Mirad Lexicon/Mirad-English-D
da -- dabtyenay
[edit | edit source]- da = d, da, the letter d
- daaa = daaa
- daab = body politic
- daagbanak = dB, decibel
- daagenak = dag, decagram
- daalen = yacking
- daaler = to yack
- daapatyan = majcom, major command
- daat = ally, buddy, chum, pal
- daatan = alliance, buddyhood, buddyship
- daatsen = allying, being buddies, chumming up
- daatser bay = to ally oneself with
- daatser = to ally with, to be buddies with, to buddy up to chum up to
- daatxen = alliance
- daatxwa = allied
- daatyena = buddy-like, chummy, congenial
- daatyenan = chumminess, congeniality
- daatyenay = chummily, congenially
- daayt = female pal, girlfriend
- -dab = -archy, -cracy
- dab bi onaptyoyd = mob rule
- dab = government, rule
- dab yexut = clerk, government worker
- daba dal = governmentese
- daba = government, governmental
- daba yex = government work
- daba yuxlam = government agency
- daba yuxlen = civil service
- daba yuxlut = civil servant
- daba zem = government center
- dabalk = Db, dubnium
- dabaotyan = presidium
- dabaun = polity
- dabay = governmentally
- dabdea = ordaining
- dabden = ordainment, ordination
- dabder = to ordain
- dabdras = ordinance
- dabdrezut = poet laureate
- dabdwa = ordained
- dabea = governing
- daben = governance, governing
- daber ota tej = to run one's life
- daber = to govern
- dabexgon = government function, office
- dabexgonbelut = office-holder, officeholder
- dabexgonbexer = to hold office
- dabexgonkexea = office-seeking
- dabexgonkexen = office-seeking
- dabexgonkexut = office-seeker
- dabexut = functionary, government office worker
- dabiea = taking power
- dabien = taking power
- dabier = to take power
- dabiut = person assuming power
- dabmus = hierarchy
- dabmusa = hierarchal, hierarchic, hierarchical
- dabmusay = hierarchically
- dabmuseb = hierarch
- daboben = unseating from power
- dabober = to unseat from power
- dabobien = abdication, relinquishing power
- dabobier = to abdicate, to relinquish power
- dabobiwa = abdicated
- dabobwa = unseated from power
- dabovtexut = dissident
- dabovtexutan = dissidence
- dabpyox = coup d'etat, putsch, takeover
- dabpyoxen = overthrowing a government, taking over power
- dabpyoxer = to launch a coup, to take over power
- dabpyoxut = coup instigator
- dabtyen = politics, statecraft
- dabtyena avutyan = political party
- dabtyena azon = political power
- dabtyena baoxen = political agitation
- dabtyena baoxut = political agitator
- dabtyena = political
- dabtyena yafon = political power
- dabtyena yuvat = heeler
- dabtyenay = politically
dabtyenut -- daliga
[edit | edit source]- dabtyenut = politician, politico
- dabtyenxen = campaigning, politicization, politicking
- dabtyenxer = to campaign, to politicize
- dabtyenxwa = politicized
- dabtyut = statesman
- dabtyutan = statesmanship
- dabuben = delegating
- dabuber = to delegate
- dabubwat = delegate
- dabubwatam = house of parliament
- dabubwatim = chamber of deputies, house of representatives
- dabubwatyan = delegation
- dabuen = instatement, putting in power
- dabuer = to instate, to put in power
- dabut = governor
- dabuwa = instated, put in power
- dabwa = governed
- dabxam = government office
- dabxamyan = government bureaucracy
- dabxamyanut = government bureaucrat
- dabyafwa = governable
- dabyenatan = laureateship
- dabyobyex = government overthrow of the government
- dabyobyexen = overthrowing
- dabyobyexer = to overthrow government, to overthrow the government
- dabyobyexut = overthrower
- dabyobyexwa = overthrown
- dabyofwa = ungovernable
- dabyofwan = ungovernability
- dabyukwa = hard to govern
- dabzem = seat of government
- Daelid = Delaware language
- daepatyan = NAF, numbered air force
- dafab = fir tree
- dafeb = fir cone
- dagenak = decigram, dg
- daipatyan = wing
- daiqiri = daiquiri
- Dajim = Djibouti
- Dajima = Djiboutian
- Dajimat = inhabitant of Djibouti
- Dakid = Dakota language
- Dakidaler = to speak Dakota
- Dakidalut = Dakota speaker
- Dakikin = Danish krone
- dal = speech, talk
- dalafab = gumtree, mallee
- dalakler = to outargue
- dalar = speaker
- dalaun = part of speech
- dalazar = loudspeaker
- dalbyen = language, manner of speaking style
- daldopek = debate, verbal quarrel
- daldopeken = debating, quarreling
- daldopeker = to debate, to quarrel
- daldopekut = debater, quarreler
- daldopekutyan = debate team
- daldopekyea = quarrelsome, verbally combative
- daldopeyk = tiff
- daldopeyker = to tiff
- daleben = gag, gagging
- daleber = to gag
- dalebwa = gagged
- dalebyex = argument, debate, quarrel
- dalebyexen = arguing, debating, quarreling
- dalebyexer = to argue, to debate, to quarrel
- dalebyexut = arguer, debator, quarreler
- dalebyexyea = argumentative, quarrelsome
- dalebyexyean = argumentativeness, quarrelsomeness
- dalefab = nutmeg, terebinth
- dalefaba = terebinthine
- dalefol = nutmeg
- dalen = speaking, talking
- daler bey yibdalir = to talk by phone
- daler gel afyaxeb = to pontificate
- daler tesukay = to blather, yatter
- daler = to speak, to talk
- dalifab = papaya, yucca
- dalifeb = papaya
- daliga = fast-talking, witty
daligan -- dalyigzay
[edit | edit source]- daligan = wittiness
- daligat = fast-talker, wit
- daligay = wittily
- daliger = to jabber
- daligut = jabberer
- dalikbus = vamp
- dalim = parlor
- dalix = perlocution
- dalixa = perlocutionary
- daliza = frank
- dalizber = to advert
- dalizbwa = adverted
- dalnod = issue, point, talking point, theme
- dalofab = blackbutt, ironbark, sequoia
- dalovekea = sparring
- daloveken = sparring
- dalovekyea jagtoyb = termagant
- dalsaxun = figure of speech, rhetorical construction
- dalsem = tribune
- dalseym = dais, podium, pulpit
- dalsiunen = signing
- dalsiuner = to sign
- dalsiunut = signer
- dalsiunwa = signed
- dalson = issue, subject, topic
- dalsona = topical
- dalsonnyad = syllabus
- dalsyen = language, style of language
- daltuz = rhetoric
- daltuza = rhetorical
- daltuzay = rhetorically
- daltuzut = rhetorician
- dalufab = pimenta dioica, stringbark
- dalufebmyek = allspice
- dalufek = debate, feud, polemic, quarrel, verbal quarrel
- dalufek utyan = debate team
- dalufeke = bicker
- dalufekem = debate forum
- dalufeken = bickering, debating, feuding, polemics, quarreling, verbal quarreling
- dalufeker = to contend, to debate, to feud, to quarrel verbally, to spar
- dalufekut = contender, debater, feuder, quarreler, verbal quarreler
- dalufekyafwa = debatable
- dalufekyafway = debatably
- dalufekyea = polemical, quarrelsome, verbally combative
- dalufekyean = quarrelsomeness, verbal combativeness
- dalufekyeat = polemicist
- dalufekyeay = polemically
- dalufekyofwa = inarguable
- dalun = caption, lyrics
- dalut = speaker, talker
- dalutkexun = illocution
- dalutkexuna = illocutionary
- daluza = devious, fork-tongued
- dalvyoyix = solecism
- dalwa Latod = spoken Latin
- dalwa = oral, spoken
- dalway = orally
- dalyaf = ability to speak
- dalyafa = able to speak
- dalyafab = yellow box
- dalyafat = person able to speak
- dalyafwa = speakable
- dalyanmulx = pidgin
- dalyanup = colloquium, colloquy, palaver
- dalyea = talkative
- dalyea yavray = blustery
- dalyean = talkativeness
- dalyefab = spruce
- dalyefaob = spruce
- dalyefaoba = spruce
- dalyen = figure of speech, idiom, parlance
- dalyena = figurative, idiomatic expression
- dalyenay = idiomatically
- dalyigfa = rough-talking, verbally coarse
- dalyigfan = verbal coarseness
- dalyigla = rude-mouthed
- dalyiglan = verbal rudeness
- dalyigza = acrid, biting, caustic, pungent, sharp-tongued, sour-mouthed, trenchant
- dalyigzan = acrimony, causticity, pungency, snark, trenchancy
- dalyigzay = bitingly, caustically, pungently, trenchantly, with a sharp tongue
dalyik -- datibamyog
[edit | edit source]- dalyik = dysphasia
- dalyika = dysphasic
- dalyikwa = affable
- dalyikwan = affability
- dalyikway = affably
- dalyof = aphasia, inability to speak, speech impairment
- dalyofa = aphasic, dumb, incapable of speaking, mute, speech-impaired, speechless
- dalyofab = yate
- dalyofan = speechlessness
- dalyofat = mute, speech-impaired person
- dalyofay = speechlessly
- dalyofwas = something unspeakable
- dalyofxen = dumbing, muting, muzzling
- dalyofxer = to dumb, to mute, to muzzle, to render incapable of speaking
- dalyofxwa = dumbed, muted, muzzled
- dalyofxwan = muteness
- dalyugla = courteous, polite
- dalyuglan = courtesy, politeness
- dalyuglay = politely
- dalzen = issue, topic
- dalzena = topical
- dalzenan = topicality
- dalzenay = topically
- dalzeyn = language, speech medium
- dalzeyna = lingual
- dalzeynes = dialect
- dalzeynesa = dialectal
- dalzeynestun = dialectology
- dalzeynestuna = dialectological
- dalzeynestunay = dialectologically
- dalzeynestut = dialectologist
- dalzeyntun = linguistics
- dalzeyntuna = linguistic
- dalzeyntunay = linguistically
- dalzeyntut = linguist
- dam = airdrome, airfield, airport
- Damam = Dominica
- Damama = Dominican
- Damamat = inhabitant of Dominica
- damem = metropolis
- damema abefyaxeb = metropolitan archbishop
- damema afyaxeb = metropolitan, patriarch
- daminak = decimeter, dm
- damules = down particle
- damyuxlut = skycap
- da-ni-a = DNA
- Danikid = Danish
- Danikida = Danish
- Danikidaler = to speak Danish
- Danikidalut = speaker of Danish
- Danikider = to say in Danish
- Danikim = Denmark
- Danikima = Danish
- Danikima leovoluzyun = Danish roll
- Danikimat = Dane
- dap = air force
- dapa = air force
- dapa nab = air force rank
- dapatyan = air force unit
- dapeb = air force commander
- dapur = fighter jet
- daput = airman
- dap-yolza = air force blue
- dapzem = airbase
- Daroad = Dravidian
- dasolk = Ds, darmstadtium
- dat = amigo, associate, companion, friend
- data = friendly, personable
- datakyaxen = tergiversation
- datan = amity, association, companionship, friendship
- datan mepyan = friendship network
- datan yuvi = friendship ties
- datankyaxer = to tergiversate
- datib = party, reception
- datibam = hostel, hotel
- datibameb = hotelier
- datibamtyen = hostelry
- datibamut = hosteler, hotel employee, ostler
- datibamutyan = hotel staff
- datibamyog = flophouse
datibea -- daztilam
[edit | edit source]- datibea = accommodating, hosting
- datibea ekutyan = home team
- datibem = reception area, reception hall
- datiben = accommodation, greeting, hosting, receiving guests, reception
- datiber fisyenay = to graciously host
- datiber = to accommodate, to greet, to host, to put up, to receive a guest
- datibim = lobby, reception room, salon
- datibut = host, receptionist
- datibutem = lobby
- datibuyt = hostess
- datibwa = accommodated, hosted
- datibyen = hospitality
- datibyena = hospitable
- datibyenay = hospitably
- datif = beau, buddy, chap, chum, matey, pally
- datifan = buddyhood, buddyship
- datifi = beaux
- datifpen = date, dating, going out
- datifper = to date, to go out with
- datifyena = buddy-like
- datim = living room, living-room, parlor, salon, sitting room
- datoya = friendless, unbefriended
- datsen = becoming friends
- datser = to become friends
- datuka = friendless, unbefriended
- datup = visit
- datupea = visiting
- datuper = to be a guest, to come as a friend, to visit
- datuput = visitor
- datxen = befriending, friending
- datxer = to befriend, to friend
- datxwa = befriended, friended
- datyan = friendship network
- datyen = bonhomie
- datyena = amicable, friendly
- datyenan = amicability, amicableness, friendliness
- datyenay = amicably
- datzyus = circle of friends, coterie
- daupatyan = group
- dauz = dance music
- dauzen = dancing with music
- dauzun = revue
- daxiki = dashiki
- dayapatyan = flight
- dayepatyan = element
- dayepet = toy terrier
- dayl = chat
- daylen = chatting
- dayler = to chat
- daylyea = chatty
- daylyean = chattiness
- dayopatyan = squadron
- dayt = female friend, girlfriend
- daytif = girlfriend
- dayulk = Dy, dysprosium
- dayuninak = dyne
- daz = dance
- daz pasaun = dance move, dance step
- dazag = ball
- Dazam = Algeria
- dazam = dance club, dance hall
- dazam pop = dancehall pop
- Dazama = Algerian
- Dazamat = inhabitant of Algeria
- dazdet = dance partner
- dazdeuzen = balladry
- dazdeuzun = ballad
- dazdeuzut = balladeer
- dazdren = choreography
- dazdrena = choreographic
- dazdrenay = choreographically
- dazdrer = to choreograph
- dazdrut = choreographer
- dazeb = dance director
- dazem = dance floor
- dazen = dancing
- dazeonat = dance couple
- dazer = to dance, to jive
- dazim = ballroom
- daztilam = dance bar, dance club
daztuyabnaad -- defeb
[edit | edit source]- daztuyabnaad = barre
- daztyop = promenade, sashay
- daztyoper = to promenade, to sashay
- Dazud = Dzongkha
- Dazudaler = to speak Dzongkha
- Dazudalut = Dzongkha speaker
- Dazudan = Algerian dinar
- Dazuder = to say in Dzongkha
- dazun = dance
- dazunyan = dance repertoire
- dazut = dancer
- dazutyan = dance troupe
- dazuyt = danseuse, female dancer
- dazyem = dance hall
- d.d. = RSVP
- DDD = FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- d.d.w. = TBA
- dea = uttering
- deapatyan = division
- deb = chairman, chairperson, chief, commander, leader, ruler
- deba = chief, lead, paramount, ruling
- deban = chairmanship, command, leadership, paramountcy
- debanyan = dynasty
- debanyana = dynastic
- debden = command, commandment, enjoining, order, ruling
- debder = to command, to enjoin, to mandate, to order
- debdom = capital
- debdun = command, mandate, order, ruling
- debdwa = enjoined
- debea duznodyan = canto
- debea = in charge of, leading, ruling
- debelea = reigning, ruling
- debelem = realm
- debelen bi yufrin = reign of terror
- debelen = reign, reigning
- debeler = to be in power, to reign, to rule
- deben = chairing, conducting, leading, ruling
- deber = to chair, to conduct, to lead
- debkyian = clout
- deboben = deposing
- debober = to depose
- debobwa = deposed
- deboya = leaderless, rudderless
- debsim = throne
- debsimber = to put on the throne
- debsimbien = assumption of the throne
- debsimbier = to assume the throne
- debsimopen = abdication
- debsimoper = to abdicate, to relinquish the throne, to step aside
- debsimper = to sit on the throne
- debuka = leaderless, rudderless
- debut = commander, ruler
- debuyt = chairlady
- debwa = conducted, led, ruled
- debyaf = authority, power
- debyafxen = authorization, empowerment
- debyafxer = to authorize, to empower
- debyafxwa = authorized, empowered
- debyan = leadership
- debyanup = summit
- debyanupen = summitry
- debyenay = authoritatively
- debzem = headquarters
- deci- = teen-
- dedrawa = reported
- dedren = report, reportage, reporting
- dedrena = reportorial
- dedrer = to report
- deepatyan = regiment
- deepatyana = regimental
- deet = comrade
- deetan = comradeship
- defab = pine tree
- defabaya = piney
- defabika = piney
- defabyel = resin
- defabyelyig = rosin
- defaob = pine wood
- defaoba = made of pine
- defeb = pine cone
defeba -- detxenm yanpen
[edit | edit source]- defeba = pineal
- defebaya = piny
- defebika = piny
- defebnida = conical
- defebsana = conic, conical
- defebsanay = conically
- defulob = pine needle
- defulza = pine green
- degonuer = to cast for a role
- deipatyan = battalion
- del = declaration, statement
- deldras = ad, advertisement, notice
- deldrawa = advertised
- deldren = advertisement
- deldrena = advertorial
- deldrer = to advertise
- deldrof = ad, banner, billboard, sign
- delea = declaring, stating
- delen = declaration, declaring, stating
- delena = declarative, declaratory
- deler dropek = to declare war
- deler nasvyons = to declare bankruptcy
- deler nuxyof = to declare bankruptcy, file for bankruptcy
- deler = to declare, to enounce, to state
- deler vyodoyevyek = to declare a mistrial
- deler yaovdud = to render a verdict
- Delft meevyan = delftware
- Delid = Delaware language
- delta = delta
- delun = statement
- delut = declarator, declarer
- delwa = stated
- delwas = declaration
- delway = declared
- delyeay = declaratively
- delyefwa = declarable
- delyena = declarative
- dem = park
