulist, sleepwalker, noctambulist
  • ugtyoyaper=to amble, saunter, walk slowly
  • ugtyoyapen=ambling, sautering, walking slowly
  • ugtyoyaput=ambler, saunterer, slow walker
  • untyoyaba=quadruped
  • untyoyabat=quadruped
  • vidaz tyoyapas=ballet step
  • vyotyoyaper=to stumble, trip
  • vyotyoyapen=stumbling, tripping
  • xer iftyoyap=take a walk
  • yagtyoyap=hike, stride
  • yagtyoyap tyoyafi=hiking boots
  • yagtyoyapen=hiking, striding
  • yagtyoyaper=to hike, stride
  • yagtyoyaput=hiker
  • yantyoyaper=to walk alongside, walk together
  • yantyoyaput=walking companion
  • yapetyoyab=pig's foot
  • yepetiftyoyapuut=dog-walker
  • yibtyoyaper=to hike
  • yibtyoyapen=hiking
  • yibtyoyaput=hiker
  • yogigtyoyaper=to sprint, dash
  • zatyoyab=forehoof
  • zaytyoyaper=to step forward, walk ahead
  • zyatyoyaper=to perambulate, walk around, promenade, hike
  • zyatyoyapen=perambulation, walking around, promenading, hiking
  • zyatyoyaput=hiker, promenader

  • tyoyeb=heel
  • tyoyeber=to spurn
  • tyoyebaser=to squat

  • tyoyib=ankle
  • tyoyib yuvar=ankle bracelet

  • tyoyub=toe
  • tyoyubalab=knuckle of the toe, toe joint
  • tyoyubuker=to stub one's toe
  • tyoyudazer=to tap dance
  • tyoyuper=to tiptoe
  • tyoyubaxeger=to wiggle one's toe

  • tyolob=toenail
  • tyolob goyblar=toenail clipper

Bodily Fluids

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Bodily Fluids and Gases
tab=body tabil=humor
tayab=fat tayal=oil
tayob=skin tayobil=perspiration, sweat
teab=eye teabil=tear
teib=nose teibil=mucus, snot
teub=mouth teubil=saliva, spit
tieb=lung tiebal=breath
tieb=lung tiebil=phlegm
tiib=heart tiibil=blood
tikib=liver tikibil=bile
tikyeb=anus tikyebal=fart, flatulence
tikyeb=anus tikyebil=feces, shit, dung
tikyob=bowels tikyobil=chyle
tiyab=bladder tiyabil=urine, piss, pee
tiyeb=testes tiyebil=semen, cum, ejaculate
tiyub=penis tiyubil=pre-cum
tiyuyb=vagina tiyuybil=vaginal fluid, menstrual fluid

The Soul

[edit | edit source]
  • top=psyche, soul, spirit
  • topa=psychic, spiritual
  • topan=spirituallity
  • topot=spirit, ghost, sprite, phantom
  • fyatopot=holy ghost, holy spirit
  • fyotopot=demon
  • fitopot=fairy
  • futopot=goblin
  • topotyena=ghostly
  • topbak=psychic health, spiritual health
  • topbaka=psychically sound
  • topboka=psychically unsound
  • topdet=soul mate
  • yivtopat=free spirit
  • topaga=magnanimous
  • topagan=magnanimity
  • dotop=ethos
  • dotopa=ethical
  • dotoptun=ethics
  • fitopa=good-hearted
  • fitopan=good-heartedness
  • toptun=psychology
  • toptuna=psychological
  • toptut=psychologist
  • toponapa=insane
  • toponapan=insanity
  • toponapat=insane person
  • toponapatam=insane asylum
  • toponapser=go insane

The Physique

[edit | edit source]
  • tap=physique
  • tapa=physical
  • tapan=physicality
  • tapay=physically
  • taptun=physiology
  • taptuna=physiological
  • taptut=physiologist
  • tapaza=hardy
  • tapazan=hardiness
  • tapazon=physical force
  • tapxer=exercise
  • tapxeram=gymnasium
  • tapxeren=gymnastics, working out
  • tapxerer=work out, exercise
  • tapxerut=gymnast
  • tapiflan=physical desire, lust, eros
  • tapiflana=erotic, sexual
  • tapiflanaya=lustful, voluptuous, horny
  • tapiflanier=lust after
  • tapiflanuer=make horny
  • tapiflanxer=eroticize
  • tapiflanxen=eroticization
  • tapflanxwa=eroticized
  • uttapifla=auto-erotic
  • uttapiflen=auto-eroticism
  • tapifek=sports
  • tapifeka=sports-related
  • tapifek detyan=sports association
  • tapifekut=sports player
  • tapifekutyan=sports team
  • tapifekam=sports stadium, sports arena
  • tapifekem=sports field
  • tapifeker=play sports
  • tapifekim=locker room
  • tapifekun=sports match
  • tapifekutyen=sportsmanship
  • tapifekyena=sportive, sporty
  • tapiga=vivacious
  • tapigan=vivaciousness
  • tapoza=physically weak, feeble
  • tapozan=feebleness
  • tapuga=lethargic
  • tapugan=lethargy
  • tapyen=stance, posture
  • tapyof=physical disability, handicap
  • tapyofa=handicapped
  • teptapa=psychophysical
  • yiztapa=metaphysical
  • yiztaptun=metaphysics
  • vitapa=hunky, well-toned
  • vitapat=hunk

