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Core Words

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  • tom....building
  • tam....house
  • tem....hall, gallery
  • tim....room
  • tum....compartment, booth
  • mos....floor
  • mas....wall
  • mes....door
  • mis....window
  • mus....stairs
  • som....furniture
  • sam....chest
  • sem....table
  • sim....chair
  • sum....bed


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  • tom....building, edifice
  • azwxwa tom....castle
  • byaxer tom....erect a building
  • toam....residence
  • yanbewa toam....condominium, condo
  • yanbewa toames....condo unit
  • yonbewa toam....apartment building
  • yonbewa toames....apartment
  • gonbewa toam....coop building
  • gonbewa toames....coop unit
  • toames....unit, apartment
  • toem....domicile
  • toom....habitat
  • toym....structure, small building
  • zyutoym....turret
  • nyextoym....shed
  • yabtom....tower, high-rise
  • izbex yabtom....control tower
  • jwobir yabtom....clock tower
  • num yabtom....cell tower
  • beax yabtom....watch tower
  • uiben yabtom....transmission tower, cell tower
  • mamyabtom....skyscraper
  • teabexlun yabtom....watch tower
  • zyutom....rook, tower
  • mil zyutom....water tower
  • jwobir zyutom....clock tower
  • ujtom....terminal
  • melpien ujtom....arrivals terminal
  • melpuen ujtom....departures terminal
  • beaxtom....watch tower
  • tomaz....castle, keep

Houses and Buildings

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  • tam....house
  • anmostam....rambler
  • pontam....vacation home
  • poptam....hotel
  • sumtel poptam....bed-and-breakfast
  • toda poptam....boarding house, pension
  • purpoptam....motel
  • poptaym....inn, hostel
  • domtam....townhouse
  • doptam....barracks
  • fabtam....tree house
  • tistam....school
  • tyen tistam....trade school
  • atistam....elementary school
  • etistam....high school, lycée
  • itistam....college
  • utistam....university
  • jatistam....pre-school, kindergarten
  • joutistam....post-graduate school
  • jeeb tistam....summer school
  • dyestam....library
  • futam....house of ill repute
  • hinda tam....bungalo
  • jeeb tam....summer house
  • manartam....lighthouse
  • kotam....cloister
  • kutam....shed
  • nabtam....row house
  • paxyafwa tam....mobile home, trailer
  • tiltam....tavern, drinkery, pub
  • zyuktam....house on wheels, trailer
  • zyutam....roundhouse
  • taym....little house
  • mimkum taym....beach hut, beach cottage
  • meb taym....mountain cabin
  • fauf taym....log cabin
  • tamag....mansion
  • vitamag....palace
  • tamaz....castle
  • vitamaz....chateau
  • tamog....cottage
  • faobtaym....ranch home
  • faobtamog....cabin, wood lodge, wood hut
  • tamoyg....hut
  • tamyog....shack, shed, hutch
  • vutam....dump, flophouse, pigpen, hovel
  • -am....stub for tam place, home, building
  • apatam....chicken coop, henhouse
  • apayetam....bat cave
  • apelatam....beehive, hive
  • apetam....horse stable, stable
  • apyatam....eagle's nest
  • apyotam....lion's den
  • ayibdubetam....consulate general
  • beyotam....bear's cave, den
  • doublawatam....house of parliament
  • epetam....bull pen, cowshead
  • epiyetam....toadstool
  • epyotam....tiger's den
  • fapeltam....ant colony, ant hill
  • fyadoytuytam....convent, nunnery
  • fyakosutam....hermitage, retreat
  • yipyotam....wolf's lair, lair
  • yupetam....hutch