- dem siim = park bench
- demmem = parkland
- demmep = parkway
- demoyebuj = yardarm
- demyena = park-like
- den = saying, telling, utterance, uttering
- denim-yolza = denim blue
- denyen = diction, manner of saying
- dep = army, ground force
- dep ulza = army green
- depa = army, ground force
- depa fyuzam = brig
- depabtyoyaf = jackboot
- depeb = army commander
- depkyuyixpur = jeep
- depratan = generalship
- depur dropeken = tank warfare
- depur = tank
- depuryan = tank convoy
- deput = infantryman, soldier
- deputyan = infantry, troops
- depyan = army
- depyonar = bayonet
- depyonaren = bayoneting
- depyonarer = to bayonet
- depyonarwa = bayoneted
- der din = to tell a story
- der ovyan = to tell a lie
- der = to say, to tell, to utter
- der vyodin = to tell a lie
- Deringer adopar = to derringer
- det = chap, consort, fellow, mate, partner
- deta = associate, fellow
- detan = camaraderie, company, fellowship, mateship, partnership
- detdunuka = niladic
- detif = matey
- detsen = consorting, partnering
- detser = to consort, to partner with
- detuka = unaccompanied
- detxea = accompanying
- detxen = accompanying
- detxenm yanpen = accompaniment
detxer -- deyl
[edit | edit source]- detxer = to accompany
- detxut = accompanist
- detxwa = accompanied, partnered
- detyan = association, consort, consortium, partnership, sodality
- detyanog = club
- Deud = German
- deud = shout
- Deudaler = to speak German
- Deudalut = German speaker
- deudea = declamatory
- deuden = ballyhoo, declamation, inveighing, shouting
- deuder = to inveigh, to shout
- Deuder = to say in German
- Deum = Germany
- Deuma bayepet = German shepherd
- Deuma = German
- Deumat = German, inhabitant of Germany
- deup = beat, rhythm
- deupa = rhythmic, rhythmical
- deupar = metronome
- deupatyan = brigade
- deupay = rhythmically
- deupmuf dopmuf = mace
- deuptun = prosody
- deuptuna = prosodic, prosodical
- deuptut = prosodist
- deupxer = to scansion
- deus = accent
- deusben = accenting, accentuation
- deusber = to accent, to accentuate
- deusbwa = accented, accentuated
- deusika = accented
- deusoya = accent-free
- deusuka = accent-free
- deuxen = intonation
- deuxer = to intonate, to intone
- deuxyen = intonation
- deuyz = hum
- deuyzea = humming
- deuyzen = humming
- deuyzer = to hum
- deuyzut = hummer
- deuyzwa = hummed
- deuz = chant, lied, song, voice
- deuza = song-related, vocal
- deuzawat = singing solo
- deuzdrut = songwriter
- deuzen = singing, vocalism, vocalization, voicing
- deuzer = to sing, to vocalize
- deuzewat = duet, duo, singing duo
- deuzgon = strain
- deuzi = lieder
- deuziwat = singing trio
- deuznad = verse
- deuzog = ditty
- deuzpat = songbird
- deuztob = songster
- deuztoyb = songstress
- deuzuka = surd
- deuzun = piece, song, vocal piece
- deuzunyog = tune
- deuzut = singer, songster, vocalist
- deuzutyan = choir, chorale, chorus
- deuzutyan napxeyn = choral arrangement
- deuzutyan twobet = choirboy
- deuzutyana = choral
- deuzutyaneb = choirmaster, choral director
- deuzutyanum = choir stall
- deuzuv = threnody
- deuzuwat = quartet, singing quartet
- deuzuyt = chanteuse, female singer, songstress
- deuzwa = sung
- deuzyafwa = singable
- deuzyan = body of songs
- deuzyaniv = sing-along, songfest
- deuzyen = manner of singing, tonality, tone
- deuzyena = tonal
- deuzyowat = quintet, singing quintet
- deyb = chairwoman, female leader, female ruler
- deyl = annunciation
deylea -- dezifra
[edit | edit source]- deylea = annunciating
- deylen = annunciating, annunciation
- deyler = to annunciate
- deylut = annunciator
- deylwa = annunciated
- deym = garden, lawn, yard
- deym milzyabar = garden hose
- deym mufyeg = hosepipe
- deym zyegar = garden hoe
- deymmas = fence, garden wall
- deymtamog = gazebo
- deymyex = lawn work, yard work
- deymyexen = gardening, lawn-keeping, tending the garden
- deymyexer = to keep up the lawn, to tend a garden
- deymyexut = gardener
- deyopatyan = squadron
- deyt = female comrade
- deytyan = club
- dez byaxwasyan = props, stage props
- dez = drama, entertainment, performance art, stage, theater
- dez drurunesum = box office
- deza = dramatic, stage-, theatrical, thespian
- dezab = stage direction, stage management
- dezam = performance venue, theater, theatre
- dezam zatem = theater lobby
- dezamos simyan = parterre
- dezamput = theatergoer, theatregoer
- dezan = theatricality
- dezanyangon = episode
- dezay = dramatically, theatrically
- dezben = production, putting on a play
- dezber = to produce a play, to put on a play
- dezbut = producer, stage producer
- dezbwa = produced
- dezdeb = star
- dezdebea = starring
- dezdeben = starring
- dezdeber = to star in a stage production
- dezdebet = starlet
- dezdebika = star-studded
- dezdebser = to become a star
- dezdebxer = to make a star
- dezdeyb = female star, starlet
- dezdras = stage script
- dezdren = playwriting
- dezdrer = to write a play
- dezdrut = playwright
- dezdweb = male star
- dezdyes = playbill
- dezdyun = stage name
- dezea = pretending
- dezeb = director
- dezeba = directorial
- dezeban = directorship
- dezeben = directing, direction
- dezeber = to direct
- dezebwa = directed
- dezek = gig, performance
- dezeka = make-believe, performance-, theatrical
- dezeken = acting, play-act
- dezeker = to act, to playact
- dezekgon = theater part
- dezekgonuen = casting
- dezekgonuer = to assign to a role
- dezekun = playact
- dezekut = actor, performer, stage actor
- dezekut teas = curtain-call
- dezen = acting, entertainment, performance, pretending
- dezena = histrionic
- dezenay = histrionically
- dezer = to act, to do make-believe, to entertain, to perform, to play-act, to pretend
- dezeyb = directrix
- dezgon = act, role
- dezgoneken = role-playing
- dezgoneker = to role-play
- dezgonekut = character, role-player
- dezgonekutyan = cast of characters
- dezgones vaoyek = screen test
- dezifek = charades
- dezifra = stagestruck
dezifut -- diday
[edit | edit source]- dezifut = thespian
- dezkutim = coulisse, theater wing
- dezmas = skene
- dezmes = trap door, trapdoor
- dezmipur = showboat
- dezmos = stage floor
- deznuut = impresario
- dezof = curtain
- dezofzom = backstage, behind the curtains
- dezpyasen = showjumping
- dezsin = scene
- dezsom = prop
- dezsomyan = props, stage props, theater props
- deztaf = costume
- deztafen = costuming
- deztafut = costumer, costumier
- deztafwa = costumed
- dezteaxun = show, spectacle, theatrical show
- dezteaxut = spectator, theater spectator
- deztelam = dinner theater, supper club
- deztem = performance hall
- deztilam = cabaret, nightclub
- deztim = auditorium, theater salon
- deztyen = stagecraft
- dezuj = denouement
- dezun ebjob = entr'acte
- dezun = play, stage production, theater piece
- dezunij = prologue
- dezunpoxus = show-stopper, showstopper
- dezut = actor, entertainer, performer, pretender, stage artist, stager, thespian
- dezut jayek = screen test
- dezutkex dyuun = casting call
- dezutkexer = to cast, to scout out an actor
- dezutkexut = casting director
- dezutkexuta suym = casting couch
- dezutyan = cast, troupe
- dezuyt = actress, female entertainer, female performer, showgirl
- dezwa = acted, entertained, performed, pretended
- dezyan = floorshow
- dezyax = showbiz
- dezyem kum = stage wing
- dezyem = performance space, stage
- dezyem uzmas = apron, proscenium
- dezyem yuxut = stagehand
- dezyem zom = backstage
- dezyemben = staging
- dezyember dezun = to stage a play
- dezyember = to stage
- dezyembwa = staged
- dezyena = stagy
- dezzamos = stage floor, stage platform
- dezzom = backstage
- dezzomassin = backcloth, backdrop, scenery, theatrical scenery
- dezzyin = stage floor, stage platform
- dib = administration, agency, office
- dib bi vyankex = bureau of investigation
- diba = administrative
- diba byem = administrative position
- dibay = administratively, officially
- dibdras = ordinance, regulation
- dibdrasa = regulatory
- dibdren = regulation
- dibdrena = regulatory
- dibeb = agency head
- diben = administering, administrating, administration, officiating
- diber = to administer, to administrate, to officiate
- dibim = administrative office, chamber
- dibteyd = matron
- dibteydyena = matronly
- dibut = administrator, agent, constable, officer, officiator, superintendent
- Dibut bi ha Yuzmira Obyexen Yuxlam = Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
- dibutan = office
- dibutyan = administration, officialdom, staff
- dibuyt = female officer
- dibwa = administered, officiated
- dibyafwa = administrable
- dibzem = admin, administrative center
- did = query, question
- dida = interrogative
- diday = interrogatively
didaya -- diittuna
[edit | edit source]- didaya = curious
- didayan = curiosity, curiousness
- didea = questioning
- dideay = questioningly
- didegea = interrogating
- didegen = interrogating, interrogation
- didegena = interrogatory
- dideger = to drill, to interrogate, to pepper with questions
- didegim = interrogation room
- didegut = driller, interrogator
- didegwa = drilled, interrogated, peppered with questions
- didek = conundrum, enigma, puzzle, riddle
- didekuea = enigmatic, puzzling
- didekuer = to present a puzzle, to stump
- didekuut = riddler
- didekwer = to be puzzled by, to puzzle over
- didekyena = enigmatic, puzzling
- diden = querying, questioning
- dider = to enquire, to query, to question
- didika = curious
- didikan = curiosity, curiousness
- didikat = curious person
- didikay = curiously
- didnad = inquiry, line of questioning
- didsiyn = question mark
- didun = enquiry
- didut = enquirer, questioner
- diduxer = to arouse curiosity
- diduxus = curio
- diduxusyan = curiosa
- didwa = enquired, queried, questioned
- didwat = person being questioned, questionee
- didyafwa = questionable
- didyafway = questionably
- didyan = questionnaire, set of questions
- didyea = curious, questioning, quizzical
- didyean = curiosity
- didyenan = quizzicality
- didyenay = quizzically
- didyofwa = ironclad, unquestionable
- didyofway = unquestionably
- didyog = quiz
- didyoguer = to give a quiz to quiz
- dien = asking, requesting
- diep = marine force
- diepa = marine force
- diepat = enlisted marine soldier
- diepatyan = marine force
- diepeb = marine commander
- dieplat = marine officer
- dieprat = general, marine general
- diepratan = generalship
- diepur = aircraft carrier
- dieput = marine
- dieputyan = marine personnel, marine troops
- dier besafdren = to request a visa
- dier duhosav = to ask why
- dier getan = to ask for identification
- dier ha mep = to ask the way
- dier ha naxdras = to ask for the bill
- dier het xer hes = to ask someone to do something
- dier izon = to ask directions
- dier = to ask for, to request
- dier yux = to ask for help
- difab = yew tree
- difaob = mahogany
- difaoba = mahogany
- difayza = mahogany
- difeb = yew berry
- dig = quip
- diger = to quip
- digut = quipster
- diilen = obsecration
- diiler = to obsecrate
- diin = account, narrative
- diina = narrative
- diita = civic
- diitan = civics
- diittun = civics studies
- diittuna = civics-related
diittut -- dirwa
[edit | edit source]- diittut = civics scientist
- dijon elza = dijon orange
- dildrawa = postulated
- dildren = postulation
- dildrer = to postulate
- dildrut = postulant
- dilen = beggary, begging, beseeching, pleading, supplication
- dilena = supplicatory
- diler = to beg, to beseech, to entreat, to plead
- dilun = entreaty, plea, supplication
- dilut = beggar, pleader, supplicant
- dilwa = begged, beseeched, besought, pleaded
- Dilwe = I beg of you
- Dilwe.... = Please...
- Dilwe van et X-u... = Please do X....
- dilyea = pleadingly
- dim bi jogan = fountain of youth
- dim drilar = fountain pen
- dim = fountain
- dimog = basin, font
- din = lowdown, story
- dina = bygone
- dinar = dinar
- dinden = narration, narrative, recounting, story-telling, storytelling
- dinder = to narrate, to recount, to relate, to tell a story
- dindrof = storyboard
- dindun = narrative
- dindut = narrator, raconteur, story-teller, storyteller
- dindwa = recounted
- dindyes = novel, story book, storybook
- dindyesog = novelette
- dinfrizat = hero of the story
- dinfrizayt = heroine of the story
- dingabok = dengue
- dingon = chapter
- Dinid = Dinka language
- dinier = to catch a story, to hear
- dinij = story opening
- dinizon = plot, story direction
- dinmep = plot, story trajectory
- dinnad = narrative thread, plot, scenario, storyline
- dinsin = vignette
- dinsinxut = vignettist
- dinsinxwa = historiated
- dinuen = reporting
- dinuena = reportorial
- dinuer = to put out a story, to report
- dinuj = conclusion, denouement, end of the story, finale
- dinuun = report
- dinuunyan = reportage
- dinyiflat = hero of the story, protagonist
- dinyiflayt = female protagonist
- dinyifrayt = heroine of the story
- dinyog = short story, tale
- dinyogut = raconteur, story teller
- dip bi vyaleaxuti = inspectorate
- dip = navy
- dipa = naval
- dipat = seaman
- dipatyan = naval force, navy
- dipdoof = pennant
- dipeb = navy commander
- dipgibar = cutlass
- diprat = admiral
- dipratan = admiralty
- diptof = crackerjack
- dipur = battleship
- dipureb = battleship commander
- dipuryan = squadron
- diput = sailor, seaman
- diputyan = naval force, naval personnel, naval troops
- dip-yolza = navy blue
- dir = commandment, demand, mandate, order, requirement
- diren = commanding, demanding, elicitation, eliciting, exaction, mandating, ordering, requirement, requiring
- direna = imperative
- direnay = imperatively
- direr = to demand, to elicit, to exact, to mandate, to require, to take
- dirun = commandment, demand, mandate, order
- dirut = exacter
- dirwa = eexacted, mandated, mandatory, required, requisite
diryea -- diybeb
[edit | edit source]- diryea = demanding, exacting, mandatory, onerous
- diryean = onerousness
- diryeay = demandingly, exactingly, mandatorily, onerously
- dit = citizen
- dita = civil, civilian
- dita dovyab = civil law
- dita doyevam = civil court
- dita doyiv = civil right
- dita doyivi = civil rights
- dita doyivi pax = civil rights movement
- dita opyex = civil defense
- dita oyuvteexen = civil disobedience
- dita tadien = civil marriage
- dita yextun = civil engineering
- dita yextut = civil engineer
- dita yivan = civil liberty
- dita yivtexin = civil libertarianism
- dita yivtexinut = civil libertarian
- dita yuxlen = civil service
- ditan = citizenship
- ditandref = citizenship papers
- ditay = civilly
- ditbyen = civility
- ditbyena = civil
- ditdab = democracy
- ditdaba = democratic
- ditdabaxen = democratization
- ditdabaxer = to democratize
- ditdabay = democratically
- ditdabeb = president
- ditdabeba = presidential
- ditdabebam = presidential residence
- ditdabeban = presidency
- ditdabinut = democrat
- ditdatabxwa = democratized
- ditdeb = president of the republic
- ditdeba = presidential
- ditdeban = presidency
- ditdeber = to be president, to preside
- ditdebser = to become president
- ditdebxer = to make president
- ditdebyena = presidential in manner
- ditdeyb = madame president
- ditdob = republic
- ditdoba = republican
- ditdobin = republicanism
- ditdobina = republicanist
- ditdobinut = republicanist
- ditdop = militia
- ditdopat = militiaman
- ditsen = becoming a citizen
- ditser = to become a citizen
- ditsoa = about to become a citizen
- ditsyen = civility
- ditxen = granting citizenship, naturalization
- ditxer = to grant citizenship, to naturalize
- ditxwa = granted citizenship, naturalized
- ditxwat = naturalized citizen, person granted citizenship
- dityan = citizenry
- dityen = civility
- dityena = civilian
- dityenxer = to civilize
- dityenxwa = civilized
- diun = request
- diundras = petition
- diut = asker, requester
- divan = divan
- diwa = asked, requested
- Diwe dolu. = Please be silent.
- diwe dudu = RSVP, please respond
- diwe = it is request, prithee
- Diwe vabiu ata yovtosdeyn av... = Please accept my apology for....
- Diwe van... = It is requested that..., Please...
- Diwe van yet dolu! = Please be silent!
