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Kapampangan/Where Are You From?

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Part A: Description

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In this lesson we learn how to express where you live and where you come from. We will also see a few more common phrases for introductions.

For e.g., although komustá, means both hello and how are you?, the phrase komustá na ka means more exclusively how are you?. You recognise the word ka, which stands for íka and means you. The new word na, means now.

See the translations of the following sentences:

You come in Lungúb ka
You come from England Meníbat ka England

As you see, the preposition from and in are missing, but the verb come is translated in two completely different ways, lungúb and meníbat. This is because the meaning of the preposition is included in the verb. This is a bit like if the Kapampangan language was using verbs like enter and originate, which do mean come in and come from in English, but are less popular.

On top of coming from, we want to be able to say I live in .... Live is translated makatuknáng.

Here are a number of essentials words for this lesson:

nukarín where
péro Span. but
keng in
kéni here
ánta how, how about
mekéni welcome, come here, come among us
salámat thanks, thank you

Finally, we need to talk about 2 unusual phrase formations:

  • naman is a word that has no meaning in itself, but indicates that the phrase is a response to the question. It is infrequently used, but in some expressions like and answer to Komustá? Could be Mayáp naman, which we can translate simply Good, but naman indicates that the preceding word or phrase is the answer expected, and not the start of (for e.g.) another sentence (like Mayáp a yábak).
  • taga- is a prefix that is attached to a location (or a word that substitutes to a location, like nukarín ) and means come-from-X or is-from-X. E.g. Taga-Tarlác ku which means I am from Tarlac or I come from Tarlac.

Part B Application

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Read the following conversation and try to understand it, referring to the explanations above.

George has now been accepted for his new Job. The next day he meets Kevin in front of the office to start work and Kevin introduces him to the team.
George - Hi Kevin, Komustá na ka?
Kevin - Mayáp naman, salámat. Lungúb ka.
George and Kevin enter the offices and meet Lisa, Bob's assistant.
Kevin - Hello Lisa, íni y George.
Lisa - Hi George, mekéni.
George - Salámat.
Lisa - Taga-nukarín ka?
George - Taga-Tarlác ku. Ánta íka?
Lisa - Taga-Bacolór ku, péro makatuknáng ku kéni, king Angelés Cíty. Ay, íni y Katy.
Katy is another team member working in Bob's team.
George - Hi Katy. Taga-nukarín ka?
Katy - Menibát ku England.
George - Péro makatuknáng ka kéné?
Katy - Wa, makatuknáng ku Pampánga, king Angelés Cíty.

In case you didn't understand every word, let us go through this conversation again step by step:

Speaker Kapampangan English translation Very literally Comment
George Hi Kevin, Komustá na ka? Hi Kevin, how are you? Hi Kevin, how are you now?
Kevin Mayáp naman, salámat. Lungúb ka. Very well thank you. Come in. Good <response>, thanks. Enter you.
Kevin Hello Lisa, íni y George. Hello Lisa, this is George. Hello Lisa, this <name>George.
Lisa Hi George, mekéni. Hi, George, welcome. Hi, George, come-in/welcome.
George Salámat. Thanks. Thanks
Lisa Taga-nukarín ka? So, where are your from? From-where you?
George Taga-Tarlác ku. Ánta íka? I am from Tarlac. And what about you? From-Tarlac me. How about you?
Lisa Taga-Bacolór ku, péro makatuknáng ku kéni, keng Angelés Cíty. I am from Bacolor, but I live here in Angeles City. From-Bacolor me, but live I here, in Angeles City.
Lisa Ay, íni y Katy. Oh, this is Katy. Oh, this <name>Katy.
George Hi Katy. Taga-nukarín ka? Hi Katy, and where are you from? Hi Katy, from-where you?
Katy Menibát ku England. I come from England. Originate I England.
George Péro makatuknáng ka kéni? But do you live here? But live you here?
Katy Wa, makatuknáng ku Pampánga, king Angelés Cíty. Yes, I live in Pampanga, in Angeles City. Yes, live I Pampanga, in Angeles City.

Part C: Summary

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In this lesson you have learned the following words:

nukarín where na now
péro Span. but lungúb to come in, to enter
keng in meníbat to come from
kéni here makatuknáng live
ánta how, how about taga- from
mekéni welcome, come here, come among us naman indicates that the sentence is an answer to a question.
salámat thanks, thank you

On top of that you now now that:

  • The pronoun is always after the verb: e.g menibat ku I come from
  • 2nd rule
  • 3rd rule

Part E: Country names

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In this sections, we give you a full list of country names, so that you can look up how to say I am from ... with your own country at the end of the sentence.

Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Apgánistan Islámik Repúblika ning Apgánistan Afghanistan Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Albánia Repúblika ning Albánia Albania Republic of Albania
Alyéria Demokrátikong Repúblika ning Aldyéria Algeria People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Andóra Principál ning Andórra Andorra Principality of Andorra
Angóla Repúblika ning Angóla Angola Republic of Angola
Antígwa at Barbúda Antigua and Barbuda
Aryentína Repúblika ning Ardyentína Argentina Argentine Republic
Arménia Repúblika ning Arménia Armenia Republic of Armenia
Austrália Australia
Aústria Repúblika ning Aústria Austria Republic of Austria
Aserbay'yan Repúblika ning Azerbaydyán Azerbaijan Republic of Azerbaijan
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Bahámas Commonwealth nang Bahámas Bahamas Commonwealth of The Bahamas
Bárein Káharian nang Bárein Bahrain Kingdom of Bahrain
Bangládes Repúblika dareng Táu nang Bangládesy Bangladesh People's Republic of Bangladesh
Barbádus Barbados
Belarús Repúblika nang Belarús Belarus Republic of Belarus
Bél'yum Káharian nang Béldyum Belgium Kingdom of Belgium
Belísé Belize
Benín Repúblika nang Benín Benin Republic of Benin
Bután Káharian nang Bután Bhutan Kingdom of Bhutan
Bolíbya Repúblika nang Bolívia Bolivia Republic of Bolivia
Bósnya at Hersegóbina Bosnia and Herzegovina
Botswána Repúblika nang Botswána Botswana Republic of Botswana
Brasíl Pederál Repúblika nang Brazíl Brazil Federative Republic of Brazil
Bruné Brunei
Bulgárya Repúblika nang Bulgária Bulgaria Republic of Bulgaria
Burkína Pasó Burkina Faso
Burúndi Repúblika nang Burúndi Burundi Republic of Burundi
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Kambodya Káharian nang Kambódia Cambodia Kingdom of Cambodia
Kamerún Repúblika nang Kamerún Cameroon Republic of Cameroon
Kánada Canada
Kape Berde Repúblika nang Kape Verde Cape Verde Republic of Cape Verde
Áprika Libutad Central Africa
Tsad Repúblika nang Chad Chad Republic of Chad
Tsile Repúblika nang Chile Chile Republic of Chile
Tsina Repúblika dareng Táu nang China China People's Republic of China
Kolómbia Repúblika nang Kolómbia Colombia Republic of Colombia
Komóros Union nang Komóros Comoros Union of the Comoros
Demokrátik Kóngo Demokrátik Repúblika nang Kóngo Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo
Kóngo Repúblika nang Kóngo Congo Republic of the Congo
Kósta Ríka Repúblika nang Kósta Ríka Costa Rica Republic of Costa Rica
Ko dibua Repúblika nang Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
Kroásya Repúblika nang Kroásya Croatia Republic of Croatia
Kúba Repúblika nang Kúba Cuba Republic of Cuba
Repúblika ning Tsek Czech Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Dénmark Káharian nang Dénmark Denmark Kingdom of Denmark
Dyibúti Repúblika nang Dyibúti Djibouti Republic of Djibouti
Domínika Commonwealth nang Domínika Dominica Commonwealth of Dominica
Dominikána Repúblika Dominican Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Éste Timór Demokrátik Repúblika nang Éste Timór East Timor Democratic Republic of East Timor
Ekuadór Repúblika nang Ekuadór Ecuador Republic of Ecuador
Édyipt Repúblikang Arabú nang Édyipt Egypt Arab Republic of Egypt
El Salvadór Repúblika nang El Salvadór El Salvador Republic of El Salvador
Equatoriál Guinéa Repúblika nang Equatoriál Guinéa Equatorial Guinea Republic of Equatorial Guinea
Eritréa Estádo nang Eritréa Eritrea State of Eritrea
Estónia Repúblika nang Estónia Estonia Republic of Estonia
Etiópia Pederál Demokrátik Repúblika nang Etiópia Ethiopia Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Pidyí Repúblika daréng Isla Pidyí Fiji Republic of the Fiji Islands
Pinlánd Repúblika nang Pinlánd Finland Republic of Finland
Prans Prench Repúblika France French Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Gabón Gabón Repúblika Gabon Gabonese Republic
Gámbia Repúblika nang Gámbia Gambia Republic of Gambia
Dyór'ya Georgia
Alemanya Pederál Repúblika nang Dyérmany Germany Federal Republic of Germany
Gána Repúblika nang Gána Ghana Republic of Ghana
Dyibráltar Gibraltar
Gresya Elenik Repúblika Greece Hellenic Republic
Grinland Greenland
Grenáda Grenada
Guam Territory nang Guam Guam Territory of Guam
Guatemála Repúblika nang Guatemála Guatemala Republic of Guatemala
