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Mirad Lexicon/English-Mirad-N

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world
  • n. = n.
  • n = ni
  • Na = nialk
  • n/a = v.b., voy beyafwe
  • naaa = naaa
  • nab = bir
  • nabbed = birwa, pixlawa, pixwa
  • nabber = birut, pixlut
  • nabbing = biren, pixlea, pixlen
  • nabla = ryaduzar
  • nabob = nabob, nyaztob
  • nacelle = yontum
  • nacho = naco
  • nacre = piyezul
  • nadir = yobnod
  • NAF = daepatyan
  • nag = apetug
  • nagged = jedulwa
  • nagger = jedulut
  • nagging = jedulea, jedulen
  • Nahuatl language = Nahed
  • Nahuatl = Niahed
  • naiad = miltoyt
  • naîve = vatexyuka
  • naîvely = vetexyukay
  • naîveté = vatexyukan
  • nail clipper = tulob goyblar
  • nail clipping = tulob goyblun
  • nail cutter = tulobar
  • nail file = tulob yugfar
  • nail head = muvnuf
  • nail = muv, tulob
  • nail polish = tulob fyel
  • nail remover = muvobar
  • nail salon = tulob bekam
  • nail scissor = tulobar
  • nailbrush = tulob tayebar
  • nailed = muvabwa
  • nailhead = muvnuf
  • nailing = muvaben
  • naïve person = tepyovat, vatexyukat
  • naïve = tepyova, vatexyuka
  • naïvely = tepyovay, tepyuklay
  • naïveté = tepyovan
  • naive = tepyukla
  • naively = tepyuklay
  • naiveness = tepyuklan
  • naiveté simple-mindedness = tepyuklan
  • naivety = tepyuklan
  • naja = sepyet
  • naked eye = oyuxwa teat
  • naked = oytofa
  • naked person = oytofat
  • naked truth = izvyan
  • nakedly = oytofay
  • nakedness = oytofan
  • name assignment = dyunaben
  • name badge = dyundraf
  • name card = dyundraf
  • name = dyun
  • name list = dyunnyad
  • name plate = dyunzyiun
  • name tag = dyundraf
  • nameable = dyunuyafwa
  • named = dyuwa
  • name-dropper = hyatrawadut
  • name-dropping = hyattrawaden
  • nameholder = dyunbelut
  • nameless = dyunoya, dyunuka, odyunuwa
  • nameless person = dyunukat, odyunuwat
  • namelessly = dyunukay
  • namely = dyunay
  • nameplate = dyunzyin
  • namer = dyunuut
  • names list = dyun nyadrun
  • namesake = gedyunat, geldyunbelut, hyidyunat
  • Namibia = Namim
  • Namibian = Namima, Namimat
  • naming = dyuen, dyunen, dyunuen
  • nanny = tudbikuuyt


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  • nano- = goryu-
  • nanocomputer = goryusyaagir
  • nanogram = nigenak
  • nanoinstruction = goryutuyxun
  • nanometer = goryuminak
  • nanoparticle = goryumules
  • nanoprocessor = goryuexlar
  • nanoprogram = goryuextuun
  • nanoprogramming = goryuextuunxen
  • nanosecond = amroynsonak, goryujweb, goryusonak
  • nanotechnology = goryutyenartun
  • nap = eyntuj, tayeyb, tujog, tuyj
  • napalm = dopmavyel
  • nape = zooybteb, zoteyob
  • naphtha = maegiyl
  • napkin holder = tilovyeb
  • napkin ring = tulnov uzun
  • napkin = tilov, tulnov, tuyab milnov
  • napless = yugnedoya, yugneduka
  • napping = eyntujea, tujogea, tujogen, tuyjea, tuyjen
  • nappy = ilbiov
  • narcissism = grautifon, sinzyefifran
  • narcissist = grautifat, sinzyefifrut
  • narcissistic = sinzyefifrea
  • narcissus = ilyivos, ivos
  • narcotic = byoktojbul, byoktojbula, tosyofxul
  • narcotically = byoktojbulay
  • narcotization = byoktojbuluen
  • narcotized = tosyofxwa
  • narghile = milmovmufyeg
  • nargile = milmovmufyeg
  • nark = ifyikxut
  • narky = ifyukxyea
  • narration = ajdinden, dinden, yagden
  • narrative = diin, diina, dinden, dindun
  • narrative thread = dinnad
  • narrator = ajdindut, dindut
  • narrow band = zyonabyana
  • narrow cut = zyogoflun
  • narrow edge = zyokunad
  • narrow opening = zyoyij, zyozyeg
  • narrow pass = zyoebmep
  • narrow passage = zyomep
  • narrow path = zyomeyp
  • narrow quarters = zyom
  • narrow search = zyokex
  • narrow space = zyom, zyonig, zyoyem
  • narrow view = zyoteas
  • narrow = zyoa
  • narrow-angled = zyoguna
  • narrowed = zyoaxwa, zyoxrawa, zyoxwa
  • narrow-gauge = zyonigxwa
  • narrowing = gyosen, zyoaxen, zyoxea, zyoxen
  • narrowly open narrowly = zyoyija
  • narrowly searched = zyokexwa
  • narrowly = zyoay
  • narrowly-typed = zyosauna
  • narrow-minded person = zyotepat
  • narrow-minded = tepoga, zyotepa
  • narrow-mindedly = zyotepay
  • narrow-mindedness = tepogan, zyotepan
  • narrowness = zyoan
  • narrows = zyomep, zyoyozmel
  • narrow-spaced = zyonigxwa
  • narwhal = iwapeit
  • nary = hyoa
  • nasal consonant = teiba yujteuzun
  • nasal = tei-, teiba
  • nasality = teiban
  • nasalization = teibaxen
  • nasally = teibay
  • nascence = ijen, tajen
  • nascent = ijea, tajea
  • Nashville sound = suez bi Naxvil
  • nasopharyngeal = teibzoteyoba
  • nasopharynx = teibzoteyob
  • nastily = vyuyay
  • nastiness = futeusayan, futeusikan, vyuyan
  • nasty = futeusaya, futeusea, futeusika, vyuya
  • nasty name = fyodyun

nasty person -- nautical

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  • nasty person = vyuyat
  • nasty smell = vyuteis
  • nasty smelling = vyuteisea
  • natal care specialist = tajbikuut
  • natal = taja
  • natation = milzyepen, piptyen
  • natatorium = milzyepam, pipam
  • nation = doob
  • national anthem = dooba fizdeuzun
  • national colors = doof
  • national = dooba
  • National Security Agency = Dooba Vakan Yuxlam
  • national security = dooba vakan
  • National Socialism = Dooba-Dotin
  • National Socialist = Dooba-Dotina, Dooba-Dotinut
  • nationalism = doobin
  • nationalist = doobinut
  • nationalistic = doobina
  • nationalistically = doobinay
  • nationality = dooban
  • nationalization = doobxen
  • nationalized = doobxwa
  • nationalizing = doobxen
  • nationally = doobay
  • nationhood = dooban
  • nation-wide = zyadooba, zyadoobay
  • native ability = tajna yafan, yebtajya yafan
  • Native American = Tajna Ayanamelat, Tajna Ayanmela
  • native country = tajna mem, tijmem, yebmem
  • native countryman = tajna memat, yebmemat
  • native = tajnat, yebmema, yebtaja, yebyajya
  • native-born = tajna, yebmemat
  • natively = tajnay, yebmemay
  • nativism = tajnin, yebmemin
  • nativist = tajninut, yebmeminut
  • nativistic = tajnina, yebmemina
  • nativity = Kristtaj
  • NATO = ZIYX, Zamera Imimag Yantaxdreun Xob
  • nattily = visyenay
  • nattiness = nyafayan, nyafikan, visyen
  • natty = nyafaya, nyafika, visyena
  • natural arch = meluz
  • natural conservation = molbik
  • natural = egxwa, mola, molyena, tajna
  • natural father = tajna twed
  • natural impulse = mola izbux
  • natural mother = tajna teyd
  • natural right = mola yiv, tajna yiv
  • natural rubber = ayugsul
  • natural science = moltun
  • natural scientist = moltut
  • natural state = mola kyos
  • natural talent = moltyen
  • naturalism = molin, vyamin
  • naturalist = molinut, vyaminut
  • naturalistic = molyena
  • naturalistically = molyenay
  • naturalization = ditxen, hyimematxen, molxen
  • naturalized citizen = ditxwat, hyimematxwa dit
  • naturalized = ditxwa, hyimematxwa, molxwa
  • naturally = molay, molyenay
  • naturalness = molan, molyenan
  • natura-loving = molifea
  • nature lover = molifut
  • nature = mol
  • naturism = dota oytofan, oytofin
  • naturist = dota oytofat, oytofinut
  • naught = hyos
  • naughtily = dofunay, fuxyenay
  • naughtiness = dofunan, fuxyen
  • naughty = dofuna, fuxyena
  • Nauru = Naud, Nirum
  • Nauru speaker = Naudalut
  • nausea = mimbok
  • nauseated = mimboka, mimbokxwa
  • nauseating = mimbokxea
  • nauseatingly = mimbokxeay
  • nauseous = mimboka
  • nauseousness = mimbokan
  • nautical = papa