The Mind

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  • tep=mind
  • tepa=mental
  • tepa bok=mental illness
  • tepa lozepan=mental instability
  • tepa zepan=mental stability
  • tepa=mental, intellectual
  • tepaga=broad-minded
  • tepagan=broad-mindedness
  • tepagat=broad-minded person
  • tepagra=genius
  • tepagrat=genius
  • tepanayga=simple-minded, naïve
  • tepanaygan=simple-mindedness, naïvete
  • tepanaygat=simpleton, naif
  • tepanaygay=simple-mindedly, naïvely
  • tepat=parakeet
  • tepava=favorable, favorably disposed, pro
  • tepay=mentally, intellectually
  • tepay baka=mentally sound
  • tepay boka=mentally ill
  • tepay lozepa=mentally unstable
  • tepay zepa=mentally stable
  • tepaza=intelligent, smart, mentally strong, keen, intellectually strong, clever
  • tepazan=smartness, intelligence, keenness, intellectual strength, cleverness
  • tepazat=intelligent person, clever person
  • tepazay=intelligently, smartly, keenly, cleverly
  • tepazon=mental power, intellect, mental faculty
  • tepbak=mental health, sanity
  • tepbaka=sane, mentally sound, of sound mind
  • tepbakam=mental health facility
  • tepbakam=mental institution
  • tepbakan=sanity, mental soundness
  • tepbakat=sane person, mentally sound person
  • tepbakay=sanely
  • tepbakem=mental health ward
  • tepbaktun=mental health science
  • tepbaktut=mental health scientist
  • tepbek=psychiatry, psychiatric care, psychiatric treatment
  • tepbeka=psychiatric
  • tepbekam=psychiatric hospital, psychiatric clinic
  • tepbekem=mental ward, psych ward
  • tepbektultun=psychopharmacology
  • tepbektultuna=psychopharmacological
  • tepbektultut=psychopharmacologist
  • tepbektun=psychiatry
  • tepbektuna=psychiatric
  • tepbektunay=psychiatrically
  • tepbektut=psychiatrist
  • tepbekwat=mental patient, psychiatric patient
  • tepbik=attention, heed
  • tepbikea=caring, concerned
  • tepbikea=paying attention, mindful
  • tepbikeat=concerned person
  • tepbiken=paying attention, being mindful, heeding
  • tepbiker=care, be concerned, worry
  • tepbiker=pay attention, be mindful, heed
  • tepbikier=become mindful of, heed, pay attention
  • tepbikier=become worried, become concerned
  • tepbikoya=unconcerned, not worried, carefree
  • tepbikuea=worrisome, concerning
  • tepbikuen=bring attention to, draw attention to
  • tepbikuer=bring attention to, draw attention
  • tepbikuer=worry, concern, give cause for concern
  • tepbikuwa=worried, concerned
  • tepbier=consider, bear in mind
  • tepbiwa=considered, borne in mind
  • tepbix=interest, mental engagement, attention
  • tepbixea=interesting, mentally captivating, attention-grabbing
  • tepbixer=interest, mentally attract, grab attention
  • tepbixun=thing of interest, something of interest
  • tepbixwa=interested, mentally captivated
  • tepbixwer=be interested, be mentally engaged
  • tepbok=mental illness, insanity, psychopathy, psychosis
  • tepboka=insane, mentally ill, crazy, psychopathic
  • tepbokam=mental hospital, mental institution, sanatorium
  • tepbokan=insanity, mental illness, craziness, madness
  • tepbokat=mentally ill person, insane person, crazy person, psychopath
  • tepbokay=insanely
  • tepboksea=becoming mentally ill, going insane
  • tepbokser=become mentally ill, go insane, go crazy, go mad
  • tepboktun=psychopathology
  • tepboktuna=psychopathological
  • tepboktut=psychopathologist
  • tepbokxer=make crazy, drive insane, cause to be mentally ill
  • tepbokxwa=driven insane, driven mad
  • tepbos=calmness of mind, serenity, peace of mind
  • tepboser=be unconcerned
  • tepbosien=calming down
  • tepbosier=calm down
  • tepbosuer=calm down
  • tepbosuyea=calming
  • tepboxen=calming down
  • tepboxer=calm down, put at ease, placate
  • tepboxwa=calmed, reassured, placated
  • tepbyek=psychotherapy
  • tepbyeka=psychotherapeutic
  • tepbyekut=psychotherapist, shrink
  • tepdin=dream
  • tepdinen=dreaming
  • tepdiner=dream
  • tepdinut=dreamer
  • tepdinwa=dreamed
  • tepdinyena=dreamy, dream-like
  • tepdota=psychosocial
  • tepdottun=psychosociology
  • tepdottuna=psychosociological
  • tepdottut=psychosociologist
  • tepdyeen=mind-reading, divination
  • tepdyeer=read minds
  • tepdyeut=mind-reader
  • tepeaz=vision, dream
  • tepeazen=envisioning, dreaming
  • tepeazer=envision, dream
  • tepeazut=visionary, dreamer
  • tepeazwa=envisioned, dreamed
  • tepebtiyaba=psychosexual
  • tepega=mentally normal, sane
  • tepegan=mental normality
  • tepeja=mentally present, aware
  • tepejan=presence of mind, awareness
  • tepek=puzzle, enigma, mind-game, mind game
  • tepekaya=enigmatic, puzzling
  • tepekuer=puzzle
  • tepekuyea=puzzling
  • tepeladen=chirping
  • tepelader=chirp
  • tepelat=cricket
  • tepelat=cricket
  • tepex=cognition, functioning of the mind, mental operation
  • tepexa=cognitive
  • tepexen=cognition
  • tepfen=pretense
  • tepfer=pretend
  • tepfut=pretender
  • tepfwa=pretended
  • tepfyea=pretentious
  • tepfyean=pretentiousness
  • tepiboya=toothless
  • tepiboyan=toothlessness
  • tepien=consideration
  • tepier=consider, take into account, keep in mind, bear in mind
  • tepiyea=considerate, mindful
  • tepiga=alert, smart, quick-minded, quick-witted, witty, quick-on-the-draw, sharp-witted, clever
  • tepigan=alertness, quick-wittedness, wittiness, sharp-wittedness, smartness, cleverness
  • tepigat=wit, smart fellow, clever person
  • tepigay=quick-mindedly, quick-wittedly, wittily, smartly, cleverly
  • tepika=mindful
  • tepikan=mindfulness
  • tepikay=mindfully
  • tepiva=cheerful
  • tepivan=cheerfulness
  • tepivat=cheerful person
  • tepivxer=cheer up
  • tepiza=focused, attentive, sharp, logical
  • tepizan=straight-mindedness, logicalness, logic
  • tepizat=focused person, sharp person, logical person
  • tepizber=pay attention, focus the mind, steer the mind
  • tepizbwa=focused, attentive
  • tepizbyea=attentive, mentally focused
  • tepizien=attention
  • tepizier=pay attention, focus one's mind on
  • tepiziyea=attentive
  • tepizra=sane
  • tepizran=sanity
  • tepizraser=regain one's sanity
  • tepizrat=sane person
  • tepizraxer=bring sanity to
  • tepizray=sanely
  • tepizuen=focusing, drawing attention
  • tepizuer=focus attention, draw attention
  • tepizuyea=attention-focusing, attention-getting
  • tepizuyean=attentiveness
  • tepkexea=interested, curious
  • tepkexean=interest, curiosity
  • tepkexer=be interested in, be curious about
  • tepkexuer=interest
  • tepkexuwa=interested
