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LibreOffice User's Manual:
LibreOffice Calc
LO Calc

LibreOffice Calc is a free and open source spreadsheet. Calc's native file format is .ods, the OpenDocument Text format. Saving in native format is always recommended even if you're planning to save it to another Office format like Microsoft Excel's .xls format, because this ensures that no formatting would be lost because of .doc's inability to save certain formatting elements.


  1. Introduction, terminology and familiarization with LibreOffice Calc
  2. Configuring the editor
  3. The user interface
  4. Navigating Cells
  5. Working with Data
  6. Working with Formulas
  7. Making Beautiful Charts
  8. Configuring pages
  9. Print, Send Fax, and E-mail
  10. Create a Workbook to Analyze your Field of Interest with Embedded Chart
  11. Create a Personal Budget with functions
  12. Create a College Expense Analysis Workbook
  13. Troubleshooting Errors
  14. Loan Payment Amortization Schedule
  15. Create a Pivot Table
  16. Create a spreadsheet with lists
  17. Create a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets
  18. Calc Basic Exam
  19. Keyboard Shortcuts
  20. Excel Compatibility and Problems
  21. Links-Resources