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LMIs in Control/Click here to continue/LMIs in system and stability Theory/Continuous-time Stabilizability

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Stabilizability LMI

A system is stabilizable if all unstable modes of the system are controllable. This implies that if the system is controllable, it will also be stabilizable. Thus, stabilizability is a essentially a weaker version of the controllability condition. The LMI condition for stabilizability of pair is shown below.

The System

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where , , at any .

The Data

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The matrices necessary for this LMI are and . There is no restriction on the stability of A.

The LMI: Stabilizability LMI

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is stabilizable if and only if there exists such that


where the stabilizing controller is given by



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If we are able to find such that the above LMI holds it means the matrix pair is stabilizable. In words, a system pair is stabilizable if for any initial state an appropriate input can be found so that the state asymptotically approaches the origin. Stabilizability is a weaker condition than controllability in that we only need to approach as whereas controllability requires that the state must reach the origin in a finite time.


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This implementation requires Yalmip and Sedumi.


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Hurwitz Stability LMI

Detectability LMI

Controllability Grammian LMI

Observability Grammian LMI

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A list of references documenting and validating the LMI.

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