- diyb = bureau, department, management, office
- diyba = departmental, managerial
- diybaxen = departmentalization
- diybaxer = to departmentalize
- diybay = departmentally
- diybeb = department head
diyben -- dizeudazen
[edit | edit source]- diyben = management, managing, ministering, ministration, officiating, stewardship
- diybena byem = managerial position
- diybena = managerial
- diyber = to manage, to minister, to officiate, to run
- diybut = manager, ministrant, officer
- diybutyan = management, officialdom
- diybuyt = manageress
- diybwa = managed, officiated
- diybyafwa = manageable, tractable
- diybyafwan = manageability, manageableness, tractability
- diybyafway = tractably
- diybyofwa = unmanageable, unworkable
- diybyofway = unmanageably
- diyd = quiz
- diydek = quiz game
- diyden = quizzing
- diyder = to quiz
- diydut = quizzer
- diydyan = quiz
- diydyena = quizzical
- diyeay = praisingly
- diym = font, fount, small fountain
- diyn = case, tale
- diynden = relating
- diynder = to relate
- diyndwa = related
- diyndyes = casebook
- diyner = to tell a tale
- diynyan = casebook
- diz = comedy, comic theater
- diza = comedic, comic, comical, funny, jocular
- dizam = circus arena, comedy stage, comic theater
- dizan = funniness, jocularity
- dizanyan = comedy series
- dizapyexer vitepay = to lampoon
- dizay = comically, jocularly
- dizdalen = waggery
- dizdalut = wag
- dizdalyea = waggish
- dizdalyean = waggishness
- dizdalyeay = waggishly
- dizden = comedy, joke-telling, joking around
- dizder = to joke, to tell a joke
- dizdeuza = doggerel
- dizdeuzun = doggerel verse
- dizdidyea = quizzical
- dizdin = funny story, joke
- dizdina = jocular
- dizdinen = joke-telling, joking
- dizdiner = to joke, to tell a joke
- dizdinut = comedian, joke-teller, jokester
- dizdinuyt = comedienne
- dizdinyea = joky
- dizdinyeay = jokingly
- dizdrezun = Limerick
- dizdrut = humorist
- dizdut = comedian, joke-teller, joker, jokester
- dizduyt = comedienne
- dizdyea = joky
- dizdyeay = jokingly
- dizek = comedy act, gag, jest, prank, skit, stunt
- dizekam = comedy club
- dizekea = jesting
- dizekeay = jestingly
- dizeken = buffoonery, clowning, jesting, performing comedy, play pranks
- dizeker = to clown around, to perform a skit, to perform comedy
- dizekut = buffoon, clown, jester, prankster, wise guy, wiseguy
- dizekutyen = zaniness
- dizekutyena = buffoonish, clownish, zany
- dizekutyenan = clownishness
- dizekutyenay = clownishly
- dizer = to clown around, to joke
- dizeub = grin, smile
- dizeubea = grinning, smiling
- dizeuben = grinning, smiling
- dizeuber = to grin, to smile
- dizeubyeay = smilingly
- dizeud = laugh, laughter
- dizeudazea = guffawing, raucously laughing
- dizeudazen = guffawing, raucous laughter
dizeudazer -- doaxlyen
[edit | edit source]- dizeudazer = to guffaw
- dizeuden = laughing, laughter
- dizeuder = to laugh
- dizeudier = to get a laugh
- dizeudog = giggle
- dizeudogen = giggling
- dizeudoger = to giggle
- dizeudogyea = giggly
- dizeudoz = chortle, chuckle
- dizeudozen = chortling, chuckling
- dizeudozer = to chortle, to chuckle
- dizeudozut = chortler
- dizeuduea = amusing, funny, laugh-provoking
- dizeudueay = amusingly
- dizeuduer = to get a laugh, to provoke laughter, to tickle
- dizeudyeay = laughingly
- dizeudyefwa = laughable
- dizeudyefwan = laughableness
- dizeudyefway = laughably
- dizfuda = snide
- dizfuday = snidely
- dizgelxer = to parody
- dizgelxut = parodist
- dizoybuzben = carnavalization
- dizoybuzber = to carnavalize
- dizoybuzbwa = carnavalized
- dizpot = circus animal
- diztef = foolscap
- dizteudyefwa = ludicrous
- dizteudyefwan = ludicrousness
- dizteudyefway = ludicrously
- diztomof = big top
- diztwob = jackass
- dizuika = seriocomic
- dizun = comedy act, comedy routine, funny bit, jape, joke, shtick, sketch, skit
- dizuna = comedic, jocular
- dizunder = to tell a joke
- dizunxer = to perform a skit
- dizut = clown, comedian, comic, entertainer, flubdub, lout, stand-up artist
- dizutyena = clownish, loutish
- dizuyt = comedienne
- djelaba = djellaba
- djin = djinn
- do = musical note do
- doab = fatherland
- doabif = patriotism
- doabifa = patriotic
- doabifay = patriotically
- doabifrer = to worship one's fatherland
- doabifrin = jingoism, superpatriotism
- doabifut = patriot
- doafdea = authorizing
- doafden = authorization, exequatur, public authorization, public license
- doafder = to authorize
- doafdras = permit
- doafdren = license
- doafdut = authority
- doafdutyan = authorities, public authorities
- doafdwa = authorized, publicly authorized, publicly licensed
- doafut = magistrate
- doafuta = magisterial, magistral
- doafutan = magistracy
- doafutay = magisterially
- doafutwatyan = commission, committee
- doafutyan = magistracy
- doafuwat = authority, commissioner, committee person
- doafvyoyix = misfeasance
- doafxen = approbation
- doafxer = to approbate
- doafxwat = commissioner, councilman
- doafxwatyan = commission, council
- doam = borough, township
- doaotyen = persona
- doapar = sabre
- doaparen = cutting down, sabering
- doaparer = to cut down, to saber
- doaparut = saberer
- doaparwa = cut down
- doapir = bazooka
- doaxlyen = public behavior
dob izbex -- doboyvax
[edit | edit source]- dob izbex = state control
- dob = regime, state
- doba = of the state
- dobamem = department, province, state
- dobamema = departmental, federal, provincial
- dobameym = department
- dobameyma = departmental
- dobameymdom = prefecture
- dobameymeb = prefect
- dobameymeba = prefectoral
- dobdras = treaty
- dobem = home country, metropolis
- dobema = home country, metropolitan
- dobemem = prefect
- dobemema = prefectural
- dobememdom = sub-prefect
- dobememdoma = sub-prefectural
- dobemeymdom = sub-prefect
- dobien = coup d'etat, coup d'état, taking control
- dobier = to conquer, to take control, to take over
- dobifa = patriotic
- dobifan = patriotism
- dobifrina = jingoistic, superpatriotic
- dobifrut = jingoist, superpatriot
- dobifut = patriot
- dobimeym = canton
- dobimeyma = cantonal
- dobin = etatism, statism
- dobina = etatist, statist
- dobinut = etatist, statist
- dobiun = conquest, takeover
- dobiut = conquerer
- dobiwa = conquered, taken over
- dobmem = territory
- dobmema = territorial
- dobmeman = territoriality
- dobmempek = territorial dispute
- dobmemyan = commonwealth
- dobmeym = province
- dobmeyma = provincial
- dobmeymeb = provincial governor
- dobnad bem = border post, frontier station
- dobnad = border, frontier
- dobnad izbex = border control, customs
- dobnada = border, frontier
- dobnadib = customhouse, customs bureau, customs office
- dobnadiba nuxyef = customs duty
- dobnadibut = customs official
- dobnadut = frontiersman
- dobnastun = economic science, economics
- dobnastut = economist
- dobnexdub = economics minister, secretary of the economy
- dobnexdubam = department of the economy
- dobnix = revenue
- dobnixaber = to impose a tax
- dobnixdib = internal revenue service
- dobnixier = to collect tax
- dobnixuen = levying a tax
- dobnixuer = to impose a tax, to levy a tax
- dobnixut = revenuer
- dobnixuyofwa = non-taxable, nontaxable
- dobnux nasyan = pension fund
- dobnux = pension, state payout
- dobnuxea = taxpaying
- dobnuxen = paying out a pension payment, taxpaying
- dobnuxien = collecting a pension collection
- dobnuxier = to collect a pension
- dobnuxiut = beneficiary, pensionary, pensioner
- dobnuxiwa = pensioned
- dobnuxiwat = pensioner
- dobnuxuer = to pay out a pension
- dobnuxut = taxpayer
- dobnuxyefa = pensionable
- dobovpea = revolting
- dobovpen = revolt, revolting
- dobovper = to revolt
- dobovput = revolter
- doboya = stateless
- doboyan = statelessness
- doboyvax = revolution
doboyvaxea -- dodidea
[edit | edit source]- doboyvaxea = revolutionary
- doboyvaxeaxer = to revolutionize
- doboyvaxeaxwa = revolutionized
- doboyvaxen = revolting, revolution
- doboyvaxena = revolutionary
- doboyvaxer = to revolt
- doboyvaxina = revolutionist
- doboyvaxinut = revolutionist
- doboyvaxut = revolutionary
- dobpyox = coup d'etat
- dobpyoxen = coup d'etat, coup d'état
- dobsan = regime
- dobtojben = execution
- dobtojber = to execute
- dobtojbim = execution chamber
- dobtojbut = executioner
- dobtojbwa = executed
- dobtun = statesmanship
- dobtut = statesman
- dobtutyena = statesmanlike
- dobtuyt = stateswoman
- dobuben = delegation
- dobuber = to delegate
- dobubwa = delegated, deputized
- dobubwat = delegate, deputy
- dobubwatyan = body of deputies, delegation
- dobuen = dedicating, dedication
- dobuer = to dedicate
- dobuka = stateless
- dobukan = statelessness
- dobumema = communal
- dobumeym = commune
- dobumeyma = communal
- dobuut = dedicator
- dobuwa = dedicated
- dobyena dreun = official document
- dobyena dreunyan = official documentation
- dobyena = official, stately
- dobyena vyankex = official inquiry
- dobyena yeyfi = official duties
- dobyenan = officialness, stateliness
- dobyenay = officially
- dobyendal = officialese
- dobyendyen = officialism
- dobyeni = customs
- dobyenut = official
- dobyenutyan = officialdom
- dobyenyan = officialdom
- dobyokam = gaol
- dobyokambut = gaoler
- dobyokampir = gaolbreak
- dobyokamut = gaolbird
- dodal = oration, speech
- dodala = oratorical
- dodalam = chamber of deputies, forum, house of representative
- dodalay = oratorically
- dodalen = oration, peaking in public, prelection, public speaking, stumping
- dodaler be meim = to barnstorm
- dodaler = to address, to orate, to prelect, to speak in public, to stump
- dodalnyem = soapbox
- dodalseym = dais, pulpit, rostrum, speaker's platform
- dodaltyen = oratory
- dodaluj = peroration
- dodalun = oration, public speech
- dodalut = orator, public speaker, stumper
- dodalyen = rhetoric, rhetorical
- dodel = announcement, pronouncement
- dodelen = announcing, pronouncing
- dodelen vaodud = pronouncing a verdict
- dodeler = to announce, to pronounce
- dodeler vaodud = to pronounce a decision
- dodeler yaovdud = to pronounce a verdict
- dodeler yevden = to pronounce judgment
- dodelut = announcer
- dodelwa = announced, pronounced
- dodelwo = TBA, to be announced
- dodem = public arena
- doden = advertisement
- dodid = inquest, inquiry, public inquiry
- dodidea = inquiring
dodideay -- dodyuen
[edit | edit source]- dodideay = inquiringly
- dodider = to inquire
- dodidut = inquirer
- dodidwa = inquired
- dodildrawa = petitioned
- dodildref = petition
- dodildren = petition, petitioning
- dodildrer = to petition
- dodildrut = petitioner
- dodin = history, public record, report
- dodina = historic, historical
- dodinay = historically
- dodindes = history book
- dodindrut = historiographer
- dodindyes = history book
- dodinier = to receive a report
- dodinkyaxea = landmark
- dodinkyaxea vaod = landmark decision
- dodintun = study of history
- dodintut = student of history
- dodinuam = reporting station
- dodinuen = reporting
- dodinuena = reportorial
- dodinuer = to report
- dodinut = historian
- dodinuut = reporter
- dodinuwa = historic, reported
- dodir = mandate
- dodirdref = written mandate
- dodiren = mandating
- dodirer = to mandate
- dodirun = mandate
- dodirwa = mandated, mandatory
- dodrawa = publicized, reported
- dodrea = publicizing
- dodren = publicity, publicizing, reportage, reporting
- dodrer = to publicize, to put out a bulletin, to report
- dodres = bulletin, flier
- dodreun = document, official document
- dodreungran = red tape
- dodreunxen = documentation
- dodreunxer = to document
- dodreunxut = documenter
- dodreunyan = documentation, official documentation, paperwork
- dodrof = bulletin board
- dodrun = report
- dodrur doebdal = press conference
- dodrur igtuen = press briefing
- dodrur = media, press, printing press
- dodrur yanotyan = publication community
- dodrur zeynyan = print media
- dodruram = publishing firm
- dodrureb = publisher
- dodruren = publishing
- dodrurer = to print, to publish, to run
- dodrurun = edition, press item, publication
- dodrurut = pressman, printer, publicist
- dodrurwa = published
- dodrurwas = press report, publication
- dodrurwasyan = media, press
- dodrut = reporter
- dodrutyan = press corps, reporting crew, staff of reporters
- dodruyt = female reporter
- doduen = propounding, tabling
- doduer = to propound, to table
- dodur = edict, ordinance
- dodut = member of the public
- dodutteaxut = flasher
- doduun = bill
- doduwa = propounded, tabled
- dodxen = making public
- dodxer = to make public
- dodxwa = made public
- dodyeen = recitation, reciting
- dodyeena = recitative
- dodyer = to recite
- dodyeun = recital
- dodyeut = recitalist, reciter
- dodyewa = recited
- dodyuen = summoning
dodyuer -- doemwat
[edit | edit source]- dodyuer = to summon
- dodyun = moniker, official name, proper name, public name
- dodyundrawa = impaneled
- dodyundren = impaneling
- dodyundrer = to impanel
- dodyunier = to assume a title
- dodyunuen = appointing, appointment
- dodyunuer = to appoint, to assign a title
- dodyunuut = appointer
- dodyunuwa = appointed, titled
- dodyunuwat = appointee
- dodyuun = summons
- dodyuwa = summoned
- doeb = federal entity, province, state
- doeba = state
- doeba vakdib = state police
- doeba vakdibut = state policeman
- doebam = statehouse
- doebamer = to upstate
- doebamera = upstate
- doeban = statehood
- doebay = federally
- doebdal = conference, consultation, public dialog, symposium
- doebdalam = conference center
- doebdalea = deliberating
- doebdalem = forum
- doebdalen = conferencing, deliberating, deliberation
- doebdaler = to confer, to consult, to deliberate, to dialog
- doebdalim = conference room, parliamentary chamber
- doebdalut = conferee, conference attendee, conferencee, congressman, congressperson, deliberator, parliamentarian
- doebdalutam = congress building
- doebdalutim = congress chamber
- doebdalutyan = congress, parliament
- doebdalutyan tom = congress building, parliament building
- doebdalutyana = congressional, parliamentary
- doebdaluyt = congresswoman
- doebdalwa = deliberated
- doebdalyea = deliberative
- doebdalzem = conference center
- doebden = consultation
- doebder = to consult
- doebeb = governor, state governor
- doebeba = gubernatorial
- doebebam = governor's residence
- doebeban = governorship
- doebufek = affray
- doebxwa = federate
- doebyan = federation
- Doebyana Dokex Dib = FBI, Federal Bureau of Investigation
- doebyana = federal
- doebyanin = federalism
- doebyanina = federalist
- doebyaninut = federalist
- doebyanxen = federalization
- doebyanxer = to federalize
- doebyanxwa = federalized
- doebyayn = confederacy, confederation
- doebyayna = confederal
- doebyaynin = confederalism
- doebyaynina = confederalist
- doebyayninut = confederalist
- doebyaynut = confederate
- doebyaynxen = confederalization
- doebyaynxer = to confederalize
- doebyaynxwa = confederalized
- doega = decent
- doegan = decency
- doegay = decently
- doegon = social norm
- doegonyiva = licentious
- doegonyivan = licentiousness
- doegonyivay = licentiously
- doem = village
- doema = village
- doemat = villager
- doemayt = female villager
- doemeb = village head
- doemeyb = female village head
- doemog = hamlet
- doemwat = male villager
doemweb -- dofunkadwa
[edit | edit source]- doemweb = male village head
- doep = militia
- doexdier = to run for office, to seek office
- doexdiut = candidate
- doexdiutan = candidacy
- doeym = locality, neighborhood
- dofab = conifer, evergreen tree
- dofaba = coniferous
- dofayb = evergreen shrub
- dofeb = cone
- dofebnid = cone
- dofebsan = cone shape
- dofebsana = cone-shaped
- dofiddala = panegyric
- dofiddalun = panegyric
- dofiden = touting
- dofider = to tout
- dofidwa = touted
- dofin = ethics, morality, probity
- dofina = ethical, moral
- dofinan = morality
- dofinay = ethically, morally
- dofinay tipyuga = latitudinarian
- dofinden = moralizing
- dofinder = to moralize
- dofindin = fable, moral, morality tale, parable
- dofindut = moralizer
- dofindwa = moralized
- dofinebar = scruple
- dofinebaraya = scrupulous
- dofinebarayan = scrupulosity, scrupulousness
- dofinebarika = scrupulous
- dofinebarikan = scrupulosity, scrupulousness
- dofinebarikay = scrupulously
- dofinebaruka = unscrupulous
- dofinebarukan = unscrupulousness
- dofinebarukay = unscrupulously
- dofinin = moralism
- dofinina = moralistic
- dofininay = moralistically
- dofininut = moralist
- dofinofwa = lusciously, obscene
- dofinofwan = obscenity
- dofinofway = obscenely
- dofinokya = dissolute
- dofinokyan = dissoluteness
- dofinokyay = dissolutely
- dofintuen = edification
- dofintuer = to edify
- dofintuyea = edifying
- dofinuka = unethical
- dofinukay = unethically
- dofinut = ethical person, ethicist, moral person
- dofinxea = moralizing
- dofinxen = moralization, moralizing
- dofinxer = to moralize
- dofinxwa = moralized
- dofinyan = ethics, morals, mores
- dofinyiva = unscrupulous
- dofinyivay = unscrupulously
- dofinyuv = scruple
- dofinyuva = scrupulous
- dofinyuvan = scrupulosity, scrupulousness
- dofinyuvay = scrupulously
- dofisen = commonwealth
- dofiz azonuus = morale booster
- dofiz = morale
- dofizuen = boosting morale
- dofizuer = to boost morale
- dofizuyea = morale-boosting
- dofun = immorality, public vice
- dofuna = immoral, naughty, perverse
- dofunan = immorality, naughtiness, perverseness, perversity
- dofunat = immoral person, pervert
- dofunay = immorally, naughtily, perversely
- dofunika = vice-ridden
- dofunkad = reprimand
- dofunkaden = reprimanding
- dofunkader = to reprimand
- dofunkadwa = reprimanded
dofunuxyea -- dokebidyiv
[edit | edit source]- dofunuxyea = perversive
- dofunxen = perversion
- dofunxwa = perverted
- dofunxwat = pervert
- dofuuz = scandal
- dofuuzaxer = to scandalize
- dofuuzaxwa = scandalized
- dofuuzyena = scandalous
- dofuuzyenay = scandalously
- dofuz = public disgrace, public shame
- dofyaa = righteous
- dofyaan = righteousness
- dofyaay = righteously
- dofyidut = councilman, councilor, councilperson
- dofyiduyt = councilwoman
- dogon = sector
- doheydar = public address system
- doib = county, shire
- doib vakdib = county police
- doiba = county
- doibut = county clerk
- doim = hamlet
- doita = civic
- doitan = civics, civism
- doitun = civics
- doituna = civics-related
- doitut = civics teacher
- doivakdibut exnig = sheriffwick
- doivakdibut = sheriff
- doivakdibuta = shrieval
- doivakdibutan = shrievalty
- dokebdiyafxen = enfranchisement
- dokebiafway = eligibly
- dokebid ukundref = ballot, vote form
- dokebid = vote
- dokebidaf = franchise, permission to vote
- dokebidafer = to have permission to vote
- dokebidafxer = to authorize to vote
- dokebidafxwa = authorized to vote
- dokebidakexbr = voting machine
- dokebidem = voting station
- dokebiden debzem = election headquarters
- dokebiden = electing, election, voting
- dokebiden jab = election year
- dokebiden jud = election day
- dokebiden kovyoekut = vote-rigger
- dokebidena domeum = electoral district, voting distrtict
- dokebidena dovyab = electoral law
- dokebidena = elective, electoral
- dokebidena exdiut = electoral candidate
- dokebidena kovyoek = electoral fraud
- dokebidentun = psephology
- dokebidentut = psephologist
- dokebidenyek = electrion campaign
- dokebidenyekut = election campaigner
- dokebider = to vote
- dokebidim = voting booth
- dokebidofxer = to prohibit from voting
- dokebidref = ballot
- dokebidref nyem = ballot box
- dokebidut = voter
- dokebidutyan = electoral constituency, votership
- dokebidwa = elected, voted
- dokebidwat = electee, person elected
- dokebidwatyan bi izbuti = board of directors
- dokebidwatyan = board
- dokebidyaf = eligibility
- dokebidyafa = able to vote, eligible, enfranchised
- dokebidyafan = eligibility
- dokebidyafwa = electable, eligible
- dokebidyafwan = eligibility
- dokebidyafxer = to enfranchise
- dokebidyek = campaign
- dokebidyeken = campaigning, electioneering
- dokebidyeker = to campaign, to electioneer, to seek votes
- dokebidyekut = campaigner, candidate
- dokebidyekutan = candidacy, candidature
- dokebidyekutkexb = vote-seeker
- dokebidyekutyan = ticket
- dokebidyiv = franchise, right to vote, suffrage
dokebidyiva -- dolyofa
[edit | edit source]- dokebidyiva = free to vote
- dokebidyivan = freedom to vote, suffrage
- dokebidyiver = to be free to vote, to have the right to vote
- dokebidyivin = suffragism
- dokebidyivina = suffragist
- dokebidyivinut = suffragist
- dokebidyivinuyt = suffragette
- dokebidyofxen = disenfranchisement
- dokebidyofxer = to disenfranchise
- dokebidyofxwa = disenfranchised
- dokebier = to elect
- dokebiut = elector
- dokebiutem = constituency
- dokebiutyan = constituency, electorate
- dokebiuyt = electress
- dokex = inquiry, investigation
- dokexeb = principal investigator
- dokexena = investigatory
- dokexut = inquirer, investigator
- dol = hush, mute, quiet, silence
- dola = mum, mute, quiet, silent
- dolan = muteness
- dolapyexrar = gavel
- dolar = muzzle, silencer
- dolay = silently
- dolbien = stealing, thievery, thieving
- dolbier = to steal, to thieve
- dolbiut = stealer, thief
- dolbiyea = thievish
- dolder = to shush
- doldez = mime, pantomime
- doldeza = pantomimic
- doldezut = mime, pantomimist
- dolea = mum, mute, silent
- doler = to be mute, to be quiet, to be silent, to hush up, to shush, to shut up
- dolfivaden = condonation
- dolfivadyafwa = condonable
- dolnas = hush money
- dolnux = hush money
- dolnuxuer = to silence with money
- dolobexen = confiscating, confiscation
- dolobexer = to confiscate
- dolobexut = confiscator
- dolobexwa = confiscated
- dolobexyea = confiscatory
- doloboox = riot
- dolobooxen = rioting
- dolobooxer = to riot, to rioter
- dolsea = being mum, being silent, staying quiet
- dolsen = being mum, being silent, staying quiet
- dolser = to be mum, to be silent, to stay quiet
- dolson = hush-hush affair
- dolsona = hush-hush
- dolsonxen = keeping a mystery
- dolsonxer = to keep a mystery
- dolsonxwa = kept a mystery
- doltesuwa = tacit
- doltesuwan = tacitness
- doltesuway = tacitly
- Dolu! = Hush!, Shush!, Shut up!, Silence!
