Minecraft/Shulker Box

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Shulker Box
Blast Resistance30
Dropsshulker box
Drops when using silk touchshulker box

Shulker boxes can be very useful when you need to store lots of items. They can store 27 slots worth of items, which it retains when broken.

Obtaining[edit | edit source]

Crafting recipe:

Shulker Shell
Shulker Shell

This makes {{{makes}}}.

Use[edit | edit source]

Shulker boxes can store 27 slots worth of items, and it keeps those items inside it, even if it is destroyed.

They can be put into another chest, your inventory, a barrel, or an ender chest (good idea). However, you cannot put a shulker box inside another shulker box.

You can dye shulker boxes by crafting their dye. While doing so shouldn't empty their inventory, be careful, since this has happened in the past.

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Organizational Wizard[edit source]

Name a shulker box with an anvil.