nautically -- nearly

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  • nautically = papay
  • nautilus = nipyeit
  • Navajo = Navud, Navut
  • Navajo speaker = Navudalut
  • naval = dipa
  • naval force = dipatyan, diputyan
  • naval personnel = diputyan
  • naval troops = diputyan
  • nave = miparzen, zenig
  • nave = tepanayga, tepyukla
  • navel = tiubnuf
  • navely = tepanaygay
  • navete = tepanaygan, vatexyukan
  • navigability = papuyafwan
  • navigable = papuyafwa
  • navigating = mimpuizben, mimpuren, papuen
  • navigation = mimpen, mimpuren, mimpurizben, papuen
  • navigational = mimpena, mimpurena, mimpurizbena, papa
  • navigationally = mimpenay, mimpurenay, mimpurizbenay, papay
  • navigator = mimpurizbut, mimpurut
  • navy admiral chief of navy ops = udiprat
  • navy captain = yadiplat
  • navy chief warrant officer 2 = edipyat
  • navy chief warrant officer 3 = idipyat
  • navy commander = yodiplat
  • navy ensign = adiplat
  • navy fleet admiral = yodiprat
  • navy lieutenant commander = udiplat
  • navy navy lieutenant = idiplat
  • navy navy lieutenant junior grade = ediplat
  • navy navy rear admiral upper half = ediprat
  • navy navy vice admiral = idiprat
  • navy rear admiral lower half = adiprat
  • navy bean = gaveel
  • navy blue = dip-yolza
  • navy chief petty officer = yedipat
  • navy chief warrant officer 4 = udipyat
  • navy chief warrant officer 5 = yodipyat
  • navy commander = dipeb
  • navy = dip, dipatyan
  • navy fleet master chief petty officer = ebyudipat
  • navy master chief petty officer = obyudipat
  • navy master chief petty officer of the navy = abyudipat
  • navy petty officer 1st class = yadipat
  • navy petty officer 2nd class = yodipat
  • navy petty officer 3rd class = udipat
  • navy senior chief petty officer = yidipat
  • nay = vo, vod, vodokebid, vodud, voteuz
  • naysayer = vodokebidut, vodudut, votipat
  • nay-sayer = vodudut
  • nay-saying = voduden
  • Nazi leader = Nazindeb
  • Nazi = Nazina, Nazinut
  • Nazi regime = Nazindab
  • Nazi-esque = Nazinyena
  • Nazism = Nazin
  • Nazistic = Nazina
  • Nb = nibalk
  • Nd = nidalk
  • Ndonga = Nidod
  • Ndonga speaker = Nidodalut
  • Ne = nielk
  • négligée = kadea tof
  • neap tide = mimuipog
  • neap = yoba mimip
  • near and far = yuib, yuip-
  • near death = tojyuba, yub bi toj, yub-bi-toj
  • near future = yuboj
  • near here = yub bi him
  • near past = yubaj
  • near the street = yub bi ha domep
  • near there = yub bi hum
  • near- = yub-
  • near = yub bi, yuba, yubna
  • near-and-far = yuib-, yuip-
  • nearby = yuba, yubna
  • nearest = gwa yuba
  • nearing = yupea, yupen
  • nearly blind = teatyika
  • nearly = yub, yubay, yubge, yubgeay, yubnay

nearness -- negative exponent

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  • nearness = yuban, yubnan
  • nearside = yuba kum
  • near-sighted = yubteata
  • nearsightedness = yubteatan
  • neat and tidy = napizra
  • neat = boy yom, finapa, napiza, vyia, vyika
  • neat freak = napifut
  • neatened = finapxwa, napizaxwa, vyikxwa, vyixwa
  • neatening up = finapxen, vyikxen
  • neatly = finapay, vyiay, vyikay
  • neatness = finap, finapan, vyian, vyikan
  • neb = pateib
  • nebula = momaf
  • nebulae = momafi
  • nebular = momafa
  • nebulous = vyufa
  • nebulously = vyufay
  • nebulousness = vyufan
  • necessarily = efway
  • necessary = efwa
  • necessary to = -efwa
  • necessitated = efwaxwa
  • necessitating = efxen
  • necessitation = efwaxen
  • necessities = efwasi
  • necessity = ef, efon, efwan
  • neck chain = teyoyuvar
  • neck = teyob
  • neckband = teyoneyef
  • neckerchief = teyov
  • necking = teyobaxen
  • necklace = teyobuz, teyoneyef
  • necklet = teyobuz, teyoneyef
  • neckline = teyobnad
  • necktie = teyof
  • necrology = tojtun
  • necromancer = tojyatyezut
  • necromancy = tojyatyez
  • necrosis = taotuj
  • necrotic = taotuja
  • nectar = totil
  • nectarine = yafeyb
  • nectogram = hegenak
  • nee = tajdyun
  • need = ef, efan
  • need for sleep = tujef
  • needed = efwa
  • needed thing = efwas
  • needful = efa
  • needful of = -efa
  • needfully = efay
  • needfulness = efan
  • neediness = efan, nasefan
  • needing care = bikefa
  • needing = efea, efen
  • needing to be oiled = yelbefwa
  • needing to = -efa
  • needle = izmuv, nifar
  • needle stack of needles = nifarbyeb
  • needled = nifaruwa, vuloxwa
  • needlenose pliers = teebyuzbalar
  • needlepoint = nifaren
  • needler = nifaruut
  • needless = olefwa
  • needlessly = olefway
  • needlessness = olefwan
  • needlework = nifartyen, nifarun
  • needling = nifaruen, vuloxen
  • needy = efa, nasefa
  • needy person = efat, nasefat
  • nefarious = frua, fuaxlea, fyoxyea
  • nefariously = fruay, fuaxleay, fyoxyeay
  • nefariousness = fruan, fuaxlean, fyoxyean
  • negated = voaxwa, voxwa
  • negating = voaxea, voaxen, voxea, voxen
  • negation = voaxen, voxen
  • negative answer = vodud
  • negative decision = voebtexden
  • negative effect = voa ix
  • negative exponent = gor

negative -- neoplasm

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  • negative = gobnod, voa
  • negative judgment = fufinyevden
  • negative nod of the head = votebbax
  • negative nod = votebsiun
  • negative number = voa sag
  • negative reply = vodud
  • negative response = voduun
  • negative result = voa xiun
  • negative sign = votebsiun
  • negatively = voay
  • negatively-disposed = votepyena
  • negative-minded = votepa, votipa
  • negative-mindedness = votipan
  • negativeness = voan
  • negativism = votepin, votipan
  • negativist = votepinut
  • negativistic = votepina
  • negativity = voan
  • negator = voxut
  • negentropy = voa lonapan
  • neglect = obik
  • neglected = obikwa
  • neglectful = obika, obikea, yevtoxea
  • neglectfully = obikay
  • neglectfulness = obikan, yevtoxean
  • neglecting = obiken
  • neglige = kadea tof
  • negligee = kadea tof
  • negligence = obikan, yevtoxean
  • negligent = obika, obikea, yevtoxea
  • negligently = obikay
  • negligible = gra oga, obikyafwa
  • negligibly = gra ogay, obikyafway
  • negotiability = nunekyafwan
  • negotiable = nunekyafwa, nunuiyafwa
  • negotiated = ebkyandwa, nunebdwa, nuneken, nunuien, nunuiwa
  • negotiater = ebkyandut, nunekut
  • negotiating = ebkyandea, ebkyanden, nunebden, nuneken, nunien
  • negotiation = ebkyanden, nunebden, nunebyexen, nuneken, nunuien
  • negotiator = ebkyandut, nunebdut, nunebyexut, nunekut, nunuiut
  • negress = molzayt
  • negritude = molzaytan
  • Negro = Molzat
  • neigh = aped
  • neighbor = yubesut
  • neighborhood = doeym, domgon, yubem, yubyem, yubyema
  • neighboring = yubemsea, yubesea
  • neighborliness = yubesutyen
  • neighborly = yubesutyena
  • neighing = apeden
  • neither for nor against = ev
  • neither = hyeowa
  • neither one = hyeowat
  • neither one's = bi hyeowat
  • neither person = hyeowat
  • neither person's = bi hyeowat
  • neither thing = hyeowas
  • neither...nor = hyeowa...oey, voy...oy
  • neo- = ejna-
  • neoclassic = ejnavisauna
  • neoclassical = ejnavisauna
  • neoclassicism = ejnavisaunin
  • neocolonialism = ejnaobdabin
  • neocon = ejnakyobexlinut
  • neoconservative = ejnakyobexlinut
  • neo-druid = ejna keltfyatezat
  • neodymium = nidalk
  • neo-Fascism = ejnaFaxin
  • neo-Fascist = ejnaFaxina, ejnaFaxinut
  • Neolithic = ejnamega
  • neolithic = ejnamega, zojoba
  • neologism = ejnadun
  • neon lamp = niemal manar
  • neon light = niemal manar
  • neon = nielk, nielka
  • neon sign = niemal siun
  • neonatal = ejnatajota
  • neonate = ejnatajot
  • neophyte = ejnat, jogat
  • neoplasm = ejnataobyaz

