MATLAB Programming/Fundamentals of MATLAB/MATLAB operator
MATLAB Operator
[edit | edit source]MATLAB have a few operator types to manipulate shown below
Note: Variables a and b below represents number
Arithmetic Operations
[edit | edit source]Arithmetic Operator is used as mathematical operator that manipulates the number according to the formula requirement. The result is shown as numbers.
Addition | a + b |
Subtraction | a - b |
Multiplication | a * b |
Forward division | a / b |
Backward division | a \ b |
Exponentiation | a ^ b |
Assignment | a = b |
Relational Operations
[edit | edit source]Relational Operator is used to check if numbers are having any significant relationship with one or another. The results is usually is shown TRUE or FALSE.
Equal To | a == b |
Not Equal To | a ~= b |
Greater than | a > b |
Greater or equal to | a >= b |
Lesser than | a < b |
Lesser or equal to | a <= b |
Logical Operations
[edit | edit source]Logical Operator is used to check if number fulfills the logical conditions, the result is usually shown TRUE or FALSE.
Logical AND | a && b |
Logical OR | a || b |
Logical NOT | a ~ b |
Elementary Mathematics Constants and Functions
[edit | edit source]Besides mathematical formula, there are a few mathematical constant and function that you can use to make your works in Matlab easier. More information about the functions used can be found here:Mathematical_symbols
pi | Returns value of 3.1416 (Note: Ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter) |
sqrt(a) | Returns square root of a |
exp(1) | Returns value of 2.7183 This is exponential function (Note: it is inverse of natural log, try log(exp(1) and see the result) |
log(a) | This logarithm operator is to find natural number log of a number |
log10(a) | This base10 log operator is common logarithm for base 10 |
mod(a,b) or rem(a,b) | This modulo operator returns the remainder after a is divided by b. |
: (Colon) | Generate a sequence |
round(a,b) | This rounding operator round up to the number to the nearest digit "a" by the significant digit "b"
primes(a) | Returns a list of prime numbers less than or equal to number a |
gcd(a,b) | Returns the greatest common divisors of the number of a and b. |
lcm(a,b) | Returns the least common multiples of the number of a and b. |
Trigonometry Operations
[edit | edit source]The trigonometry formula are given as followed:
Sin α - a / h
Cos α - b / c
Tan α - a / b
sin(α) | This sine operator returns sine value of argument in radians |
sind(α) | This sine operator returns sine value of argument in degree |
cos(α) | This cosine operator returns cosine value of argument in radians |
cosd(α) | This cosine operator returns sine value of argument in degree |
tan(α) | This tan operator returns tangent value of argument in radians |
tand(α) | This tan operator returns tangent value of argument in degree |
deg2rad(α) | Convert angle from degrees to radian |
rad2deg(α) | Convert angle from radians to degrees (Note: Try to convert the pi from radian to degrees) |
Matrix Operations
[edit | edit source][ ] | Container for matrix |
, | Matrix row separator |
; | Matrix column separator |
[edit | edit source]randi | Random integer |