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LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/Observer synthesis/Full-order Hinf state Observer

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In this section, we design full order H- state observer.

The System

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Given a state-space representation of a linear system

  • are the state vector, measured output vector and output vectors of interest.
  • are the disturbance vector and control vector respectively.

The Data

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are system matrices


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For the system , a full order state observer of the form of equation (1) is introduced and the estimate of interested output is given by .






The estimate of interested output is






Given the system and a positive scalar , L is found such that






LMI Condition

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The state observers problem has a solution if and only if there exists a symmetric positive definite matrix and a matrix satisfying the below LMI






When such a pair of matrics is found, the solution is







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This implementation requires Yalmip and Mosek.


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Thus, an state observer is designed such that the output vectors of interest are accurately estimated.

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