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LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/LMIs in system and stability Theory/Discrete-time Negative Imaginary Lemma

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The System

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Given a square, discrete-time LTI system G: L2e --> L2e with state-space realization (Ad, Bd, Cd, Dd) where

, , , and .

In this system, and and .

The Data

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, , , and

The LMI:

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The system G posed above is considered to be negative imaginary under either of the sufficient and necessary conditions:

  1. There exists , where P > 0 such that

2. There exists , where Q > 0 such that


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By using the LMI described above, a discrete LTI system can be evaluated for the negative imaginary condition.


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This LMI can be implemented in any LMI solver such as YALMIP, using an algorithmic solver like MOSEK.

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