Julia for MATLAB Users/Core Language/Advanced Software Development

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Advanced Software Development[edit | edit source]

Creating Classes[edit | edit source]

Class Syntax Guide[edit | edit source]

class Determine class of object[edit | edit source]

In Julia typeof() is essentially equivalent.

isobject Determine if input is MATLAB object[edit | edit source]

enumeration Class enumeration members and names[edit | edit source]

events Event names[edit | edit source]

methods Class method names[edit | edit source]

properties Class property names[edit | edit source]

Sample Class Implementations[edit | edit source]

classdef Class definition keywords[edit | edit source]

Class Definition[edit | edit source]

Class File Organization[edit | edit source]

classdef Class definition keywords[edit | edit source]
import Add package or class to current import list[edit | edit source]

Properties[edit | edit source]

properties Class property names[edit | edit source]
isprop Determine if property of object[edit | edit source]
mustBeFinite Validate that value is finite or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeGreaterThan Validate that value is greater than another value or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeGreaterThanOrEqual Validate that value is greater than or equal to another value or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeInteger Validate that value is integer or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeLessThan Validate that value is less than another value or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeLessThanOrEqual Validate that value is less than or equal to another value or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeMember Validate that value is member of specified set[edit | edit source]
mustBeNegative Validate that value is negative or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonempty Validate that value is nonempty or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonNan Validate that value is nonNaN[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonnegative Validate that value is nonnegative or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonpositive Validate that value is nonpositive or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonsparse Validate that value is nonsparse or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNonzero Validate that value is nonzero or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNumeric Validate that value is numeric or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeNumericOrLogical Validate that value is numeric or logical or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBePositive Validate that value is positive or issue error[edit | edit source]
mustBeReal Validate that value is real or issue error[edit | edit source]
dynamicprops Superclass for classes that support dynamic properties[edit | edit source]
meta.DynamicProperty Describe dynamic property of MATLAB object[edit | edit source]
event.DynamicPropertyEvent Event data for dynamic property events[edit | edit source]
meta.property Describe property of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]
meta.Validation Describes property validation[edit | edit source]
meta.FixedDimension Fixed dimension in property size specification[edit | edit source]
meta.UnrestrictedDimension Unrestricted dimension in property size specification[edit | edit source]
meta.ArrayDimension Size information for property validation[edit | edit source]
matlab.lang.OnOffSwitchState Represent on and off states with logical values[edit | edit source]

Methods[edit | edit source]

methods Class method names[edit | edit source]
ismethod Determine if method of object[edit | edit source]
meta.method Describe method of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

Handle Classes[edit | edit source]

isequal Determine array equality[edit | edit source]
eq Determine equality[edit | edit source]
handle Superclass of all handle classes[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.SetGet Provide handle classes with set and get methods[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.SetGetExactNames Require exact name match for set and get methods[edit | edit source]
dynamicprops Superclass for classes that support dynamic properties[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.Copyable Superclass providing copy functionality for handle objects[edit | edit source]

Events[edit | edit source]

events Event names[edit | edit source]
handle.notify Notify listeners that event is occurring[edit | edit source]
handle.addlistener Create event listener bound to event source[edit | edit source]
handle.listener Create event listener without binding to event source[edit | edit source]
event.hasListener Determine if listeners exist for event[edit | edit source]
event.EventData Base class for event data[edit | edit source]
event.listener Class defining listener objects[edit | edit source]
event.PropertyEvent Data for property events[edit | edit source]
event.proplistener Define listener object for property events[edit | edit source]

Class Hierarchies[edit | edit source]

Subclass Definition[edit | edit source]
superclasses Names of superclasses[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous Superclass for heterogeneous array formation[edit | edit source]

Enumerations[edit | edit source]

enumeration Class enumeration members and names[edit | edit source]
isenum Determine if variable is enumeration[edit | edit source]
meta.EnumeratedValue Describe enumeration member of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