Building Structure

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  • mos....floor
  • mas....wall
  • mes....door
  • mis....window
  • mus....stairs
  • mos....floor
  • omos....ground floor
  • amos....first floor
  • aamos....main floor
  • emos....second floor
  • ebmos....entresol
  • zemos....mezzanine
  • oybmos....cellar, basement
  • obmos....bottom floor
  • abmos....top floor
  • aybmos....attic
  • dezmos....stage
  • zyimos....platform, deck
  • mas....wall
  • mays....screen
  • aybmas....ceiling
  • uzaybmas....vault, arch, vaulted ceiling
  • abtamas....roof
  • maar abtamas....sun roof
  • umvibwa abtamas....thatched roof
  • uzabmas....arch
  • zyuabtamas....dome
  • oybmas....floor
  • faoba oybmas....wood(en) floor
  • obtamas....foundation
  • obzamas....porch
  • abzamas....balcony
  • abzumas....ledge, cornice
  • yuzmas....fence, enclosure
  • mugnef yuzmas....grated fence
  • muyf yuzmas....picket fence
  • meg yuzmas....stone fence
  • mef yuzmas....brick fence
  • dommas....city wall
  • grailpmas....flood wall, levee
  • aypusmas....hurdle
  • uzmas....apron
  • golmas....partition, divider
  • magmas....firewall
  • megmas....stonewall, parapet
  • melmas....rampart, earthwork
  • mepkumas....embankment
  • yebmas....inner wall
  • oyebmas....facade, outer wall
  • ovbukmas....bulwark, defensive wall
  • ovpasmas....blockade
  • milovmas....dam
  • mimmas....seawall
  • syobmas....pedestal, substratum, underpinning, footing
  • yimmas....floodwall
  • yonmas....partition
  • zamas....front wall
  • kumas....side wall
  • zomas....back wall
  • zyufmas....palisade, stockade, pen
  • mes....door
  • meys....gate, portal, hatch
  • elyam meys....iron gate
  • kumes....side door
  • zames....front door
  • zomes....rear door, backdoor
  • yebmes....entrance
  • oyebmes....exit
  • pexmes....trapdoor
  • eynmes....halfdoor
  • zaopmes....swinging door
  • yegzyupea mes....revolving door
  • kyapea mes....sliding door
  • petif mes....pet door
  • puram mes....garage door
  • oybmos mes....basement door, cellar door
  • mes obkunad....door sill
  • mes oybfaof...doorsill
  • mes oybun....threshold
  • meszan....doorstep
  • mes kufaof....doorjamb

  • mis....window
  • abmis....fanlight
  • aybmasmis....hatch
  • oybmasmis....trap door
  • drurunes mis....ticket window
  • eynmis....shutter, flap
  • makmis....electrode
  • vaa makmis....anode
  • voa makmis....cathode
  • mimmis....porthole
  • mammis....skylight
  • nammis....shop window
  • sinmis....picture window
  • tujyemmis....dormer
  • yobuxmis....shutter
  • yija mis....open door, opportunity
  • vozzyefmis....stained-glass window

  • mus....stairs
  • muys....ladder
  • mustum....stairwell
  • zyupea mustum....winding staircase
  • musmep....stairway
  • musnog....stair step, step, rung
  • mussyob....staircase landing
  • pir mus....fire escape
  • magmus....fire escape
  • yaper ha mus....to climb the stairs
  • yoper ha mus....to descend the stairs


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  • tam....house
  • tem....hall
  • tim....room
  • tum....compartment, closet, booth, stall
  • tem....hall, gallery, ward
  • aagtem....grand hall, main hall
  • abtem....attic
  • zatem....lobby, foyer, vestibule
  • dezam zatem....theater lobby
  • deztem....performance hall
  • duztem....music hall
  • zetem....centrall hall
  • zyetem....hallway, corridor
  • zyutem....gallery
  • yabzyutem....upper gallery
  • tistem....lecture hall
  • tixtem....study hall
  • tuztem....art gallery
  • yagtem....gallery, long hall
  • pontem....lounge
  • kutem....side hall
  • fyuzam tem....prison ward
  • yovbyok tem....prison block, prison ward
  • dyestem....book gallery
  • datibtem....reception hall
  • drasintem....picture gallery
  • oyebtem....veranda
  • tultem....mess hall, dining hall
  • tulagtem....banquet hall
  • daztem....ballroom, dancing hall

