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Lojban Made Easy/Printable version

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Lojban Made Easy

The current, editable version of this book is available in Wikibooks, the open-content textbooks collection, at

Permission is granted to copy, distribute, and/or modify this document under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.

Manual of Style

Lessons will consist of:

  1. List of Vocab/Things to Learn
  2. In Use
  3. New Grammar
  4. Practice

Tables will be like this:

Top Caption
Heading 1 Heading 2
{| class="sortable" cellspacing=0 align=center cellpadding=5px width=50% style="background: lightyellow; border: 1px solid gray;"
  |+ Top Caption
  ! style="background:brown;color:white;border-bottom:1.5px solid black"|Heading 1
  ! style="background:brown;color:white;border-bottom:1.5px solid black"|Heading 2
  | width=50% style="border-bottom:1px solid gray"|A
  | width=50% style="border-bottom:1px solid gray"|B
  | style="border-bottom:1.5px solid black"|C
  | style="border-bottom:1.5px solid black"|D


Alphabet and Pronunciation
Letter Sound IPA
A father /a/
B boy /b/
C sheep /ʃ/
D dog /d/
E bet /ɛ/
F fat /f/
G goat /g/
I machine /i/
J pleasure /ʒ/
K king /k/
L late /l/
M mat /m/
N Nine /n/
O open /o/
P pie /p/
R river /ɹ/
S snake /s/
T top /t/
U moon /u/
V vase /v/
X loch /x/
Y about /ə/
Z zebra /z/
' hello /h/
Alphabet and Pronunciation
Letter Sound
ai hi
au how
ei may
oi boy
ia yacht
ie yet
ii year
iu you
ua water
ue wet
ui we
uo woah
uu womb


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Pronounce the word given.

  1. .i
  2. .a
  3. .e
  4. .a
  5. .o
  6. .u
  7. .e'i
  8. lu'a
  9. se'inai
  10. gu'onai
  11. diklo
  12. tumla
  13. tunlo
  14. stasu
  15. kabri
  16. vitke
  17. pandi
  18. ransu
  19. tercakyjme
  20. backemselrerkru
  21. seljinru
  22. penydjuxa'a
  23. vokygenkantu
  24. xagmaubi'o
  25. xacysantyse'u
  26. finprxipoglosu
  27. mxyzptlk
  28. smacrkobaiu
  29. samcrkasava


Cmene (pronounced shmeh neh, ʃmɛnɛ) are Lojbanized names. All cmene are preceded by "la" and end in a consonant followed by a period. If it starts with a vowel, it will have a period before.

  1. Write the name with the Lojban alphabet
    1. Ch → Tc
    2. Sh → C
    3. Y → I
    4. W → U
    5. J → Dj
  2. If it ends in a vowel, insert any consonant, though "s" is most common

Examples: Harold → xeirold → la xeirold. Susan → suzen → la suzen. Harry → xeiri → la xeiris. Einstein → ainstain → la .ainstain.


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Write the cmene for the following names

  1. Mary
  2. Mark
  3. Harriet
  4. Jennifer
  5. Obama
  6. Dorothy
  7. Toto


[edit | edit source]
  1. la meiris.
  2. la mark.
  3. la xeiriet.
  4. la djenefer.
  5. la .obamas.
  6. la dortis.
  7. la totos.


Attitudinals express emotion, and generally consist of two vowels. Some examples:

Top Caption
Attitudinal Feeling
.a'o hope
.au desire
.a'u interest
.ie agreement
.i'e approval
.ii fear
.iu love
.oi complaint
.ua discovery
.ue surprise
.u'e wonder
.ui happiness
.u'i amusement
.u'u repentance
.uu sympathy

Add -nai to negate


  • .iunai hate
  • .ua.ue surprise at a discovery
  • .a'u.ua interest in a discovery
  • .iinai non-fear


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What attitudinal would you use if...

  1. ...you see a scary monster
  2. ...you spill soda on a best friend's dress at a dance
  3. ...you buy a lottery ticket
  4. ...you win the lottery
  5. ...your best friend gets three cookies at snack time and you only get one
  6. ...you travel to Mars and meet little green men
  7. ...you are unhappily in love


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  1. .ii (or for brave people .iinai)
  2. .u'u
  3. .a'o or .au
  4. .ui
  5. .oa
  6. .u'e.ua.ue
  7. .iu.uinai