  • tepkexuyea=interesting
  • tepkuxea=distracting
  • tepkuxen=distraction
  • tepkuxer=distract
  • tepkuxwa=distracted
  • tepkyaxen=proselytizing, conversion, proselytization
  • tepkyaxena=motivational
  • tepkyaxenay=motivationally
  • tepkyaxer=convert, proselytize, motivate, persuade, change minds
  • tepkyaxut=converter, proselytizer
  • tepkyaxwa=motivated, persuaded, proselytized, converted
  • tepkyaxwat=convert, proselyte
  • tepkyaxyea=motivating, persuasive
  • tepkyaxyuka=easily-convertible, easily proselytizable, gullible
  • tepkyiun=weight on one's mind, worry
  • tepkyiunier=worry
  • tepkyiunuer=worry
  • tepkyiunuwa=worried
  • tepkyiunuyea=worrisome
  • tepkyoa=attentive, mentally fixed
  • tepkyoan=attentiveness
  • tepkyoay=attentively
  • tepkyox=fixation, attention, mental focus
  • tepkyoxea=obsessive
  • tepkyoxean=obsessiveness
  • tepkyoxen=fixation, paying attention to, focusing, obsession
  • tepkyoxer=fixate, pay attention to, focus on, obsess
  • tepkyoxwa=fixated, focused
  • tepkyoxwer=be obsessed
  • tepkyoxyea=attentive
  • tepkyoxyean=obsessiveness
  • tepmanxen=clearing up, clarification
  • tepmanxena=clarificational
  • tepmanxer=clear up, clarify
  • tepmanxwa=cleared up, clarified
  • tepnaga=psychometric
  • tepnagdren=psychometrics
  • tepobos=anxiety, worry, concern
  • tepoboser=become concerned, grow anxious, worry, be concerned, care, be ill at ease
  • tepoboxea=disturbing, concerning, worrisome, bothersome
  • tepoboxer=worry, bother, concern, disturb
  • tepoboxwa=worried, bothered, concerned, anxious, disturbed
  • tepoboxyea=worrisome, bothersome, concerning, disturbing
  • tepoga=petty, small-minded, mean, silly, narrow-minded
  • tepogan=pettiness, small-mindedness, meanness, silliness, narrow-mindedness
  • tepogat=silly person, narrow-minded person, petty person
  • tepogay=pettily, small-mindedly, meanly
  • tepoiza=not right in the mind, mentally off, insane
  • tepoizan=mental aberration, insanity
  • tepoka=out of one's mind, crazy
  • tepokat=one who's lost his mind, crazy person
  • tepolega=mentally abnormal, mentally aberrant, insane, weird
  • tepolegan=mental abnormality, mental aberration, insanity, weirdness
  • tepolegsea=going insane, becoming weird
  • tepolegser=go insane, become weird
  • tepolegxen=making insane
  • tepolegxer=make insane
  • tepolegxwa=make insane
  • teponap=mental disorder
  • teponapa=mentally deranged, mentally disordered, crazy, deranged, psychotic
  • teponapan=mental disturbance, craziness
  • teponapat=crazy person, deranged person
  • teponapay=psychotically
  • teponapsea=going crazy, become mentally disturbed
  • teponapser=become mentally disturbed, go crazy
  • teponapxen=making crazy, mental disturbance
  • teponapxer=make crazy, drive mad
  • teponapxwa=mentally disturbed, deranged
  • teponapxwat=mentally disturbed person, nutcase
  • tepoos=peace of mind, relief
  • tepooser=be calm, be relieved, calm down
  • tepooxer=calm down, give peace of mind
  • tepooxwa=relieved
  • tepova=unfavorable, contrarian, con
  • tepovan=contrarianism
  • tepovat=contrarian person
  • tepoyza=silly, foolish
  • tepoyzan=silliness, foolishness
  • tepoyzat=silly person, fool
  • tepoza=dumb, stupid, of weak intelligence, mentally weak, feeble-minded, dull-witted
  • tepozan=dumbness, stupidity, weak intelligence, feeble-mindedness, dull-wittedness
  • tepozat=dummy, dumb person, feeble-minded person, dullard
  • tepozeta=insane
  • tepozetam=insane asylum
  • tepozetan=insanity
  • tepozetaser=go insane
  • tepozetat=insane person
  • tepozetaxer=drive insane
  • tepozetaxwa=driven insane
  • tepozta=bored
  • tepoztan=boredom
  • tepoztaxea=boring
  • tepoztaxer=bore
  • teppax=motive, intent
  • teppaxen=motivation, intention
  • teppaxena=motivational, intentional
  • teppaxer=motivate
  • teppaxwa=motivated
  • tepsin=imagination, mental image, dream
  • tepsina=imaginary
  • tepsinien=imagination, dreaming
  • tepsinier=imagine, dream
  • tepsiniwa=imaginary, imagined, dreamt
  • tepsiniyafwa=imaginable
  • tepsiniyea=imaginative
  • tepsiniyean=imaginativeness
  • tepsiniyofwa=unimaginable
  • tepsiniyofway=unimaginably
  • tepsinuer=project an image, make see in the mind
  • teptaba=psychosomatic
  • teptapa=psychophysical
  • teptaptun=psychophysics, psychophysiology
  • teptaptuna=psychophysiological
  • teptaptut=psychophysicist, psychophysiologist
  • teptija=alert, mentally alert, conscious, attentive
  • teptijan=alertness, consciousness, attention
  • teptijber=bring around to consciousness
  • teptijier=become alerted
  • teptijper=come to, regain consciousness
  • teptijuer=alert, call attention to
  • teptuja=unconscious
  • teptujan=unconsciousness
  • teptujay=unconsciously
  • teptujben=knockout, k.o.
  • teptujber=render unconscious, knock out
  • teptujbwa=knocked out
  • teptujper=black out, go unconscious
  • teptun=psychology
  • teptuna=psychological
  • teptunay=psychologically
  • teptut=psychologist
  • teptuyj=stupor
  • teptuyjea=stuporous
  • tepuen=reminding, mentioning
  • tepuer=remind, mention
  • tepuga=slow-witted, mentally slow, dull-minded, dull, slow of mind, dumb, stupid
  • tepugan=slow-wittedness, mental dullness, dullness, stupidity, dumbness
  • tepugat=dullard, slow-witted person, dummy, stupid person
  • tepugay=stupidly, dumbly, slow-wittedly
  • tepuka=empty-headed, vapid, air-headed
  • tepukan=empty-headedness, vapidity
  • tepukat=air-head
  • tepukay=vapidly
  • tepuwa=reminded, mentioned
  • tepuxlan=impression
  • tepuxlawa=impressed
  • tepuxlen=having an impression
  • tepuxler=impress, have an impression on, influence intellectually
  • tepuxluwa=impressionable
  • tepuxluwan=impressionableness
  • tepuxlyaf=impressiveness, ability to impress
  • tepuxlyafwa=impressionable, possible to impress
  • tepuxlyafwan=impressiveness
  • tepuxlyea=impressive
  • tepuxlyean=impressiveness
  • tepuyefwa=worth mentioning
  • tepuza=scatterbrained, distracted
  • tepuzbea=distracting, mind-bending, attention-diverting
  • tepuzben=distraction, diversion of attention
  • tepuzber=distract, divert attention
  • tepuzbwa=distracted, scatter-brained
  • tepuzbyea=distracting, attention-diverting
  • tepuzra=crazy, daffy, mad, nutty, mentally twisted, loony, lunatic
  • tepuzran=craziness, daffiness, madness, nuttiness, mental twistedness, lunacy
  • tepuzraser=go crazy, go bezerk, go daffy, go made, go nuts
  • tepuzrat=crazy person, insane person, nutcase, lunatic