  • tum....compartment, closet, booth, stall, cell
  • sartum....tool shed, tool room
  • abyoxarum....closet
  • azonulum....energy cell
  • beaxum....watchbox
  • beaxutum....sentry box
  • deuzutyanum....choir stall
  • dokebium....polling booth
  • doteuzuen tum....voting booth
  • drurunes tum....ticket booth
  • dyestum....bookstall
  • ejna tayib tum....neuroblast
  • ejna tiibil tum....hematoblast
  • frunkadum....confessional
  • fyaifrum....prayer station
  • fyoxkadum....confessional
  • fyuzamtum....prison cell, jail cell
  • iftilum....refreshment stand
  • ilzyapixum....shower stall
  • ivoza tiibil tum....red blood cell
  • izbum....cockpit
  • kodum....confessional
  • kotum....dungeon
  • kyobexum....cage
  • kyoembum....parking space
  • maara tum....solar cell
  • mak tum....electric cell
  • mampurizbum....cockpit
  • maza tiibil tum....white blood cell
  • mep nuxtum....tollbooth, highway tollbooth
  • meum....zone, district
  • milabum....shower stall
  • milibrum....sump
  • milzyabum....shower stall
  • muga pexum....metal cage
  • mus zyutum....stairwell
  • mustum....stair well, stairwell
  • naskyaxum....money conversion booth
  • nixbuen tum....vending booth
  • tum....cell
  • nuntum....kiosk, vendor stand
  • nunuium....trade stall
  • nunum....market stall
  • nyentum....storage closet
  • pexum....cage, trap, cell, clink
  • purkyoembum....parking spot, parking space
  • sarnyanum....equipment closet
  • sumtum....couchette, bunk
  • taeb tum....muscle cell
  • tafbexlum....hatcheck
  • tayib tum....nerve cell
  • tayob tum....skin cell
  • teabexlutum....guard post, guard booth
  • tebyeb tum....brain cell
  • teetum....sound booth
  • telum....food kiosk, food stall, food stand
  • tiibil tum....blood cell, hemocyte
  • tijum....ovum, gamete
  • tilum....refreshment stall, refreshment stand, drink kiosk
  • tixum....study booth, study pod, study cubicle
  • toj tum....death cell
  • tolum....food stall
  • tum....cell, compartment, unit, section, closet, booth, pod, cubicle, stall
  • tyalogum....snack bar
  • -um....booth, stall, cell, compartment, closet, stub suffix for tum
  • valbexutum....guard post
  • yakunidum....cubicle
  • yaovdutyanum....jury box
  • zyutum....well, shaft
  • tim (or -im)....room, chamber, salon
  • dovyabdrutim....legislative chamber
  • abdovyabdrutim....senate, upper legislative chamber
  • obdovyabdrutim....house, lower legislative chamber
  • abtim....attic, upstairs room
  • apetim....stall, horse stall
  • aybtim....attic, garret, mansard
  • bextim....holding cell
  • datim....living room, salon, parlor, sitting room, living-room
  • datuputim....guestroom
  • dezkutim....theater wing
  • deztim....theater salon, auditorium
  • dezzotim....backstage
  • doublawatim....chamber of deputies, chamber of congress
  • abdoublawatim....senate chamber, upper chamber of deputies
  • obdoublawatim....house chamber, lower chamber of deputies
  • dreutim....secretary's office
  • dyestim....den, study, library, cabinet, office, studio
  • ebtim....corridor, hallway, room in between
  • eftim....lavatory, washroom, w.c., bathroom, toilet, men's room, lady's room
  • fyatim....sanctuary
  • fyautim....sacristy
  • glasumtim....dormitory
  • kostim....closet
  • kotim....secret chamber
  • kutim....side room, wing
  • meiltim....mud room
  • miltim....bathroom, restroom, washroom
  • mimpartim....cabin
  • mimpurtim....ship cabin
  • movtim....smoking room
  • obtim....cellar, basement
  • mapuzrun obtim....storm cellar
  • oybtim....cellar, basement, cave
  • oyebtim....outhouse, outside room
  • popdatim....guest room
  • poputim....guest room
  • sumtim....bedroom
  • teetim....sound studio
  • teltim....dining room
  • tiltim....saloon
  • tim....room, chamber, quarters
  • tistim....classroom
  • tojtim....death chamber
  • tyal ay tim....board and lodging, board and bed
  • vafil oybtim....wine cellar
  • vitim....salon
  • yagzyotim....corridor, passage, couloir, hallway, lane, passageway, thoroughfare
  • yantim....suite
  • yapetim....pigsty
  • yebtim....inner room, inner chamber, chamber
  • yepetim....kennel, pound
  • yevdibutim....judge's chamber
  • yextim....office
  • yonuttim....stateroom
  • zatim....antechamber, front room, anteroom
  • zotim....back room, backroom
  • zyotim....hall, hallway, corridor
  • zyutim....rotunda