neoplastic -- neuralgia

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  • neoplastic = ejnataobyaza
  • neoprene rubber = yoyugsul
  • Nepal = Nipolim
  • Nepalese = Nipolima, Nipolimat
  • Nepali speaker = Nipodalut
  • nephew or niece = titud
  • nephew = titwud
  • nephews and nieces = titudi
  • nephrite = amealag
  • nephritic = amealaga
  • nepotism = titudin
  • nepotist = titudinut
  • nepotistic = titudina
  • neptunium = nipolk
  • nerd = dyesyenat
  • nerdy = dyesyena
  • nerve block = tayib boxen
  • nerve cell = tayib num
  • nerve center = tayib zen
  • nerve damage = tayib buk
  • nerve ending = tayib ujun
  • nerve fiber = tayib nif
  • nerve gas = tayib maal
  • nerve impulse = tayib igbux
  • nerve root = tayib fyob
  • nerve = tayib
  • nerve trunk = tayib fib
  • nerveless = tayiboya, tayibuka
  • nervelessly = tayibukay
  • nervelessness = tayiboyan, tayibukan
  • nerve-rattled = tayipaxra
  • nerve-rattling = tayipaxrea
  • nerve-related = tayiba
  • nerve-wracking = tayiboboxea, tayiboboxen
  • nerviness = yifan
  • nervosity = tayibayan, tayibikan
  • nervous breakdown = tayib yanpyox
  • nervous system = tayiba naad, tayiba naap, tayibyan
  • nervous = tayiba, tayibaya, tayibika, tayixiyea
  • nervously = tayixiyeay
  • nervousness = tayibayan, tayibikan, tayixiyean
  • nervy = yifa
  • nescient = otea, otixwa, otyafwinut, ovatexea
  • -ness = -an
  • nest egg = nexun
  • nest of snakes = lopetyan
  • nest of vipers = lipyetan
  • nest = vubsum
  • n'est-ce pas? = vyao?
  • nested = patsumbwa
  • nester = patsumput, tambiut
  • nesting = patsumpea, patsumpen, vubsumea
  • nestled = yukomay kyoembwa
  • nestling = yukomay emkyosea
  • net ball = nefzyun ifek
  • net earnings = vyifa nix
  • net income = vyifa nix
  • net = neaf, nef, ujna, vyifa
  • net profit = vyifa nixak
  • net weight = ujna kyin
  • netball = nefzyun ifek
  • nether = oyba
  • Netherlander = Nilidamat
  • Netherlands Antilles = Anitom
  • Netherlands = Nilidam
  • nethermost = gwa oyba
  • netherworld = oybmir
  • netiquette = ebepyan xyen
  • netted = vyifnixwa
  • netting = neafyan, nefyan, vyifnixea, vyifnixen
  • nettle = sivob, vulob
  • nettled = vulobuwa
  • nettlesome = vulobaya, vulobika, vulobuyea, vuloxyea
  • nettlesomeness = vulobuyean
  • nettling = vulobuen
  • network = ebmepyan, ebneaf, ebyexyan, mepyan, neaf, nefyan, nyedyan
  • networked = ebmepyanuwa
  • networking = ebmepyanuen, ebyexen
  • neural = tayiba
  • neuralgia = tayibbyuk, tayibyok

neuralgic -- never-discussed

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  • neuralgic = tayibbyuka, tayibyoka
  • neurally = tayibay
  • neurasthenia = tayibbook
  • neurasthenic = tayibbooka
  • neuritic = tayibmavxen
  • neuro- = tayib-
  • neurobiological = tayibtejtuna
  • neurobiologically = tayibtejtunay
  • neurobiologist = tayibtejtut
  • neurobiology = tayibtejtun
  • neuroblast = ejna tayib num
  • neurogenic = tayibbyisea
  • neurolinguist = tayibdalzeyntut
  • neurolinguistic = tayibdalzeyntuna
  • neurolinguistically = tayibdalzeyntunay
  • neurolinguistics = tayibdalzeyntun
  • neurological = tayibtuna
  • neurologically = tayibtunay
  • neurologist = tayibtut
  • neurology = tayibtun
  • neurolysis = tayiboex
  • neurolytic = tayiboexa
  • neuroma = tayibgyas
  • neuromuscular = tayibtaeba
  • neuron = tayibaun
  • neuronal = tayibauna
  • neuropathological = tayibboktuna
  • neuropathologically = tayibboktunay
  • neuropathologist = tayibboktut
  • neuropathology = tayibboktun
  • neuropharmacological = tayibbekkultunay, tayibbekultuna
  • neuropharmacologist = tayibbekultut
  • neuropharmacology = tayibbekultun
  • neuropsychological = tayibteptuna
  • neuro-psychological = tayibteptunay
  • neuro-psychologist = tayibteptut
  • neuropsychology = tayibteptun
  • neurosis = tayibbok
  • neurosurgeon = tayib-abektut
  • neurosurgery = abektun bi tayib
  • neurotic person = tayibbokat
  • neurotic = tayibboka
  • neurotically = tayibbokay
  • neuroticism = tayibbokan
  • neurotomy = tayiboyegoblen
  • neurotoxic = tayibbokuluyea
  • neurotoxicity = tayibbokuluyean
  • neurotoxin = tayibbokul
  • neurotransmitter = tayibubar
  • neurovascular = tayibtiibilufa
  • neutality = tepevan
  • neuter = evtooba, otooba
  • neutered = otoobaxwa
  • neutering = otoobaxen
  • neutotoxic = tayibbokulua
  • neutral = eva, tepeva
  • neutral feeling = evtos
  • neutral in color = volzeva
  • neutral with respect to = ev
  • neutral-feeling = evtosea
  • neutralism = evin
  • neutralist = evina, evinut
  • neutrality = evan
  • neutralization = evxen
  • neutralized = evxwa
  • neutralizer = evxar, evxus, evxut
  • neutralizing = evxea, evxen
  • neutrally = evay
  • neutrino = evmul
  • neutron bomb = vemul pyuxrar
  • neutron = vemul
  • never again = hyo ea jod, owa ga jod
  • never at all = hyoj
  • never = hyoawa jod, hyogla job, hyogla jodi, hyojob, hyojod, hyojodi, hyoxag, owa jod
  • Never mind! = Toxu is!
  • never-beaten = oaklawa, ojapua
  • never-before-happened = hyojkyesya
  • never-before-seen = ojaateatwa
  • never-before-worn = ojaabwa
  • never-discussed = hyojebdalwa


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  • never-dreamed-of = otujdinwa
  • neverland = vyomem
  • nevermore = hyo ea job
  • nevertheless = gey bay hus, gey bay van, gey ov hus, je hus, ov hus
  • never-worn = hyojtofbwa
  • New Caledonia = Nicalim
  • New Caledonian = Nicalima, Nicalimat
  • new = ejna, joga, jwesa, kyasya, kyaxwa
  • New Orelan blues = Ejna Orleans bluz
  • New Testament = Ejna Fyatead
  • New Year's Eve = Jabij Zomoj
  • New Year's = Jabij
  • New York = Ejna York
  • New Zealand = Nizulim, Nizulima
  • New Zealand spinach = avevol
  • New Zealander = Nizulimat
  • newbie = ejnat, jogat
  • new-born baby = jogtudet
  • newcomer = ejna puut
  • newel = musaomuf
  • newfangled = ejyena
  • newly = ejnay, jwesay, kyasyay
  • newly-married = jogtaduwa
  • newly-painted = jogsizwa, jogvolzilbwa
  • newly-rich = jognyaza
  • newly-shaped = jogsanxwa
  • newly-wed bride = jogtaduwayt
  • newly-wed groom = jogtaduwat
  • newly-wed husband = jogtwad
  • newlywed = jogtad
  • newly-wed = jogtad, jogtaduwa
  • newly-wed wife = jogtayd
  • newness = ejnan, jogan, jwesan, kyasyan
  • news account = jubdin
  • news article = jubdindrenes
  • news bulletin = ejdindodras, ejkyesdodras, jubdindodras
  • news = eja xwasi, ejdinyan, ejkyesi, jekyesi, jubdini, jubkyesyan, vyamasyan, xwasyan
  • news item = ejdin, ejkyes, jubdin
  • news reporter = ejdindodut, jubdinut
  • news station = ejdinam, jubdinam
  • news story = ejdin, jubdin
  • newsagent = jubdinut
  • newsboy = jubdindrefbelut
  • newscast = jubdinubun
  • newscaster = jubdinubut
  • newsdealer = jubdindref nixbuut
  • newsflash = jubdinig
  • newsgirl = jubdindrefbeluyt
  • newsgroup = dunuibem
  • newsletter = ejtuun drayef
  • newsman = jubdinut
  • newsmonger = yuzdinut
  • newspaper = ejdindref, ejtwasdren, jubdindref
  • newspaperman = ejdindrefut, jubdinut
  • newspaperwoman = ejdindrefuyt, jubdinuyt
  • newsprint = jubdindrurun
  • newsreader = dunuibar
  • newsreel = jubdindyezun
  • newsroom = jubdinim
  • newsstand = jubdindrefnum
  • newsvendor = jubdindrefnamut
  • newswoman = jubdinuyt
  • newsworthiness = jubdinyeyfwan
  • newsworthy = jubdinyeyfwa
  • newsy = jubdinaya, jubdinika
  • newton = agninak
  • next = gwa yuba, gwayuba, johus, jona, jonapa, joupea, joy, ojna, yubjo, yubna, yubnay, zajuba, zanapa
  • next life = ojna tej
  • next Monday = zajuab
  • next month = zajib
  • next of kin = yubtyed
  • next one = jonapas, jonapat, ojnat
  • next season = zajeb
  • next Sunday = zajuyeb
  • next to = be kum bi, gwayub bi, iz yub bi
  • next week = zayejub
  • next weekend = zayejubuj
  • next year = zajab
  • next-door = be izyuba tam
  • nexus = yanx