- doluar = muffler, muzzle, silencer
- doluen = gagging, hushing up, muffling, muting, muzzling, silencing
- doluer = to hush up, to muffle, to mute, to muzzle, to shut up, to silence
- doluwa = gagged, hushed up, muffled, muted, muzzled, silenced
- doluwa seux = muffled sound
- dolvabien = condoning
- dolvabier = to condone
- dolvabiut = condoner
- dolvabiwa = condoned
- dolvadea = acquiescent
- dolvadeay = acquiescently
- dolvaden = acquiescence
- dolvader = to acquiesce
- dolvyab = gag
- dolyea = cagey, close-mouthed, closemouthed, diffident, taciturn
- dolyean = caginess, diffidence, taciturnity
- dolyeay = cagily, cagy, diffidently, taciturnly
- dolyizber = to gloss over
- dolyof = inability to speak
- dolyofa = dumb, mute, unable to speak
dolyofat -- domeuminut
[edit | edit source]- dolyofat = person with a speaking disability
- dolyofxen = dumbing, muting
- dolyofxer = to dumb, to mute
- dom = city
- dom unkun = block, city block, city square
- dom vakdib = municipal police department
- dom vakdibut = city cop, municipal police officer
- dom yijem = urban open space
- dom yuzmas = city wall
- doma = city, urban
- doma dem = city park, municipal park
- doma fyidut = alderman, city councilman
- doma fyidutyan = city council
- doma fyiduyt = alderwoman
- doma jaexdren = urban planning
- doma kyezyapen = urban sprawl
- doma tyod = urban folk
- doma vakdib = city police department
- doma vakdibut = city policeman
- doma yuzpur = city bus
- domab = municipality
- domaba = municipal
- domabam = town hall
- domabay = municipally
- domabem = municipality
- domag = major city
- doman = urbanity
- domapetaput = mounted police, mounty, ranger
- dombesut = city-dweller, urbanite
- domdem = city park, municipal park
- domdeym = square, urban garden
- domdresin = urban design
- domeam = county, province
- domeam dom = provincial capital
- domeam vakdibut = gens d'arme, provincial police
- domeama debdom = provincial capital, state capital
- domeama = provincial
- domeamab = prefecture
- domeamay = provincially
- domeameb = county clerk, governor, prefect, proconsul, provincial governor
- domeameba = prefectoral, proconsular
- domeamut = governor, provincial governor
- domeamyen = provincialism
- domeamyena = provincial
- domeap = boulevard
- domeb = burgomaster, mayor
- domeba debzem = mayor's headquarters
- domeba = mayoral
- domebam = city hall, mayor's office
- domeban = mayoralty
- domeem = department
- domeemab = prefecture
- domeemeb = prefect
- domeep = avenue
- domeim = canton
- domeima = cantonal
- domeimeb = canton head
- domeip = lane
- domep ginid = traffic cone
- domep manar = street lamp, streetlamp
- domep seuxibar = boom box, boombox, ghetto blaster
- domep siun = street sign
- domep = street
- domep tobyog = street urchin
- domep vyatea = streetwise
- domep vyixur = street cleaner, street cleaning vehicle, street sweeper
- domep vyixut = street cleaner
- domep zyenod = street intersection
- domepdraf = street map
- domepoboxut = hooligan
- domepoboxutyen = hooliganism
- domepoboxutyena = hooliganish
- domeptyopuyt = floozie, floozy
- domepvyut = guttersnipe
- domepzyus = circle, rotary, roundabout
- domeum = district
- domeuma = communal, district-related
- domeuma deb = communal leader
- domeumeb = district mayor
- domeuminut = communard
domexut -- donapuyt
[edit | edit source]- domexut = city clerk
- domeyb = mayoress
- domeyma = communal
- domgon = district, neighborhood, precinct, quadrant, quarter
- domgona = district-related
- domgones = block, city block
- Domim = Dominican Republic
- Domima = Dominican Republican
- Domimat = Dominican Republican, inhabitant of Dominican Republic
- domino = domino
- domino nod = pip
- dommas = city wall
- dommir = civilization, urbane world
- domnaadpur = tram, tramcar, tramway
- domned = place, public square
- domnyaxen = conurbation
- domnyed = urban grid
- domog = village
- domogut = villager
- domoys = social stratum
- dompar = town car
- dompur = autobus, bus, city bus, omnibus
- dompur exut = bus driver
- dompur mepyen = bus route
- dompur nad = bus line
- dompur posem = bus stop
- dompur posum = bus stand
- dompurer = to bus
- domsin = cityscape, townscape, urban scene
- domtam = brownstone, town house, townhouse
- domtej = city life
- domtejen = urban living
- domteudut = town crier
- domtun = urban planning, urbanology
- domtuna = related to urban planning
- domtut = urban planning expert, urbanologist
- domtyalien = dining out
- domtyalier = to dine in public, to dine out
- domtyod = city folk
- domut = city-dweller, urbanite
- domutyan = city folk
- domxen = urbanization
- domxer = to urbanize
- domxwa = urbanized
- domyen = city ways, civility, urbanity
- domyena = citified, civil, urbane
- domyenay = urbanely
- domyenut = slicker
- domyex = chore
- domyijem = piazza, plaza, square, urban open space
- domyuka = debonair
- domyuzpur = circulator bus
- domzem = city center, midtown
- domzemper = to go downtown
- donab = civil service rank
- donab dyun = rank name
- donabdyun = title
- donabdyunuen = titling
- donabdyunuer = to title
- donabdyunuwa = titled
- donabser = to rank
- donabxen = ranking
- donabxer = to rank
- donabxwa = ranked
- donap = civil order, public order, social order
- donap dodras = police bulletin
- donap pur = police car
- donap yuztyop = police beat
- donapa = police-related
- donapdeb = police chief
- donapden = public mandate, public ordinance
- donapdib = police department, police station
- donapdibut = cop, police officer
- donapdibutyan = police force
- donapuen = policing
- donapuer = to police
- donaput = cop, policeman
- donaputa draz = policeman's badge
- donapuwa = policed
- donapuyt = policewoman
donas -- doofbelut
[edit | edit source]- donas = treasury
- donasdub = exchequer, treasury minister, treasury secretary
- donasdubam = treasury department, treasury ministry
- donasnyef = fisc
- donasnyefa = fiscal
- donasnyefay = fiscally
- donasyan = public funds
- donaxgab = vendue
- donazun = bounty
- donazuntojbut = bounty hunter
- doneg axlen yevson = class action suit
- doneg = class, social class, social level, social stratum
- doneg teptijan = class consciousness
- donega = class-related
- donegin = classism
- donegina = classist
- doneginut = classist
- donegoya = class-less, classless
- donegoyan = classlessness
- donegteptija = class-conscious
- doneguka = class-less, classless
- donegukan = classlessness
- donex mempilut = economic refugee
- donexa agxen = economic growth
- donexa = economic
- donexay = economically
- donexnaga = econometric
- donixbuen = hawking
- donixbuer = to hawk
- donixbuut = hawker
- donixbuwa = hawked
- donux didraf = tax form
- donux gobun = tax deduction
- donux jab = tax year
- donux jeb = tax season
- donux loyef = tax exemption
- donux loyefxwa = tax exempt
- donux oznod = tax loophole
- donux pilen = tax evasion
- donux = taxes
- donux vakem = tax haven
- donux vyesag = tax rate
- donux vyotuen = tax fraud
- donux yibesen = tax avoidance, tax evasion
- donuxiblut = tax collector
- donuxuen = taxation
- donuxuer gabnux = to tax
- donuxuut = taxer
- donuxuwa = taxed
- donuxuyafwa = taxable
- donyaypa = licit
- donyaypay = licitly
- doob = nation
- dooba fizdeuzun = national anthem
- dooba = national
- dooba vakan = national security
- Dooba Vakan Yuxlam = NSA, National Security Agency
- Dooba-Dotin = National Socialism
- Dooba-Dotina = National Socialist
- Dooba-Dotinut = National Socialist
- dooban = nationality, nationhood
- doobay = nationally
- doobdalzeyn = vernacular
- doobem = fatherland. homeland
- Doobem Vakan Diib = Homeland Security Administration
- doobema = patriotic
- doobemin = patriotism
- doobemina = patriotic
- doobeminut = patriot
- doobin = nationalism
- doobina = nationalistic
- doobinay = nationalistically
- doobinut = nationalist
- doobxen = nationalization, nationalizing
- doobxer = to nationalize
- doobxwa = nationalized
- doof = banner, flag, national colors
- doof belar = standard-bearer
- doof muf = flagpole, flagstaff, standard
- doofbelut = flag-bearer, vexillary
doofes -- doparoya
[edit | edit source]- doofes = pennon
- doofsiunar = semaphore
- doofsiynwa = flagged
- doofut = flagman
- doofxer = to outlaw
- doofxw = outlawed
- doofyaoben = raising and lowering of the flag
- doofyazuyea = shocking
- doonxea = abrogating
- doonxen = abrogating, abrogation
- doonxer = to abrogate
- doonxut = abrogator
- doonxwa = abrogated
- doop = force, military force, troop
- dop = military
- dopa debzem = military headquarters
- dopa jadren = military planning
- dopa jadrun = military plan
- dopa mas = bulwark, rampart
- dopa melmas = earthwork
- dopa = military
- dopa mimpur = military vessel
- dopa nab = military rank
- dopa nabyan = military hierarchy
- dopa napden = military order
- dopa nix = military pay
- dopa ponjob = furlough, military leave
- dopa posem = military post
- dopa saib = cadre
- dopa syobem = military base
- dopa tayegoblun = crew cut
- dopa timyan = barracks, military barracks, military dormitory
- dopa tin = military doctrine
- dopa tomofem = encampment
- dopa tomofyan = bivouac, military encampment
- dopa vyakxam = military brig, stockade
- dopa vyokxam = military prison, stockade
- dopa yef = military duty
- dopa yuv = military duty
- dopa yuxlen = military service
- dopa zanad = battle front, military front
- dopabaun = armor
- dopabauner = to armor
- dopabtiaf = cuirass
- dopakpas = tactic
- dopakpasa = tactical
- dopanadab = junta
- dopaotyanag = legion
- dopaotyanaga = legionary
- dopar = arm, firearm, weapon
- dopar dovyab = gun law
- dopar mimpar = gunboat
- dopar yembam = arms depot, weapons depot
- dopar yovbien = stickup
- doparaben = arming
- doparaber = to arm, to put on a weapon, to wear a weapon
- doparabwa = armed
- doparam = armory, arsenal, emplacement
- dopardalyen = heraldic motto
- dopardyes = roll of arms
- doparen = firing, gunfire, gunning, shooting
- doparer = to fire a gun at, to shoot
- dopares = pistol, small firearm
- dopareyn = gunfire, shot
- dopargiber = to transfix
- dopargibwa = transfixed
- dopari = arms, weapons
- doparien = taking up arms
- doparier = to arm oneself, to take up arms
- doparifrut = gun lover, gun nut
- doparkuben = armistice
- doparkuber = to lay down arms
- doparmeg = gunflint
- doparmyek = gunpowder
- doparnyef = holster
- doparoben = disarmament
- doparober = to disarm, to remove a weapon, to unarm
- doparobwa = disarmed
- doparog = peashooter
- doparoya = weaponless
doparpot -- dopekxer
[edit | edit source]- doparpot = heraldic animal
- doparpuxrun = gunshot
- doparsam = gun cabinet
- doparsaxut = armourer, gun manufacturer, weaponsmith
- dopartom = blockhouse
- dopartun = heraldry
- dopartwid = brother-in-arms
- doparuen = arming, weaponization
- doparuer = to arm, to weaponize
- doparuka = weaponless
- doparun = munition
- doparut = shooter
- doparuwa = armed
- doparwa = fired at, gunned, shot
- doparyan = armament, munitions, ordnance, weaponry
- doparyanam = armory
- doparyem = warhead
- doparzyun = bullet
- doparzyunvaka = bulletproof
- doparzyunvaka oybtif = bullet-proof vest
- doparzyunyan = ammo, ammunition
- dopat azaxwem = garrison
- dopatxen = soldiering
- dopatxer = to soldier
- dopatyan = soldiery
- dopatyena = soldierlike
- dopatyenay = soldierly
- dopaun = military unit
- dopay = militarily
- dopayob = armor
- dopayobuen = armoring
- dopayobuer = to armor
- dopayobuwa = armored
- dopayobuwa pur = armored vehicle
- dopazbirer = to commandeer
- dopbien = conquering, conquest, defeat
- dopbier = to conquer, to defeat
- dopbiren = preying
- dopbirwas = prey
- dopbiut = conquerer
- dopbiwa = conquered, defeated
- dopbiyafwa = conquerable
- dopeb = command-in-chief, commander-in-chief of the armed forces, generalissimo, marshal
- dopek = battle, combat
- dopek book = battle fatigue, combat fatigue
- dopek bukun = battle wound
- dopek deuzun = battle hymn
- dopek goblar = battle-ax, battleax, battleaxe
- dopek gonem = combat zone
- dopek jadrun = battle plan
- dopek jobukun = battle scar
- dopek jobukxwa = battle-scarred
- dopek manar = battle lantern
- dopek mays = battlement
- dopek mimpur = battleship, combat vessel
- dopek nad = battle line
- dopek posem = battle station
- dopek tif = battle jacket
- dopek tof = battle attire, battle dress, battle fatigue, uniform
- dopek utyan = battle group
- dopek zanad = battlefront
- dopekbooka = embattled
- dopekem = battlefield, battleground, fight arena
- dopekembien = deployment
- dopekembier = to deploy
- dopekembuen = deployment
- dopekembuer = to deploy
- dopekembuwa = deployed
- dopeken = battling, combat, crusading, fighting
- dopeker = to battle, to combat, to crusade, to fight, to quarrel
- dopekkexyea = hotheaded
- dopekkexyean = hotheadedness
- dopekmasi = battlements, ramparts
- dopeknad = line of battle
- dopekpyoxwati = fallen in battle casualties
- dopektof = battledress
- dopekujben = laying down arms
- dopekujber = to stop fighting
- dopekwa = battled, fought
- dopekxer = to commandeer
dopekyafxer -- doputyanbix
[edit | edit source]- dopekyafxer = to embattle
- dopekyan = tournament
- dopekyea = combative, pugnacious
- dopekyean = combativeness, pugnaciousness, pugnacity
- dopekyeay = pugnaciously
- dopekyuka = feisty, truculence, truculent
- dopekyukay = truculently
- dopeyk = altercation, battle, skirmish
- dopeyken = battling, skirmishing
- dopeyker = to battle, to skirmish
- dopfyaxeb = chaplain
- dopgonutxen = conscription
- dopgonutxer = to conscript
- dopgonutxwa = conscripted
- dopifa = bellicose, militant, pro-military
- dopifan = bellicosity, militancy
- dopifut = militant, war-lover
- dopikben = recruiting, recruitment
- dopikber = to recruit
- dopikbwa = recruited
- dopin = militarism
- dopina = militaristic
- dopinay = militaristically
- dopir = artillery, cannon, spitfire
- dopiren = shellfire
- dopirmug = gunmetal
- dopirpuxun = artillery shell
- dopirtun = artillery science
- dopiruti = artillerymen
- dopiryan = artillery, battery, cannonry
- dopirzyun = artillery shell, cannonball, shell
- dopirzyunog = whizzbang
- dopizputyan = group of marchers
- dopmavyel = napalm
- dopmimpuryan = armada
- dopmuf = lance
- dopmufxen = lancination, lancing
- dopmufxer = to lancinate
- dopmyekam = explosives factory, gunpowder factory
- dopnam = commissary
- dopnap = phalanx
- dopnapen = military parade, military review
- dopnix = military pay
- dopnyazbir = foray
- dopox = arrest
- dopox vladref = arrest warrant
- dopoxea dibut = arresting officer
- dopoxen = arresting
- dopoxer = to arrest
- dopoxwa = arrested, under arrest
- dopoxwat = person under arrest
- doppixlawa = pillaged, plundered
- doppixlen = depredation, pillaging, piracy, plundering
- doppixler = to depredate, to pillage, to plunder
- Doppler ix = to Doppler effect
- Doprek bi Yivlan = War of Independence
- dopser = to militarize
- dopsuryan = ordnance
- doptaf = armor
- doptam = barrack, barracks, quarters
- doptelem = mess hall, mess hall canteen
- dopteud = battle cry
- doptyop = march
- doptyopea deuzutyan = marching band
- doptyopen deuzun = marching song
- doptyopen = marching
- doptyoper = to march
- doptyoput = infantryman
- doptyoputyan = infantry
- dopuar = bayonet
- dopuaren = bayoneting
- dopuarer = to bayonet
- dopuarwa = bayoneted
- dopufa = anti-war, dovish
- dopufat = dove, war-hater
- dopures = automatic rifle
- dopurog = Tommy gun, sub-machine gun
- doputyan = troop
- doputyanbelea mimpur = troopship
- doputyanbix = muster
dopuyr -- dota napden
[edit | edit source]- dopuyr = carbine, rifle
- dopuz = arch, bow
- dopuz-izmuf = bow-and-arrow
- dopuztyen = archery
- dopuzur = crossbow
- dopvakdib = gendarmerie headquarters
- dopvakdibut = gendarme
- dopxen = militarization
- dopxer = to militarize
- dopxwa = militarized
- dopyaf = military power
- dopyafon = firepower
- dopyan = arsenal
- dopyanam = arsenal
- dopyebien = draft, drafting, recruiting, recruitment
- dopyebier = to draft, to recruit
- dopyebiwa = drafted, recruited
- dopyena = militant
- dopyenan = militancy
- dopyenay = militantly
- dopyonar = saber, sword
- dopyonarbaoxlen = saber-rattling
- dopyonaryeb = baldric
- dopyuv = military duty
- dopzem = military headquarters
- dopzyun abaun = cartridge, shell casing
- dopzyun = bullet, shell
- dopzyunvaka zyev = bulletproof glass
- dopzyunyan = ammo, ammunition
- dopzyunyan nyem = ammo box, caisson, munitions caisson
- dopzyunyan zetif = bandolier
- dosagen = recension
- dosana = formal
- dosana ovden = remonstrance, remonstrating, remonstration
- dosana ovdut = remonstrant
- dosanan = formality
- dosanaxen = formalizing
- dosanaxer = to formalize
- dosanaxwa = formalized
- dosanay = formally
- dosanay ovdyea = remonstrative
- dosiynen = rubber-stamping
- dosiyner = to rubber-stamp
- dosiynwa = rubber-stamped
- dosyag = census
- dosyagdib = census administration
- dosyagdibut = census official
- dosyagdravut = comptroller
- dosyagxen = conducting a census
- dosyagxer = to conduct a census
- dosyagxwa = counted in a census
- dosyan = class, social class
- dosyana = related to social class
- dosyanin = classism
- dosyanina = classist
- dosyaninut = classist
- dosyem = institute, institution, public institute
- dosyema = institutional
- dosyemay = institutionally
- dosyembea = instituting, institutionalizing
- dosyemben = institution, institutionalization, institutionalizing
- dosyember = to institutionalize
- dosyembwa = institutionalized
- dosyemxen = instituting
- dosyemxer = to institute
- dosyemxut = instituter
- dosyemxwa = instituted
- dot = consortium, society
- dota abteaxut = chaperon
- dota abteaxutyan = chaperonage
- dota abteaxuyt = chaperone
- dota moys = social layer, social stratum
- dota mus = social ladder
- dota musnog = social rung
- dota musyapren = social climbing
- dota musyaprut = social climber
- dota muys = social ladder
- dota nab = social rank
- dota nap = social order
- dota napden = social ordinance
dota neg -- dotnuxuen
[edit | edit source]- dota neg = social level
- dota oytofan = naturism
- dota oytofat = naturist
- dota = social, societal
- dota tyan = social class
- dota vyanyan = ethic
- dota yabmuspen = social climbing
- dota yabmusput = social climber
- dota yibbesen = social distancing
- dota yibxen = social distancing
- dotaser = become social
- dotaxen = socialization
- dotaxer = socialize
- dotaxlyen = demeanor
- dotaxwa = socialized
- dotay abteaxwa = chaperoned
- dotay = socially
- dotbokat = sociopath
- doteada = notarial
- doteaden = notarization, notarizing
- doteader = to notarize
- doteadut = notary
- doteadwa = notarized
- dotef = coif
- doteuden = proclaiming
- doteuder = to proclaim
- doteudun = proclamation
- doteudut = proclaimer
- doteudwa = proclaimed
- doteuzafxer = to enfanchise
- doteuzafxwa = enfranchised
- doteuzdref = ballot
- doteuzdref nyem = ballot box
- doteuzkyaxut = swinger
- doteuzofxer = to disenfranchise
- doteuzofxwa = disenfranchised
- doteuzsag = poll
- doteuzsagden = polling
- doteuzsagder = to poll
- doteuzsagdut = poll-taker, pollster
- doteuzsagdwa = polled
- doteuzsager = to canvass
- doteuzsagut = canvasser
- doteuzsagwa = canvassed
- doteuzuaf = permission to vote
- doteuzuar = voting machine
- doteuzuem = poll, polling site, polling station, voting place
- doteuzuen dyez = polling book
- doteuzuen tum = voting booth
- doteuzuen = voting
- doteuzuer = to cast a vote
- doteuzuum = polling booth
- doteuzuun = vote
- doteuzuut = voter
- doteuzuwa = voted
- doteuzuyofxen = disenfranchisement
- doteuzuyofxer = to disenfranchise
- doteuzuyofxwa = disenfranchised
- doteuzyiv = franchise, right to vote
- doteuzyiva = free to vote
- doteuzyivan = freedom to vote
- dotin = socialism
- dotina = socialist, socialistic
- dotinut = socialist
- dotmuys = social ladder
- dotnab = social rank, social standing, social stratum
- dotnaz = caliber
- dotnextuna = socioeconomic
- dotnix = assessment, duty
- dotnixuen = assessment of a duty