  • tepuzraxer=make crazy, drive batty, drive insane
  • tepuzraxwa=crazed, driven batty, driven insane
  • tepuzray=crazily, madly, nuttily
  • tepvyox=trick, ruse, con, mind trick
  • tepvyoxen=trickery, fooling, conning
  • tepvyoxer=trick, fool, play a ruse on, con
  • tepvyoxut=con-artist, trickster
  • tepvyoxwa=tricked, fooled, conned
  • tepvyoxyea=tricky, crafty
  • tepvyoxyean=trickiness, craftiness
  • tepyaf=mental ability, intelligence, brainpower, cunning
  • tepyafa=smart, intelligence, mentally-gifted, intelligent, witty, mentally capable, cunning
  • tepyafay=smartly, intelligently, cunningly
  • tepyanpyex=clash of wits, debate
  • tepyaza=cocky, cavalier, conceited, haughty, huffy, insolent, pompous, supercilious
  • tepyazan=cockiness, conceitedness, haughtiness, huffiness, insolence, , pomposity, superciliousness
  • tepyega=sane, mentally normal
  • tepyegan=sanity, mental normality
  • tepyek=puzzle, enigma, mind-test
  • tepyekier=puzzle over
  • tepyekuer=challenge the mind
  • tepyekuwa=puzzled
  • tepyekuyea=puzzling, enigmatic
  • tepyen=attitude, mental framework, spirit, mentality, mood, disposition, state of mind, morale
  • tepyena=attitudinal
  • tepyenika=moody
  • tepyenikan=moodiness
  • tepyeva=fair-minded, judicious, wise, even-tempered, level-headed
  • tepyevan=fair-mindedness, judiciousness, wisdom, even temper, level-headedness
  • tepyevat=fair-minded person, level-headed person
  • tepyiga=severe, tough-minded, strict, stern, hardheaded, hard-minded, stubborn, intolerant, rigorous
  • tepyigan=severity, tough-mindedness, strictness, sternness, stubbornness
  • tepyigat=stickler, tough cookie, stern-minded person
  • tepyigay=severely, sternly, rigorously
  • tepyija=open-minded, tolerant
  • tepyijan=open-mindedness, tolerance
  • tepyikon=problem, headache, puzzle
  • tepyiva=free-spirited, liberal, progressive
  • tepyivan=free-spiritedness, liberality, progressiveness
  • tepyivat=free-spirit, free-spirited person, liberal, progressive
  • tepyof=mental incapacity, stupidity, mental disability
  • tepyofa=stupid, dumb, mentally disabled
  • tepyofxen=stupefaction
  • tepyofxer=stupefy
  • tepyofxwa=stupefied, dumb-struck
  • tepyokla=scatter-brained, dizzy, dazed
  • tepyoklan=dizziness
  • tepyoklat=scatter-brained person, dizzy person
  • tepyoklaxen=confusion, rattling
  • tepyoklaxer=confuse, rattle, make dizzy
  • tepyoklaxwa=confused, rattled, dizzy
  • tepyontixen=psychoanalysis
  • tepyontixer=psychoanalyze
  • tepyontixut=psychoanalyst
  • tepyopoos=mental anguish
  • tepyopooxwa=mentally anguished
  • tepyuga=lax, soft-hearted, lenient, tolerant, easy-going, indulgent, softhearted, merciful, kind
  • tepyugan=lexness, soft-heartedness, leniency, lenience, tolerance, softheartedness, mercifulness, mercy, kindness
  • tepyugat=lenient person, softy, tolerant person, indulgent person
  • tepyugay=softheartedly, leniently, mercifully, kindly
  • tepyugra=lenient
  • tepyugran=leniency
  • tepyugray=leniently
  • tepyugraser=go easy, be lenient, indulge
  • tepyuja=close-minded, closed-minded, intolerant, conservative
  • tepyujan=close-mindedness, closed-mindedness
  • tepyujat=bigot, close-minded person
  • tepyukla=naive, simple-minded, naïve
  • tepyuklan=naivete, simple-mindedness, naïvete
  • tepyuklay=naively, simple-mindedly, naïvely
  • tepyuva=close-minded, conservative
  • tepyuvat=conservative, close-minded person
  • tepyuvaxea=captivating
  • tepyuvraxea=captivating, interesting
  • tepyuvraxwa=interested, captivated
  • tepyuvxer=captivate
  • tepzeta=sane
  • tepzetan=sanity
  • tepzex=attention, concentration, mental focus
  • tepzexea=attentive, concentrating
  • tepzexean=attentiveness
  • tepzexeay=attentively
  • tepzexen=attention, concentration
  • tepzexer=be attentive, pay attention, concentrate, focus on
  • tepzexuen=drawing attention to, focusing attention on
  • tepzexuer=draw attention to, focus attention on
  • antepyena=single-minded, obstinate
  • antepyenan=single-mindedness, obstinacy
  • avoza tep=blank mind
  • aynteptija=fully-conscious
  • beer ha tepulxen van=have the impression that
  • boy tepobosen av=despite, in spite of
  • donegtepyija=class-conscious
  • eynteptija=semi-alert, semi-conscious
  • eynteptijan=semi-alertness, semi-consciousness
  • fitepa=intelligent, sane, of sound mind, mentally sound, psychologically fit, psychologically o.k.
  • fitepan=intelligence, sanity, soundness of mind
  • fitepat=intelligent person, intellect
  • fitepaxwa=well-motivated, well-intentioned
  • fitepbak=sanity, good mental health
  • fitepbaka=sane, in good mental health
  • fitepkisea=propitious, propitiating
  • fitepkisean=propitiousness
  • fitepkixea=propitiating
  • fitepkixen=propitiation
  • fitepkixer=propitiate
  • fitepkixut=propitiator
  • fitepkixwa=propitiated
  • fitepkixyea=propitiatory
  • fitepyen=good mood, good disposition, cheer, good humor, good temperament
  • fitepyena=in a good mood, well-disposed, cheerful, in a good humor
  • fitepyenxer=cheer up
  • fitepyenxwa=cheered up
  • flutepyen=rage
  • flutepyena=enraged
  • flutepyenier=get enraged
  • flutepyenser=get enraged
  • flutepyenuer=enrage
  • flutepyenuwa=enraged
  • flutepyenxer=enrage
  • frutepyen=furor, rage
  • frutepyena=furious
  • frutepyenier=get infuriated, get enraged
  • frutepyenser=get infuriated, get enraged
  • frutepyenuer=infuriate, enrage
  • frutepyenuwa=infuriated, enraged
  • frutepyenxer=infuriate, enrage
  • fuitepyena=moody
  • fuitepyenan=moodiness
  • futepyen=anger, bad mood, foul temper, bad attitude, bad disposition, lousy mood, bad temper
  • futepyena=angry, mad, in a bad mood, ill-disposed, foul-tempered, in a lousy mood
  • futepyenay=angrily
  • futepyenier=get angry, get mad
  • futepyenser=grow angry, get mad
  • futepyenuer=anger, make mad
  • futepyenuwa=angered, angry
  • futepyenxer=anger, make mad
  • gitepa=keen, sharp-witted, astute, mentally sharp
  • gitepan=mental sharpness, acuity, keenness, sharp-wittedness, astuteness
  • gitepat=keen person, sharp wit
  • gitepay=keenly, astutely, sharp-wittedly
  • gratepigat=smart-aleck, smarty-pants, smart ass
  • gyitepa=tough-minded, tough-spirited
  • gyitepan=tough-mindedness
  • gyitepay=tough-mindedly
  • hyitepa=like-minded
  • hyitepan=like-mindedness
  • ivtepyen=cheerful mood
  • jateptijan=foreconscious
  • javyatepa=prudent, wise
  • javyatepan=prudence, wisdom
  • javyatepay=prudently, wisely
  • jwogtepa=senile