ng -- nightshirt

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  • ng = nigenak
  • Nh = nihelk
  • Ni = niilk
  • nib = drilargin, patayebgin
  • nibble = telogiun
  • nibbled = ogteupixwa
  • nibbler = ogteupixut, telogiut
  • nibbling = ogtelen, ogteupixen, teylen
  • Nicaragua = Nicam
  • Nicaraguan = Nicama, Nicamat
  • nice appearance = fiteas
  • nice aroma = fiteis, viteis
  • nice digs = vim
  • nice feeling = vitos
  • nice- = fi-
  • nice = fia, fitipa, iyfuwa
  • nice life = vitej
  • nice smell = fiteis
  • nice sound = fitees, viseux
  • nice texture = fitayos
  • nice to the touch = fitayosa, fitosea
  • nice-looking = fiteasa, fiteasea, via
  • nicely = fi, fiay
  • nicely-built = vitapa
  • nicely-dressed = fitofsyena
  • nicely-shaped = fisanika
  • niceness = fitipan
  • nice-smelling = fiteisea
  • nice-souding = viseusea
  • nice-sounding = fiseusea, fiteesa, fiteesea, viseuxa
  • nice-tasting = fiteusa
  • niche = nigog
  • nick = goles, oggoblun
  • nicked = golesbwa, oggoblawa
  • nickel = niilk
  • nickelodeon = duz uzyiunar
  • nickel-plating = niilkben
  • nicker = apod
  • nicking = golesben, oggoblen
  • nickle-plated = niilkbwa
  • nickname = dyunif, gabdyun, ifdyun, todana dyun, utdyun, yogdyun
  • nicknamed = dyunifuwa
  • nicknaming = dyunifuen
  • nicotine = givobil
  • nicotinic = givobila
  • nictating = teabyuijea, teabyuijen
  • nide = syopatyan
  • niece = tituyd
  • niffy = futeisa
  • nifty = fyia
  • Niger = Nerom
  • Nigeria = Nigam
  • Nigerian = Nigama, Nigamat
  • niggard = glonoxea, glonoxut
  • niggardliness = glonoxean
  • niggardly = glonoxeay
  • niggle = yiksonog
  • niggler = yiksonogut
  • niggling = yiksonogen
  • nigh = yub, yuba
  • night liff = mojtejen
  • night = moj
  • night owl = gwotujut
  • night sky = mojman
  • night vision = mojteat
  • nightcap = jasumtil, tuj til
  • nightclub = deztilam, mojdoyt, mojtilam
  • nightdress = mojtayf
  • nightfall = majuj
  • nightgown = mojtayf
  • nightie = mojtayf
  • nightingale = vapat
  • nightlife = mojtej
  • nightlong = mojyaga
  • nightly = moja
  • nightmare = futujdin, futujeaz
  • nightmarish = futujdinyena, futujeazyena
  • nightmarishly = futujdinyenay
  • nightmarishness = futujeazyenan
  • nightshirt = pontav, tujtav

nightspot -- no kind of people

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  • nightspot = mojam
  • nightstand = mojseym
  • nightstick = pyexen fuybmuf
  • nighttime = mojob
  • nightwear = mojtaf
  • nihil = hyosun, omul, oson, osun
  • nihilism = yosunin
  • nihilist = yosuninut
  • nihilistic = yosunina
  • nihonium = nihelk
  • nil = hyoson, omul, osun, oun
  • niladic = detdunuka
  • nimble = tyugsa
  • nimble-fingered = tuyubiga
  • nimbleness = tyugsan
  • nimbly = tyugsay
  • nimbostratus = imaf
  • nimbus = amaf, fyamanzyus, yobmaf
  • nincompoop = testyofat
  • nine hundred = yuso
  • nine people = yuwati
  • nine things = yuwasi
  • nine- = yu-, yun-
  • nine = yu, yuwa
  • ninefold = yuona
  • ninepin = yumuyv
  • nineteen = alyu
  • nineteen years old = alyujaga
  • nineteenth = alyua, alyunapa
  • nineteen-year-old = alyujagat
  • ninety = yulo
  • ninja = ninja
  • ninth in order = yunapa
  • ninth = yua
  • ninth- = yuyn-
  • niobium = nibalk
  • nipped = goyflawa, ogtayepixwa
  • nipper = ogtayepixar
  • nippers = goflarog, goyflar
  • nippiness = oyman
  • nipping = goyflen, ogtayepixen
  • nipple ring = tilabeibuz, tilaybeibuz
  • nipple = tilabeib, tilaybeib
  • nippy = oyma
  • nirvana = nirvana
  • nit = kapeltij, nyapelt
  • niter = nikil
  • nitpicker = vocogkaxut
  • nitpicking = kapeltiblen, vocogkaxen
  • nitrate = nikilayt
  • nitration = niinolkxen
  • nitric acid = nilka zil
  • nitric = nilka
  • nitride = niinolkiyd
  • nitrification = niinolkxen
  • nitrile rubber = uyugsul
  • nitrite = niinolkiyt
  • nitrogen = nilk
  • nitrogen trichloride = nilk incalilkiyd
  • nitrous acid = nilkaya zil
  • nitty = kapeltaya, kapeltika
  • nitwit = hyosteat
  • Niue = Nium
  • N/m = agni-gol-minak
  • N-m = agniminak
  • nm = niminak
  • nmemonic stub for "tuz" denoting "art" = -z
  • No admittance! = Von yepu!
  • no amount of time = hyogla job
  • no amount/number of = hyogla
  • no answer = vodud
  • no doubt = boy votex
  • no girl = hyoyt
  • no girl's = hyoyta, hyoytas, hyoytasi
  • no- = hyo-
  • no = hyoa, owa, vo
  • no ice = boy yom
  • no kind = hyosaun
  • no kind of = hyogela, hyosauna, hyoyena
  • no kind of people = hyoyenati

no kind of person -- noiseless

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  • no kind of person = hyoyenat
  • no kind of thing = hyosaunas, hyoyenas
  • no kind of things = hyosaunasi, hyoyenasi
  • no kinds of things = hyoyenasi
  • no later than = ojo, voy ga jwo vyel, voy ga jwoy vyel
  • no longer = goj, ogaj, voy gajob
  • no longer in service = ogaj exea
  • no longer working = ogaj yexea
  • no man's land = hyota mem, tyodukem
  • no matter how = hyeyen
  • No = niolk
  • no no = vo-vo
  • no one = owat
  • no other = hyohyua, hyuowa
  • no other kind of = hyohyuyena
  • no other time = hyohyuj
  • no other way = hyohyuyen
  • no other's = hyuowas
  • No parking. = Kyoemben ofxwe., Purkyoemben se ofxwa.
  • no parking zone = ofwa kyoben gonem
  • no people at all = hyoglati
  • no people = hyoglati, hyoti
  • No problem! = Glotese!
  • No problem whatever! = Hyoa yikson!
  • no qualms about = hyoa yovtos vyel
  • no show sock = eyntyoyav
  • No smoking. = Et Movofe., Movien ofxwe.
  • no such = hyoyena
  • no such people = hyoyenati
  • no such person = hyoyenat
  • no such thing = hyoyenas
  • no such things = hyoyenasi
  • no things = hyosi
  • No thoroughfare. = Zyep ofxwe.
  • no time = hyogla job
  • no vote = vodokebid, voteuz
  • no voter = vodokebidut, vodoteuzuut, voteuzut
  • no way = hyomep
  • Noah's Flood = Ha Yim bi Noah
  • Nobel peace prize = Nobel poos nazun
  • nobelium = niolk
  • nobility = abtajtyan, fitajan, fitajatyan, fitajtyan, fiz, fizan, fizlan, fizlatyan, yabdoutan, yabdoutyan, yabtaja tyod, yabtyod
  • noble = aybdout, aybdouta, fitaja, fitajat, fiza, fizla, yabtaja, yabtajat, yabtyoda, yabtyodat
  • noble birth = fitaj
  • noble class = aybdoutyan, fitajatyan, yabtajatyan
  • nobleman = aybdout, fitajat, fizat, yabtajat, yabtyodat
  • nobleness = aybdoutan, fitajan, yabtajan, yabtyodan
  • noblesse = yabdoutan
  • noblewoman = fitajayt, yabdouyt, yabtajayt, yabtyodayt
  • nobly = fitajay, fizay
  • nobody at all = hyoglat, hyot
  • nobody else = hyohyut, hyuowat
  • nobody else's = hyuowata, hyuowatas
  • nobody else's things = hyuowatasi
  • nobody = hyoyt, owat
  • nobody's = hyota, hyotas, hyotasi, hyoyta
  • nobody's thing = hyoytas
  • nobody's things = hyoytasi
  • nock = yoz
  • no-cost = noxuka
  • noctambulation = tujtyopen
  • noctambulism = tujtyopen
  • noctambulist = tujtyopea, tujtyoput
  • nocturnal = moja, mojoba
  • nocturnally = mojay
  • nocturne = mojduzun, mojtuzun
  • nod yes = vatebbax
  • nodal = ebnoda
  • nodding no = votebbaxen
  • nodding = tebbaxen, tebsiunen, tesiunen
  • nodding yes = vatebbaxen
  • node = ebnod, zenod
  • nodular = nyafa, yazuna
  • nodule = nyaf, yazun
  • nog = faomef
  • noggin = teb
  • nogging = mefikxus
  • noise = fuseux, seuxag, teesag, vuseux, xeus
  • noise-free = xeusoya, xeusuka
  • noiseless = xeusoya, xeusuka