Class Customization[edit | edit source]

Object Indexing[edit | edit source]

numArgumentsFromSubscript Number of arguments for customized indexing methods[edit | edit source]
subsref Redefine subscripted reference for objects[edit | edit source]
subsasgn Redefine subscripted assignment[edit | edit source]
subsindex Convert object to array index[edit | edit source]
substruct Create structure argument for subsasgn or subsref[edit | edit source]
builtin Execute built-in function from overloaded method[edit | edit source]

Object Arrays[edit | edit source]

empty Create empty array[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous Superclass for heterogeneous array formation[edit | edit source]

Customize Object Display for Classes[edit | edit source]

display Used internally for command-window display[edit | edit source]
details Display array details[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.CustomDisplay Interface for customizing object display[edit | edit source]
matlab.mixin.util.PropertyGroup Custom property list for object display[edit | edit source]

Object Save and Load[edit | edit source]

saveobj Modify save process for object[edit | edit source]
loadobj Customize load process for objects[edit | edit source]

Class Editing[edit | edit source]

edit Edit or create file[edit | edit source]

Class Introspection and Metadata[edit | edit source]

metaclass Obtain meta.class object[edit | edit source]

meta.abstractDetails Find abstract methods and properties[edit | edit source]

meta.class.fromName Return meta.class object associated with named class[edit | edit source]

meta.package.fromName Return meta.package object for specified package[edit | edit source]

meta.package.getAllPackages Get all top-level packages[edit | edit source]

properties Class property names[edit | edit source]

methods Class method names[edit | edit source]

events Event names[edit | edit source]

superclasses Names of superclasses[edit | edit source]

meta.class Describe MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

meta.property Describe property of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

meta.method Describe method of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

meta.event Describe event of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

meta.package Describe MATLAB package[edit | edit source]

meta.DynamicProperty Describe dynamic property of MATLAB object[edit | edit source]

meta.EnumeratedValue Describe enumeration member of MATLAB class[edit | edit source]

meta.MetaData Superclass for MATLAB object metadata[edit | edit source]

meta.ArrayDimension Size information for property validation[edit | edit source]

meta.Validation Describes property validation[edit | edit source]

meta.FixedDimension Fixed dimension in property size specification[edit | edit source]

meta.UnrestrictedDimension Unrestricted dimension in property size specification[edit | edit source]

System Objects[edit | edit source]

Use System Objects[edit | edit source]

step Run System object algorithm[edit | edit source]
clone Create duplicate System object[edit | edit source]
isLocked Determine if System object is in use[edit | edit source]
nargin Number of input arguments for System object[edit | edit source]
nargout Number of output arguments for System object[edit | edit source]
reset Reset internal states of System object[edit | edit source]
release Release resources and allow changes to System object property values and input characteristics[edit | edit source]
Create System Objects[edit | edit source]

matlab.System Base class for System objects[edit | edit source]

matlab.system.StringSet Set of valid character vector values[edit | edit source]

matlab.system.mixin.FiniteSource Finite source mixin class[edit | edit source]

Calling External Functions[edit | edit source]

Call MEX File Functions[edit | edit source]

mexext Binary MEX file-name extension[edit | edit source]

inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory[edit | edit source]

Call C Shared Libraries[edit | edit source]

loadlibrary Load C/C++ shared library into MATLAB[edit | edit source]

unloadlibrary Unload shared library from memory[edit | edit source]

libisloaded Determine if shared library is loaded[edit | edit source]

calllib Call function in shared library[edit | edit source]

libfunctions Return information on functions in shared library[edit | edit source]

libfunctionsview Display shared library function signatures in window[edit | edit source]

libstruct Convert MATLAB structure to C-style structure for use with shared library[edit | edit source]

libpointer Pointer object for use with shared library[edit | edit source]

lib.pointer Pointer object compatible with C pointer[edit | edit source]

