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LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/LMIs in system and stability Theory/Observer D-stability

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LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/LMIs in system and stability Theory/Observer D-stability

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The System

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The Data

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In order to properly define the acceptable region of the poles in the complex plane, we need the following three pieces of data: rise time (), settling time (), and percent overshoot (). From this, we have to then define the acceptable region in the complex plane that the poles can lie on using the following inequality constraints:

Rise Time:

Settling Time:

Percent Overshoot:

Assume that is the complex pole location, then:

This then allows us to modify our inequality constraints as:

Rise Time:

Settling Time:

Percent Overshoot:

The Optimization Problem

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A description of the Problem to be solved, if appropriate.

The LMI: The Observer D-Stability

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Title and mathematical description of the LMI formulation.


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Interpretation of the results of the LMI


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A link to CodeOcean or other online implementation of the LMI

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