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Mega Man Battle Network/Walkthroughs/Mega Man Battle Network 5/Liberation Mission 9

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This part of the walkthrough covers the final liberation mission in Nebula Area 5.

Again, you will be warned when you enter the area the first time, and again there will be a cutscene afterwards.

Team Analysis

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This mission is simply too easy for Team Colonel, with the LifeMelody liberation able to liberate over barriers. Team ProtoMan will have a harder time simply because TwinLiberation isn't as effective, and thus will have to take the long way to get the keys and destroy the Dark Holes here.

Note that even though BlizzardMan and CosmoMan are both here, CosmoMan is the boss - BlizzardMan is just a glorified guardian. That is, you don't need to beat up BlizzardMan to get to CosmoMan, but especially for Team ProtoMan, you invariably will.

Team Colonel strategy

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The general idea is that to get to CosmoMan quickly, you will need to take advantage of ToadMan in every phase, as the LifeMelody liberation will allow you to get keys quickly without having to go the long way around them. If done properly, ToadMan will not have to move from his starting spot.

Colonel gets 800HP, KnightMan 900HP, ShadowMan 700HP, and ToadMan 600HP. The ColonelCannon C and KingdomCrusher K will have a rating of 120, while the SplitUp S will have a rating of 100. ShadowMan's SneakAttack will deal 500 damage in this mission.

Phase 1

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First, have MegaMan LongSword all the way in, then use the LifeMelody liberation on the right column (one-turn for three order points). Then, have ShadowMan go and terminate the TinHawk from behind (the reason will be as we will use ToadMan's ability to liberate over barriers to get the third key). As for KnightMan, he can do whatever he wants (he's just insurance so that you get the order points).

  • You're nothing but dust-motes compared to me!
  • I'll turn this area into a Nebula ski resort! Got it?

A TinHawk will be spawned right in the barrier-enclosed hole, while the other Tinhawk will move towards you. Doesn't really matter though.

Phase 2

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This is the reason we had ShadowMan attack from the rear: now we can use the LifeMelody liberation to get key #3 (and three more order points). Then, destroy the two exposed Dark Holes (you will get a AntiWood M from one) and expose the third.

The Bladia will attack whoever destroyed the Dark Hole to the right of CosmoMan for 140 damage (or not, if you used KnightMan). The BigBrute will also block your path over the barrier to key #2. No biggie.

Phase 3

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Kill the BigBrute, then get the key and a heart with the LifeMelody liberation. Then kill the two exposed Dark Holes (you will get three more unnecessary order points). Simple enough.

The BigBrute still move but not attack - doesn't matter because you deal with him next phase.

Phase 4

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Get two navis to finish off the last Dark Hole, then use a LifeMelody liberation to get to CosmoMan from the side (you will get a heart from the right and zennys from the left). Then you have your last navi and some 12 turns to get rid of him. With Team Colonel, it's just too easy.

Team ProtoMan strategy

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Team ProtoMan is forced to go the long way to pretty much go for the full frontal assault, as TwinLiberation doesn't work as well here. Unlike Team Colonel, Team ProtoMan is pretty much forced to go through BlizzardMan, making the first two phases very arduous as the team will be attacked often. A difficult choice to make is whether to go for a quick approach and have the team take hits left and right, or to take your time and spend order points so that MagnetMan can protect everyone.

ProtoMan has 800 HP, MagnetMan 900HP, GyroMan 700HP, and Meddy 600HP. The StepSword B and NorthSouthTackle M will have a rating of 120, the Airforce G will have a rating of 70, while the MeddyCap M will have a rating of 100.

Phase 1

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First, have MegaMan LongSword his way to the next area, and then have ProtoMan and MagnetMan liberate on the right column (you will get three order points with the first navi if you one-turn) so that GyroMan and Meddy can do the TwinLiberation.

For the Darkloids, TinHawks will take a piece out of GyroMan and either Meddy or the second navi that helped to make TwinLiberation possible. A BigBrute will also move, but you are nowhere near their location.

Phase 2

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Here, you will need four navis to take care of BlizzardMan and get the first key (the third Navi goes against BlizzardManβ, while the fourth gets the key).

Now, with MegaMan, use Longsword to cut a path towards the left area.

Now, CosmoMan will attack anyone but MegaMan or the navi that took the key with his CosmoPlanet for 100 damage. The TinHawk that harassed GyroMan last turn will attack again, but this time on the first navi. A few other Guardians will move but will be of no real importance (good thing Guardians can't attack over barriers...).

Phase 3

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Now, there should be a BigBrute standing in your way towards the second key on the other side of the barrier. This turn you will take it out. First, have two navis (who will get 2000 zennys and, if you one-turn through the middle column instead of the left, three order points) carve a way in for the third navi, then have the third navi do a liberation so the fourth navi can expose the BigBrute. Use the fifth navi to take it out.

More harassment from CosmoMan follows (to either of the first two navis, more likely the first). More guardian movement that shouldn't be a problem (although next phase you will move into a TinHawk's attack range).

Phase 4

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Here we will now get the second key and take care of two Dark Holes. First, have three navis deal with getting a path and destroying the Dark Hole blocking the way to the second key. Then get the key (and a heart) with the fourth navi, which will expose a Dark Hole for the fifth navi to obliterate (do so from the left side so you will be out of CosmoMan's range). Since a BigBrute is most likely on the item panel, you'll miss out on order points.

Again, you moved your third and fourth navis into the range of the TinHawk, so prepare to take a hit.

Phase 5

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Now we do pretty much the same thing as on the other side - take out the Bladia. In the top-right, a TinHawk will most likely be there - use two Navis to one-turn to get to the recently de-barriered area (the first takes out the TinHawk and gets a heart), then use the other three to get to and take out the Bladia.

Even more harassment from CosmoMan follows, as either of your first two navis will be attacked. The TinHawk you destroyed will respawn, but there are (surprisingly) no more Guardian movements.

Phase 6

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The objective here is to get key #3. To do so, unlike the other side, you will need all five Navis. The first three navis will cut their way in, the fourth to destroy the Dark Hole, and the fifth to get the key and three more (by now unnecessary) order points.

The respawned TinHawk will now harass your first two navis.

Phase 7

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Finally, you will get to CosmoMan here. Have two navis destroy the two exposed Dark Holes (from the upper TinHawk Dark Hole you will get AntiWood M). Now use one Navi to expose a side to CosmoMan and a fourth to take him down. You will still have nine phases, so don't worry too much as to time constraints.


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Congratulations, you have won. Your reward:

Turns completed Reward
14 or less Anubis A
15-16 CosmoMan DS C
17 or more 5000 zenny