noiselessly -- nonbelligerent

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  • noiselessly = xeusukay
  • noiselessness = xeusoyan, xeusukan
  • noise-maker = fuseuxar, xeusar
  • noisemaker = xeusar
  • noisily = teesazay, xeusikay
  • noisiness = teesazan, xeusayan, xeusikan
  • noisome = bokxea
  • noisy = fuseuxa, teesaza, vuseuxa, xeusaya, xeusika
  • noisy hawker = nunteudut
  • nolo contendere = olovdelwas
  • nom de plume = druta dyun
  • nom du jour = ejdyun
  • nomad = kyepoput, kyeput, yuipoput, zyaput
  • nomadic = kyepea, yuipopea, yuipoputa
  • nomadism = yuipoputan, zyaputin
  • nomal-behaving = egaxlea
  • nomenclature = dyunuen vyayab
  • nominal = dyuna, sunduna
  • nominalization = sundunxen
  • nominalized = sundunxwa
  • nominally = dyunay
  • nominated = dyunuwa, dyunxwa
  • nominating = dyunuen, dyunxen
  • nomination = dyunuen, dyunxen
  • nominative = dyunuena, dyunxena, xutsana
  • nominator = dyunuut, dyunxut
  • nominee = dyunuwat, dyunxwat
  • non- = o-, ol-, olo-, ov-, vo-
  • non sequitur = non sequitur, ojopus
  • nona- = yu-, yun-, yuon-
  • non-abrasive = abaxrunoya, abaxrunuka, oabaxrea
  • nonabrasive = oabaxrea
  • nonabsorbent = oilbiea
  • nonacademic = otuxena
  • nonacceptance = ovabien
  • nonacid = osil
  • non-action = oaxlen
  • nonactive = oaxlea
  • non-actual = ovyama, oxuna
  • nonadaptable = ogelsanxyafwa
  • nonadaptive = ogelsansea
  • nonaddictive = ografuyea
  • nonadherent = okyobesea
  • nonadhesive = oyankyoxea
  • non-adjacent = oyanbyuxea
  • nonadjacent = oyubesea
  • nonadjustable = ofinagxyafwa
  • nonadministrative = odiba
  • non-advantageous = oabfinuea
  • nonage = jwajag
  • nonagenarian = yuloyjagat, yusojagat
  • nonagery = jwajagan
  • nonaggression = oabyexen
  • nonagon = yungunid
  • nonagonal = yungunida
  • nonahedron = yunkunid
  • non-alcoholic drink = ofila til
  • non-alcoholic = ofila, olevafila
  • non-aleatory = akyeveka
  • non-aligned = onadbwa
  • nonaligned = onadbwa, ovyanaba
  • nonalignment = onadben
  • nonallergic = ogratayosa
  • non-ambulatory = tyopyofa
  • nonane = yuhelkayn
  • non-anterior = ozana
  • nonappearance = oteasen, ozaypuen
  • non-art = otuz
  • nonary = yunapa
  • nonassignable = izbuyofwa
  • nonathletic = otapifekyena
  • nonattendance = olejeasen, oteepen
  • nonautomotive = olutpasea
  • nonavailability = beyofwan
  • non-average = ozenaga
  • non-bacterial = ovokogruna
  • nonbasic = osyoba
  • non-belief = ovatex
  • non-believer = ovatexut
  • nonbelligerent = odropekyea


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  • non-binary = ansuana
  • nonbinary = olensuana
  • non-biodegradable = otejyobnogxyafwa
  • non-black = omolza
  • non-black person = omolzat
  • nonblank = oluka
  • nonblocking = olebea
  • nonbook = odyes
  • nonbreakable = oyonbyexyafwa, yonbyexyofwa
  • non-brown person = omelzat
  • nonburnable = magxyofwa
  • noncaloric = oamona
  • non-cancelable = judarobyofwa
  • non-carbonated = malzyuynuka
  • non-carbonated water = omaegxwa mil
  • nonce word = ijkaxwa dun
  • nonchalance = ibteaxen, obik
  • nonchalant = ibteaxea, obikea
  • nonchalantly = ibteaxeay, obikeay
  • nonchargeable = veyovdyofwa
  • non-citizen = odit
  • non-citizenship = oditan
  • non-clerical = ofyaxoba
  • nonclinical = obektuna, osyuna
  • noncollectable = oyanbiyafwa, yanbiyofwa
  • noncombatant = odopekea
  • noncombustible = igolxyofwa
  • noncommercial = onunuiena
  • noncommissioned = oxalendiba
  • non-commital = olojdea
  • noncommittal = olojdea
  • noncommittally = olojdeay
  • noncommunicable = ebtunuyofwa
  • non-communicative = oebtunuyea, ovyemepea
  • non-communicativeness = oebtunuyean, ovyemepean
  • noncommunist = oyanotina, oyanotinut
  • noncompeting = oyanekea
  • noncompetitive = oyanekyea
  • non-compliance = oyuvlan
  • non-compliant = oyansansea, oyansansyea, oyuvla
  • noncomplying = oyansansea, oyuvlea
  • noncomprehending = otestea
  • non-compulsory = oyefwa
  • non-computability = syaagyofwan
  • non-computable = osyagyafwa, syaagyofwa
  • nonconducting = olizbea
  • nonconductor = olizbus
  • non-conformant = oyanbyea, oyansansea
  • non-conforming = oyanbyea, oyansansea
  • non-conformism = oyansanin
  • non-conformist = oyansanina, oyansaninut
  • nonconformist = oyansaninut
  • nonconformity = oyansansean
  • nonconsecutive = ojopea, ojosea
  • nonconsecutively = ojopeay, ojoseay
  • nonconservative = okyobexlyea, okyobexlyeat
  • non-constructive = osexyea
  • non-contemporary = oyanjoba, yonjoba
  • noncontributing = ogonbuyea
  • noncontributory = ogonbuyea
  • noncontroversial = oyontexsona
  • nonconvertible = kyaxlyofwa
  • noncooperation = oyanyexen
  • noncorroding = olibtelea
  • noncorrosive = ibtelyofwa, olibtelyea
  • noncredit = olojnuxa, onazvyaba
  • noncriminal = odoyova
  • noncritical = ofinyevdea, oyevdyea
  • noncrystalline = omeza
  • noncumulative = onyesea
  • noncustodial = obikuena
  • noncyclic = ozyusea
  • nondairy = obiluna
  • non-decreasing = ogosea
  • nondeductible = gobyofwa
  • non-deliberate = ojatexwa, oteswa
  • nondelivery = onyux
  • nondemocratic = otyodaba
  • nondenominational = ofyaxina, oyondyenena
  • nondense = ogyia

nondepartmental -- non-identity

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  • nondepartmental = odiyba
  • nondepreciating = onaxyopea
  • nondescript = oyoneatwa, yoneatyofwa
  • nondescriptly = oyoneatway, yoneatyofway
  • nondestructive = olosexyea
  • nondestructively = olosexyeay
  • nondetachable = yonbixyofwa
  • nondeterminacy = vyantiyofwan
  • nondeterminate = ovyantiwa
  • nondeterminately = ovyantiway
  • nondeterminism = ovyantin
  • nondeterministic = ovyantina
  • nondeterministically = ovyantinay
  • non-dieter = otolvyayabut
  • nondisciplinary = ovyabyena
  • nondiscrimination = oyoneaten
  • nondiscriminatory = oyoneatena
  • non-domestic = ohyimema
  • nondramatic = oaztosdeza
  • non-drinker = ofiliut
  • nondrying = oumsea
  • none at all = hyoglas
  • none = hyoglasi, owat
  • none of it = hyoglas
  • none of them = hyoglati
  • noneducational = otuxtuna
  • noneffective = olixyea, ovyayma
  • nonelastic = oyugsra
  • nonelectric = omaka
  • nonelectrical = omaka
  • non-empathizing = ogeltosen
  • nonempty = oluka
  • nonenforceable = azonbyofwa, azonuyofwa
  • non-entity = omul, oson, osun, oun
  • nonentity = oson, oun
  • non-equal in value = ogefyinea
  • nonequivalent = ogenaza
  • non-essential = oyefwa
  • nonesuch = gelatukat
  • nonetheless = geybayhus
  • nonevent = okyes
  • non-exchangeable = ebkyaxyofwa
  • non-exclusive = oloyebyujbyea
  • nonexempt = oyefuka
  • non-exhaustibility = oyebukxyofwan
  • non-exhaustible = oyebukxyofwa
  • non-existence = oesean, oesen, osean
  • nonexistence = osean
  • non-existent = olesea, osea
  • nonexistent = osea
  • nonexplosive = oyonpyexryea
  • nonextensible = oyagxyafwa, yagxyofwa
  • non-factual = oxuna
  • nonfading = ovolzokea
  • non-fat = tayaluka
  • nonfatal = otojbua
  • nonfattening = ogyaxea
  • non-fiction = vyadin, vyamdin
  • nonfiction = vyamdin
  • nonfictional = ovyamdina
  • non-finite = ujoya, ujuka
  • non-finiteness = ujoyan, ujukan
  • nonflammable = mavxyofwa
  • non-flammable = omavsyafwa
  • nonflowering = ovosea
  • nonfluctuating = opyaosea
  • nonflying = opapea
  • non-focal = oteabzena
  • nonfood = otel
  • nonfreezing = oyomsea
  • non-functional = olexlea
  • non-functioning = olexea
  • nongovernmental = odaba
  • nongranular = omekesa
  • non-greasy = mayaboya, mayabuka
  • nonhereditary = ojoibena
  • nonhuman = otoba
  • non-identical = ogeta, ohyita
  • non-identically = ogetay
  • non-identity = ogetan, ohyitan