- dotnixuer = to asses a duty
- dotnixut = beneficiary, welfare recipient
- dotnixuwa = assessed
- dotnixuyafwa = dutiable
- dotnux dob = welfare state
- dotnux = social security, subsidy, welfare allotment, welfare allowance
- dotnuxdib = social security administration, welfare administration
- dotnuxier = to collect social security, to collect welfare
- dotnuxiut = social security recipient, welfare recipient
- dotnuxuen = allocating welfare, paying out social security
dotnuxuer -- dotyenxen
[edit | edit source]- dotnuxuer = to allocate welfare, to pay out social security
- dotoega = weird
- dotoegan = weirdness
- dotoegat = weirdie
- dotoegay = weirdly
- dotof = taboo
- dotoj pesnad = death row
- dotoj pesnadat = person on death row
- dotojber = to put to death
- dotojbut = iceman
- dotom vyixut = janitor
- dotomdrawasi = graffiti
- dotop = ethos
- dotopa = ethical
- dotoptun = ethics
- dotpifa = gregarious
- dotpifan = gregariousness
- dotpifay = gregariously
- dotpifut = gregarious person
- dotrawa = reputed
- dotrawan = repute
- dotraway = reputedly
- dotsen = socialization, socializing
- dotser = to socialize
- dotsinen = salutation, saluting
- dotsiner = to salute
- dotsinwa = saluted
- dotsyen = civilization
- dotsyena = civilized
- dotsyenser = to civilize
- dotsyenxen = civilizing
- dotsyenxer = to civilize
- dotsyenxwa = civilized
- dottun = sociology
- dottuna = sociologic, sociological
- dottunay = sociologically
- dottut = sociologist
- dotuea = promulgating
- dotuen = divulging, proclaiming, proclamation, promulgating, promulgation, reporting
- dotuer = to divulge, to proclaim, to promulgate, to report, to whistleblow
- dotufa = recalcitrant
- dotufan = recalcitrance
- dotup = member, card-carrying member, socialite
- dotut = bourgeois
- dotuta = bourgeois
- dotutan = bourgeoisie
- dotutser = to become bourgeois, to become middle class
- dotutxer = to bring into the middle class
- dotutxwa = brought into the middle class
- dotutyan = bourgeoisie
- dotuun = bulletin, proclamation, public notice, report
- dotuunyan = reportage
- dotuut = herald, proclaimer, promulgator, reporter, telltale
- dotuwa = divulged, proclaimed, promulgated
- dotuyt = bourgeoise, middle class female
- dotvak = social security
- dotvakdib = social security administration
- dotvyab = ruling, statute
- dotvyaba = statutory
- dotvyaban = statutoriness
- dotvyabay = statutorily
- dotvyabdras = statute
- dotvyaben = ruling
- dotvyabwa = ruled
- dotwut = bourgeois gentleman, middle class male
- dotxen = socialization
- dotxer = to socialize
- dotxwa = socialized
- dotxyuka = dorky
- dotxyukat = dork
- dotyan = class, social class, social standing
- dotyanbyen = comity
- dotyea = sociable
- dotyean = sociability
- dotyeay = sociably
- dotyen = civility, etiquette, sociability, social manners
- dotyena = civil, outgoing, social
- dotyenan = tameness
- dotyenukat = dweeb
- dotyenxen = civilization, socialization, taming
dotyenxer -- dovakdibuyt
[edit | edit source]- dotyenxer = to civilize, to socialize, to tame
- dotyenxut = tamer
- dotyenxwa = civilized, socialized, tamed
- dotyexut = caseworker
- doublatyan = committee, delegation
- doublawa = commissioned, delegated, deputized
- doublawat = commissioner, delegate, member of congress
- doublawatam = capitol
- doublawatim = chamber of congress, chamber of deputies, house of delegates
- doubler = to commission, to delegate, to deputize
- doubwat = deputy, representative
- doum = estate, manor
- douma = manorial
- dout = bourgeois, burgess, member of the middle class
- douta afden = public license
- douta = bourgeois, public
- douta byen = public manners
- douta dalen = public speaking
- douta dalun = public speech
- douta dalut = public speaker
- douta dyun = public name
- douta fun = public vice
- douta fuz = public shame
- douta nap = public order
- douta napden = public mandate, public ordinance
- douta nasbexun = public revenue
- douta nasyan = public funds
- douta syem = public institute
- douta taxdin = public record
- douta tilam = public house
- douta unkudem = public square
- douta vak = public safety
- douta vyankex = public inquiry
- douta vyayab = public standard
- douta vyokaxlyen = public misbehavior
- douta xeun = public enterprise
- douta yafon = public power
- douta yiv = public right
- douta yuxlen = public service
- douta yuxlut = public servant
- douta zyidem = public plaza
- doutpur = public vehicle
- doutxen = publicity, publicizing
- doutxer = to publicize
- doutxwa = publicized
- doutyan = bourgeoisie, public
- doutyana mem aybteax = cadaster
- doutyana = public
- doutyanay afxwa = publicly licensed
- doutyanay = publicly
- doutyan-bexwa xeun = public-owned business
- douvteud = gravamen
- douyt = bourgeois lady, bourgeoise, dowager, gentle lady, gentlewoman
- douyta = bourgeoise
- dovabiyafwa = presentable
- dovabiyafway = presentably
- dovad = imprimatur
- dovadelen = professing, ratification, ratifying
- dovadeler = to profess, to ratify
- dovadelut = ratifier
- dovadelwa = professed, ratified
- dovafdref = manifesto
- dovak dodras = police bulletin
- dovak = public safety
- dovak pur = police car
- dovak yuztyop = police beat
- dovaka = police-related
- dovakdeb = police chief
- dovakdib alpuibar = police radio
- dovakdib dodras = police report
- dovakdib kotuut = police informant
- dovakdib obyex = police protection
- dovakdib = police department, police station
- dovakdib xwad = police report
- dovakdib yipet = police dog
- dovakdib yuzpep = police patrol
- dovakdibtwa = known to the police
- dovakdibut = cop, police officer
- dovakdibutyan = police force
- dovakdibuyt = female police officer
dovakdob -- dovyabxeutyan
[edit | edit source]- dovakdob = police state
- dovakuen = policing
- dovakuer = to police
- dovakut = cop, policeman
- dovakuta draz = policeman's badge
- dovakuwa = fiducial, fiduciary, policed
- dovakuwat = fiduciary
- dovakuyt = policewoman
- dovodebden = prohibiting, prohibition
- dovodebder = to prohibit
- dovodebdwa = prohibited
- dovyab ay nap = law and order
- dovyab doyevson = law case
- dovyab dreun = brief, law document
- dovyab = law
- dovyab nod = point of law
- dovyab ovlaxun = breach of law
- dovyab tistam = law school
- dovyab tisundyes = hornbook
- dovyab tyen = legal profession
- dovyab xab = law firm
- dovyab xetyen = jurisprudence, law practice
- dovyab xim = law office
- dovyab yafluen = law enforcement
- dovyab yafluut = law enforcement officer
- dovyab yuvsea = law-abiding
- dovyaba avdun = legal claim
- dovyaba doyiv = legal right
- dovyaba joibut = heir at law
- dovyaba = lawful, legal, rightful
- dovyaba naad = legal framework
- dovyaba son = legal matter
- dovyaba xetyen = legal practice
- dovyaba yevson = legal case
- dovyaba yexnad = legal discipline
- dovyaba zeyn = legal tender
- dovyaban = lawfulness, legality
- dovyabay = lawfully, legally
- dovyabazon = legal force
- dovyabdal = legalese
- dovyabdram = legislature, statehouse
- dovyabdrama = legislative
- dovyabdras = act of Congress, bill, enactment, piece of legislation, writ of law
- dovyabdrawa = enacted, legislated, written into law
- dovyabdren = drafting legislation, lawmaking, legislating, legislation
- dovyabdrena = legislative, legislatively
- dovyabdrenay = legislatively
- dovyabdrer = to draft a law, to draft legislation, to legislate, to write into law
- dovyabdrim = chamber of congress, legislative chamber
- dovyabdrun = bill, legislation, piece of legislation
- dovyabdrut = congressman, congressperson, lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator, member of congress, member of parliament
- dovyabdrutyan = body of lawmakers, congress, legislative body, legislature
- dovyabdrutyana = congressional
- dovyabdruyt = congresswoman
- dovyabdyen = legalism
- dovyabdyena = legalistic
- dovyabmeem = jurisdiction
- dovyabmeema = jurisdictional
- dovyabova = against the law, illegal, unlawful
- dovyabovalx = breech of law
- dovyabovalxen = lawbreaking
- dovyabovalxut = lawbreaker
- dovyabovan = illegality, unlawfulness
- dovyabovaxlea = law-breaking
- dovyabovaxlen = lawbreaking
- dovyabovaxlut = law-breaker, lawbreaker, scofflaw
- dovyaboxalen = law-breaking
- dovyaboxalut = law-breaker
- dovyabtun = jurisprudence
- dovyabtuna = juridic, juridical
- dovyabtunay = juridically
- dovyabtut = doctor of jurisprudence, jurisconsult
- dovyabtyen = bar, law practice
- dovyabtyenober = to disbar
- dovyabut = lawyer
- dovyabxen = legalization
- dovyabxer = to enact, to legalize
- dovyabxetyenut = practitioner of law
- dovyabxeut = attorney, lawyer
- dovyabxeutyan = attorney team
dovyabxolen -- doyanupen
[edit | edit source]- dovyabxolen = lawbreaking
- dovyabxolut = bandit, law-breaker, lawbreaker
- dovyabxolutan = banditry
- dovyabxwa = legalized
- dovyabyan = body of laws, constitution
- dovyabyana = constitutional
- dovyabyuvsea = law-abiding
- dovyabyuxena = paralegal
- dovyabyuxut = paralegal
- dovyakxam = corrections facility, jail, prison
- dovyankex = investigation, official inquiry, public inquiry
- dovyankexer = to do an official inquiry, to investigate
- dovyankexut = investigator, official inquirer
- dovyayab bi xyen = code of conduct
- dovyayab = code, public standard
- dovyayaba = standard
- dovyayabdyes = codex
- dovyayabxen = codification, codifying
- dovyayabxer = to codify
- dovyayabxut = codifier
- dovyayabxwa = codified
- dovyayb = legitimate
- dovyayban = legitimacy
- dovyaybay = legitimately
- dovyaybxen = legitimization
- dovyaybxer = to legitimatize, to legitimize
- dovyaybxwa = legitimized
- dovyonden = perjury
- dovyonder = to commit perjury, to perjure oneself
- dovyondut = perjurer
- dovyuloben = censoring, censorship
- dovyulobena = censorial
- dovyulober = to censor
- dovyulobut = censor
- dovyulobwa = censored
- dovyulobyea = censorious
- dovyulobyean = censoriousness
- dovyulobyefwa = censurable
- Down boksiunyan = mongolism
- doxabdibut = commissioner
- doxabkex = candidacy, candidature
- doxabkexea = running for office
- doxabkexen = running for office
- doxabkexer = to run for office, to seek a public office
- doxabkexut = candidate, public office seeker
- doxalen = commissioning
- doxaler = to commission
- doxalutyan = commission
- doxalwa = commissioned
- doxarut = executive
- doxaruta dub = executive branch
- doxarutyan = executive commission
- doxyen = etiquette
- doyaf = office, public office
- doyaffuyix = corruption, graft
- doyaffuyixea = corrupt
- doyaffuyixen = abusing public trust, engaging in graft, grafting
- doyaffuyixer = to abuse public trust, to engage in corruption, to engage in graft
- doyaffuyixut = corrupt official, corrupter, grafter
- doyaffuyixwa = corrupted, grafted
- doyaffuyixwan = corruptness
- doyaffuyixyafwa = corruptible
- doyaffuyixyafwan = corruptibility
- doyaffuyixyea = corrupting, corruptive
- doyaffuyixyeay = corruptively
- doyafien = assuming power, taking office
- doyafier = to assume power, to take office
- doyafioa = about to assume power, about to take office
- doyafkexut = candidate
- doyafkexutan = candidature
- doyafoben = impeachment
- doyafober = to impeach
- doyafobwa = impeached
- doyafuen = delegation, deputation, deputization, deputizing
- doyafuer = to delegate, to depute, to deputize
- doyafuwa = deputized
- doyafuwat = delegate, deputy
- doyafuwatyan = chamber of delegates, house of deputies
- doyanup = convention
- doyanupen = convening
doyanuper -- doyevyeker
[edit | edit source]- doyanuper = to convene
- doyanuput = conventioneer
- doyanupzen = convention center
- doyaovyek = hearing, litigraion
- doyaovyeker = to hear, to litigate
- doyaovyekwa = heard, litigated
- doybyena dal = bluster
- doybyena dalen = blustering
- doybyena = officious
- doybyenan = officiousness
- doybyenay = officiously
- doyef = duty
- doyefyuva = duty-bound
- doyektiut = ombudsman
- doyen = etiquette, public manners
- doyepet = terrier
- doyev = justice
- doyeva = judicial, juridic, juridical
- doyevam bi dyuun = court of appeal
- doyevam = court of justice, court of law, courthouse, tribunal
- doyevam updiendraf = subpoena
- doyevamben = arraigning, arraignment
- doyevamber = to arraign
- doyevambut = arraigner
- doyevambwa = arraigned
- doyevambwat = person arraigned
- doyevan dub = justice minister, justice secretary
- doyevan dubam = justice department, justice ministry
- doyevan = jurisprudence, justice
- doyevana = juridical
- doyevantun = jurisprudence
- doyevantuna = juridical, juristic
- doyevantut = jurist
- doyevanyuxlut = bailiff, court usher
- doyevay = judicially
- doyevden = judging
- doyevdena = judicatory
- doyevder = to judge
- doyevdib = judicial administration, judiciary
- doyevdiba = judicial, juridical
- doyevdibut = judicial administrator, justiciary
- doyevdibutim = judge's chamber
- doyevdul = judicial determination
- doyevdun = judgment
- doyevdut = judge
- doyevdutan = judgeship
- doyevdutyan = judicature
- doyevdwa = judged
- doyevdyafa = judicative
- doyevdyea = judgmental
- doyevdyeay = judgmentally
- doyeveb = magistrate
- doyeveba = magistral
- doyeveban = magistracy
- doyevim = courtroom
- doyevina = unegalitarian
- doyevkex = litigation, suit
- doyevkexea = suing
- doyevkexen = arraignment, litigation, prosecuting, prosecution, suing
- doyevkexer = to arraign, to bring a case against, to litigate, to prosecute, to sue
- doyevkexut = litigant, litigator, prosecutor, suing party, suitor
- doyevkexutyan = prosecution team
- doyevkexwa = arraigned, litigated, prosecuted, sued
- doyevkexwat = defendant, person being prosecuted
- doyevkexwatyan = defense
- doyevkexyafwa = suable
- doyevkuben = garnishing, garnishment
- doyevkuber = to garnish, to garnishee
- doyevkubwa = garnished
- doyevsim = bench
- doyevsimper = to preside over a case, to sit on the bench
- doyevson = case, court case, lawsuit, suit
- doyevsona = forensic
- doyevsonay = forensically
- doyevsonut = attorney, barrister
- doyevsonutam = law firm
- doyevsonutyan = attorney team
- doyevyekem = trial venue
- doyevyeken = hearing, trying
- doyevyeker = to hear, to try
doyevyekwa -- doyovtodut
[edit | edit source]- doyevyekwa = heard, tried
- doyeyf = duty
- doyeyfika = duty-bound
- doyiv bi beler dopari = to right to bear arms
- doyiv bi dokebier = to franchise, to right to vote
- doyiv bi kebiden = right to choose
- doyiv bi mep = right of passage, right of way
- doyiv bi ovakyiplam = right of asylum
- doyiv bi taj = right of birth
- doyiv bi tej = right to life
- doyiv bi teuzer = to right to vote, to suffrage, to voting right
- doyiv bi vabtelen = pasturage
- doyiv bi yeva yaovyek = right to a free trial
- doyiv bi yiva dal = right of free speech
- doyiv bi yiva nyanupen = right of free assembly
- doyiv bi yizpen = right of passage
- doyiv bi yonutan = right of privacy
- doyiv = public right
- doyivaben = franchising
- doyivaber = to franchise
- doyivabwa = franchised
- doyivabwa xeun = franchise operation
- doyivay = rightfully
- doyivaya = rightful
- doyivayan = rightfulness
- doyivi = rights
- doyivika = rightful
- doyivikan = rightfulness
- doyivoben = defrocking, disenfranchisement
- doyivober = to defrock, to disenfranchise
- doyivobwa = defrocked, disenfranchised
- doyixbiren = impressment
- doym = burg, burgh, thorp, town
- doymat = townee, townie
- doymteudut = town crier
- doymtyod = townsfolk, townspeople
- doymut = burgher, townsman
- doymuyt = townswoman
- doyov = crime, offense
- doyov domeum = rookery
- doyov yuznyov = tapeline
- doyova = criminal, offensive
- doyova magijben = arson
- doyova magijbut = arsonist
- doyovaden = impeachment
- doyovader = to impeach
- doyovadut = impeacher
- doyovadwa = impeached
- doyovadyafwa = impeachable
- doyovadyofwa = unimpeachable
- doyovag = felony
- doyovaga = felonious
- doyovagxut = felon, person committing a felon
- doyovagxwat = felony victim
- doyovan = criminality
- doyovaxen = criminalization
- doyovaxer = to criminalize
- doyovaxwa = criminalized
- doyovay = criminally
- doyovbier = to purloin
- doyovbiut = purloiner
- doyovbyok = criminal penalty
- doyovbyokien = serving time
- doyovbyokier = to serve time
- doyovdelea = reprimanding
- doyovdelen = reprimanding
- doyovdeler = to reprimand
- doyovdelwa = reprimanded
- doyovdeyt = moll
- doyovdin = caper
- doyovika = crime-ridden
- doyovkaxwa = rumbled
- doyovogxut = punk
- doyovtod = crime family, mafia, mob
- doyovtoda = gangsterous
- doyovtodat = mobster
- doyovtoddat = crony
- doyovtodeb = godfather, mafia boss
- doyovtodin = gangsterism
- doyovtodut = gangster, mafioso
doyovtodutyan -- drasin
[edit | edit source]- doyovtodutyan = gang, mafia gang
- doyovtuen = whistle-blowing
- doyovtuer = to whistle-blow
- doyovtun = criminology
- doyovtuna = criminological
- doyovtunay = criminologically
- doyovtut = criminologist
- doyovtuut = whistle-blower
- doyovtwed = godfather, mafia boss
- doyovuea = incriminating
- doyovuen = incrimination
- doyovuer = to incriminate
- doyovuka = crime-free
- doyovuyea = incriminatory
- doyovxut = criminal, offender
- doyovxutyan = crime syndicate, gang
- doyovxwat = crime victim
- doyovyefoben = clemency
- doyovyena = criminal in nature
- doyoyv = infraction, malfeasance, misdemeanor, petty crime, petty offense, tort
- doyoyvxut = person committing a misdemeanor, petty criminal
- doyp = force, militia
- doypeb = fugleman
- doyt = association, club, order
- doyta = associate, associational, associative
- doytam = clubhouse
- doytay = associatively
- doyteb = club leader, doyen, head of an association
- doyteyb = doyenne
- doytim = clubroom
- doytser = to associate
- doytut = associate, club member
- doytxen = association
- doytxer = to associate
- doytxwa = associated
- doytxyafwan = associativity
- doyuv = duty, social duty
- doyuva = duty-bound
- doyux dob = welfare state
- doyux ibut = welfare recipient
- doyux = welfare
- doyuxava = pro-welfare
- doyuxlen = public service
- doyuxlut = public servant
- doyuxlutyan = civil service
- doyuxova = anti-welfare
- doyvyaba = legitimate, licit
- doyvyabay = legitimately, licitly
- dozyab = release
- dozyaben = releasing
- dozyabwa = released
- dozyim = city plaza, city square, public square
- dozyinig = esplanade
- draf belar = card holder, card wallet
- draf bi doyivi = bill of rights
- draf = card, chart
- draf ifek = card game
- draf vyoek = card trick
- drafdyeys = chartulary
- drafnaab = card file
- drafnyan = card deck
- drafxen = charting, mapping, planning, plotting
- drafxer = to chart, to map out, to plan, to plot
- drafxut = mapper, planner, plotter
- drafxwa = charted, mapped, planned, plotted
- drahma = drachma
- drar = pencil
- drarcalk = graphite
- draren = drawing, pencil, penciling
- drarer = to draw, to pencil
- drargixar = pencil sharpener
- drarsiyn = cursive letter, handwritten character
- drarun = drawing, pencil drawing
- drarwa = drawn, handwritten, penciled
- draryeb = pencil holder
- dras = document, slip, writ
- -dras = -gram
- drasbelar = attaché
- drases = article
- drasin = depiction, drawing, illustration
drasin drof -- dref mek
[edit | edit source]- drasin drof = drawing board
- drasinea = illustrating
- drasinen = drawing, illustrating, illustration
- drasiner = to depict, to draw, to illustrate
- drasintem = art gallery
- drasinut = illustrator
- drasinwa = designed, drawn, illustrated
- draskoxar = cipher machine
- draskoxen = ciphering, ciphony
- draskoxut = cipherer
- drasyan = collection of writings
- drav = ledger, notebook
- dravag = ledger, register, registry
- dravagam = registry
- dravagbam = registrar
- dravagben = registering, registration
- dravagber = to register
- dravagbut = registrar
- dravagbwa = registered
- draves bi bak = health record
- draves bi drurunesi = book of tickets
- draves bi emtuuni = address book
- draves bi fyinsiyni = report card
- draves bi pop = travel diary
- draves = book, log, logbook, record, small notebook
- drawa dyeyofway = scrawled
- drawa = graphic, written
- drawa Latod = written Latin
- drawa ojvad = I.O.U.