Call Java Libraries[edit | edit source]

import Add package or class to current import list[edit | edit source]

isjava Determine if input is Java object[edit | edit source]

javaaddpath Add entries to dynamic Java class path[edit | edit source]

javaArray Construct Java array object[edit | edit source]

javachk Error message based on Java feature support[edit | edit source]

javaclasspath Return Java class path or specify dynamic path[edit | edit source]

javaMethod Call Java method[edit | edit source]

javaMethodEDT Call Java method from Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)[edit | edit source]

javaObject Call Java constructor[edit | edit source]

javaObjectEDT Call Java constructor on Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)[edit | edit source]

javarmpath Remove entries from dynamic Java class path[edit | edit source]

usejava Determine if Java feature is available[edit | edit source]

matlab.exception.JavaException Capture error information for Java exception[edit | edit source]

Call .NET Libraries[edit | edit source]

Getting Started with Microsoft .NET[edit | edit source]

NET.addAssembly Make .NET assembly visible to MATLAB[edit | edit source]
NET.isNETSupported Check for supported Microsoft .NET Framework[edit | edit source]
NET Summary of functions in MATLAB .NET interface[edit | edit source]
enableNETfromNetworkDrive Enable access to .NET commands from network drive[edit | edit source]
NET.Assembly Members of .NET assembly[edit | edit source]
NET.NetException Capture error information for .NET exception[edit | edit source]

Data Types[edit | edit source]

cell Cell array[edit | edit source]
NET.createArray Array for nonprimitive .NET types[edit | edit source]
NET.disableAutoRelease Lock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB does not release COM object[edit | edit source]
NET.enableAutoRelease Unlock .NET object representing a RunTime Callable Wrapper (COM Wrapper) so that MATLAB releases COM object[edit | edit source]

Properties[edit | edit source]

NET.setStaticProperty Static property or field name[edit | edit source]

Events and Delegates[edit | edit source]

BeginInvoke Initiate asynchronous .NET delegate call[edit | edit source]
EndInvoke Retrieve result of asynchronous call initiated by .NET System.Delegate BeginInvoke method[edit | edit source]
Combine Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Combine method[edit | edit source]
Remove Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate Remove method[edit | edit source]
RemoveAll Convenience function for static .NET System.Delegate RemoveAll method[edit | edit source]

Enumerations[edit | edit source]

bitand Bit-wise AND[edit | edit source]
bitor Bit-wise OR[edit | edit source]
bitxor Bit-wise XOR[edit | edit source]
bitnot .NET enumeration object bit-wise NOT instance method[edit | edit source]

Generic Classes[edit | edit source]

NET.convertArray Convert numeric MATLAB array to .NET array[edit | edit source]
NET.createGeneric Create instance of specialized .NET generic type[edit | edit source]
NET.invokeGenericMethod Invoke generic method of object[edit | edit source]
NET.GenericClass Represent parameterized generic type definitions[edit | edit source]

Call COM Objects[edit | edit source]

actxserver Create COM server[edit | edit source]
actxcontrol Create Microsoft ActiveX control in figure window[edit | edit source]
actxcontrollist List currently installed Microsoft ActiveX controls[edit | edit source]
actxcontrolselect Create Microsoft ActiveX control from UI[edit | edit source]
eventlisteners List event handler functions associated with COM object events[edit | edit source]
methodsview View class methods[edit | edit source]
registerevent Associate event handler for COM object event at run time[edit | edit source]
unregisterallevents Unregister all event handlers associated with COM object events[edit | edit source]
unregisterevent Unregister event handler associated with COM object event at run time[edit | edit source]
iscom Determine whether input is COM or ActiveX object[edit | edit source]
isevent Determine whether input is COM object event[edit | edit source]
isinterface Determine whether input is COM interface[edit | edit source]
COM Access COM components and ActiveX controls from MATLAB[edit | edit source]

Call Python Libraries[edit | edit source]