Guinéya Repúblika nang Guinéa Guinea Republic of Guinea
Guinéya-Bisáw Repúblika nang Guinéa-Bissáu Guinea-Bissau Republic of Guinea-Bissau
Guyána Co-operative Repúblika nang Guyána Guyana Co-operative Republic of Guyana
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Haíti Repúblika nang Haíti Haiti Republic of Haiti
Hondúras Repúblika nang Hondúras Honduras Republic of Honduras
Hong Kong Hong Kong
Húngary Repúblika nang Húngary Hungary Republic of Hungary
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Íceland Repúblika nang Íceland Iceland Republic of Iceland
Índia Repúblika nang Índia India Republic of India
Indonésia Repúblika nang Indonésia Indonesia Republic of Indonesia
Irán Islamik Repúblika nang Irán Iran Islamic Republic of Iran
Iráq Repúblika nang Iráq Iraq Republic of Iraq
Íreland Repúblika nang Íreland Ireland Republic of Ireland
Israél Estádo nang Israél Israel State of Israel
Itália Italiána Repúblika Italy Italian Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Dyamáika Jamaica
Dyapán Japan
Dyórdan Hashemite Káharian nang Dyórdan Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Kazakstán Repúblika nang Kazakstán Kazakhstan Republic of Kazakhstan
Kénya Repúblika nang Kénya Kenya Republic of Kenya
Kiribáti Repúblika nang Kiribáti Kiribati Republic of Kiribati
Nórte Kórea Democrátik Repúblika dareng Táu nang Kórea North Korea Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Sur Kórea Repúblika nang Kórea South Korea Republic of Korea
Kuwáit Estádo nang Kuwáit Kuwait State of Kuwait
Kyrgyzstán Kyrgýz Repúblika Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyz Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Láos Democrátik Repúblika daréng Láo Táu Laos Lao People's Democratic Republic
Látvia Repúblika nang Látvia Latvia Republic of Latvia
Lébanon Repúblika nang Lébanon Lebanon Republic of Lebanon
Lesóto Káharian nang Lesóto Lesotho Kingdom of Lesotho
Libéria Repúblika nang Libéria Liberia Republic of Liberia
Líbya Libya
Liechténstein Principal nang Liechténstein Liechtenstein Principality of Liechtenstein
Lituánia Repúblika nang Lituánia Lithuania Republic of Lithuania
Luxémburg Gran Duchy nang Luxémburg Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Macáo Macao
Macedónia Repúblika nang Macedónia Macedonia Republic of Macedonia
Madagáskar Repúblika nang Madagáskar Madagascar Republic of Madagascar
Maláwi Repúblika nang Maláwi Malawi Republic of Malawi
Maláysia Malaysia
Maldíves Repúblika nang Maldíves Maldives Republic of Maldives
Máli Repúblika nang Máli Mali Republic of Mali
Málta Repúblika nang Málta Malta Republic of Malta
Mársyal Ísla Repúblika daréng Mársyal Ísla Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands
Mauritánia Islamik Repúblika nang Mauritánia Mauritania Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Maurísyus Repúblika nang Maurísyus Mauritius Republic of Mauritius
Méxiko Estádos Unídos nang Méxiko Mexico United Mexican States
Mikronésia Pederal Estádos nang Mikronésia Micronesia Federated States of Micronesia
Moldóva Repúblika nang Moldóva Moldova Republic of Moldova
Monáko Principál nang Monáko Monaco Principality of Monaco
Mongólia Mongolia
Montenégro Repúblika nang Montenégro Montenegro Republic of Montenegro
Moróko Káharian nang Moróko Morocco Kingdom of Morocco
Mozámbik Repúblika nang Mozámbik Mozambique Republic of Mozambique
Myánmar Únion nang Myánmar Myanmar Union of Myanmar
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Namíbia Repúblika nang Namíbia Namibia Republic of Namibia
Náuru Repúblika nang Náuru Nauru Republic of Nauru
Nepál Estado nang Nepál Nepal State of Nepal
Nétherlands Káharian daréng Nétherlands Netherlands Kingdom of the Netherlands
New Zealand New Zealand
Nikarágua Repúblika nang Nikarágua Nicaragua Republic of Nicaragua
Nídyer Repúblika nang Nídyer Niger Republic of Niger
Nidyéria Pederál Repúblika nang Nidyéria Nigeria Federal Republic of Nigeria
Nórway Káharian nang Nórway Norway Kingdom of Norway
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Óman Sultanato nang Óman Oman Sultanate of Oman
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Pakistán Islámik Repúblika nang Pakistán Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Paláu Repúblika nang Paláu Palau Republic of Palau
Palestíne State nang Palestíne Palestine State of Palestine