- drawa uibun = letter, written transmission
- drawas = epigraph, graph, notation, scribing, something written, stroke
- drawasa = notational
- drawasyan = epigraphy
- drayef = folio, leaf of paper, sheet
- drayefalyoon = quire
- drayefben = sheeting
- drayefber = to sheeted
- drayefmug = sheet metal
- drayefuar = sheet feeder
- drayefyena = sheetlike
- drayeyf = leaflet
- drayv = notepad
- draz = badge
- draz bi fiz = badge of honor
- drebyen = style
- drebyendyes = style book
- dredekut = speller
- dreden = articulation, enunciation, pronunciation, spelling
- dreder = to spell
- dredut = speller
- dredvyaleaxus = speller
- dredvyayekus = spellchecker
- dredwa = spelled
- dredyen = orthography, spelling
- dredyena = orthographic
- dredyun = heading, title
- dredyunben = entitlement
- dredyunber = to entitle
- dredyunbwa = entitled
- dredyunier = to take on the title
- dredyunoben = stripping of a title
- dredyunober = to strip a title
- dredyunobwa = stripped of a title
- dredyunuen = entitlement, titling
- dredyunuer = to entitle, to title
- dredyunuwa = entitled, titled
- dreetxyeay = impressively
- dref balar = paper weight
- dref bi apeyef = tissue paper
- dref goblar = paper cutter
- dref goblir = burster
- dref goblun buk = paper cut
- dref goflun = scrap of paper
- dref goflunyan = confetti
- dref gyoflar = paper shredder
- dref gyoflun = paper shred of paper
- dref kiduzar = paperclip
- dref kyin = paper weight, paperweight
- dref mampur = paper airplane, paper plane
- dref mek = paper pulp
dref mug movuf -- dresim
[edit | edit source]- dref mug movuf = stovepipe
- dref = paper
- dref tilsyeb = paper cup
- dref uzyun = roll of paper
- dref yugglal = pulp
- dref zyunog = spitball
- drefa = made of paper
- drefabaun dyes = paperback book
- drefes = bill, billet, piece of paper, scrap of paper, slip of paper, sticker
- drefesuen = billeting
- drefesuka = untagged
- drefgoblar = guillotine, paper cutter
- drefgoblunsizen = decoupage
- drefgobluntuz = decoupage
- drefgorf = scrip
- drefgos = chad
- drefgran = red-tape
- drefnag = demy
- drefnam = stationery
- drefnamut = stationer
- drefnas = paper money
- drefnyafar = brad
- drefnyan = ream of paper, stack of paper
- drefnyaxen = bureaucracy, redtape
- drefnyef = paper bag, paper sack
- drefnyem = briefcase
- drefoya = paperless
- drefpat = kite
- drefsaxam = paper factory, paper mill
- drefsaxen = paper manufacture
- drefsaxut = paper manufacturer
- drefuka = paperless
- drefyan = paperwork, red-tape, stationery
- drefyena = papery
- drefyugfaxir = calender
- drefyugfaxirxwa = supercalendered
- drefyugfaxwa = calendered
- dremeys = davenport
- dren = authoring, script, writ, writing
- -dren = -graph, -graphy, -script
- drenes = article
- drengelxut = penman
- dreniv = copy, text
- dreniv uinad = row of text
- dreniv vyaleaxen = copy-editing, text editing
- dreniv vyaleaxut = copy editor, text checker
- dreniva = textual
- drenivay = textually
- dreniven = composing, drafting
- dreniver = to compose, to draft
- drenivgon = passage of text, pericope
- drenivnad = line of text
- drenivseib = marquee
- drenivun = compilation, composition, draft
- drenivut = composer, drafter
- drenivwa = composed, drafted
- drenod = dot
- drenodika = dotted
- drenodxen = dotting
- drenodxer = to dot
- drenodxwa = dotted
- drenumxar = blotter
- drenumxer = to blot
- drenvyakxut = copyreader
- drenyan = literature, writings
- drenzyabelut = colporteur
- drer dezun = to write a play
- drer dyeyofway = to scrawl
- drer nasdref = to write a check
- drer = to notate, to record, to write
- dres bi uttojbut = suicide note
- dres = note, slip
- dresaxwa = authored
- dresdyedodrasn = poeticism
- dresem = desk
- dresen = notation
- dreser = to note
- dresien = taking notes
- dresier = to take notes
- dresim = bureau, cabinet, den, library, office
dresimsyunam -- dreunxwa
[edit | edit source]- dresimsyunam = stationery shop
- dresimsyunamut = stationer
- dresimsyunesyan = stationery
- dresin = design, draft
- dresinam = design studio, drafting studio
- dresinen = designing, drafting
- dresiner = to design, to draft, to draw up
- dresinut = designer, drafter, draftsman
- dresinuyt = draftswoman
- dresinwa = designed, drafted, drawn up
- dresinyyen = draftsmanship
- dresiyn agan = letter case
- dresiyn aogan = case
- dresiyn = cipher, glyph, grapheme, letter of the alphabet
- dresiyna = glyphic, graphic, literal
- dresiynay = literally
- dresiynben = lettering
- dresiynber = to letter
- dresiynbut = letterer
- dresiynbwa = lettered
- dresiyndrur = letterpress
- dresiynij = initial letter
- dresiynijben = initialization
- dresiynijber = to initialize
- dresiynijbwa = initialized
- dresiynsaga = alphanumeric, alphanumerical
- dresiynsagay = alphanumerically
- dresiynsagzyiun = license plate
- dresiynteatuar = charactron
- dresiynyan = alphabet, signary
- dresiynyana = alphabetic, alphabetical
- dresiynyanay = alphabetically
- dresiynyanxar = alphabetizer
- dresiynyanxea = alphabetizing
- dresiynyanxen = alphabetization
- dresiynyanxer = to alphabetize
- dresiynyanxwa = alphabetized
- dresiz = engraving
- dresizar = burin, chisel, graver
- dresizen = engraving
- dresizer = to engrave
- dresizmef = stele
- dresizun = engraving, graving
- dresizut = engraver
- dresizwa = engraved, graven
- dresom = secretary
- dresuen = annotating, annotation
- dresuer = to annotate
- dresut = secretary
- dresutyan = secretariat
- dresuut = annotator
- dresuwa = annotated
- dresyeb = envelope
- dresyeber = to put into an envelope
- dresyebwa = enclosed in an envelope
- dresyen = style, writing style
- dreter = to have the impression
- dretser = to get the impression
- dretxen = impressing
- dretxer = to impress, to make an impression on
- dretxin = impressionism
- dretxina = impressionistic
- dretxinut = impressionist
- dretxwa = impressed
- dretxyaf = ability to impress, impressiveness
- dretxyafa = formidable, impressive
- dretxyafay = impressively
- dretxyafwa = impressible, impressionable
- dretxyafwan = impressibility, impressionability
- dretxyea = impressive
- dretxyean = impressiveness
- dretxyuka = easily impressed
- dreun = document
- dreundez = docudrama
- dreundyez = documentary film doc
- dreundyezut = documentarian
- dreundyzut = documentarist
- dreunxen = documentation, documenting
- dreunxer = to document
- dreunxwa = documented
dreunyan -- dreztun
[edit | edit source]- dreunyan = documentation, dossier, set of documents
- dreunyeb = file, portfolio
- dreunyeben = filing
- dreunyeber = to file
- dreunyebsam = filing cabinet
- dreunyebwa = filed
- dreunyebyan = set of files
- dreut = secretary
- dreutan = secretariat, secretaryship
- dreutim = secretary's office
- dreutsom = desk, secretary
- dreutyan = secretariat
- dreuyd = female secretary
- dreuyt = female secretary
- dreuza = bardic
- dreuzut = bard
- dreuzuzbun = strophe
- dreuzuzbuna = strophic
- dreuzyuf = scroll
- dreuzyufen = scrolling
- dreuzyufxer = to scroll
- dreuzyufxwa = scrolled
- drev kiduzar = paper clip
- drev = page
- dreva = paginal
- dreven = leafing through
- drever = to leaf through, to page through
- drevin vyaleaxar = text editor
- drevizdus = bookmark
- drevokyoxwa = looseleaf
- drevsag = page number
- drevsagben = paginating, pagination
- drevsagber = to paginate
- drevsagbwa = paginated
- drevsan = layout, page layout
- drevyab = grammar
- drevyaba = grammatical
- drevyaban = grammaticality, grammaticalness
- drevyabay = grammatically
- drevyabdyes = grammar book
- drevyabut = grammarian
- drevyakxen = editing, proofing, proofreading
- drevyakxena = editorial
- drevyakxer = to edit, to proof, to proofread
- drevyakxut = editor, proofreader
- drevyakxutan = editorship
- drevyakxwa = edited, proofed, proofread
- drevyaleaxena = editorial
- drewut = male secretary
- drey = brevet
- dreyeb = folder, wallet
- dreyen = script, writing system
- dreyena = graphical
- dreyenay = graphically
- dreyentun = graphology
- dreyentuna = graphological
- dreyentunay = graphologically
- dreyentut = graphologist
- dreyf = notepaper
- dreyn = essay
- dreynut = essayist
- drez = poetry, verse
- dreza = poetic, poetical
- drezden = poetry recital, recitation of poetry
- drezdeup = scansion
- drezdeupyontixen = scansion
- drezdren = composing poetry
- drezdrer = to compose poetry, to write poetry
- drezdut = poetry reciter
- drezduzun = ode
- drezen = versification, versing
- drezer = to poeticize, to poetize, to versify
- drezeyn = graphic medium
- dreznad = line of poetry, verse
- dreznadeon = couplet
- dreznaduon = quatrain
- dreznadxen = versification
- dreznadyan = stanza
- dreznadyaon = sestina
- dreztun = poetics
dreztuna -- dropek teyp
[edit | edit source]- dreztuna = poetics-related
- dreztunay = poetically
- dreztut = poetics scholar
- drezun = piece of poetry, poem
- drezunyan = poetics, poetry
- drezut = poet, versifier
- drezutyan = poet community
- drezuyt = poetess
- drezwa = versified
- drezyan = anthology, collection of poetry
- drezyanxer = to anthologize
- drezyanxut = anthologist
- drezyen = poesy
- drezyena = poetic, poetical
- drezyenan = poeticality
- dril = ink
- drilar = ink pen
- drilaren = inking, penning
- drilarer = to ink, to pen
- drilargin = nib
- drilarmanar = penlight
- drilarpyex = pen stroke
- drilarsiz = pen and ink drawing
- drilarut = inker
- drilarwa = inked, penned
- drilaryeb = penholder
- drilaya = inky
- drilayan = inkiness
- drilika = inky
- drilikan = inkiness
- dril-molza = ink black, jet black
- drilpuxar = inkjet
- drilsin = inkblot
- drilsyeb = inkstand
- driluar = inker
- drilvyun = ink stain, inkblot
- drilyeb = ink well, inkwell
- drim = scriptorium
- drir = typewriter
- driren = typewriting, typing
- drirer = to type, to typewrite
- drirmyek = toner
- drirsiyn = block character, type, typewritten character
- drirsyen = type face, typeface
- drirun = typed script, typewritten copy
- drirut = typist
- drirutyan = typing pool
- drirvyos = typo
- drirwa = typed, typewritten
- drirwas = typescript
- droar = eraser
- droen = erasement, erasing, overwriting
- droer bi ha duna taxdren = to strike from the record
- droer = to erase, to overwrite
- drof = board, cardboard, carton
- drof nyem = cardboard box
- drofxer = to bind in boards
- drofyan = boarding
- dropeb = warlord
- dropek bay oybdopyuni = mine warfare
- dropek bi goyxen = war of attrition
- Dropek bi ha Alavosi = War of the Roses
- dropek = conflict, war
- dropek del = declaration of war
- dropek dub = defense minister, defense secretary, war minister, war secretary
- dropek dubam = defense department, war department
- dropek exdraf = war plan
- dropek gonem = war zone
- dropek heyd = battle cry
- dropek job = wartime
- dropek jwasiun = war cloud
- dropek mampur = warplane
- dropek mempur = tank
- dropek mimpur = warship
- dropek oyebisut = war deserter, war shirker
- dropek pur = war vehicle
- dropek sav = casus belli, cause for war
- dropek tayd = war bride
- dropek teud = war cry
- dropek teyp = war bonnet, warbonnet
dropek yifrat -- drurxam
[edit | edit source]- dropek yifrat = war hero
- dropek zanad = war front
- dropeka = martial, war-related
- dropekapet = warhorse
- dropekavden = warmongering
- dropekavdut = warmonger
- dropekay = martially
- dropekea utyanes = warring faction
- dropekea = warring
- dropekem = war arena, war zone
- dropeken = making war, waging war, warfare, warring
- dropeker = to make war, to wage war
- dropekif = belligerence
- dropekifa = bellicose, belligerent, hawkish, war-loving
- dropekifan = bellicosity, hawkishness
- dropekifat = belligerent person
- dropekifut = bellicose person, hawk
- dropekinut = warmonger
- dropekmep = warpath
- dropekpox = armistice
- dropekpoyx = truce
- dropeksizil = warpaint
- dropektun = study of war
- dropektuna = relating to the study of war
- dropektut = student of war
- dropekufa = anti-war-hating
- dropekufat = dove, war-hater
- dropekuj = end of war's end
- dropekut = warrior
- dropekux = casus belli, cause for war
- dropekvolz = warpaint
- dropekyea = bellicose
- dropekyean = bellicosity
- dropekyen = belligerence, belligerency
- dropekyena = bellicose, belligerent, warlike
- dropekyenan = bellicosity
- dropekyenay = belligerently
- droun = erasure
- drov = board, cardboard, pasteboard, poster board
- drova = made of cardboard
- drovnyem = cardboard box, carton
- drovxam = cardboard factory
- drovxer = to cardboard
- drovxut = cardboard binder
- drovyan = cardboard
- drowa = erased, overwritten
- drowaf = palimpsest
- droyafwa = erasable
- drur dref = printer paper
- drur = printer
- drur uzyubar = printer spool
- druren = printing
- drurer = to print, to run off
- drurmug = printhead
- drurnefzyiun = silkscreen
- drursiyn = character, font character, glyph, grapheme, print character, printed character, type
- drursiynnad = line of type
- drursiynnadbar = linotype, typesetter
- drursiynnadben = typesetting
- drursiynnadber = to set type
- drursiynnadbwa = typeset
- drursiyntyen = typography
- drursiyntyena = typographic, typographical
- drursiyntyenay = typographically
- drursiyntyenut = typographer
- drursiynyan = character set, font
- drurun = print, printout
- drurunes = bill, printed slip, ticket
- drurunes biut = ticket taker
- drurunes mis = ticket window
- drurunes nixam = ticket office
- drurunes noxar = ticket dispenser
- drurunes obgoflun = ticket stub
- drurunes tum = ticket booth
- drurunesum = ticket booth, ticket office
- drurunesyefwa = requiring a ticket, ticketed
- drurut = printer
- drurwa = printed
- drurwas = hard copy, printed matter, printout
- drurxam = print shop
druryafwa -- duden
[edit | edit source]- druryafwa = printable
- druryefwa = print-worthy
- drur-yelza = magenta
- druryofwa = unprintable
- drurzyiun = platen
- drut = author, scribe, writer
- druta dyun = nom de plume, pen name, penname
- druta = scribal
- drutan = authorship
- drutdoyivxwa = copyrighted
- drutdoyivxyafwa = copyrightable
- drutdyunnad = byline
- drutdyunnaduer = to byline
- druutdoyiv = copyright
- druutdoyiv tuun = copyright notice
- druyt = authoress
- druz = lyrics, musical poetry
- druza = lyrical, musically poetic
- druzay = cantabile, lyrically
- druzdyes = songbook
- druzi = lyrics
- druzun = lyric
- druzuni = lyrics
- druzut = lyricist
- druzyen = lyricism
- dryafwa = writable
- Du at vyel.... = Tell me about...