Getting Started[edit | edit source]
pyversion Change default version of Python interpreter[edit | edit source]
pyargs Create keyword argument for Python function[edit | edit source]
matlab.exception.PyException Capture error information for Python exception[edit | edit source]
Data Types[edit | edit source]
pyargs Create keyword argument for Python function[edit | edit source]
Functions[edit | edit source]
pyargs Create keyword argument for Python function[edit | edit source]

Calling Web Services[edit | edit source]

HTTP Interface[edit | edit source]

matlab.net.http.RequestMessage HTTP request message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.ResponseMessage HTTP response message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.Message HTTP request or response message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.MessageType HTTP message type[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.MessageBody Body of HTTP message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.ProtocolVersion HTTP protocol version[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.RequestLine First line of HTTP request message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.RequestMethod HTTP request method[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.StartLine First line of HTTP message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.StatusClass Status class of HTTP response[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.StatusCode Status code in HTTP response[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.StatusLine First line of HTTP response message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.HeaderField Header field of HTTP message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.AcceptField HTTP Accept header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.AuthenticateField HTTP WWW-Authenticate or Proxy-Authenticate header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.AuthenticationInfoField HTTP Authentication-Info header field in response message[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.AuthorizationField HTTP Authorization or Proxy-Authorization header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.ContentDispositionField HTTP Content-Disposition header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.ContentLengthField HTTP Content-Length field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.ContentLocationField HTTP Content-Location header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.ContentTypeField HTTP Content-Type header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.CookieField HTTP Cookie header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.DateField HTTP Date header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.GenericField HTTP header field with any name and value[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.GenericParameterizedField GenericField to support parameterized syntax[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.HTTPDateField HTTP header field containing date[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.IntegerField Base class for HTTP header fields containing nonnegative integers[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.LocationField HTTP Location header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.MediaRangeField Base class for HTTP Content-Type and Accept header fields[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.SetCookieField HTTP Set-Cookie header field[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.field.URIReferenceField Base class for HTTP header fields containing URI components[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.ContentConsumer Consumer for HTTP message payloads[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.FileConsumer Consumer for files in HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.StringConsumer String consumer for HTTP payloads[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.JSONConsumer Content consumer that converts JSON input into MATLAB data[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.ImageConsumer Consumer for image data in HTTP payloads[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.MultipartConsumer Helper for multipart content types in HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.BinaryConsumer Consumer for binary data in HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.GenericConsumer Consumer for multiple content types in HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.ContentProvider ContentProvider for HTTP message payloads[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.FileProvider ContentProvider to send files[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.FormProvider ContentProvider that sends form data[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.MultipartFormProvider ContentProvider to send multipart/form-data messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.StringProvider ContentProvider to send MATLAB strings[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.JSONProvider ContentProvider to send MATLAB data as JSON string[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.ImageProvider ContentProvider to send MATLAB image data[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.MultipartProvider ContentProvider to send multipart/mixed HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.io.GenericProvider Generic ContentProvider for HTTP payloads[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.AuthenticationScheme HTTP Authentication scheme[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.AuthInfo Authentication or authorization information in HTTP messages[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.Cookie HTTP cookie received from server[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.CookieInfo HTTP cookie information[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.Credentials Credentials for authenticating HTTP requests[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.Disposition Results in HTTP log record[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.HTTPException Exception thrown by HTTP services[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.HTTPOptions Options controlling HTTP message exchange[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.LogRecord HTTP history log record[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.MediaType Internet media type used in HTTP headers[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.http.ProgressMonitor Progress monitor for HTTP message exchange[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.URI Uniform resource identifier (URI)[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.ArrayFormat Convert arrays in HTTP queries[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.QueryParameter Parameter in query portion of uniform resource identifier (URI)[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.base64decode Base 64 decoding of string[edit | edit source]
matlab.net.base64encode Base 64 encoding of byte string or vector[edit | edit source]