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  • non-implementation = oxalen
  • noninclusive = oyebiyea
  • nonindependent = oloyuva
  • non-indictable = oyovdyafwa
  • nonindustrial = oyaxuna
  • non-infectious = bokogrunuyofwa, obokogrosuyea
  • noninflammatory = omavxyea
  • noninflationary = gyamalxyofwa, ogyamalxea
  • noninflected = yebuzbyofwa
  • nonintellectual = otyepa
  • non-interchangeable = ebkyaxyofwa
  • noninterchangeable = ebyaxyofwa
  • noninterference = olovepen
  • noninterlaced = olebnyivxwa
  • non-interleaved = olebfayebwa
  • nonintervention = olebupen
  • nonintoxicating = obokuluyea
  • nonintrusive = oyeplea
  • nonintuitive = oliztestwa
  • noninvasive = oazyepea
  • non-inverting = oloyvaxea
  • nonirritating = oluftayixea
  • non-issue = oson, voon
  • non-Jew = oJudat
  • non-Jewish = oJuda
  • non-judgmental = oyevdyea
  • nonjudicial = odoyeva
  • non-kin = ovyet
  • nonlegal = odovyaba
  • nonlethal = otojbua
  • non-linear = onada
  • non-linearity = onadan
  • nonlinearly = onaday
  • nonliterary = ovidrasa
  • nonliving = otejea
  • non-local = oema, oemat
  • non-local person = onemat
  • nonmagnetic = obixfeelka
  • nonmalignant = oflua
  • non-mandatory = odirwa
  • nonmaskable = lotruyofwa
  • non-mathematical = osagtuna
  • non-matter = omul
  • nonmember = ogonut, otup
  • nonmetal = omug
  • nonmetallic = omuga
  • non-microbial = ovokogruna
  • nonmigratory = omemuipea
  • nonmilitant = odopyena
  • nonmilitary = odopa
  • nonnarcotic = obyoktojbula
  • non-native accent = otajna deus
  • non-native = ohyimema, otajmema, otajna
  • nonnative = ohyimema, otajmema, otjana
  • nonnegative = ovoa
  • nonnegligible = obikyofwa
  • nonnegotiable = nunekyofwa, onunekyafwa
  • non-negotiable = nunuiyofwa, onunekyafwa
  • non-neutral = oleva
  • non-neutrality = olevan
  • nonnuclear = ozemula
  • nonnumerical = osaga
  • no-no = ofwas
  • non-obedient = oyuvla, oyuvnasea
  • nonobjective = osyuna
  • non-objectively = osyunay
  • non-objectivity = osyunan
  • non-obligatoriness = oyefwan
  • nonobligatory = oyefwa
  • non-obligatory = oyefwa, oyefxwa
  • nonobservance = ovyaxyen
  • nonobservant = ovyaxyena
  • nonoccupational = oyexnada
  • nonoccurence = okyes
  • nonofficial = oxaba
  • non-oily = tayaluka
  • nonoperational = exyofwa, olexea
  • nonoperative = exyofwa, oexut, olexyea
  • non-optimal = ogwafia
  • non-optional = ovexea


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  • non-orthogonal = olizguna
  • non-orthogonality = olizgunan
  • non-parallel = oyanizona
  • nonpareil = ogeaxwa
  • non-participant = ogonbiut
  • nonparticipating = ogonbiea
  • non-participation = ogonbien
  • non-partisan = olavutyana, tepeva
  • nonpartisan = oyanava
  • non-partisanship = tepevan
  • non-pathogenic = ovokogruna
  • non-patriot = otajmemifut
  • nonpaying = onuxea
  • nonpayment = onux, onuxen
  • nonperformance = odez
  • nonperforming = odezea
  • nonperishable = otejokua, tejokyofwa
  • nonpersistent = okyoejea
  • nonperson = oaot
  • non-physical = omula, otapa
  • nonphysically = omulay, otapay
  • non-pliance = uzaxyofwan
  • non-pliant = uzaxyofwa
  • nonplussed = dudyofa
  • non-political = odabtuna
  • nonpolluting = omulvyuxea
  • non-porous = ozyeilpuwa
  • nonportable = belyofwa
  • non-potability = tiliyofwan
  • non-potable = tiliyofwa
  • non-practicing = ofyatezea, ofyaxea
  • nonpracticing = ofyaxea
  • non-practitioner = ofyaxut
  • nonprejudicial = ojayevdyea
  • nonprescription = oduldras
  • nonprint = odrura
  • non-problem = oyikson
  • non-procedural = olexyena
  • non-procedurally = olexyenay
  • nonproductive = onyuyea
  • nonprofessional = otejyexa
  • non-profit = onixaka
  • nonprofitable = nixakyofwa
  • nonprogrammable = jadrayofwa
  • non-programmer = ojadrut
  • nonproliferation = ozyaglaxen
  • nonpublic = ododa
  • nonpunishable = byokuyofwa
  • nonracial = otooda
  • non-racist = otoodina
  • nonradioactive = onaudaxlea
  • non-random = akyeveka
  • nonrandom = okyea
  • nonreactive = ozoyaxlea
  • nonreciprocal = oebota, ohyuita
  • nonreciprocating = ohyuitaxea
  • nonrecognition = otren
  • nonrecoverable = zoynixyofwa
  • nonrecurring = ozoyxea
  • nonrecursive = ozoyxea
  • nonredeemable = zoynixyofwa
  • nonrefillable = gaikxyofwa
  • nonrefundable = zoynuxyofwa
  • non-religious = ototina
  • nonrenewable = zoyejnaaxyofwa
  • nonrepresentational = olutejeasena
  • nonresident = otyemut
  • nonresidential = otyema
  • nonresidual = ozoybesea
  • non-resistance = olibexen
  • nonresistant = olibexea
  • nonrestrictive = ozyoxea
  • non-retail = oizuna
  • nonreturnable = zoybuyofwa
  • nonrhythmic = odeupa
  • nonrigid = oyigsa
  • non-riparian = omipkuma
  • non-routine = omepyena
  • nonsalaried = oyexnuxwa
  • nonscheduled = ojudarwa, olojdrafbwa

nonscientific -- non-violence

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  • nonscientific = otuna
  • nonscoring = oleksagea
  • nonseasonal = ojeba
  • non-sectarian = ofyayxina
  • non-sectarianism = ofyayxinan
  • nonsecular = ofyaxina, ototina
  • non-secure = ovaka
  • non-see-through = zyeteatyofwa
  • nonsegregated = oyonbexwa
  • nonsense = otes
  • nonsensical = otesa
  • nonsensically = otesay
  • nonsensitive = otosyea
  • non-sentience = otosean
  • non-sentient = otosea
  • non-sequential = ojonapa
  • non-sequitur = ojonapas
  • nonsexist = otoobina
  • non-sexual = otoobifa
  • nonskid = okyupea
  • nonslip = okyupyosea
  • nonsmoker = ogivobiut
  • nonsmoking = givobiofwa
  • nonsocial = odota
  • nonspeaking = odalea
  • nonspecialist = otyenuta
  • nonspecializing = oasaunxea
  • non-specific = oansyana
  • nonspiritual = otopa
  • nonstaining = ovyunbea
  • non-standard = oega, olegona
  • non-starter = fuij, oijbuwas, omep
  • nonstarter = fuij, omep
  • non-stationary = okyoa
  • nonstick = oyankyoxea
  • non-stop = olojesea
  • nonstop = oyposa
  • nonstrategic = otexnapa
  • nonstriking = oyexpoxea
  • nonstructural = osexyena
  • nonsuccessive = ojoupea
  • nonsuit = odoyevson
  • nonsupport = obol
  • nonsupporting = obolea
  • nonsurgical = oabektuna
  • nonsustaining = oyabexea
  • nonsympathizer = oyantosut
  • nontarnishable = vyunxyofwa
  • non-taxable = dobnixuyofwa
  • non-technical = otyena
  • nontenured = okyoxaba
  • nonterminal = oluja
  • non-terminating = olujea
  • non-termination = olujen
  • nontheatrical = odeza
  • non-theoretical = otuina
  • nonthermal = oamana
  • nonthinking = otexea
  • non-threat = okyebuk
  • non-threatening = fuveonuka, okyebukua
  • nonthreatening = okyebukua
  • nontoxic = obokulua
  • nontraditional = oajutbyena
  • nontransferable = kyaembyofwa
  • nontransparent = zyeteatyofwa
  • nontrivial = okyusona, otesoga
  • nontropical = olobzemernada
  • non-uniform = oansana
  • non-uniformity = oansanan
  • nonunion = oyaxutyana
  • nonuple = yuona
  • nonuplet = yuontajat
  • non-urban area = odom
  • non-urban = odoma
  • nonuser = oyixut
  • non-verbal = oduna
  • nonviable = ejyofwa, olejyafwa
  • non-vigilance = obikan
  • non-vigilant = obika, obikiyea
  • non-violence = oazran