- du ha hyua job? = when else?
- du ha hyua nem? = where else?
- du ha jod? = when?
- du ha nem? = where?
- du ham? = where?
- Dub bi Ajdoputa Soni = Secretary of Veteran Affairs
- Dub bi Azul = Secretary of Energy
- Dub bi Bak ay Toba Yuxluni = Secretary of Health and Human Services
- Dub bi Bak = Minister of Health, Secretary of Health
- Dub bi Doyevan = Minister of Justice, Secretary of Justice
- dub bi doyevan = secretary of justice
- Dub bi Dropek = Minister of War, Secretary of War
- Dub bi ha Donas = Secretary of the Treasury
- Dub bi Melyex = Secretary of Agriculture
- Dub bi Nastun = Minister of Finance, Secretary of Finance
- Dub bi Nunuien = Minister of Commerce, Secretary of Commerce
- dub bi opyex dub = secretary of defense
- Dub bi Opyex = Minister of Defense, Secretary of Defense
- dub bi oyebmema soni = foreign minister, secretary of state
- Dub bi Oyebmema Soni = Minister of Foreign Affairs, Secretary of State
- Dub bi Tuuxen = Secretary of Education
- dub bi yebmem = secretary of the interior
- dub bi yebmema soni = home secretary, interior minister, secretary of the interior
- Dub bi Yebmema Soni = Minister of Internal Affairs, Minister of the Interior, Secretary of Interior
- Dub bi Zeybelen = Secretary of Transportation
- dub = branch head, cabinet member, councilman, department head, minister, secretary
- duba = cabinet-level, departmental, ministerial, secretarial
- Dubam bi Ajdoputa Soni = Department of Veteran Affairs
- Dubam bi Azul = Department of Energy
- Dubam bi Bak ay Toba Yuxluni = Department of Health and Human Services
- Dubam bi Bak = Department of Health, Ministry of Health
- Dubam bi Doobem Vakan = Department of Homeland Security
- Dubam bi Doyevan = Department of Justice, Ministry of Justice
- Dubam bi Dropek = Department of War, Ministry of War
- Dubam bi ha Donas = Department of the Treasury
- Dubam bi Melyex = Department of Agriculture
- Dubam bi Nastun = Department of Finance, Ministry of Finance
- Dubam bi Nunuien = Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce
- Dubam bi Opyex = Department of Defense, Ministry of Defense
- Dubam bi Oyebmema Soni = Department of State, Foreign Office, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- dubam bi oyebmena soni = foreign ministry of foreign affairs, state department
- Dubam bi Tamuen ay Doma Agayxen = Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Dubam bi Tuuxen = Department of Education
- dubam bi yebmem = department of the interior, ministry of the interior
- dubam bi yebmema soni = department of the interior
- Dubam bi Yebmema Soni = Department of the Interior, Home Office, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Secretary of Interior
- Dubam bi Zeybelen = Department of Transportation
- dubam = branch, cabinet post, department, ministry
- duban = cabinet post, department, secretariat
- dubyan = cabinet, council of ministers
- dud = answer, reply, response
- dudea = replying, responding
- duden = answering, replying, responding
duder -- duhogla job
[edit | edit source]- duder = to answer, to reply, to respond
- dudig = riposte
- dudiger = to riposte
- dudras = bill, proposal
- dudubar = transponder
- dudut = answerer, respondent, responder
- dudwa = answered
- dudyafat = sponsor
- dudyafatan = sponsorship
- dudyafwa = liable
- dudyafwan oyebrea dref = disclaimer
- dudyakwa = respondent
- dudyea = responsive
- dudyean = responsiveness
- dudyeay = responsively
- dudyef = accountability, responsibility
- dudyefa = accountable, answerable, responsible
- dudyefan = accountability, answerability, responsibleness
- dudyefay = answerably, responsibly
- dudyefer = to be accountable, to be responsible
- dudyefien = being accountable, taking responsibility
- dudyefier = to be accountable, to take responsibility
- dudyefuen = assigning responsibility, holding accountable
- dudyefuer = to assign responsibility, to hold accountable
- dudyefut = wallah
- dudyefwan = liability
- dudyefxen = holding responsible, making accountable
- dudyefxer = to hold responsible, to make accountable
- dudyika = puzzled, stumped
- dudyikan = puzzlement
- dudyikea = having a hard time answering
- dudyiken = having a hard time answering
- dudyiker = to have a hard time answering, to puzzle over
- dudyikwa = enigmatic, hard to answer
- dudyikwan = perplexity
- dudyikwas = conundrum, dilemma, puzzle, riddle, stumper
- dudyikway = enigmatically
- dudyikxea = puzzling
- dudyikxer = to perplex
- dudyikxwa = perplexed
- dudyikxyea = perplexing
- dudyikxyeay = perplexedly
- dudyofa = nonplussed, stumped
- dudyofwa = unanswerable
- dudyofwan = unanswerability
- dudyofway = unanswerably
- dudyukwa = easy to answer
- duen = proposing, proposition, propositioning, suggesting, suggestion
- duena = propositional
- duenay = propositionally
- duer tadien = to propose marraige
- duer = to propose, to suggest
- duez = musical
- dufab = cypress tree
- dufaob = cypress wood
- dufaoba = made of cypress wood
- dufeb = cypress cone
- duho = what
- duho? = which?
- duhoawa? = which one?
- duhoawas? = which one?
- duhoawat? = which one?
- duhobyen = how something is
- duhoetdyuehas = whatchamacallit
- duhoewa? = which two?
- duhoewasi? = which two things?
- duhoewati? = which two people?
- duhogel = like what
- duhogel? = what kind?
- duhogela? = what kind of?, what manner of?
- duhogelas? = what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
- duhogelasi? = what kind of things?, what sort of things?
- duhogelat? = what kind of person?
- duhogelati? = what kind of people?
- duhogelayt? = what kind of girl?
- duhogelayti? = what kind of girls?
- duhogelwat? = what kind of guy?
- duhogelwati? = what kind of guys?
- duhogla = how many, how much how, to no extent
- duhogla job = as much time as, how long
Duhogla job efxe puer hum?
[edit | edit source]- Duhogla job efxe puer hum? = to How long does it take to get there?
- duhogla jodi = how frequently, how many times, how often
- duhogla jodi? = how many times?
- duhoglajodi = on how many occasions
- duhoglani = quanta
- Duhoglas his naxe? = How much does this cost?
- duhoglas = how much
- duhoglasi = how many things
- duhoglati = how many people
- duhogyugela? = what other kind of?
- duhohyua? = what other?
- duhohyuj? = when else?
- duhohyum? = where else?
- duhohyus? = what else?
- duhohyusauna? = what other kind of?
- duhohyusav? = why else?
- duhohyut? = who else?
- duhohyuyen = how else
- duhohyuyena? = what other kind of?
- duhoizon? = which way?
- Duhoj et taja? = When were you born?
- duhoj? = when...?, when?
- duhojag? = what age?
- Duhojaga et se? = How old are you?
- duhojaga = how old
- duhojagati = people of what age?
- duhojob? = when...?, when?
- duhojod = at what point, on what occasion, on which occasion
- duhojod? = which time?
- duhojodi = at which times, on what occasions, on which occasions
- duhojuab? = which Monday?
- duhojub? = which day?
- duhojwap = at what moment
- Duhom et byise? = Where do you come from?
- Duhom et tambese? = Where do you live?
- duhom = whereabouts
- Duhome et bese? = Where do you live?
- duhomep? = which way?
- duhomi = at what places
- duhonog = how, to what degree, to what extent
- duhoowa? = which single?
- Duhos et dyunie? = What name do you go by?
- Duhos et dyuwe? = What's your name?
- Duhos et tese? = What do you mean?
- Duhos his tese? = What does this mean?
- Duhos is tese? = What does it mean?
- Duhos se eta dyun? = What's your name?
- Duhos se ha teson? = What's the matter?
- Duhos se ha yikson? = What's the matter?
- Duhos tebikue et? = What's the matter?
- Duhos tese hua dun? = What does that word mean?
- duhos? = what thing?, what?
- duhosag = how many
- duhosan = quiddity
- duhosaun? = what kind?
- duhosauna? = what kind of?, what manner of?
- duhosaunas? = what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
- duhosaunasi? = what kind of things?, what sort of things?
- duhosaunat? = what kind of person?
- duhosaunati? = what kind of people?
- duhosaunayt? = what kind of girl?
- duhosaunayti? = what kind of girls?
- duhosaunwat? = what kind of guy?
- duhosaunwati? = what kind of guys?
- Duhosav? = For what reason?
- duhosav? = for what reason?, wherefore?, why?
- duhosi? = what things?, what?
- duhosun? = what thing?, what?
- duhosuni? = what things?, what?
- duhot? = what person?, whom
- duhot = who?
- duhota? = whose?
- duhotandien = carding, i.d.'ing
- duhotandiwa = carded, i.d.'ed
- duhotas? = whose thing?
- duhotasi? = whose things?
- duhotayovolza? = of what skin color?
- duhoteavolza? = of what eye color?
- duhoteyovolza? = of what hair color?
- duhoti? = what persons?, who all?, whom
duhoti -- dundyestuna
[edit | edit source]- duhoti = who?
- duhotob? = what person?, whom
- duhotob = who?
- duhotobi? = what persons?
- duhotooba? = of what gender?
- duhotooda? = of what race?
- duhotxahas = whodunit, whodunnit
- duhovolza? = of what color?, what color?
- duhoxag? = how frequently?, how often?
- Duhoyen et dyunwe? = What's your name?
- Duhoyen et dyunxwe? = What's your name?
- Duhoyen et dyuwe ? = What's your name?
- Duhoyen et xeye? = How are you doing?
- duhoyen = in what manner, in what way, like what
- duhoyen? = what kind?, what way?
- Duhoyena et se ? = How are you?
- duhoyena? = like what?, what kind of?, what manner of?
- duhoyenas? = what kind of thing?, what sort of thing?
- duhoyenasi? = what kind of things?, what sort of things?
- duhoyenat? = what kind of person?
- duhoyenati? = what kind of people?
- duhoyenayt? = what kind of girl?
- duhoyenayti? = what kind of girls?
- duhoyeni? = which ways?
- duhoyenwat? = what kind of guy?
- duhoyenwati? = what kind of guys?
- duhoyt? = which girl?, whom
- duhoyt = who?
- duhoyta? = which girl's?, whose?
- duhoytas? = which girl's?, whose thing?
- duhoytasi? = which girl's?, whose things?
- duhoyti? = which girls?, whom
- duhoyti = who?
- duhoyuxun = by what means
- duhoyuxun? = with what means?
- duhozeyen? = by what means?
- duhwota? = whose?
- duhwotas? = whose thing?, whose?
- duhwotasi? = whose things?, whose?
- duhwoti? = whom
- duhyehyut? = whoever else?, whomever else?
- duhyet? = whoseever?
- duid = Q & A, Q&A, q&a, question-and-answer
- duiddeuzun = antiphon
- duiddeuzuna = antiphonal, antiphonary
- duiddeuzunay = antiphonally
- duider = to do a q&a
- dukat = ducat
- duldras = prescription
- duldrawa = prescribed
- duldren = prescribing
- duldrer = to prescribe
- dulea = insisting
- duleay = insistingly
- dulen = coaxing, insistence, insisting
- duler = to coax, to insist, to spur
- dulwa = coaxed, insisted, spurred
- dulyea = insistent
- dulyean = insistence
- dulyeay = insistently
- dun nyadrun = word list
- dun = utterance, vocable, word
- duna = lexical, verbal, wordwise
- dunajtun = etymology
- dunajtuna = etymological
- dunajtunay = etymologically
- dunajtut = etymologist
- dunan = verbality
- dunapyex = verbal offense
- dunaun = lexeme
- dunauna = lexemic
- dunay = lexically, verbally
- dunaya = verbose, wordy
- dunayan = verbosity, wordiness
- dunbelut = mouthpiece
- dunduzun = commercial tune, jingle
- dundyes = dictionary, lexicon, wordbook
- dundyesa = lexical
- dundyestun = lexicography
- dundyestuna = lexicographic, lexicographical
dundyestunay -- duregea
[edit | edit source]- dundyestunay = lexicographically
- dundyestut = lexicographer
- duneagon = rime
- dunek = pun, wordplay
- duneken = punning
- duneker = to pun
- dunekut = punster
- dunes = particle
- dunexlar = word processor
- dungab = affix
- dungaben = affixation
- dungaber = to affix
- dungabwa = affixed
- dungon = syllable, word segment
- dungona dresiynyan = syllabic alphabet
- dungona = syllabic
- dungonay = syllabically
- dungonok = syncope
- dungonxen = syllabication, syllabification
- dungonxer = to syllabicate, to syllabify
- dungonxwa = syllabified
- dungonyan = syllabary
- dunij = word root
- dunika = verbose, wordy
- dunikan = verbosity, wordiness
- dunikay = verbosely, wordily
- dunnadyan = text
- dunnadyana = textual
- dunnap = syntax, word order
- dunnapa = syntactic, syntactical
- dunnapay = syntactically
- dunnapxun = syntagma
- dunnapxuna = syntagmatic
- dunneaf = thesaurus, word web
- dunnyad = lexicon, word list
- dunnyadrawa = glossed
- dunnyadrun = glossary, list of words
- dunnyexdyes = thesaurus
- dunoya = wordless
- dunsan = morpheme
- dunsana = morphemic
- dunsantun = morphology
- dunsantuna = morphological
- dunsantunay = morphologically
- dunsantut = morphologist
- dunsiyn = diacritic, diacritical mark
- dunsyan = part of speech, word class
- duntun = lexicology
- duntuna = lexicological
- duntut = lexicologist
- dunufek = battle of words, spat, verbal conflict, verbal exchange, word fight
- dunufeker = to spat
- dunuibar = newsreader
- dunuibem = newsgroup
- dunuiben = chatting, messaging
- dunuiber = to chat, to message
- dunuibwa = messaged
- dunujuni = accidence
- dunuka = wordless
- dunukay = wordlessly
- dunvyava = literal
- dunvyavan = literalness
- dunvyavay = literally, literately, word-for-word
- dunvyvava = word-for-word
- dunxen = lexicalization, verbalism, verbalization, verbalizing, wording
- dunxer = to lexicalize, to verbalize, to word
- dunxwa = lexicalized, verbalized, worded
- dunyan = verbiage, wordage
- dunyim = flood of words, word stream
- dunyix = wording
- dup = space force
- dupa = space force
- dupar = space force weapon
- dupat = space force person
- dupatyan = space force team
- dupur = space force vehicle
- dur = bid, command, order, urge
- durea = hortatory, provoking
- dureay = provokingly
- duregea = dogging
duregen -- duz saxut
[edit | edit source]- duregen = badgering, dogging, harassing, harassment, pestering
- dureger = to badger, to harass, to pester
- duregut = harasser
- duregwa = badgered, harassed, pestered
- duren = bidding, commanding, instigation, ordering, provocation, provoking, suasion, urging
- durena = hortative
- durer = to dictate, to incite, to instigate, to order, to prod, to provoke, to urge
- durun = command, commandment, dictate, order
- durut = bidder, commander, dictator, instigator, provocateur, provoker
- durwa = commanded, dictated, ordered, provoked
- Durwe! = It is an order!
- Durwe oyepu! = Dismissed!
- duryafwa = biddable
- duryea = commandingly, provocative, urgent
- duryean = provocativeness, urgency
- duryeay = urgently
- dut = sayer, seignior, signor, signore, sir or madam
- duta = seigniorial
- duteyt = signorina
- duteyti = signorine
- duti = ladies and gentlemen, signori
- dutyan = ladies and gentlemen, messieurs
- duulen = cajolement, cajolery, cajoling
- duuler = to cajole
- duulut = cajoler
- duulwa = cajoled
- duun = hint, proposal, proposition, suggestion
- duus = cue
- duut = hinter, proponent, proposer, suggester
- Duven at tre et? = Do I know you?
- Duven et fipeye? = Are you faring well?
- Duven et Miradale? = Do you speak Mirad?
- Duven et oboxwu ven...? = Would you mind if...?
- Duven et tebikuwu ven...? = Would you mind if...?
- duven...? = is it true that...?, tell me whether...?