  • jwogtepan=senility
  • jwogtepat=senile person
  • jwogtepsea=becoming senile
  • jwogtepsen=becoming senile
  • jwogtepser=become senile
  • kas bi tep=state of mind
  • kitep=bias
  • kitepa=slanted, biased
  • kotep=subconscious, subconscious mind
  • kotepa=subconscious
  • kotepan=subconsciousness
  • kotepay=subconsciously
  • kyatepa=flexible-minded
  • kyatepan=flexibility
  • kyateper=be distracted, be absent-minded
  • kyatepyena=in an altered state of mind, distracted
  • kyaxer ota tepyen=change one's mind, have change of heart
  • kyeteper=let one's mind wander, daydream
  • kyetepyena=volatile, given to swing moods
  • kyitepa yex=hard work, earnest work
  • kyitepa=serious-minded, serious, grave, earnest
  • kyitepan=seriousness, gravity, earnestness
  • kyotepa=steadfast, stubborn, lock-headed, tenacious, stalwart
  • kyotepan=stubbornness, diligence, assiduity, persistence
  • kyotepay=stubbornly, diligently, assiduously, hard
  • logitepa=dull-minded
  • logitepan=dullness, stupidity
  • logitepat=dullard
  • lojavyatepa=imprudent, unwise
  • lojavyatepan=imprudence
  • lojavyatepay=imprudently, unwisely
  • lyotepa=crazy, insane, out of one's mind, idiotic
  • lyotepan=craziness, insanity, madness
  • lyotepat=crazy person, idiot, fool, insane person, mad person
  • lyotepaxyea=maddening
  • lyotepxer=drive crazy, drive insane, madden
  • lyotepxwa=driven insane
  • maatepa=lucid, bright
  • ohyitepa=unlikeminded
  • ohyitepan=unlikemindedness
  • oker teptijan=lose consciousness
  • okitepa=unbiased
  • otepbaka=insane, mentally unsound
  • otepbakan=insanity, mental unsoundness
  • otepeazwa=unenvisioned, undreamed of
  • otepega=mentally abnormal, weird
  • otepegan=mental abnormality, weirdness
  • otepejea=inattentive, absent-minded
  • otepejen=day-dreaming, being inattentive
  • otepejer=day-dream, be inattentive, stare in space
  • otepiza=inattentive, unfocused
  • otepizbwa=inattentive
  • otepizbyea=inattentive
  • otepizbyean=inattentiveness
  • otepkexuwa=uninterested
  • otepkexuyea=uninteresting
  • otepkyaxwa=unmotivated, unpersuaded
  • otepkyoxea=inattentive
  • otepkyoxyea=inattentive
  • otepkyoxyean=inattentiveness
  • otepoboxwa=unconcerned, not bothered, uncaring
  • otepoosea=worried, fretting
  • otepoosen=worrying, fretting
  • otepooser=worry, fret
  • otepooxea=troublesome, worrisome, concerning
  • otepooxer=cause concern, trouble
  • otepooxwa=concerned, worried, troubled
  • oteppaxwa=unmotivated
  • otepsinuwa=unimaginable
  • oteptija=unattentive, unalert, distracted
  • oteptijan=unattentiveness, unaltertness
  • otepyiga=indulgent, lenient
  • otepyigan=indulgence, lenience
  • otepyigay=indulgently, leniently
  • otepzenuyea=inattentive
  • otepzenuyean=inattentiveness
  • otepzenxea=inattentive
  • otepzexen=inattention
  • otepzexer=day-dream, lack focus
  • otepzexyea=inattentive, unattentive
  • otepzexyean=inattentiveness, unattentiveness
  • otepzexea=inattentive
  • ovaltepa=unsure, uncertain
  • ovaltepan=unsureness, uncertainty
  • ovyatepa=irrational
  • ovyatepan=irrationality
  • ovyatepay=irrationally
  • ovyatepyena=unreasonable
  • oyevtepyena=unfair-minded, biased
  • oytepa=mindless, insane
  • oytepan=mindlessness, insanity
  • oytepat=insane person
  • sin tepyek=jigsaw puzzle
  • tijtep=conscious mind, consciousness
  • tijtepa=conscious
  • tujtep=subconscious, subconscious mind
  • tujtepa=subconscious
  • uvtepyena=depressed, melancholy, downbeat
  • uvtepyenan=depression
  • uvtepyenxer=depress
  • vaatepa=optimistic, upbeat
  • vaatepan=optimism
  • vaatepat=optimist
  • valtep=confidence
  • valtepa=certain, convinced, sure, confident
  • valtepan=certainty, conviction, sureness, confidence
  • valtepansexea=confidence-building
  • vatepa=optimistic, positive
  • vatepan=optimism
  • vatepat=optimist, positive person
  • vatepin=optimism
  • vatepina=optimistic
  • vatepinut=optimist
  • vatepyena=optimistic, favorably-disposed
  • veatepa=confident
  • vitep=wit, beautiful mind, charm
  • vitepa=witty, charming
  • vitepan=wittiness
  • vitepat=wit, charmer
  • vitepdun=witticism
  • vitepdut=charmer, wit
  • votepa=pessimistic, negative-minded
  • votepin=pessimism
  • votepina=pessimistic
  • votepinut=pessimist
  • votepyena=pessimistic
  • Voy tepoboxe at.=It doesn't bother me., I don't care., It is of no concern to me.
  • vutepa=mean, wretched
  • vutepan=meanness, wretchedness
  • vutepat=wretch
  • vyatep=reason, seat of reason, logical mind, wit
  • vyatepa=rational, reasoned, logical, reasonable, wise
  • vyatepan=rationality, logicalness, reasonableness, wisdom
  • vyatepat=rational person, logical person, wise person
  • vyatepay=rationally, logically, wisely
  • vyatepser=be reasonable, wise up
  • vyatepxen=rationalization, tempering
  • vyatepxer=rationalize, temper, wizen
  • vyatepxwa=rationalized, tempered, wizened
  • vyatepyena=reasonable, rational
  • vyatepyenay=reasonably, rationally
  • vyetepa=subjective
  • vyetepan=subjectivity
  • vyetepay=subjectively
  • vyetepin=subjectivism
  • vyetepina=subjectivistic
  • vyetepinut=subjectivist
  • vyetepxen=subjectification
  • vyetepxer=subjectify
  • vyetepxwa=subjectified
  • vyidtepa=clear-minded, lucid
  • vyidtepan=clear-mindedness, lucidity
  • vyifxer ha tep=clear the mind
  • vyitepa=clear-headed
  • vyitepan=clear-headedness, clarity of mind
  • vyotepa=foolish, foolhardy, unwise, wrongheaded, fallacious
  • vyotepan=folly, foolishness, wrongheadedness, fallaciousness
  • vyotepat=fool
  • vyotepsin=illusion, hallucination
  • vyotepsina=illusory, hallucinatory
  • vyotepsinen=hallucination
  • vyotepsiner=hallucinate
  • vyotepsinier=imagine wrongly
  • vyotepsinuer=give the illusion
  • vyotepsinwa=hallucinatory, illusory
  • vyutepa=foul-minded, dirty-minded, smutty
  • vyutepan=foul-minded, dirty-minded, smuttiness
  • vyutepat=foul-minded person
  • yexer kyitepay=work hard, work earnestly
  • yexer kyotepay=work hard, work diligently, work steadfastly
  • yuktepa=easy-minded, forgiving, lenient
  • yuktepan=easy-mindedness, leniency
  • zyatepa=broad-minded, expansive, open-minded, mentally expansive
  • zyatepan=broad-mindedness, expansiveness
  • zyatepat=broad-minded person
  • zyatepay=broad-mindedly, expansively
  • zyeper tep=run through one's head
  • zyotepa=narrow-minded, bigoted, petty
  • zyotepan=narrow-mindedness, bigotry, pettiness
  • zyotepat=narrow-minded person, bigot, petty person
  • zyotepay=narrow-mindedly