nonviolent crime -- north-south

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  • nonviolent crime = oazra doyov
  • non-violent = oazra
  • non-viral = bokogrunuyofwa, ovokogruna
  • nonvirulent = ovyulogruna
  • nonvocal = oteuza
  • nonvocational = oyexmepa
  • nonvolatile = okyatipa
  • nonvoter = odoteuzut
  • nonvoting = odoteuzea
  • nonwhite = omaza
  • non-white person = omalzat
  • nonworking = oyexea
  • nonyielding = olobexlea
  • nonzero = olowa
  • noodle = muyf leovol
  • nook = eym, guym, nigog, tiym, zyom
  • noon = zemaj
  • noonday = zemaj
  • noonish = eynmayj
  • noontide = zemaj
  • noontime = zemaj, zemaja
  • noose = byoxnyif, tojbyox yuznyif
  • nope = vo
  • nor = oey
  • nordic hunting dog = geyepet
  • nordic sledge dog = gayepet
  • Nordic = Zamergona, Zamergonat
  • Norfolk Island = Nifekim
  • Norfolk Islander = Nifekimat
  • norm = egas, egnag, egon, zeg, zevyab
  • normal behavior = egaxlyen
  • normal = ega, egsauna, zega, zetauna
  • normal-acting = egaxlea
  • normalcy = egan
  • normality = egan, zegan, zetaunan
  • normalization = egsaunxen, egxen, zegxen
  • normalized = egsaunxwa, egxwa, zegxwa
  • normalizing = egxea
  • normally = egay, egsaunay, zegay, zetaunay
  • normative = egona
  • Norse = Zamergona, Zamergonad
  • Norseman = Zamergonat
  • north = a-, zamerem
  • North America = Ayanmel
  • North American = Ayanmela, Ayanmelat
  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization = AADX
  • North Carolina = Zamera Karolina
  • North Korea = Porikim
  • North Korean = Porikima, Porikimat
  • North Ndebele = Nided
  • North Ndebele speaker = Nidedalut
  • north of = be anod bi
  • North Pole = Zamernod
  • North Sea = Zamera Mim
  • north wind = yomap, yommap
  • north-bound = zamerbyua, zamerbyuay
  • northbound = zamerbyua, zamerbyuay, zamerbyumxwa
  • north-east = zaimera
  • northeaster = zaimermap
  • northeasterly = zaimera
  • north-eastern = zaimera
  • northeastward = zaimeray
  • norther = zamermap
  • northerly = zameray
  • Northern Cyprus = Zamera Cayupom
  • Northern Europe = Zamera Uyanmel
  • Northern European = Zamera Uyanmela
  • Northern Ireland = Geba-Nirom
  • Northern Irish = Geba-Niroma, Geba-Niromat, Niroma, Niromat
  • Northern Irishman = Geba-Niromat
  • Northern Mariana Islands = Minipom
  • northern region = zamerem
  • Northern Sami = Soed
  • Northern Sami speaker = Soedalut
  • northern = zamera
  • northerner = zamerat
  • northernly = zameray
  • northernmost = gwa zamera
  • north-originating = zamerbyia
  • north-south = zao-, zaomera

northward -- not everyone

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  • northward = zameray, zamerbyua, zamerbyuay
  • north-west = zaumera
  • northwester = zaumermap
  • northwesterly = zaumeray
  • north-western = zaumera
  • northwestward = zaumeray
  • Norway = Norom
  • Norwegian Bokmål = Dyesyena Norod
  • Norwegian = Norod, Noroma, Noromat
  • Norwegian Nynorsk = Ejna Norod
  • Norwegian speaker = Noroddalut
  • nose bridge = teibaib
  • nose cone = teibginid
  • nose ring = teibuz
  • nose = tei-, teib
  • nosebag = teibnyef, teluenyeb
  • nosebleed = teibtiibiluen
  • nosecone = teibginid
  • nose-dive = igpyos, teipyos
  • nose-diving = igpyosea, igpyosen, teipyosea, teipyosen
  • nose-like = teibyena
  • nosey = ebteibyea
  • nosh = kyutyal
  • nosily = ebteibyeay
  • nosiness = ebteibyean
  • nostalgia = ajoktos, ajuvtos, taamoktos, tamoktos
  • nostalgic = ajoktosea, taamoktosea, tamoktosea
  • nostalgically = ajoktoseay
  • nostril = teibyeg
  • nostrum = fyebekil, hyasbyekul
  • nosy = ebteibyea
  • not a = hyoa, hyoawa, owa
  • not a single = hyoa, hyoawa, owa
  • not a single one = hyoawas, owas
  • not a single person = hyoawat, owat
  • not a single person's = hyeawatas, hyoawata
  • not a single person's things = hyeawatasi
  • not a single thing = hyoawas
  • not a single time = hyoawa jod, owa jod
  • not a thing = owas
  • not able to go = pyofa
  • not acquainted = otrea
  • not after = voy jo
  • not all = ohyas, ohyasi, ohyati
  • not all people = ohyati
  • not allowed = ofa
  • not any = hyogla, hyoglas, owa
  • not any whatever = hyoglas
  • not applicable = v.b.
  • not as frequently = hyuxag
  • not as = hyugla
  • not as many = hyuglasi
  • not as many people = hyuglati
  • not as much = hyuglas
  • not as much/many = hyugla
  • not as often as = goxag vyel, oge jodi vyel
  • not as often = hyuxag, hyuxaga
  • not at all = hyogla, hyonog, logla, voy hyegla
  • not attending = oteepea
  • not available = v.b., voy beyafwe
  • not average = ozesaga
  • not awake = otija
  • not bothered = otepoboxwa
  • not bumpy = yazoguka
  • not by a long stretch = yib bi hum
  • not completely = oaynay
  • not counting = osagiea
  • not current = olejna
  • not customary = otezyena
  • not deliberate = ovateswa
  • not deliberately = ovatesway
  • not different = ologela
  • not drinking too much = ogratilen
  • not easily fooled = kovyoxyika
  • not easily persuaded = vatexyika
  • not entirely = oaynay
  • not equal to = oge
  • not ever = hyojodi
  • not every = ohya, ohyawa
  • not everyone = ohyat

not everyone's

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  • not everyone's = ohyawata
  • not everything = ohyas, ohyawas, ohyawat
  • not expected to live = otejyakwa
  • not far = oyib, oyiba
  • not filled out = oliknaxwa
  • not full-formed = oiksana
  • not fully = oaynay, oikay
  • not getting caught = opixen
  • not = hyo-, voy
  • not identical = ogeta
  • not if = voy ven
  • not in alphabetical order = odresiynyana
  • not including = voy yebiea
  • not knowing = otea
  • not later than = voy ga jwo vyel
  • not level = ogenega, ozyima
  • not long after = glojo
  • not long ago = be yubaj, ja glo job, ja gloj
  • not longer being printed = ogaj drurewa
  • not longer being stocked = ogaj neunxewa
  • not many = gloti
  • not meant = oteswa
  • not mixed up in = oleybyanbwa
  • not much = glo, glos
  • not needed = oefxwa
  • not often enough = gro jodi, groxag
  • not often = oxagay
  • not on purpose = otesway
  • not once = hyojod, ojod, onoj
  • not one time = hyoawa jod
  • not operating = olexea
  • not optional = okebiuwa
  • not parallel = oyanizona
  • not present = olejasea
  • not quite = oaynay, oikay
  • not ready = ojaxwa
  • not recommended = ofiadwa
  • not related = otoda
  • not required = odirwa, oyefwa
  • not right in the mind = tepoiza
  • not running = voy exea
  • not shiny = omaa
  • not smooth = ozyifa
  • not so often = glo xagay, hyuxag
  • not special = oansauna
  • not specifically = oansyanay
  • not surprised = oyokwa
  • not that = voy van
  • not the best = ogwafia
  • not too soon from now = be yiboj
  • not understood = otestwa
  • not used to = oteziwa
  • not very = glo
  • not very meaningful = glotesaya, glotesea, glotesika
  • not vigilent = otija
  • not well understood = ofitestwa
  • not well-known = ofitwa
  • not working = oyexea
  • not worried = tepbikuka
  • not worth considering = otepiyefwa
  • not yet = voy gaj
  • notability = kudyefwan, siyndyefwan, tepuyefwan
  • notable = kudyefwa, siyndyefwa, tepuyefwa
  • notably = kudyefway, siyndyefway, tepuyefway
  • notarial = doteada
  • notarization = doteaden
  • notarized = doteadwa
  • notarizing = doteaden
  • notary = doteadut
  • notated = siyndrawa
  • notation = drawas, dresen, igden, siyndren, texden
  • notational = drawasa
  • notch = gingoblun, gingol, goles, gugoblun
  • notched = gingoblawa, golesbwa, gugoblawa, teupibwa, yaoza
  • notching = gingoblen, golesben, gugoblen
  • notching up = musyapea
  • note = dres, duznod, ebdres, siyndras, texdun, texdwas
  • note flag = duznodoof
  • note head = duznodeb
  • note in the margins = kunad dres