WSDL (Web Services Description Language)[edit | edit source]

matlab.wsdl.createWSDLClient Create interface to SOAP-based web service[edit | edit source]
matlab.wsdl.setWSDLToolPath Location of WSDL tools[edit | edit source]

Toolbox Distribution[edit | edit source]

The rough equivalent of a MATLAB toolbox in Julia is a package.

matlab.addons.toolbox.packageToolbox Package toolbox project[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.toolbox.toolboxVersion Query or modify version of toolbox[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.toolbox.installToolbox Install toolbox file[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.toolbox.uninstallToolbox Uninstall toolbox[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.toolbox.installedToolboxes Return information about installed toolboxes[edit | edit source]

builddocsearchdb Build searchable documentation database[edit | edit source]

matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts List dependencies of MATLAB program files[edit | edit source]

Exception Handling[edit | edit source]

try, catch Execute statements and catch resulting errors[edit | edit source]

MException Capture error information[edit | edit source]

addCause Record additional causes of exception[edit | edit source]

getReport Get error message for exception[edit | edit source]

last Return last uncaught exception[edit | edit source]

rethrow Rethrow previously caught exception[edit | edit source]

throw Throw exception[edit | edit source]

throwAsCaller Throw exception as if occurs within calling function[edit | edit source]

Testing Frameworks[edit | edit source]

Script-Based Unit Tests[edit | edit source]

assert Throw error if condition false[edit | edit source]
runtests Run set of tests[edit | edit source]
testsuite Create suite of tests[edit | edit source]
TestResult Result of running test suite[edit | edit source]

Function-Based Unit Tests[edit | edit source]

functiontests Create array of tests from handles to local functions[edit | edit source]
runtests Run set of tests[edit | edit source]
testsuite Create suite of tests[edit | edit source]
TestSuite.run Run TestSuite array using TestRunner object configured for text output[edit | edit source]
Test Specification of a single test method[edit | edit source]
FunctionTestCase TestCase used for function-based tests[edit | edit source]
TestResult Result of running test suite[edit | edit source]

Class-Based Unit Tests[edit | edit source]

runtests Run set of tests[edit | edit source]
testsuite Create suite of tests[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestSuite.run Run TestSuite array using TestRunner object configured for text output[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestRunner.run Run all tests in TestSuite array[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestCase Superclass of all matlab.unittest test classes[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestSuite Class for grouping tests to run[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.Test Specification of a single test method[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestRunner Class for running tests in matlab.unittest framework[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.TestResult Result of running test suite[edit | edit source]

Extend Unit Testing Framework[edit | edit source]

matlab.unittest.constraints.Constraint Fundamental interface class for comparisons[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.constraints.BooleanConstraint Interface class for boolean combinations of constraints[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.constraints.Tolerance Abstract interface class for tolerances[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.fixtures.Fixture Interface class for test fixtures[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.diagnostics.Diagnostic Fundamental interface class for matlab.unittest diagnostics[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.diagnostics.ConstraintDiagnostic Diagnostic with fields common to most constraints[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.plugins.TestRunnerPlugin Plugin interface for extending TestRunner[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.plugins.QualifyingPlugin Interface for plugins that perform system-wide qualifications[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.plugins.OutputStream Interface that determines where to send text output[edit | edit source]

App Testing Framework[edit | edit source]

press Perform press gesture on UI component[edit | edit source]
choose Perform choose gesture on UI component[edit | edit source]
drag Perform drag gesture on UI component[edit | edit source]
type Type in UI component[edit | edit source]
matlab.uitest.unlock Unlock figure locked by app testing framework[edit | edit source]
matlab.uitest.TestCase.forInteractiveUse Create a TestCase object for interactive use[edit | edit source]
matlab.uitest.TestCase TestCase to write tests with app testing framework[edit | edit source]

