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Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Scenario 3

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This part of the walkthrough will cover the span between the end of the second Liberation Mission and the start of the third, in which we meet our team scout, ShadowMan for Team Colonel and GyroMan for Team ProtoMan. GyroMan is new to the series, while ShadowMan was a villain and secret boss in the first two games...

The Challenge

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Having gotten your first DoubleSoul last mission (KnightSoul or MagnetSoul), there is the obligatory tutorial (yes, this is one long continuous cutscene...). Right as MegaMan jacks in, new mail arrives...

As implied by Baryl and Chaud, you can put four more chips on the same turn as DoubleSoul, with the DoubleChip being of no particular code (so you can say use DoubleSoul and load three Cannons of differing codes, or use DoubleSoul and load chips with the same letter code). "A B button PowerAttack" refers to your charged shot, by the way. Anyways, press OK. MegaMan will transform to KnightSoul or MagnetSoul before the turn begins. THen, delete the Mettaurs. After you win...

Just to make sure you won't forget, you will get an email explaining the abilities of your first DoubleSoul. Anyways, onto answering the challenge of the mysterious man (the name Dusk is not revealed until much later on, just to spoil you).

You are currently in the SquirrelComp network, where it effectively is a giant tree-like maze. The navi you are looking for is in SquirrelComp 16, while you are at SquirrelComp 1. Take the right fork to SquirrelComp 9, then straight ahead to SquirrelComp 10, then the left fork to SquirrelComp 11, right to SquirrelComp 14, and straight to SquirrelComp 16, where ShadowMan or GyroMan await.

The Nebula Agents

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Just as the mysterious person leaves, we get mail.

Afterwards, you get mail saying that Higsby's chip shop is now open! Spend your cash at Higsby's! Intersting to know that the posters on Higsby's wall are different: MegaMan and Roll in Team Colonel and MegaMan and ProtoMan in Team ProtoMan. Of course, you can also purchase DarkChips from the various people you meet in and around the real and cyber worlds...

Anyways, since you can't jack in from Oran Isle, take the next best thing and jack in from Dex's PC. By the way, banners to Lan's HP from Dex's HP, Mayl's HP, and Yai's HP are available - simply ask a Mr. Prog on their respective pages to give you the link.

  • Dex's PC: Do you wanna link this web page with Lan's? Then you could come and go directly between his page and Dex's! Shall I link them? (answer "Yes") You'll really link pages with us?! Here, take this. Use this banner to come here. (MegaMan gets DexBanner) OK, I'll place a link! Heave-ho!!! (the link appears)
  • Mayl's PC: How about linking this web page with Lan's? Then you could come and go directly between his page and Mayl's! Shall I link them? (answer "Yes") I knew you wanted to create a link! Here, take this. Use this banner to come here. (MegaMan gets MaylBanner) OK, now I'll place a link! Hiii-Yahhh!!!
  • Yai's PC: Welcome! This is Ms. Yai's web page! It's link-free right now, but we can make one if you want. Then you could come and go directly between Lan's page and Ms. Yai's! Shall I link them? (answer "Yes") Oh, you'll really link pages with us? Here, take this. Use this banner to come here. (MegaMan gets YaiBanner) OK, I'll place a link! One-two-three!!!

Anyways, upon arriving in Oran Area 1, you will get a phone call.

Each of the six HeelNavis that you would find will give you a virus battle. Here are the locations of the six:

  • Oran Area 1, lower level, on the main path leading to Oran Area 2. (*whirrr* *whirrrrrr* Blue... Navi... Blue... Navi... Must deleeeete!!!)
  • Oran Area 2, in the square on the main path just past the Nebula gate (Hey, twerp... This is still Nebula's turf. Get outta here! Unless you want me to delete you! Scram!!!)
  • Oran Area 2, top level, on the squre leading to the large door (So you're MegaMan!!! If I beat you, they'll make me into a big boss, too! You're mine!!!)
  • Oran Area 3, near where the first Dark Hole was located in the Liberation Mission (You...! No one stands in the way of Nebula! Waaarrrgh!!!)
  • Oran Area 3, on the right fork behind where the Bonus Panel was located in the Liberation Mission (I've seen your face before... just the kind of face I hate... You're going down!)
  • Oran Area 3, in front of the panel where ShadeMan once stood in the Liberation Mission (You're out of your depth! Prepare to be deleted! Kaaarrrgh!!!)