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  • som....piece of furniture, appliance
  • sam....chest, armoire
  • sem....table
  • sim....chair
  • sum....bed

Furniture and Appliances

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  • som....piece of furniture
  • somyan....furniture, furnishing
  • dresom....desk, secretary, bureau
  • dreutsom....desk, secretary, bureau
  • ilsom....sink
  • mansom....light fixture
  • maksom....electric appliance
  • milamsom....water heater
  • milufsom....toilet, commode
  • milyepsom....bathtub
  • telimsom....sideboard
  • tilsom....refreshment stand
  • tiyabilsom....urinal
  • vyilsom....wash basin
  • yebvyilsom....bathtub

Chests and Cabinets

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  • sam....chest, armoire
  • avulsam....pantry
  • bakulsam....medicine cabinet
  • dreunyebsam....filing cabinet
  • dyessam....bookcase
  • dyessammoys....bookshelf
  • nyemsam....chest,, coffer, chest of drawers
  • telsam....cupboard
  • tolsam....food buffet
  • tovsam....linen chest
  • tularsam....china cabinet
  • yomsam....ice chest, freezer
  • samnyeb....drawer
  • sammoys....shelf


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  • sem....table
  • semog....tablet, shelf
  • ablaxen sem....massage table
  • abeksem....surgical table
  • dresem....desk
  • dyedsem....lectern
  • fyadalsem....pulpit
  • fyasem....altar
  • ifeksem....game table
  • kusem....sideboard, credenza, buffet
  • manar sem....lamp stand
  • nasveleksem....gambling table
  • nixbuutsem....sales counter
  • nunuien sem....trading table
  • syagsem....counter
  • tabsem....bier
  • taogoblen sem....butcher block
  • tilsem....bar, drink counter
  • tyalsem....dining table
  • tojatsem....bier
  • zyixaren sem....ironing board
  • zyupea sem....dumb waiter


