Mac OS X Tiger/Meet the Applications/iChat

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Setting Up iChat

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The Buddy List

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Instant Messaging

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Because typing takes time, it's sometimes too hard to hold a real-time conversation using it. It's commonplace to not capitalize words, use sentence fragments, and abbreviate words to save time. Here's a handy cheat sheet for the most common words of IM lingo:

  • afaik - As far as I know
  • AIM - The AOL instant messaging network, or as a verb, "chat with" or "file transfer"
  • asap - As soon as possible
  • bbl - Be back later
  • bbml - Be back maybe later
  • bbs - Be back soon
  • bc - Because
  • brb - Be right back
  • btw - By the way
  • cu - See you
  • cul or cul8r - See you later
  • fyi - For your information
  • gtg or g2g - Got to go
  • idk - I don't know
  • iirc - If i recall correctly
  • imo - In my opinion
  • imho - In my humble opinion
  • jk - Just kidding
  • jp - Just playing
  • jc - Just chilling
  • k - Okay
  • l8r - Later
  • lol - Laughing out loud
  • np - No problem
  • plz - Please
  • rofl or rotfl - Rolling on the floor laughing
  • ruok - Are you okay
  • thx - Thanks
  • ttyl - Talk to you later
  • wtg - Way to go
  • yt - You There? (as in "Are You There?")

Audio Chat

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Video Conferencing

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