If you took the three Agents in Oran Area 3 last, then you only need to walk three panels for the next cutscene...

Dark Clouds Ahead

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You will be now in SciLab 1. Make your way onto the center path in SciLab 2, where a series of dark clouds should keep you from proceeding.

Afterwards, you have some time to yourself. Do what you have to do, and get some rest. The next day...

The Second Challenge

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Head to Oran Isle and back through the mines (on your way, you can challenge GridMan) to the BigCave and talk to Pride.

Back to the DrillComps, where there are no more rocks or moving conveyor belts (and thus no falling off of them). The four pieces of KnightMan/MagnetMan are located at the four drill switches.

  • MindProg is in DrillComp 1
  • TalkProg is in DrillComp 2
  • MoveProg is in DrillComp 3
  • AttackProg is in DrillComp 4

After getting the last one, you will automatically go into a cutscene.

Back out of the OldMine, head to MissionControl in SciLab to Baryl.

Clearing the Clouds

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Interesting how ShadowMan's operator is referred to as Dusk in this game where he was referred to as Mr. Dark in previous games... Anyways, back to ACDC town and any one of its numerous jack-ins, and back to Oran Area 1.

Head down to the lower level, where clouds won't get you very far. Talk to a Mr. Prog to get what you need.

Another subtle difference between the Japanese and English versions is that the clouds will return if you leave an area and return in the Japanese versions while they do not in the English version. Anyways, some Mr. Progs will empty the VacuProg only once. Of course, make sure you have it full before emptying. Your gauge has only 10 slots, so suck up clouds wisely. Golden clouds will have items at random.

Anyways, moving on. Along the path you will suck up 3 white clouds before reaching a turnoff. Turnoffs will contain more clouds of various kinds, and right now. Continue along the main path and suck up 6 more clouds before heading into another cutscene.

To recap, you have one empty space in your meter. Head to the next area, and down the main path. You will pass 6 white clouds before facing a gray one. Keep going and fill up your gauge with the last white cloud, and empty with the Mr. Prog just beyond. Moving on, you will take two slots in your gauge bore heading to the Nebula gate and another cutscene.

Suck up the three white clouds, and then the gray cloud. Go until the last turnoff before the ramp, and suck up the white cloud blocking the turnoff. Your gauge should be full. Leave the area and head to the upper level of Oran Area 1. There will be four white clouds on the main path before the golden cloud. Head to the next area. Oran Area 3 will have no clouds. Head to SciLab 1.

Here, head right to suck up two white clouds (rather than three from sucking the gray one). You will suck up another white one before heading to the large clouded area, where one Mr. Prog awaits to clean your gauge (don't clean it yet). Suck up a white cloud leading to a gray cloud, and then continue to suck up the top white cloud to fill your gauge. Go back and empty your gauge, then o and suck up a white cloud blocking a Mr. Prog. Finally, suck up a gray cloud to exit the maze. Suck up a thunder cloud, and then the golden item cloud (just to fill your gauge - you don't have to if you don't want to). Anyways, go back, empty, and back to suck up a thunder cloud. Continue to SciLab 2 (your gauge will be at 6/10), where there will be another cutscene.

Suck up the three clouds (your gauge is at 9/10) and move on to SciLab 2. Here, you will have to absorb a gray cloud and a thunder cloud, and finally a white cloud to reach the first Mr. Prog. Empty your gauge, then suck up one gray cloud (doesn't matter which one). Suck up the lower gray cloud, then the gold cloud blocking a Mr. Prog. Empty your gauge, then suck up a gray and thunder cloud to reach the central corridor. Empty again (there are two Mr. Progs here), then suck up the thunder, white, and gray clouds. Empty, and go back around to suck up a gray cloud. There should be only one cloud that you must clear before you face ShadowMan/GyroMan in the top corner.

Road to the Third Liberation

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Head back along your path (you don't need to suck anymore clouds after all...) to where the dark clouds are.

Whenever you are ready, start the mission. Afterwards...

What is in store for MegaMan? Stay tuned to find out!