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  • sim....chair, seat
  • siim....bench
  • aa nab sim....front row seat
  • aa tyan sim....first class seat
  • aamos sim....orchestra seat, main floor seat
  • abaunwam sim....deck chair
  • abzamas sim....balcony seat
  • agsim....armchair
  • apetsim....saddle
  • beuwa sim....available chair
  • biwa sim....taken chair
  • buxsim....push chair, wheelchair
  • doyevsim....bench, judicial bench
  • ebmep sim....aisle seat
  • edebsim....throne, royal throne
  • embiwa sim....occupied chair
  • eysim....stool, bar stool, footstool
  • tyoyab eysim....footstool
  • tilam eysim....bar stool
  • faobsim....wooden chair
  • fyadilsim....pew
  • fyasim....cathedra
  • izzonsim....straight-back chair
  • jabexwa sim....reserved seat
  • kua gon sim....side section seat
  • maka sim....electric chair
  • mimkum sim....beach chair
  • mugsim....metal chair
  • nyemsim....box seat
  • obeuwa sim....unavailable chair
  • obiwa sim....untaken chair
  • ofyujea sim....folding chair, camp chair, collapsible chair
  • olembiwa sim....unoccupied chair
  • oyebema yagsim....chaise lounge, deck chair
  • oyixwa sim....unused chair, unoccupied chair
  • pasegea sim....swing
  • pursim....car seat, booth, coach seat
  • petapsim....saddle
  • teadutsim....witness chair, witness box
  • tobetsim....high chair, highchair
  • tubsim....armchair
  • tuj yagsim....sleep sofa
  • uka sim....empty chair
  • uveb nyef sim....beanbag chair
  • uzzonsim....bucket seat
  • yagpen sim....lounge chair
  • yagsim....sofa
  • yagyigsim....bench
  • yagyugsim....sofa, divan, couch
  • yagzonsim....high-back chair
  • yanuzbuwa sim....folding chair, folded chair
  • yaopsim....seesaw
  • yigsim....hard back chair, dining room chair, hard chair, uncushioned chair
  • yiva sim....free chair
  • yivzyupsim....swivel chair
  • yixwa sim....used chair, occupied chair
  • yugsim....easy chair
  • yuijbea sim....folding chair
  • yuksim....easy chair, soft chair, cushioned chair
  • zaobasea sim....rocking chair, rocker
  • zaobassim....rocking chair, rocker
  • zaopsim....swing
  • zea gon sim....center section seat
  • zoykisea sim....recliner, reclining chair
  • zyasim....armchair
  • zyuksim....wheel chair
  • zyupsim....swivel chair
  • sum....bed
  • suym....cot, sleeper couch
  • sumes....couchette
  • awatob sum....single bed
  • ewatob sum....double bed, twin bed, full-size bed
  • iwatob sum....queen-size bed
  • uwatob sum....king-size bed

  • belea sum....stretcher
  • bokam sum....hospital bed
  • bukwat sum....litter
  • byoxwa sum....hammock
  • eona sum....double bed
  • eonsum....twin bed
  • eynsum....day bed
  • igsum....day bed, temporary bed, cot
  • iksum....full-size bed, queen-size bed
  • kusum....side bed, bunk, cot
  • milsum....water bed
  • nyaxwa sum....bunk bed
  • patsum....nest
  • popsum....berth
  • potsum....litter
  • tamofsum....sleeping bag, tent bed
  • tobet sum....baby bed
  • tojoata sum....deathbed
  • vubsum....nest
  • yaga uwatob sum....California king-size bed
  • yaobsum....bunk bed
  • yobsum....divan
  • zaobasea sum....rocking bed
  • zaobassum....cradle, crib
  • zyuksum....roll-away bed

  • jwaber ha sum....make the bed
  • sumper....to go to bed
  • yansumper....to sleep together
  • sumyeper....to get into bed
  • sumoyeper....to get out of bed
  • sumuper....to come to bed
  • sumoper....to get up from the bed
  • sumpier....to leave the bed
  • sumbeser....to stay in bed
  • sumber....to put to bed
  • sumober....to kick out of bed

  • suam....cushion
  • nivar suam....pin cushion
  • suaym....cushion
  • suaymov....pillowcase, pillow slip
  • suem....mattress
  • gyosuem....pad
  • malsuem....air mattress
  • zyisuem....futon
  • puysegar suem....spring mattress
  • suemof....bedspread
  • suemoyf....blanket
  • suemov....sheet
  • suemoyv....liner
  • suim....box spring, bed spring
  • suimov....liner
  • sumzyuf....bedpost
  • sumtebfaof....headboard
  • sumsaibyan....bed frame
  • sumdet....bedmate, bed partner


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  • masof....carpet
  • masoyf....rug
  • misof....curtain
  • ebmas....partition
  • mes nufag....door knob
  • mes gyosuem....door mat
  • manufyan....chandelier
  • tolsyeb nov....potholder
  • abmef....tile
  • mempuram....garage, carport
  • purpuem....driveway
  • movuf....chimney
  • mageym....fireplace
  • mesabaun....porch
  • oyebzyimos....deck
  • misabof....awning