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K-12 School Computer Networking/Chapter 25/Distance Learning and Change Management

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Opening Remarks:

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Why is effective change management important in schools that wish to integrate distance learning into their curriculums? Because given the many significant benefits offered by distance learning, distance learning programs are still not as widely adopted these days as they should be, nor have this technology been used to its full potential. Distance Learning programs have been greeted with resistance from K-12 schools, universities, and the professional community because the distance learning model is being viewed by most as a change to the traditional teaching methods. In order for distance learning to become successful initiatives in K-12 schools, the technology coordinator needs to understand the various aspects of change management as well as exercising strong leadership.

Based on Sociological observations, the acceptance of change depends on several factors: 1) The extent to which it is consistent with existing ideas and social patterns 2) The balance between the benefits and costs of change, including a generalized fear of the unknown 3) The strength of resistance by those with a vested interest in the status quo 4) The influence of the change agents

The paper will focus on the 2nd and the 4th factors by analyzing the benefits and disadvantages of distance learning as well as presenting ways where the technology coordinator can assume leadership as a change agent.

Introduction to Distance Learning:

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Distance learning is defined per Wikipedia as:

“A field of education that focuses on the pedagogy and andragogy, technology, and instructional systems design that aim to deliver education to students who are not physically ‘on site’. Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students may communicate at times of their own choosing by exchanging printed or electronic media, or through technology that allows them to communicate in real time and through other online ways.”

Distance learning has become an increasingly popular educational tool in the last few years. Because distance learning can break down the barriers of time and distance, student learning can take anytime and anywhere in the world.

Online degree and certificate programs at universities have especially received much media attention. Based on an article published on the Wall Street Journal in May 2006, “while overall higher-education enrollment in the U.S. is virtually stagnant, online enrollment is skyrocketing”.

Although distance education in K-12 schools has not received as much media attention, distance learning can and should become integrated into the K-12 curriculum given its advantages (some of which will be explored in later sections of the paper). In addition, as one function of the K-12 schools is to prepare the students for the challenges later on in college and the professional world, by learning how to study in distance education classes, students can have the opportunity to obtain the hands-on experience with technology tools such as emails, discussion boards, video lectures (synchronous and asynchronous), WebTV, YouTube, Wiki, podcasting, etc.

Introduction to Change Management:

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The distance learning model, like other technological innovations can be greeted with enthusiasm or resistance from teachers, students, schools, and the community. While some will welcome a new and effective learning method, others will view distance learning with fear and anxiety.

Managing change is not easy. Managing change in the teaching and learning environment presents additional challenges when the technology coordinator must effectively manage the relationships with the principal, teachers, students, parents, and the community. Throughout the implementation of the distance learning model in K-12 schools, the technology coordinator has the unique position to become the technological leader for the school. In addition, the technology coordinator can transform his/her role if he/she can understand the human aspects of change. Instead of being a support staff who follows the strategic directions set by the principal, the technology coordinator can exercise significant leadership.

Change can be better accepted if the technology coordinator can show that the distance learning teaching mode meets the needs of students and teachers. Change can also be better accepted if the technology coordinator can effectively articulate the benefits of distance learning to the principals, students, and teachers as well as demonstrating that they can all manage the shortcomings of distance learning.

Presenting the benefits of Distance Learning:

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As an effective change agent, the technology coordinator should be able to clearly articulate the benefits of distance learning to the school board, the teachers, the students, the parents, and the community.

Advantage #1: Flexibility, Distance learning can take place anywhere and anytime

Distance Learning technologies have broken the down the barrier of time and space. With new technologies, learning can take place any time and anywhere in the world. Students in K-12 schools and adult learners can undertake learning at their own pace and convenience.

Advantage #2 Additional teaching and learning formats

Distance Learning can create more varied teaching formats. In Foreign Language and Culture classes, the technology coordinator can arrange and set up chat rooms with students in a foreign country. The technology coordinator can also arrange and set up video conferencing features where the US students can chat with people at a foreign country using that foreign language in order to practice that language and learn more about the culture. By using tools such as YouTube, Skype, and chat rooms, the teachers can increase student enthusiasm and interest for the courses.

Advantage #3 Cost Savings for the School

Although cost saving should not be regarded as the number one reason for the implementation of distance learning courses, there are significant long term cost saving opportunities. With distance learning tools, the school can increase the number of students attending a class per a teacher.

Advantage #4 Access to additional Courses from other Schools

Distance learning brings new access to new information; courses that could not be offered previously now can be accessed. For example, a class taught in a middle school by a famous instructor in New York City can now be accessed by students from suburban schools in the US or even students from other countries. Participation from students around the country or around the globe can also increase dialogue between the students.

Advantage #5 Familiarizing students with the Distance Learning technologies in preparation for college Distance Learning courses and lifelong learning when entering the workforce.

Online courses and e-Universities have met the many needs of adult learners and have therefore grown in number and capacity. Many professionals understand the importance of lifelong learning and are actively pursuing continuing education through various means. Because a large portion of the professional lifelong learning are taking place through distance learning courses, it is advantageous for K-12 students to become familiar with the many distance learning technology tools in preparation for college and the workforce. As good habits should be formed at a young age, distance learning courses can be implemented in as early as elementary school.

Advantage #6 Giving students the opportunity to practice discipline.

In contrast to the traditional courses taught by an instructor in a classroom, distance learning classes, especially asynchronous courses, require the students to have more discipline in order to succeed in the class. In the absence of a physical classroom and instructor, the distance learning courses require the students to exercise more self-discipline in order to keep up with the classroom readings and assignments.

Advantage #7 Teaching students to take initiatives for their learning.