Panáma Repúblika nang Panáma Panama Republic of Panama
Papua New Guinea Independent State nang Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea Independent State of Papua New Guinea
Paráguay Repúblika nang Paráguay Paraguay Republic of Paraguay
Perú Repúblika nang Perú Peru Republic of Peru
Pilipínas Repúblika nang Pilipínas Philippines Republic of the Philippines
Póland Repúblika nang Póland Poland Republic of Poland
Polynésia French Polynésia Polynesia French Polynesia
Portugál Portuguése Repúblika Portugal Portuguese Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Qatár State nang Qatár Qatar State of Qatar
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Románia Romania
Rússia Pederasyún nang Rússia Russia Russian Federation
Rwánda Repúblika nang Rwánda Rwanda Republic of Rwanda
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Saint Kitts at Névis Pederasyún nang Saint Kristopér
at Névis
Saint Kitts and Nevis Federation of Saint Christopher
and Nevis
Saint Lúcia Saint Lucia
Saint Víncent at
Saint Vincent and
the Grenadines
Samóa Independent State nang Samóa Samoa Independent State of Samoa
San Maríno Most Serene Repúblika nang
San Maríno
San Marino Most Serene Republic of
San Marino
Sáo Tomé at Príncípe Democratik Repúblika nang Sáo Tomé
at Príncípe
São Tomé and Príncipe Democratic Republic of São Tomé
and Príncipe
Sáudi Arábia Káharian nang Sáudi Arábia Saudi Arabia Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Senegál Repúblika nang Senegál Senegal Republic of Senegal
Sérbia Repúblika nang Sérbia Serbia Republic of Serbia
Seychélles Repúblika nang Seychélles Seychelles Republic of Seychelles
Siérra Leóne Repúblika nang Siérra Leóne Sierra Leone Republic of Sierra Leone
Singapúre Repúblika nang Singapúre Singapore Republic of Singapore
Slovákia Slovák Repúblika Slovakia Slovak Republic
Slovénia Repúblika nang Slovénia Slovenia Republic of Slovenia
Solómon Ísla Solomon Islands
Somália Somalia
Áfrika del Sur Repúblika nang Áfrika del Sur South Africa Republic of South Africa
Espánya Káharian nang Espánya Spain Kingdom of Spain
Sri Lánka Democratik Socialist Repúblika nang
Sri Lánka
Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka
Sudán Repúblika nang Sudán Sudan Republic of the Sudan
Surináme Repúblika nang Surináme Suriname Republic of Suriname
Swazíland Káharian nang Swazíland Swaziland Kingdom of Swaziland
Swéden Káharian nang Swéden Sweden Kingdom of Sweden
Swítzerland Swiss Kompederasyún Switzerland Swiss Confederation
Sýria Sýrian Arab Repúblika Syria Syrian Arab Republic
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Táiwan Repúblika nang Táiwan Taiwan Republic of Taiwan
Tadyikistán Repúblika nang Tadyikistán Tajikistan Republic of Tajikistan
Tanzánia Métung Repúblika nang Tanzánia Tanzania United Republic of Tanzania
Táiland Káharian nang Táiland Thailand Kingdom of Thailand
Tógo Togolése Repúblika Togo Togolese Republic
Tónga Káharian nang Tónga Tonga Kingdom of Tonga
Trinidád at Tobágo Repúblika nang Trinidád at Tobágo Trinidad and Tobago Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Tunísia Tunísian Repúblika Tunisia Tunisian Republic
Túrkey Repúblika nang Túrkey Turkey Republic of Turkey
Turkménistan Turkmenistan
Tuválu Tuvalu
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Ugánda Repúblika nang Ugánda Uganda Republic of Uganda
Ukráine Ukraine
United Árab Emirates United Arab Emirates
Métung Káharian or
Gran Británia
Métung Káharian nang Gran Británia
at Norte Íreland
United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland
Estádos Unídos Estádos Unídos nang Amérika United States United States of America
Uruguáy Este Repúblika nang Uruguáy Uruguay Eastern Republic of Uruguay
Uzbekistán Repúblika nang Uzbekistán Uzbekistan Republic of Uzbekistan
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Vanuátu Repúblika nang Vanuátu Vanuatu Republic of Vanuatu
Venezuéla Bolivárian Repúblika nang Venezuéla Venezuela Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Vietnám Socialist Repúblika nang Vietnám Vietnam Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Yémen Repúblika nang Yémen Yemen Republic of Yemen
Kapampangan English
Name Longer name Name Longer name
Zámbia Repúblika nang Zámbia Zambia Republic of Zambia
Zimbábwe Repúblika nang Zimbábwe Zimbabwe Republic of Zimbabwe