Microsoft Certified Professional Developer/Exam 70-528/Web-Based Client Development/Specialized Server Controls

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Use the AdRotator Web server control to manage banners and pop-up windows.
Use the Button Web server control to send a command to the server when a button is clicked.
Display a calendar on a Web page by using the Calendar Web server control.
Implement the CheckBox Web server control.
Implement the FileUpload Web server control.
Display an image on a Web Form by using the Image Web server control.
Implement a button on a Web Form by using the ImageButton Web server control.
Define hotspot regions within an image by using the ImageMap Web server control.
Use the Label Web server control to display customized text on a Web page.
Display lists of information by using controls that derive from the ListControl class.
Create a Web Form with static text by using the Literal Web server control.
Implement pagination for controls on a page by using the Pager Web server control.

Use the Panel Web server control to arrange controls in groups on a page.
Create a container for a group of View controls by using the MultiView Web server control.
Use the View Web server control to create a Web application.
Create a mutually exclusive set of choices by using the RadioButton Web server control.
Construct a table by using the Table, TableRow, and TableCell Web server controls.
Enable users to type information into a Web Form by using the TextBox Web server control.
Create a wizard by using the Wizard Web server control to collect data through multiple steps of a process.
Use the XML Web server control to create XML data at the location of the control.
Customize the appearance of Web server controls by using Web control templates.
Programmatically edit settings in a Web site's configuration file.
Dynamically add Web server controls to a Web Forms page.