- This exercise is recommended for all readers.
- Problem 1
Repeat Example 2.5 for the matrix from
Example 2.2.
- Answer
Because the basis vectors are chosen arbitrarily, many different answers
are possible.
However, here is one way to go;
to diagonalize

take it as the representation of a transformation with respect to the
standard basis
and look for
such that

that is, such that

We are looking for scalars
such that this equation

has solutions
, which are not both zero.
Rewrite that as a linear system

then the first equation gives that
, and then
the second equation gives that
The case where both
's are zero is disallowed
so we can assume that
![{\displaystyle {\xrightarrow[{}]{(-1/(4-x))\rho _{1}+\rho _{2}}}\;{\begin{array}{*{2}{rc}r}(4-x)\cdot b_{1}&+&-2\cdot b_{2}&=&0\\&&((x^{2}-5x+6)/(4-x))\cdot b_{2}&=&0\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/0e9ea34ce2b11a5109ea50b381090fcad394fea2)
Consider the bottom equation.
then the first equation gives
case is disallowed.
The other possibility for the bottom equation is that the numerator
of the fraction
is zero.
case gives a first equation of
, and so
associated with
we have
vectors whose first and second components are equal:

then the first equation is
and so the associated vectors
are those whose first component is
twice their second:

This picture

shows how to get the diagonalization.

This equation matches the
definition under this renaming.

- This exercise is recommended for all readers.
- Problem 3
What form do the powers of a diagonal matrix have?
- Answer
For any integer

- Problem 4
Give two same-sized diagonal matrices that are not similar.
Must any two different diagonal matrices come from different similarity
- Answer
These two are not similar

because each is alone in its similarity class.
For the second half, these

are similar via the matrix that changes bases from
Are two diagonal matrices similar if and only if their diagonal
entries are permutations of each other's?)
- Problem 5
Give a nonsingular diagonal matrix.
Can a diagonal matrix ever be singular?
- Answer
Contrast these two.

The first is nonsingular, the second is singular.
- This exercise is recommended for all readers.
- Problem 6
Show that the inverse of a diagonal matrix is the diagonal of
the inverses, if no element on that diagonal is zero.
What happens when a diagonal entry is zero?
- Answer
To check that the inverse of a diagonal matrix is the diagonal
matrix of the inverses, just multiply.

(Showing that it is a left inverse is just as easy.)
If a diagonal entry is zero then the diagonal matrix is singular; it has a zero determinant.
- Problem 8
Show that the
used to diagonalize in
Example 2.5 is not unique.
- Answer
The columns of the matrix are chosen as the vectors associated with the
's. The exact choice, and the order of the choice was arbitrary. We could, for instance, get a different matrix by swapping the two columns.
- Problem 9
Find a formula for the powers of this matrix
Hint: see Problem 3.

- Answer
Diagonalizing and then taking powers of the diagonal matrix shows that

- This exercise is recommended for all readers.
- This exercise is recommended for all readers.
- Problem 13
Show that each of these is diagonalizable.
- Answer
- Using the formula for the inverse of a
matrix gives this.

Now pick scalars
so that
For example, these will do.

- As above,

we are looking for scalars
so that
, no matter what values
, and
For starters, we assume that
, else the given matrix is
already diagonal.
We shall use that assumption because if we (arbitrarily) let
then we get

and the quadratic formula gives

(note that if
, and
are real then these two
's are real as the discriminant is positive).
By the same token, if we (arbitrarily) let

and we get here

(as above, if
then this discriminant is positive
so a symmetric, real,
matrix is similar to a real
diagonal matrix).
For a check we try

Note that not all four choices