- Duven...? = Is it true that...?, Tell me whether...?, yes/no qu marker
- duwa = hinted, proposed, propositioned, suggested
- duwas = proposal, something suggested
- du-wop = doo-wop
- duyafwa = suggestible
- duyafwan = suggestibility
- duyd = rejoinder, retort
- duyea bi = redolent
- duyea = risque, risqué, suggestive
- duyean = suggestiveness
- duyeay = suggestively
- duyn jo dyun = termwise
- duyn = term
- duyntun = terminology
- duyntuna = terminological
- duyntunay = terminologically
- duyntut = terminologist
- duynyan = lexicon, term bank, terminology, vocabulary
- duynyana = lexical, terminological
- duynyanay = terminologically
- duyt = lady, ma'am, madam, senora, signora
- duytan = ladyship
- duytet = damsel, senorita, young lady
- duytyan = ladies, mesdames
- duyut = dame, lady, milady
- duyutet = damsel, demoiselle, mademoiselle, young lady
- duyutyan = ladies, mesdames
- duyuytet = damsel, demoiselle, young lady
- duyuytetyan = mesdemoiselles
- duz bi mimdaz = hornpipe
- duz drayef = music sheet, score, sheet of music
- duz kyib = beat, musical beat
- duz kyibyan = musical rhythm
- duz mus = musical scale
- duz = music
- duz nabyan = musical range
- duz nadyan = musical score
- duz nag = bar, measure
- duz napxeyn = musical arrangement
- duz napxut = musical arranger
- duz nod = musical note
- duz nodren = musical notation
- duz nodyan = musical chord
- duz nogyan = musical range
- duz saxut = musical creator, producer
duz seuz -- duznodeb
[edit | edit source]- duz seuz = musical tone
- duz tistam = music school
- duz tuzyaf = musical skill, musical talent
- duz utsyen = music genre, style of music
- duz uyiunar = gramophone
- duz uzyiun dyes = record album
- duz uzyiun = music disk, music record, musical disk, record
- duz uzyiunar = juke box, jukebox, nickelodeon, phonograph, record player, record-player
- duz yanseuz = musical chord
- duz yuzek = rondo
- duz zapuer = to beat
- duza = musical
- duzam = music hall, music venue
- duzan = musicality
- duzar = instrument, musical instrument
- duzar nifgrun = tailpiece
- duzara = instrumental
- duzardren = orchestration
- duzardrer = to orchestrate
- duzarea = instrumenting
- duzarek = concerto
- duzaren = instrumenting, playing an instrument
- duzarer = to instrument, to play an instrument
- duzarut = instrumentalist, player
- duzarutyan = orchestra
- duzarutyana = orchestral
- duzarutyanag = philharmonic orchestra
- duzarutyaneb = orchestral conductor
- duzarutyayn = band
- duzarutyem = orchestra pit
- duzarwa = instrumented
- duzaryan = instrumentation
- duzay = musically
- duzdeba muf = conductor's baton
- duzdin = musical story
- duzdrawa = composed
- duzdren = composing music, composition
- duzdrer = to compose, to write music
- duzdreyn = musical score
- duzdrun = composition
- duzdrut = composer
- duzebmulyan = pastiche
- duzebwa = orchestrated
- duzek = concert, musical number, recital
- duzekam = concert hall
- duzekeb = concertmaster
- duzeken = performing music
- duzeker = to perform music, to play music
- duzekut = musician, player of music, recitalist
- duzen = playing music
- duzer fidi = to sing praises
- duzer = to play music
- duzes = ditty
- duzgadwas = jingle
- duzifona = philharmonic
- duzifrut = music fan
- duzifut = music-lover
- duzigan = musical timing, tempo
- duzir = music-player, orchestrion, phonograph, record player, record-player
- duzir uzyiun = LP, album, music disc
- duzirun = musical recording
- duzirunag = album, musical album
- duzirut = d.j.
- duzjob = musical time, tempo
- duzmus = musical scale
- duznad = line of music, melody
- duznada = melodic
- duznaday = melodically
- duznadaya = melodious
- duznadayan = melodiousness
- duznadika = melodious
- duznadikan = melodiousness
- duznadikay = melodiously
- duznag = measure
- duzneg = pitch, tune
- duzneg yabar = capo
- duznegsiyn = clef
- duznegxar = tuner
- duznod = note
- duznodeb = note head
duznodib -- dyanesyan
[edit | edit source]- duznodib = note stem
- duznodoof = note flag
- duznodren = musical notation
- duznodyan = chord, melody
- duznodyana = chordal, melodic
- duznodyana vyeson = leitmotif, leitmotiv
- duznodyanay = melodically
- duznodyanaya = melodious
- duznodyanayan = melodiousness
- duznodyanen = chording
- duznodyaner = to chord
- duznodyanika = melodious
- duznodyanikan = melodiousness
- duznodyanikay = melodiously
- duznodyanwa = chorded
- duztem = music hall
- duztilam = cabaret, tavern
- duztun = musicology
- duztuna = musicological
- duztunay = musicologically
- duztut = musicologist, virtuoso
- duztuxam = conservatoire
- duzuka deuzun = madrigal
- duzukua deuzun = madrigal
- duzun = musical selection, number, piece of music, song
- duzun nyadrun = discography
- duzunyan = sonata
- duzunyanog = sonatina
- duzut = musician
- duzutyaneb = conductor
- duzutyaneyb = conductress
- duzutyanut = chorist, chorister
- duzutyayn zyin = bandstand
- duzutyayneb = band leader, bandleader, bandmaster
- duzutyaynpur = bandwagon
- duzutyaynut = bandsman
- duzutyen = musicianship
- duzutyena = musicianly
- duzuyt = female musician
- duzuzyiunekam = disco, discotheque
- duzyaf = musical ability
- duzyanbyen = symphony
- duzyanbyena = symphonic
- duzyanmulx = remix
- duzyem = music hall, music venue
- duzyena = mellifluent, mellifluous
- duzyenan = mellifluousness
- duzyenay = mellifluously
- duzzyiun = music record, vinyl
- dwa bey = according to, as said by
- dwa = said, uttered
- dwaat = male chum, male pal
- dwaf = intent, meaning
- dwafer = to intend, to mean
- dwas = predicate, utterance
- dwat = male friend, punk
- dwatif = boyfriend
- Dwe van... = It is said that...
- dweb = chairman, male chief, male leader, male ruler
- dwet = male mate
- dwut = bey, effendi, gentleman, lord, master, mister, senor, sir, sire
- dwutan = lordliness, lordship
- Dwutan = Lordship
- dwutet = esquire, squire, young gentleman, young man
- dwuutet = don, milord, sire, young man
- dyafab = cedar tree
- dyafab-melza = cedar brown
- dyafeb = vanilla bean
- dyafel = vanilla
- dyafel-teuxuwa = vanilla-flavored
- dyan = sentence
- dyan sexyen = sentence structure
- dyana = sentential
- dyanaun = tagmeme
- dyanauna = tagmemic
- dyandelus = predicate
- dyanes = phrase
- dyanesa = phrasal
- dyanesyan = phrasing
dyangon -- dyesanxer
[edit | edit source]- dyangon = clause
- dyangona = clausal
- dyanij = sentence beginning, sentence head
- dyanija = sentence-initial
- dyanojop = anacolouthon
- dyansyin = subject of a sentence
- dyansyun = object of a sentence
- dyanuj = sentence end
- dyanuja = sentence-final
- dyanujnod = period
- dyanyan = paragraph
- dyanzem = middle of a sentence
- dyaz = ballet
- dyazam = ballet theater
- dyazifon = balletophilia
- dyazifron = balletomania
- dyazifrut = balletomane
- dyazifut = balletophile
- dyazim = ballet studio
- dyazpas = ballet move
- dyazun = ballet performance
- dyazut = danseur
- dyazutyan = ballet company
- dyazuyt = ballerina
- dyazwut = danseur, male ballet dancer
- dyea gin = stylus
- dyear = dictaphone
- dyed = lecture
- dyeden = dictation, lecture
- dyeder = to dictate, to lecture
- dyedun = dictation, lecture
- dyedut = lecturer
- dyedutan = lectureship
- dyedwa = dictated, lectured
- dyeen = reading
- dyeen siynar = bookmark
- dyeen teabar = reading glasses
- dyeen testyaf = reading comprehension
- dyeer = to dictate, to read
- dyefab = eucalyptus tree, juniper tree
- dyefeb = juniper berry
- dyefil = gin
- dyefil yeb azil = gin and tonic
- dyefyel = turpentine
- dyegin = read head
- dyeifa = bookish
- dyeim = reading room
- dyen = expression, phrase
- dyena = expressive, phrasal
- dyenden = expressing, phrasing
- dyender = to express, to phrase
- dyendwa = expressed, phrased
- dyendyes = phrase book
- dyenen = expression, phrasing
- dyenyan = phraseology
- dyenyana = phraseological
- dyes abaun = book cover
- dyes abdyun = book title
- dyes beut drayef = bookplate
- dyes = book
- dyes dodruram = book publishing firm, book publishing house
- dyes dodruren = book publishing
- dyes dodrurut = book publisher
- dyes dredyun = book label
- dyes dyunyan = book list
- dyes nixbuen = bookselling
- dyes nyadrun = booklist
- dyes nyan = book stack
- dyes nyani = book stacks
- dyes nyef = book bag
- dyes sammoys = bookshelf
- dyes sammoysyan = book shelving, bookcase, bookstack
- dyes yanbexar = bookend
- dyes yonar = bookend
- dyesabaundref = millboard
- dyesag = tome
- dyesam = bookcase
- dyesanxam = bookbindery
- dyesanxen = bookbinding
- dyesanxer = to bind
dyesanxut -- dyeyofwa
[edit | edit source]- dyesanxut = bookbinder
- dyesaon = volume
- dyesaonyan = book series
- dyesdrofxen = bookbinding
- dyesdrofxut = bookbinder
- dyesgon = chapter
- dyesif = bibliophilia, love of books
- dyesifa = bibliophilic
- dyesifin = bibliophilism
- dyesifina = bibliophilistic
- dyesifinut = bibliophilist
- dyesifron = bibliomania
- dyesifut = bibliophile, book-lover, booklover
- dyeskobiut = biblioklept
- dyeskof = book jacket, dust jacket
- dyesmagxen = book burning
- dyesnadrun = bibliography
- dyesnadruna = bibliographic, bibliographical
- dyesnadrunay = bibliographically
- dyesnadrut = bibliographer
- dyesnam = book mart, bookshop, bookstore
- dyesnamut = bookseller
- dyesnexam exen = librarianship
- dyesnexam = library
- dyesnexam yexut = sublibrarian
- dyesnexameb = head librarian
- dyesnexamut = librarian
- dyesnixbuen = bibliopoly
- dyesnixbuut = bibliopole
- dyesnyad = bibliography
- dyesnyada = bibliographical
- dyesnyadxen = bibliography
- dyesnyadxut = bibliographer
- dyesog = booklet, libretto, pamphlet
- dyesogdrut = librettist
- dyesogut = pamphleteer
- dyespur = bookmobile
- dyessam = bookcase, bookstall
- dyessannyem = solander
- dyessaxam = bookbindery
- dyessaxen = bookbinding
- dyessaxut = bookbinder
- dyessiyn = bookmark
- dyestem = book gallery
- dyestim = cabinet, den, library, office, studio, study
- dyestum = bookstall
- dyestun = bibliology
- dyesuf = bibliophoby
- dyesujun = bookend
- dyesyan = book collection
- dyesyena = bookish, nerdy
- Dyesyena Norod = Norwegian Bokmål
- dyesyenat = bookworm, nerd
- dyesyuvxam = bindery
- dyesyuvxen = binding
- dyeszon = book spine, dorse
- dyeun = passage
- dyeut = reader
- dyeutdras = letter to the editor
- dyeutem = lecture hall
- dyeutseym = lectern
- dyeutseym oglateexar = lectern microphone
- dyeutyan = readership
- dyewa = dictated, read
- dyewas = reading material
- dyeyaf = reading ability
- dyeyafa = able to read, literate
- dyeyafan = literacy
- dyeyafat = literate person
- dyeyafwa = legible, readable
- dyeyafwan = legibility, readability
- dyeyafway = legibly
- dyeyen = interpretation, reading
- dyeyika = dyslectic, dyslexic
- dyeyikan = dyslexia
- dyeyikat = dyslexic person
- dyeyofa = illiterate, unable to read, unlettered
- dyeyofan = illiteracy
- dyeyofat = illiterate person
- dyeyofwa = illegible, scrawly, unreadable
dyeyofwan -- dyofyel gos umleovol
[edit | edit source]- dyeyofwan = illegibility
- dyeyofway = illegibly
- dyeyoyf = dyylexia
- dyeyoyfa = dyslexic
- dyeys = booklet
- dyez = cinema
- dyez exgon = screen role
- dyez mays = movie screen, silver screen
- dyez nyof = celluloid, movie film
- dyez somyan = movie props, movie set
- dyez yaniblun = filmography
- dyeza = cinematic, cinematographic
- dyezam = film studio, movie house, movie theater, movie theatre
- dyezamtelam = commissary
- dyezar = movie camera
- dyezarut = cameraman
- dyezaruyt = camerawoman
- dyezdeb = star
- dyezdebea = starring
- dyezdeben = starring
- dyezdeber = to star in a film
- dyezdebet = starlet
- dyezdebika = star-studded
- dyezdebser = to become a star
- dyezdebxer = to make a star
- dyezdeyb = female star
- dyezdras = script
- dyezdrawas = screenplay
- dyezdren = screenwriting
- dyezdrut = scenarist, screenwriter, scriptwriter
- dyezdweb = male star
- dyezdyebet = starlet
- dyezeb = director, film director, movie director
- dyezeber = to direct
- dyezeker = to perform in a movie
- dyezekut = movie star, screen actor
- dyezem = movie set
- dyezen = filming
- dyezer = to act
- dyezeyb = directrix
- dyezifut = cinema buff, cinephile
- dyezim = movie auditorium, movie salon
- dyezof = movie curtain, movie screen, silver screen
- dyezper = to attend a film, to go to the movies
- dyezpoys = caesura
- dyezput = cinema-goer, film-goer, movie-goer, moviegoer
- dyezsom = movie prop
- dyeztyenut = film technician
- dyezun = film, motion picture, movie
- dyezun sinuar = motion picture screen
- dyezunsaxam = motion picture studio
- dyezunxam = movie studio
- dyezunxar = movie camera
- dyezunxem = movie set
- dyezunxen = cinematography, movie-making
- dyezunxer = to film, to make a movie of
- dyezunxut = cinematographer, movie-maker
- dyezut = actor, filmmaker, movie actor
- dyezut jayek = screen test
- dyezutyan = cast, motion picture cast
- dyezwa = filmed
- dyifab = gum tree, nutmeg tree
- dyifeb = nutmeg fruit
- dyifeeb = nutmeg seed
- dyifeel = mace
- dyifol = nutmeg spice
- dyofab = cacao tree
- dyofas = gizmo
- dyofeb = cacao, cocoa bean
- dyofeb mek = cocoa powder
- dyofebil = chocolate milk
- dyofel = cocoa drink
- dyofwa = ineffable, unutterable
- dyofwan = ineffability
- dyofwas = taboo
- dyofway = ineffably, unutterably
- dyofyel ababwa = chocolate-covered
- dyofyel = chocolate
- dyofyel gos = chocolate chip
- dyofyel gos umleovol = chocolate chip cookie
dyofyel gyalevabil -- dyuntun
[edit | edit source]- dyofyel gyalevabil = chocolate mousse, chocolate pudding
- dyofyel gyalevil = chocolate syrup
- dyofyel jotul = chocolate dessert
- dyofyel leovol = chocolate cake
- dyofyel umleovol = chocolate cookie
- dyofyel yombiel = chocolate ice cream
- dyofyela = made of chocolate
- dyofyelabawa bielikxwa zyuovol = eclair
- dyofyelaya = chocolate-filled, chocolaty
- dyofyelayan = chocolatiness
- dyofyelifut = chocaholic
- dyofyelika = chocolate-filled, chocolaty
- dyofyelikan = chocolatiness
- dyofyelimxwa = dipped in chocolate
- dyofyel-melza = chocolate brown
- dyofyelmeyf = brownie
- dyofyelyena = chocolaty, like chocolate
- dyuea = invoking
- dyuen = appealing, appelation, avocation, calling, invoking, naming
- dyuena = appelative, appellative, avocational
- dyuensiyn = callsign, dial tone
- dyuer noxpur = to hail a cab, hail a taxi
- dyuer = to appeal, to call, to invoke, to name
- dyuer yaoblir = to call a lift, call an elevator
- dyufab = honey locust, honeylocust
- dyun = appellation, moniker, name, sobriquet
- dyun boy zogabi = simplex
- dyun dresiyni = call sign, call-letters
- dyun nyadrun = names list, rostrum
- dyuna = nominal
- dyuna sundun = proper noun
- dyunaben = designation, name assignment
- dyunaber = to assign a name, to designate
- dyunabwa = designated
- dyunabwat = designee
- dyunay = namely, nominally
- dyunbelut = nameholder
- dyunden = addressing, citation
- dyunder gel twed = to address as father
- dyunder = to address, to cite
- dyundraf = badge, i.d., id, identification card, identity card, name badge, name card, name tag
- dyundras = signature
- dyundrawa = signed
- dyundren drayef = signup sheet
- dyundren = signing
- dyundrer nasdraf = to sign a check
- dyundrer = to sign
- dyundrut = signatory, signer
- dyundwa = addressed, cited
- dyunen = appellation, calling, naming
- dyunien = signing in, signing up
- dyunier = to adopt a name, to call oneself, to go by the name, to sign in, to sign up, to take on a name, to take on the name
- dyunif = nickname, pet name
- dyunifien = assuming a nickname
- dyunifier = to take on a nickname
- dyunifuen = nicknaming
- dyunifuer = to give a nickname to nickname
- dyunifuwa = nicknamed
- dyuniwa = signed in, signed up
- dyunnadram = registrar
- dyunnadrun = register, registration list
- dyunnadrut = registrar
- dyunnyad bi updiwati = invitation roster
- dyunnyad = name list, roster
- dyunnyadawat = registree
- dyunnyadram = registry
- dyunnyadrawa = put on a roster, registered
- dyunnyadren = putting on a roster, registering, registration
- dyunnyadrer = to put on a roster, to register
- dyunnyadrun bi oybdyundruti = list of sign-ins
- dyunnyadrun = list of names, roster
- dyunnyadrut = registrant
- dyunoya = anonymous, nameless, unnamed
- dyunsanxyofwa = indeclinable
- dyunser = to be called, to be named
- dyunsin = logo, logogram, logotype
- dyunsina = logographic
- dyuntoxen = anomie
- dyuntoxyea = anomic
- dyuntun = onomastics, onomatology
dyuntuna -- dyuzwut
[edit | edit source]- dyuntuna = onomatological
- dyuntunay = onomatologically
- dyuntut = onomatologist
- dyunuen = assignation, assigning, assignment, christening, denomination, designation, naming, nominating, nomination
- dyunuen vyayab = nomenclature
- dyunuena = denominational, nominative
- dyunuenay = denominationally
- dyunuer = to assign a name, to call, to christen, to denominate, to designate, to give a name, to nominate
- dyunuka = anonymous, nameless, unnamed
- dyunuka sun = doodad, doohickey, widget
- dyunukan = anonymity
- dyunukat = anonymous person, nameless person
- dyunukay = anonymously, namelessly
- dyunuut = denominator, namer, nominator
- dyunuutnyan = rostrum, sign up list
- dyunuwa = assigned, christened, denominated, designated, nominated, signed up
- dyunuwat = assignee, designated person, nominee
- dyunuyafwa = nameable
- dyunuyofwa = unnameable
- dyunxen = nominating, nomination
- dyunxena = nominative
- dyunxer = to nominate
- dyunxut = nominator
- dyunxwa = nominated
- dyunxwat = nominee
- dyunyan = roster, set of names
- dyunyandrawa = enrolled, signed up
- dyunyandrawat = enrollee
- dyunyandren = enrolling, enrollment, signing up
- dyunyandrer = to enroll in, to sign up
- dyunyanen = listing
- dyunyuznad = cartouche
- dyunzyin = nameplate
- dyunzyiun = name plate
- dyuun = appeal, vocation
- dyuuna = appellative, vocational
- dyuuna tistam = vocational school
- dyuunvaodea = appellate
- dyuut = appellant, caller, invoker
- dyuwa = called, invoked, named
- dyuwer = to be called, to be named
- dyuz deuzut = opera singer, operatic singer
- dyuz = opera
- dyuza = operatic
- dyuzam = opera house
- dyuzay = operatically
- dyuzifrut = opera fan
- dyuzifut = opera buff, opera lover
- dyuzog = musical, operetta
- dyuzut = opera performer
- dyuzuyt = female opera performer
- dyuzwut = male opera performer