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  • tip=sentiment, mood, humor, temperament, feeling, emotion
  • tipa=sentimental, temperamental, emotional
  • tipaga=big-hearted, magnanimous, generous, genial, cordial
  • tipagan=big-heartedness, magnanimity, generosity, geniality, cordiality
  • tipagat=big-hearted person, generous person, genial soul, cordial person, magnanimous person
  • tipagay=generously, magnanimously
  • tipan=sentimentality
  • tipaser=become sentimental
  • tipava=agreeable, accommodating, empathetic
  • tipavan=agreeableness, empathy
  • tipaxen=sentimentalization
  • tipaxer=sentimentalize
  • tipaxlawa=thrilled
  • tipaxlea=thrilling, vibrant
  • tipaxlean=vibrancy
  • tipaxleay=thrillingly, vibrantly
  • tipaxlen=thrilling
  • tipaxler=thrill
  • tipaxwa=sentimentalized
  • tipay=sentimentally, temperamentally, emotionally
  • tipaya=temperamental, emotional, moody
  • tipayan=moodiness
  • tipazdez=melodrama
  • tipazdeza=melodramatic
  • tipazdezaxer=melodramatize
  • tipazier=get excited, get impassioned, be moved grow frantic, run high
  • tipazika=excited, passionate, emotional, wired, frantic, on edge, fired up, hysterical
  • tipazra=furious
  • tipazran=furor
  • tipazraser=grow furious
  • tipazraxea=infuriating
  • tipazraxer=infuriate
  • tipazraxwa=infuriated
  • tipazray=furiously
  • tipazta=excited, passionate, emotional, vehement
  • tipaztan=excitement, passion, vehemence
  • tipaztaser=get excited, become passionate
  • tipaztaxea=exciting
  • tipaztaxer=excite, impassion
  • tipaztaxwa=excited, impassioned
  • tipaztay=excitedly, passionately, emotionally, vehemently
  • tipazuen=excitement
  • tipazuer=excite, impassion, move, fire up
  • tipazuka=unexcited, unpassionate, unemotional
  • tipazukay=unexcitedly
  • tipazuwa=excited, impassioned, moved, fired up
  • tipden=sentimentalization, expression of emotion
  • tipder=sentimentalize, express emotion
  • tipdwa=sentimentalized
  • tipif=kindness, amiability
  • tipifa=fun-spirited, gay, frivolous, kind, amiable, jocular
  • tipifan=fun-spiritedness, gayness, frivolity, kindness, amiability, jocularity
  • tipin=sentimentalism
  • tipina=sentimentalist
  • tipinut=sentimentalist
  • tipiva=merry, light-hearted, cheery, gay
  • tipivan=merriness, lightheartedness, cheeriness, gayness
  • tipivay=merrily, lightheartedly, cheerily, gayly
  • tipkyaa=flexible
  • tipkyaan=flexibility
  • tipkyoa=stubborn
  • tipkyoan=stubbornness
  • tipoga=stingy, small-minded
  • tipogan=stinginess, small-mindedness
  • tipova=contrary, hostile, antipathetic
  • tipovan=contrariness, hostility, antipathy
  • tipovat=contrarian
  • tipoza=weak-hearted
  • tipozan=weak-heartedness
  • tipozta=low-key, calm, unenthusiastic, bored, weak-hearted
  • tipoztan=lack of enthusiasm, boredom, weak-heartedness
  • tipoztaser=grow bored
  • tipoztaxea=boring
  • tipoztaxer=bore
  • tipoztaxwa=bored
  • tipuf=spite, anger
  • tipufa=mean, mean-spirited, spitefulness, angry
  • tipufan=meanness, mean-spiritedness, spitefulness, angriness
  • tipufika=spiteful, angry
  • tipufikay=spitefully
  • tipufra=infuriated, enraged, wrathful, incensed
  • tipufran=furor, rage, wrath
  • tipufranika=furious, raging, wrathful
  • tipufraser=get infuriated, be enraged, be incensed
  • tipufraxea=infuriating, outrageous
  • tipufraxer=infuriate, enrage, incense
  • tipufraxwa=infuriated, enraged, incensed
  • tipufser=get angry
  • tipufxen=angering
  • tipufxer=anger
  • tipufxwa=angered
  • tipuva=dour, sad-spirited, down, dispirited, solemn, grave, depressed, downcast, pitiful, sorrowful
  • tipuvan=depression, dourness, dispiritedness, solemnity, sorrow, sorrowfulness, pity, mercy, misery
  • tipuvat=depressed person
  • tipuvien=having pity on, taking pity on, having mercy on
  • tipuvier=have pity on, take pity on, have mercy on
  • tipuviyea=merciful
  • tipuvra=miserable
  • tipuvser=pity, taking pity on, being sorry for, taking mercy on
  • tipuvxea=arousing pity, pitiful
  • tipuvxer=arouse pity, depress
  • At yantipuvse et.=I pity you.
  • boy yantipuv=without pity
  • tipyaba=upbeat
  • tipyaoza=moody
  • tipyaozan=moodiness
  • tipyiga=stern, stern-hearted, hard-headed, hard-nosed, rigid, flinty, severe, rigorous
  • tipyigan=sternness, stern-heartedness, hard-headedness, flintiness, rigorousness
  • tipyigxwa=enraged, infuriated, angered
  • tipyigra=mean, rude, rough-mannered, mean-spirited
  • tipyigran=meanness, rudeness, mean-spiritedness
  • tipyigraser=grow angry, get angry, grow enraged
  • tipyigraxer=enrage, infuriate, make angry
  • tipyigraxwa=enraged, infuriated, angered
  • tipyigray=meanly, rudely, in a rough manner, mean-spiritedly
  • tipyija=open-minded, tolerant, liberal
  • tipyijan=open-mindedness, tolerance, liberality
  • tipyiva=liberal-minded, liberal, open-minded
  • tipyivan=liberalness, liberality, liberal-mindedness, open-mindedness
  • tipyoba=downbeat
  • tipyuba=intimate
  • tipyuban=intimacy
  • tipyubay=intimately
  • tipyuga=flexible, lenient, gentle
  • tipyugan=flexibility, lenience, gentleness of spirit
  • tipyugra=gentle, mild-mannered, kind
  • tipyugran=gentleness, kindness
  • tipyugray=gently, kindly
  • tipyuja=close-minded, intolerant
  • tipyujan=close-mindedness, intolerance
  • tipyuva=conservative
  • tipyuvan=conservativeness
  • uftip=anger, rage, furor
  • uftiper=be angry, be outraged, be mad
  • uftipiea=becoming angry, getting angry, getting mad
  • uftipier=become angry, get angry, anger, rage, get mad
  • uftipuen=infuriation, enragement, angering
  • uftipuer=make angry, anger, enrage, infuriate, madden
  • uftipuwa=enraged, angered, infuriated, angry, mad
  • uftipuyea=enraging, infuriating, maddening, outrageous
  • vatipa=positive, positive-minded, optimistic
  • vatipan=positivity, positive-minded, optimism, positive-mindedness
  • vatipat=optimist, yes-man
  • vetipa=skeptical
  • vetipan=skepticism
  • vetipat=skeptic
  • vitipa=in a lovely mood, chipper, cheery, jolly, jaunty, blithe, winsome
  • votipa=negative, negative-minded, pessimistic
  • votipan=negativism, negative-mindedness, pessimism
  • votipat=pessimist, naysayer
  • vutipa=in a foul mood, grouchy, surly, crotchety
  • vyatip=faith, loyalty, trust
  • vyatipa=loyal, faithful, true-minded, trusty, sincere
  • vyatipan=loyalty, faithfulness, true-mindedness, trustiness, sincerity
  • vyatipay=faithfully, sincerely
  • vyatipier=gain the trust of, confide in
  • vyatipuer=trust, be loyal to, have faith in, confide in, be true in spirit to
  • vyatipuwa=trusted
  • vyatipuwat=confidant
  • vyotipa=disloyal, unfaithful, treacherous, traitorous
  • vyotipan=disloyalty, unfaithfulness, treachery, treason
  • vyotipat=traitor
  • xeyn bi fitip=act of kindness
  • yantip=empathy, sympathy
  • yantipa=empathetic, sympathetic
  • yantipan=sympathy
  • yantipsea=sympathetic, commiserate
  • yantipsen=sympathizing, commiseration, empathizing
  • yantipser=sympathize, commiserate, empathize
  • yantipsyea=empathetic, agreeable
  • yantipuv=pity, mercy, sorrow, misery
  • yantipuvien=commiseration
  • yantipuvien=having pity on, having mercy on, feeling sorry for, compassion
  • yantipuvier=commiserate
  • yantipuvier=pity, have mercy on, feel sorry for
  • yantipuviyea=compassionate, merciful, pitiful
  • yantipuvuer=arouse pity, arouse mercy, arouse compassion
  • yantipuvuyea=pitiful, miserable
  • yiztipaz=hysteria, super excitement
  • yiztipaza eyntuj=hysterical trance
  • yiztipaza=hysterical, frantic, super-excited
  • yontip=antipathy, resentment
  • yontipa=antipathetic, resentful
  • yontipsea=resentful
  • yontipsen=being at odds, resentment
  • yontipser=be at odds, resent
  • yontipsyea=antagonistic, disagreeable
  • yonxer vyatip bay=betray, break faith with, be disloyal to, break trust with
  • ekutyan tip=team spirit
  • fitip=good humor, good mood, kindness, gentleness
  • fitipa=good-hearted, generous, nice, kind, genial, in a good mood, well-tempered, gentle, good-natured
  • fitipa=good-humored, in a good mood, cheerful
  • fitipan=good-heartedness, generousness, niceness, kindness, geniality, gentleness
  • fitipat=good soul, good-hearted person, kind person, generous person, good-natured person
  • fitipsen=showing kindness
  • fitipser=show kindness
  • flutip=anger
  • flutipa=angry, mad
  • flutipan=angriness, madness
  • flutipser=get angry, anger, get mad
  • flutipxer=anger, make mad
  • flutipxwa=angered, maddened
  • fritipa=cheery, gay, merry, gleeful, blithe, delighted
  • fritipan=cheeriness, gayness, merriness, gleefulness, delight
  • fritipier=cheer up
  • fritipser=cheer up, become amused, be delighted
  • fritipuer=cheer up
  • fritipxea=amusing, cheer, delightful
  • fritipxer=cheer up, amuse, delight
  • fritipxwa=amused, cheered, delighted
  • frutip=furor, rage, outrage, wrath, ire
  • frutipa=furious, wrathful
  • frutipser=become infuriated, become outraged, rage
  • frutipxea=infuriating, maddening, outrageous. enraging
  • frutipxen=infuriating, angering
  • frutipxer=infuriate, outrage, enrage
  • frutipxwa=infuriated, outraged, enraged
  • futip=bad mood, foul temper
  • futipa=foul-tempered, ill-tempered, ill-disposed, in a bad mood, surly
  • futipa=ill-humored, in a bad mood, grumpy, ill-tempered, sullen
  • futipan=ill disposition, bad mood, foul temper, surliness
  • futipat=foul-tempered person, angry person, surly person
  • futipser=grow angry, become angry, become ill-tempered
  • futipxer=anger, put in a foul mood
  • futipxwa=angered, indisposed
  • iftip=pleasant mood
  • iftipa=in a pleasant mood
  • kyatipa=fickle, moody, volatile
  • kyatipan=fickleness, moodiness, volatility
  • kyetipa=capricious, arbitrary, whimsical
  • kyetipan=capriciousness, arbitrariness, whimsy
  • kyetipas=whim
  • kyetipay=on a whim, whimsically
  • kyitip=gloom
  • kyitipa=serious, grave, gloomy, heavy-hearted, downcast, melancholy, downhearted, crestfallen
  • kyitipan=seriousness, gravity, gloominess, melancholy
  • kyitipay=with a heavy heart, dispiritedly
  • kyitipxea=dispiriting
  • kyitipxer=dispirit
  • kyitipxwa=dispirited
  • kyotipa=stubborn, steadfast
  • kyotipan=stubbornness, steadfastness
  • kytipser=be dispirited
  • kyutipa=light-hearted, blithe, winsome, silly
  • kyutipan=light-heartedness, blitheness, winsomeness, silliness
  • kyutipay=light-heartedly, blithely, winsomely, in a silly fashion
  • obzatip=lap
  • otipuva=pitiless
  • otipuvan=pitilessness
  • ovyatipa=disloyal, unfaithful, insincere
  • ovyatipan=disloyalty, unfaithfulness, insincerity
  • ovyatipuwa=untrusted