Once a K-12 student reaches adulthood and becomes a professional, no one will force them to take classes, yet each professional must take responsibility for his/her own learning. It is essential for professionals to engage in lifelong learning in order to stay competitive in the job market. For example, a professional with a college degree in Information Technology might be asked by the company president to be in charge of the IT department budget. Instead of stating that he does not have any Accounting knowledge, this professional can impress the company if he would take the initiative to enroll in continuing education courses in Accounting. In contrast to traditional classroom courses where knowledge is passed from the instructor to the students, Distance learning courses require the students to take more initiatives for their learning as the students are often required to conduct individual research to complete assignments and contribute to class discussions. When students enter the professional world, there will be many subjects that will be unfamiliar to them, by knowing how to take initiatives for their learning, distance learning courses can prepare the students to become proactive professionals.

Limitations of Distance Learning and Ways to Manage Them:

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The technology coordinator should understand some of the limitations to distance learning as well as ways to minimize and manage these limitations.

Limitation #1: Learners might feel isolated

One of the limitations of distance learning is that the face to face interaction is lost in a distance learning class; this causes the learners to feel isolated during the learning process. To manage this limitation, the technology coordinator should train the teachers to set up chat rooms, ask the students to post web pages with their pictures to be viewed by classmates, and set up opportunities for students to chat in synchronous format via software such as adobe connect. Teachers can also set up face to face meetings with the students during the course. Another way the technology coordinator can manage this shortcoming is to emphasize the fact that distance learning courses often offer the students more opportunities for interactions than in a traditional classroom. In contrast to a traditional lecture-format classroom where student participation can be limited to those students with extrovert personalities, distance learning courses offer the opportunities for even the shyest students to participate via written formats. When students are required to participate via the written format, they would often spend more time to organize their thoughts before making their comments, thus increasing the quality of the contributions.

Limitation #2: It is more difficult for learners to raise questions

Another limitation of distance learning is that it is harder for students to ask questions in a distance learning class. In contrast to a traditional classroom where a student simply needs to raise his/her hand to ask a question, it is harder for students to ask questions to clarify their confusions in a distance learning class. Therefore, the technology coordinator should inform the teachers of this limitation and encourage the teachers to spend extra efforts to make the instructions as detailed as possible to avoid confusion, the technology coordinator can also encourage the teachers to be responsive to questions from students.

Resistance to change and the Technology Coordinator’s roles as a Change Agent and a Leader:

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Fear and anxiety are natural emotions to have when people encounter change. As an effort to maintain the status quo, many people will adopt a resistance attitude as a defense mechanism. During the Industrial Revolution, workers in factories have been known to destroy new plant machines because they understood that the introduction of automation would replace manual labor. The technology coordinator should understand that some of the emotional resistance to distance learning are well-founded and work with the school leadership to manage and provide solutions to these negative emotions.

It is natural for teachers to fear that they might lose the respect of their students as many children today are technology savvy and spend considerable time with computers. Equipping teachers with knowledge on distance learning technologies through IT training sessions is one of the most effective ways to decrease the anxiety.

With the fast pace of technology innovations, teachers are not the only ones who are frustrated with the constant learning that has to take place in order to stay on top of these innovations. Many users of technology might become frustrated when they have spent significant time to master a new technology innovation, only to find that their learning has quickly become obsolete in a few months. To address this frustration, the technology coordinator should exercise technology leadership by providing frequent training sessions to teachers and school staff on the most current distance learning innovations.

A frustrating aspect for teachers who utilizes distance learning or other types of technologies is that technology is prone to bugs and breakdowns. The technology coordinator should expect the technical difficulties and be understanding to users who become frustrated. To ease these fears, the technology coordinator should hold frequent “open-door” office hours to support the teachers and make efforts to be responsive to user inquiries.

In order for a technology such as distance learning to be successfully implemented and accepted by the academic community, the technology coordinator should not only assume the role of a technology leaders, but more importantly, he should provide leadership as a change agent in order to change the school culture. The technology coordinator can present a case to the principal on how the isolation of teacher can contribute to the fear of change, and how the establishment of a teacher support group can allow the teachers to share IT knowledge and communicate with each other. The technology coordinator can also bring in outside Change Consultants to provide coaching and change awareness sessions to the teachers as a part of the teacher support program. In addition, the technology coordinator can also petition the principal to support the teachers to enroll in distance learning courses in technology at universities such as the Teachers College at Columbia University. By becoming students in distance learning courses, the teachers can experience the technology first hand and thus become more comfortable teaching with these technologies.

Closing Remarks:

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Adopting distance learning in K-12 schools can be a rewarding yet challenging task. A technology coordinator thus has the opportunity to exercise significant leadership in the technology and change management areas. In order to assume effective leadership, the technology coordinator should not only be familiar with the advantages and limitations to distance learning, but he should also lead the change process with confidence and compassion to the teachers. To influence the teachers, the technology coordinator must first understand the teachers as well as their fears and frustrations.

With the many advantages offered by distance learning technologies, this form of teaching and learning will soon become embedded in our education systems. Students will choose to learn in technology rich classrooms instead of traditional classrooms where the lessons were taught in lectures using blackboards. As Charles Darwin once said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”


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Hess B., Markson E., & Stein P. (1996) Sociology. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon

“Wall Street Journal”. 9 May 2006. Online University Enrollment Soars. Retrieved November 15th, 2008 from <http://institutionalperformance.typepad.com/institutional_performance/2006/05/growth_in_onlin.html>

“Wikipedia”. 29 October 2008. Distance Education. Retrieved November 15th, 2008 from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distance_learning>