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Mega Man Battle Network/BattleChips/LaserMan

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Name Game Codes Class No. Type Damage Size Rating Description
LaserMan Battle Network 4 L Mega 52 - 100 60
LaserMan SP Battle Network 4 L Mega 53 - 120 80
LaserMan DS Battle Network 4 L Mega 54 - 120 80

LaserMan is a chip that summons LaserMan, who will proceed to attack the row he is standing on (and in front of him) with his Power Down Laser attack. In link battles, while LaserMan is attacking, you can also do one of the following actions:

  • Press Up to lower the opponent's buster level
  • Press Down to remove the effects of the opponent's Navi Customizer
  • Press Right to remove the opponent's charged shot
  • Press Left to remove one chip from the opponent's custom screen next turn

LaserMan SP will do more damage depending on how fast LaserManω is defeated.

LaserMan DS will do more damage depending on how many Dark Holes are currently on the field.