Verbs Derived from Body Parts

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  • tobaxer=humanize
  • tobser=become human
  • tobxer=make human
  • toybser=become a woman

  • tabazaxer=body-build

  • yegtaobser=to reincarnate

  • taibober=bone, de-bone
  • taibser=ossify
  • taibvyixer=scavenge

  • tayebarer=to comb
  • tayebonapxer=dischevel
  • tayebsyenxer=coiff
  • tayebuzaser=frizz
  • tayebuzaxer=frizz
  • tayebyaser=bristle

  • tayixuer=excite, innervate
  • tayixier=get excited
  • uftayixer=annoy
  • uftayiser=get annoyed

  • kyutebser=grow light-headed, swoon
  • kyutebxer=make swoon
  • abtebober=scalp
  • tebbaxer=nod
  • tebbyoyker=have a headache
  • tebdrasiner=portray
  • tebober=decapitate, behead, remove a head
  • tebsiner=face
  • tebsiuner=nod
  • tebsizer=portray
  • tebuzber=crown
  • tebuzober=uncrown
  • tebuzobier=abdicate
  • tebzaner=face, confront
  • vatebbaxer=nod yes
  • vatebsiuner=nod yes
  • vetebbaxer=shrug, nod "maybe so"
  • vitebsiner=grin, put on a pretty face
  • votebbaxer=nod no
  • votebsiuner=nod no
  • vutebsiner=grimace, sneer
  • yabteber=hold ones' head high
  • zateber=to face, confront
  • izzateber=face squarely, confront head-on
  • ibzateber=face away
  • zateber=face
  • zaytebsiner=face forward, face ahead
  • zoytebsiner=face backwards
  • abteabyexer=furl one's eyebrows

  • teater=see
  • teatyafxer=to make visible
  • teatyofxer=to blind
  • teatier=to perceive
  • teatuer=to show
  • teaxer=to look
  • teaser=to seem, to look

  • teeter=to hear
  • teetyofser=go deaf
  • teetyofxer=to deafen
  • teexer=listen, pay attention
  • yuvteexer=obey
  • teexier=to audition, audit
  • teexuer=to audition, let it be heard
  • teeser=sound (like)
  • gelteeser=to echo

  • teibalier=sniff
  • teibalegier=sniffle
  • teibaxer=nuzzle
  • teibbokser=catch a cold
  • teibiler=run at the nose
  • teibukxer=blow one's nose
  • teibyeger=flare at the nostrils
  • teipyoser=nose-dive
  • teipyuxler=to sneeze
  • teiter=to smell
  • teitier=to get a whiff of
  • teituer=to give off a smell
  • teityofser=lose the ability to smell
  • teixer=to smell, sniff
  • teixeuxer=to snore
  • teizber=aromatize
  • viteiser=to smell fragrant
  • vuteiser=to stink
  • vuteixer=to stink up

  • teubier=to swallow
  • aynteubier=to swallow whole
  • eynteubier=to half-swallpw
  • igteubier=to gulp down
  • ikteubier=to swallow whole
  • ivteuber=to smile, grin
  • ivteubuer=to make smile
  • zyaivteuber=be all grins, beam
  • fuivteuber=to smirk, sneer, mock
  • uvteuber=to grimace, pout, sulk, mope
  • ufteuber=to frown, scorn, snear
  • ufteubuer=to make frown, displease
  • teubixer=to chew
  • ikteubixer=to chew up
  • teubixeger=to ruminate
  • teupixer=to bite
  • ogteupixer=to nibble
  • igteupixer=to chomp
  • teupixeger=to gnash
  • yagteupixer=to gnaw
  • yigteupixer=to crunch
  • ateupixer=to gnaw
  • ibteupixer=to bite off
  • yebteupixer=to bite into, indent
  • yebteubober=to suck
  • teuboxer=to kiss
  • teuboxeger=to smooch
  • teuboyxer=to give a peck on the cheek
  • teubiler=to salivate
  • teubilier=to suck
  • teubiluer=to spit, expectorate
  • teubilpuxer=to spit
  • teubiloker=to drool, slaver, slabber
  • teubilokeger=to dribble, drivel
  • teubyijer=to yawn
  • teuter=to taste
  • teuser=to taste (like)
  • teuxer=to taste
  • teuder=to shout, cry
  • uvteuder=to groan
  • ivteuder=to laugh

  • teyobufukxer=cough, clear the throat
  • zateyobibvyilxer=to gargle

  • yobtibser=to crouch, slouch
  • tibuzaser=to bow, bend over
  • tibujbaxer=wag the tail

  • tiebalier=inhale, take a breath
  • tiebaluer=exhale, let out a breath
  • tiebaloker=belch, burp, eruct
  • tiebalyujber=to suffocate, stifle, smother, strangle
  • tiebalyujbwer=to suffocate, to be smothered, to be strangled
  • tiebbokier=to catch pneumonia
  • tiebukxer=to cough
  • aztiebukxer=to hack, whoop
  • yabteibukxer=to cough up

  • tikebier=to digest
  • tikebiloker=to vomit, throw up, regurgitate, puke
  • tikebukxer=pump the stomach
  • tikebyijber=to gut

  • tiibiler=bleed
  • tiibilglalser=coagulate, clot
  • tiibilier=suck blood
  • tiibililper=hemorrhage
  • tiibiloker=lose blood, bleed out, exsanguinate, hemorrhage
  • tiibiluer=bloody, get blood on, ensanguine, bleed
  • tiibilvyunuer=bloodstain

  • tiyabiler=urinate, piss, pee
  • tiyabileger=dribble
  • tiyebiler=ejaculate, cum
  • tiyebiluer=inseminate

  • tiyubraxer=masturbate
  • tiyubier=fellate, suck
  • tiyubober=castrate, geld
  • ebtiwuyber=have sex, have coitus

  • patubaser=to flap, flutter
  • potuber=to paw
  • tubaxer=wave, flail,
  • tubyuzyuber=fold one's arms
  • yuztuber=to embrace, hug

  • tuabexer=to shoulder (a difficulty)

  • tuibaxer=to nudge, elbow

  • tuyabaxrer=to wave
  • tuyabeler=hand-carry, deliver
  • tuyaber=to handle
  • tuyabexer=to manipulate
  • tuyabier=to grab, take by the hand
  • tuyabirer=to grasp, clamp, grab, wrestle
  • tuyabuer=deliver, present
  • tuyabyanxer=join hands, shake hands, clasp hands
  • tuyabyexer=to clap, applaud
  • tuyaxer=wave
  • futuyaxer=mishandle
  • zuituyaxer=wave with the hand
  • haytuyaxer=wave hi
  • hoytuyaxer=wave goodbye

  • tuyebaxrer=shake one's fist
  • tuyeboveker=to fist fight, to box
  • tuyebyujer=clench one's fist

  • tuyibabaxer=pat, caress
  • tuyibaber=lay hands on, palm
  • tuyibier=palm (money)
  • tuyibuer=palm off

  • etuyubizer=to point, to indicate
  • iftuyuxer=to tickle
  • ituyuber=give the middle finger
  • potuyuxer=to claw
  • tuyubaxer=to finger, fiddle
  • tuyubaxrer=to wag one's finger
  • tuyubifxer=to tickle
  • tuyubizder=point out, indicate
  • tuyubyexer=to rap
  • tuyugiber=to poke
  • tuyuxer=to palpate, finger, feel, poke

  • tuloxer=to scratch, scrape, claw
  • tuloxefer=to itch
  • tuloxefxer=to irritate, make itch
  • tuloxeger=to tickle
  • patulober=to grip
  • patuloxer=to claw

  • tyoper=to walk, amble
  • entyoper=walk on two legs
  • intyoper=go on all fours, crawl
  • tyobaper=to straddle, stride

  • tyoiber=to kneel, genuflect
  • tyoiper=to crawl on one's knees

  • tyoyobaler=to trample
  • tyoyobarer=to stomp, squash
  • tyoyober=to supplant, tread

