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LMIs in Control/KYP Lemmas/KYP lemma for continous time QSR dissipative system

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The System

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Consider a contiuous-time LTI system, , with minimal state-space realization (A, B, C, D), where and .

The Data

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The matrices and

The Optimization Problem

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The system is QSR disipative if

where is the input to is the output of and .

LMI : KYP Lemma for QSR Dissipative Systems

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The system is also QSR dissipative if and only if there exists where such that


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If there exist a positive definite for the the selected Q,S and R matrices then the system is QSR dissipative.


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Code for implementation of this LMI using MATLAB. https://github.com/VJanand25/LMI

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1. J. C. Willems, “Dissipative dynamical systems - part I: General theory,” Archive Rational Mechanics and Analysis, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 321–351, 1972.
2. D. J. Hill and P. J. Moylan, “The stability of nonlinear dissipative systems,” IEEE Transac- tions on Automatic Control, vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 708–711, 1976.
3. LMI Properties and Applications in Systems, Stability, and Control Theory, by Ryan James Caverly1 and James Richard Forbes2