note of apology -- nub

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  • note of apology = zoyuvtosdres
  • note stem = duznodib
  • notebook = drav
  • noted = igdwa, siyndrawa, taxiwa
  • notepad = drayv
  • notepaper = dreyf
  • noteworthiness = siyndryeyfwan
  • noteworthy = siyndryeyfwa
  • not-fully-grown = olikagxwa
  • nothing at all = hyos
  • nothing else = hyohyus
  • nothing = hyosi, hyoson, hyosun, osun, owas
  • nothing tried nothing gained = oyekwas se oakwas
  • nothing whatsoever = hyos
  • nothingness = omul, oson
  • notice = deldras, tuundras, tuundrayef, tuwas, zyatuun
  • noticeable = teatiyafwa
  • noticeably = teatiyafway
  • noticed = ijeatwa, kyeteatwa, teatiwa
  • noticing = ijeaten, kyeteaten, teatien
  • notifiable = tuyeyfwa
  • notification = teetuen, tuen, tuun, tuundraf, zyatuen
  • notified in advance = jatuwa
  • notified = teetuwa, tuuwa, tuwa
  • notifier = teetuut, tuut
  • notifying = teetuen, tuea, tuen
  • noting = siyndren, teatien, tesiynen
  • notion = ijtex, tyun
  • notional = ijtexa, tyuna
  • notionally = ijtexay, tyunay
  • notochord = takibnyayn
  • not-often-seen = gloteatwa
  • notoriety = fuzyatrawan
  • notorious = fuzyatrawa
  • notorious individual = fuzyatrawat
  • notoriously = fuzyatraway
  • notwithstanding = ov vyan bi
  • notwithstanding what = ov van
  • nougat = nugat
  • nought = owas
  • noun suffix for abstractions = -n
  • noun suffix for things = -s
  • noun = sundun
  • nourished = toluwa
  • nourishing = toluen, toluyea, toylien
  • nourishment = toluen, toyl
  • nouveau riche = ejna nyazat
  • nova = yokmar
  • novae = yokmari
  • novel = dindyes, ejsa, jwesa, yagdin
  • novelette = dindyesog
  • novelist = yagdinut
  • novella = yogdin
  • novelness = ejsan
  • novelty = ejnaun, ejnun, ejsun, jogas, jwesan, jwesun
  • novelty shop = ejnaunnam
  • novelty shop owner = ejnaunnamut
  • November = jilab
  • novena = yujuba fyadilen
  • novi- = yuyn-
  • novice = ejnat, ijut, yexyenijut, yogtrea, yogtrut
  • novitiate = ijuyt
  • now and then = gle jodi, glejodi, huij
  • now = ejay, hiij, hij, hijob
  • now leasing = jobnuxyafwa
  • now that = hij ho, hijob ho
  • now when = hij ho, hijob ho
  • nowadays = be ej, ejay, hia jubi, hiji, hijobi
  • nowhere at all = hyom
  • nowhere else = hyohyum
  • noxious = fyua, fyunaya, fyunika, tepvuloxyea
  • noxiousness = fyuan, fyunayan, fyunikan
  • nozzle = mufyegeib, noyxar, noyxmufyeg, zyoilpuxar
  • Np = nipolk
  • NSA = DVY, Dooba Vakan Yuxlam
  • Nu = agnu
  • nu = nu
  • nuance = gyolkyab, gyologelan, yonsaunog
  • nuanced = gyolkyabwa, gyologelxwa, yonsaunogxwa
  • nub = yazog, zeson

nubbin -- numerologist

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  • nubbin = gobluj
  • nubby = goblujaya, goblujika, nufagaya, nufagika
  • nubile = taduyafa
  • nuclear bomb = zemula pyuxrar
  • nuclear capability = zemulyaflun
  • nuclear power plant = zemulyaflaxam
  • nuclear power = zemulyaflun
  • nuclear reaction = zemula zoyaxlen
  • nuclear reactor = zemula zoyalxam, zemula zoyaxlur
  • nuclear reprocessing plant = zemula zoyexlenam
  • nuclear = zemula, zena, zenoda
  • nuclearization = zemulxen
  • nuclearized = zemulxwa
  • nuclear-powered = zemulyaflaxwa
  • nucleate = zemulika
  • nucleation = zemulsen
  • nuclei = zemuli, zenodi
  • nucleic = zemula
  • nucleus = zemul, zenod
  • nuclide = yobgwomul, zemuliyd
  • nude dance club = tofobendazam
  • nude dance = tofobendaz
  • nude dancer = tofobendazut
  • nude = otofiwa, oytofa, tofoya, tofoyat
  • nude person = oytofat
  • nudged = buyxwa, tuibaxwa
  • nudging = buyxen, tuibaxen
  • nudism = oytofin
  • nudist = oytofina, oytofinut
  • nudity = otofiwan, oytofan
  • nugatory = fyua, nazoya, nazuka, oexea, oixlea, tesoga
  • nugget = goplun
  • nuisance = fyunog, obos
  • nuke = zemula dopir
  • null = oun, ouna, owasag
  • nullary = ikaruka
  • nullification = ounxen
  • nullified = ounxwa
  • nullifying = ounxea
  • nullity = ounan
  • numb = hyostayotea, otayosea, otayotea, tayotyofa, tayotyofwa, tosyofa, tosyofwa
  • numbat = myipot
  • numbed = tayosobwa, tayotyofxwa, tosyofxwa
  • number cruncher = asagtut
  • number = duzun, sag
  • number of inhabitants = besutsag, embesutsag
  • number one = sag awa
  • number pad = sag tayoxar
  • number plate = sag zyiun
  • number raised = garwas
  • number sign = sagsiyn
  • number theory = sagtuin
  • number-cruncher = syagdravut
  • number-crunching = syagdraven
  • numbered air force = daepatyan
  • numbered = sagdwa
  • numberer = sagdut
  • numbering = sagea, sagen
  • numberless = sagoya, saguka
  • number-one-ranking = adonabwa, anabwa
  • numbers game = sagvekek
  • numbers player = sagvekekut
  • numbers pool = sagvekek
  • numbers racket = sagvekek
  • numbing agent = tosyofxul
  • numbing = tayotyofwaxea, tayotyofwaxen, tosyofxea
  • numbly = tosyofway
  • numbness = otayosean, otayotean, tayotyof, tayotyofan, tosyofan, tosyofwan
  • numbskull = tojtepat
  • numerable = sagdyafwa
  • numeracy = sagtyen
  • numeral = sagdyun
  • numeration = sagden
  • numerator = aybsag, sagdut
  • numeric = saga
  • numeric scale = sagmus
  • numerical = sagdyuna
  • numerically = sagay
  • numerological = sagtuina
  • numerologist = sagtuit

numerology -- nymphomaniac

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  • numerology = sagtuin
  • numerous = gla, sagaya, sagika
  • numerously = sagay
  • numismatic = nunzeyena
  • numismatist = nasmugtixut
  • numskull = tojtepat
  • nun = fyadoytuyt, fyatiyd
  • nuncio = fyaubwat
  • nunhood = fyadoytuytan
  • nunnery = fyadoytuytam, fyatiydam
  • nuptial bed = tadansum
  • nuptial = tadienxela
  • nuptials = tadienxel
  • nurse = bikuut, tilaybiluar
  • nursed = bikuwa, biluwa, tilaybiluwa
  • nurseling = bikuwat
  • nursemaid = tudetbikuuyt
  • nurser = bikuut
  • nursery = bikuam, tudetbikam, vobbikam
  • nurseryman = bikuut
  • nursing = bikuen, biluen, tilaybiluen
  • nursing bottle = tudet ilyeb
  • nursing home = bikuam, jogatbikam
  • nursling = bikuwat
  • nurtured = agxuwa, toluwa
  • nurturer = agxuut
  • nurturing = agxuen, agxuyea, toluen, toluyea
  • nut meat = mofaob
  • nut = mofeb, mugzyuk
  • nut tree = mofab
  • nutation = zaobasen, zyuzaobasen
  • nutcracker = nofeb yonbyexar
  • nut-filled = nofebaya, nofebika
  • nuthouse = tepuzram, tepuzratam
  • nutmeat = nofebaol
  • nutmeg = dalefab, dalefol
  • nutmeg fruit = dyifeb
  • nutmeg seed = dyifeeb
  • nutmeg spice = dyifol
  • nutmeg tree = dyifab
  • nutpick = nofebzyegar
  • nutrient = tolun, toluyea
  • nutriment = telijun
  • nutrition = toyl
  • nutritional item = tolaun
  • nutritional science = toltun
  • nutritional supplement = tolgabun
  • nutritional = toyla
  • nutritional value = tolnaz
  • nutritionally = toylay
  • nutritionist = toltut
  • nutritious = glatoluyea, toluyea
  • nutritiously = toluyeay
  • nutritiousness = toluyean
  • nutritive = toluyea, toyla
  • nutshell = mofayob, nofebayob
  • nutter = nofebiblut
  • nuttily = tepuzray
  • nuttiness = tepuzran
  • nutty = nofebaya, nofebika, nofebyena, tepuzra
  • nuzzler = teibaxut
  • nuzzling = teibaxen
  • nyedsiun = hash tag
  • nyemag recycling bin = zoyzyuxen
  • nylon = nayef
  • nymph = miltoyp, peltjasan, vitayd
  • nymphet = vitaydet
  • nymphomania = gratapef
  • nymphomaniac = gratapefayt