  • tyoyabarer=to stomp, trample, tread
  • tyoyabyexer=to kick
  • tyoyaper=to walk, go by foot, go on foot
  • tyoyapyexer=to kick
  • tyoyapyofxer=to cripple
  • tyoyapyuker=to limp, hobble, have a hard time walking, stumble
  • apetyoyaper=to gallop, trot, walk like a horse
  • daztyoyaper=to promenade
  • ibtyoyapyexer=to kick away
  • iftyoyaper=to stroll, jaunt, promenade
  • iftyoyapier=to take a stroll, go for a jaunt
  • iftyoyapuer=to take for a stroll, walk
  • igtyoyapeker=to race, race on foot
  • igtyoyaper=to run, jog, rush, race, walk at a fast clip
  • ivtyoyaper=to prance
  • iztyoyaper=to walk straight
  • kuityoyaper=to walk with a limp, hobble
  • kutyoyaper=to step aside
  • kutyoyapyexer=to kick aside
  • kyetyoyaper=to meander, stroll about, walk aimlessly
  • mebtyoyaper=to hike, mountaineer
  • oyebtyoyapyexer=to kick out
  • teaxtyoyaper=to strut, sashay
  • tujtyoyaper=to sleepwalk, somnambulate, noctambulate
  • ugtyoyaper=to amble, saunter, walk slowly
  • vyotyoyaper=to stumble, trip
  • yagtyoyaper=to hike, stride
  • yantyoyaper=to walk alongside, walk together
  • yibtyoyaper=to hike
  • yogigtyoyaper=to sprint, dash
  • zaytyoyaper=to step forward, walk ahead
  • zyatyoyaper=to perambulate, walk around, promenade, hike

  • tyoyeber=to spurn
  • tyoyebaser=to squat

  • tyoyubuker=to stub one's toe
  • tyoyudazer=to tap dance
  • tyoyuper=to tiptoe
  • tyoyubaxeger=to wiggle one's toe

  • toponapser=go insane

  • tapxer=exercise
  • tapxerer=work out, exercise
  • tapiflanier=lust after
  • tapiflanuer=make horny
  • tapiflanxer=eroticize
  • tapifeker=play sports

  • tepbiker=care, be concerned, worry
  • tepbiker=pay attention, be mindful, heed
  • tepbikier=become mindful of, heed, pay attention
  • tepbikier=become worried, become concerned
  • tepbikuer=bring attention to, draw attention
  • tepbikuer=worry, concern, give cause for concern
  • tepbier=consider, bear in mind
  • tepbixer=interest, mentally attract, grab attention
  • tepbixwer=be interested, be mentally engaged
  • tepbokser=become mentally ill, go insane, go crazy, go mad
  • tepbokxer=make crazy, drive insane, cause to be mentally ill
  • tepboser=be unconcerned
  • tepbosier=calm down
  • tepbosuer=calm down
  • tepboxer=calm down, put at ease, placate
  • tepdiner=dream
  • tepdyeer=read minds
  • tepeazer=envision, dream
  • tepekuer=puzzle
  • tepelader=chirp
  • tepfer=pretend
  • tepier=consider, take into account, keep in mind, bear in mind
  • tepivxer=cheer up
  • tepizber=pay attention, focus the mind, steer the mind
  • tepizier=pay attention, focus one's mind on
  • tepizraser=regain one's sanity
  • tepizraxer=bring sanity to
  • tepizuer=focus attention, draw attention
  • tepkexer=be interested in, be curious about
  • tepkexuer=interest
  • tepkuxer=distract
  • tepkyaxer=convert, proselytize, motivate, persuade, change minds
  • tepkyiunier=worry
  • tepkyiunuer=worry
  • tepkyoxer=fixate, pay attention to, focus on, obsess
  • tepkyoxwer=be obsessed
  • tepmanxer=clear up, clarify
  • tepoboser=become concerned, grow anxious, worry, be concerned, care, be ill at ease
  • tepoboxer=worry, bother, concern, disturb
  • tepolegser=go insane, become weird
  • tepolegxer=make insane
  • teponapser=become mentally disturbed, go crazy
  • teponapxer=make crazy, drive mad
  • tepooser=be calm, be relieved, calm down
  • tepooxer=calm down, give peace of mind
  • tepozetaser=go insane
  • tepozetaxer=drive insane
  • tepoztaxer=bore
  • teppaxer=motivate
  • tepsinier=imagine, dream
  • tepsinuer=project an image, make see in the mind
  • teptijber=bring around to consciousness
  • teptijier=become alerted
  • teptijper=come to, regain consciousness
  • teptijuer=alert, call attention to
  • teptujber=render unconscious, knock out
  • teptujper=black out, go unconscious
  • tepuer=remind, mention
  • tepuxler=impress, have an impression on, influence intellectually
  • tepuzber=distract, divert attention
  • tepuzraser=go crazy, go bezerk, go daffy, go made, go nuts
  • tepuzraxer=make crazy, drive batty, drive insane
  • tepvyoxer=trick, fool, play a ruse on, con
  • tepyekier=puzzle over
  • tepyekuer=challenge the mind
  • tepyofxer=stupefy
  • tepyoklaxer=confuse, rattle, make dizzy
  • tepyontixer=psychoanalyze
  • tepyugraser=go easy, be lenient, indulge
  • tepyuvxer=captivate
  • tepzexer=be attentive, pay attention, concentrate, focus on
  • tepzexuer=draw attention to, focus attention on
  • fitepkixer=propitiate
  • fitepyenxer=cheer up
  • flutepyenier=get enraged
  • flutepyenser=get enraged
  • flutepyenuer=enrage
  • flutepyenxer=enrage
  • frutepyenier=get infuriated, get enraged
  • frutepyenser=get infuriated, get enraged
  • frutepyenuer=infuriate, enrage
  • frutepyenxer=infuriate, enrage
  • futepyenier=get angry, get mad
  • futepyenser=grow angry, get mad
  • futepyenuer=anger, make mad
  • futepyenxer=anger, make mad
  • jwogtepser=become senile
  • kyateper=be distracted, be absent-minded
  • kyeteper=let one's mind wander, daydream
  • lyotepxer=drive crazy, drive insane, madden
  • otepejer=day-dream, be inattentive, stare in space
  • otepooser=worry, fret
  • otepooxer=cause concern, trouble
  • otepzexer=day-dream, lack focus
  • uvtepyenxer=depress
  • vyatepser=be reasonable, wise up
  • vyatepxer=rationalize, temper, wizen
  • vyetepxer=subjectify
  • vyotepsiner=hallucinate
  • vyotepsinier=imagine wrongly
  • vyotepsinuer=give the illusion

  • tipaser=become sentimental
  • tipaxer=sentimentalize
  • tipaxler=thrill
  • tipazdezaxer=melodramatize
  • tipazier=get excited, get impassioned, be moved grow frantic, run high
  • tipazraser=grow furious
  • tipazraxer=infuriate
  • tipaztaser=get excited, become passionate
  • tipaztaxer=excite, impassion
  • tipazuer=excite, impassion, move, fire up
  • tipder=sentimentalize, express emotion
  • tipoztaser=grow bored
  • tipoztaxer=bore
  • tipufraser=get infuriated, be enraged, be incensed
  • tipufraxer=infuriate, enrage, incense
  • tipufser=get angry
  • tipufxer=anger
  • tipuvier=have pity on, take pity on, have mercy on
  • tipuvser=pity, taking pity on, being sorry for, taking mercy on
  • tipuvxer=arouse pity, depress
  • tipyigraser=grow angry, get angry, grow enraged
  • tipyigraxer=enrage, infuriate, make angry
  • uftiper=be angry, be outraged, be mad
  • uftipier=become angry, get angry, anger, rage, get mad
  • uftipuer=make angry, anger, enrage, infuriate, madden
  • vyatipier=gain the trust of, confide in
  • vyatipuer=trust, be loyal to, have faith in, confide in, be true in spirit to
  • yantipser=sympathize, commiserate, empathize
  • yantipuvier=commiserate
  • yantipuvier=pity, have mercy on, feel sorry for
  • yantipuvuer=arouse pity, arouse mercy, arouse compassion
  • yontipser=be at odds, resent
  • fitipser=show kindness
  • flutipser=get angry, anger, get mad
  • flutipxer=anger, make mad
  • fritipier=cheer up
  • fritipser=cheer up, become amused, be delighted
  • fritipuer=cheer up
  • fritipxer=cheer up, amuse, delight
  • frutipser=become infuriated, become outraged, rage
  • frutipxer=infuriate, outrage, enrage
  • futipser=grow angry, become angry, become ill-tempered
  • futipxer=anger, put in a foul mood
  • kyitipxer=dispirit
  • kytipser=be dispirited