Performance Testing Framework[edit | edit source]

runperf Run set of tests for performance measurement[edit | edit source]
testsuite Create suite of tests[edit | edit source]
matlab.perftest.TimeExperiment Interface for measuring execution time of code under test[edit | edit source]
matlab.perftest.FixedTimeExperiment TimeExperiment that collects fixed number of measurements[edit | edit source]
matlab.perftest.FrequentistTimeExperiment TimeExperiment that collects variable number of measurements[edit | edit source]
matlab.perftest.TestCase Superclass of matlab.perftest performance test classes[edit | edit source]
matlab.unittest.measurement.MeasurementResult Result of measuring test suite[edit | edit source]

Mocking Framework[edit | edit source]

matlab.mock.TestCase TestCase to write tests with mocking framework[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.AnyArguments Match any number of arguments[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.actions.AssignOutputs Define return values for method called or property accessed[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.actions.ReturnStoredValue Return stored property value[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.actions.StoreValue Store property value[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.actions.ThrowException Throw exception when method is called or when property is set or accessed[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.constraints.WasAccessed Constraint determining property get access[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.constraints.WasCalled Constraint determining method call[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.constraints.WasSet Constraint determining property set interaction[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.MethodCallBehavior Specify mock object method behavior and qualify method calls[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.PropertyBehavior Specify mock object property behavior and qualify interactions[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.PropertyGetBehavior Specify mock property get behavior[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.PropertySetBehavior Specify mock object set behavior[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.TestCase.getMockHistory Return history from mock object[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.InteractionHistory.forMock Return history from mock object[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.InteractionHistory Interface for mock object interaction history[edit | edit source]
matlab.mock.history Summary of classes representing mock object interaction history[edit | edit source]

Performance and Memory[edit | edit source]

timeit Measure time required to run function[edit | edit source]

tic Start stopwatch timer[edit | edit source]

toc Read elapsed time from stopwatch[edit | edit source]

cputime Elapsed CPU time[edit | edit source]

profile Profile execution time for functions[edit | edit source]

bench MATLAB benchmark[edit | edit source]

memory Display memory information[edit | edit source]

inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory[edit | edit source]

pack Consolidate workspace memory[edit | edit source]

memoize Add memoization semantics to function handle[edit | edit source]

MemoizedFunction Call memoized function and cache results[edit | edit source]

clearAllMemoizedCaches Clear caches for all MemoizedFunction objects[edit | edit source]

System Commands[edit | edit source]

clipboard Copy and paste text to and from system clipboard[edit | edit source]

computer Information about computer on which MATLAB is running[edit | edit source]

system Execute operating system command and return output[edit | edit source]

dos Execute DOS command and return output[edit | edit source]

unix Execute UNIX command and return output[edit | edit source]

getenv Environment variable[edit | edit source]

setenv Set environment variable[edit | edit source]

perl Call Perl script using operating system executable[edit | edit source]

winqueryreg Item from Windows registry[edit | edit source]

commandhistory Open Command History window, or select it if already open[edit | edit source]

commandwindow Open Command Window, or select it if already open[edit | edit source]

filebrowser Open Current Folder browser, or select it if already open[edit | edit source]

workspace Open Workspace browser to manage workspace[edit | edit source]

matlab.io.saveVariablesToScript Save workspace variables to MATLAB script[edit | edit source]

getpref Get custom preference value[edit | edit source]

setpref Set custom preference value[edit | edit source]

addpref Add custom preference[edit | edit source]

rmpref Remove custom preference[edit | edit source]

ispref Determine if custom preference exists[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.installedAddons Get list of installed add-ons[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.isAddonEnabled Determine if add-on is enabled[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.enableAddon Enable installed add-on[edit | edit source]

matlab.addons.disableAddon Disable installed add-on[edit | edit source]

settings Access the SettingsGroup root object[edit | edit source]

Setting Setting object[edit | edit source]

SettingsGroup Group of settings and subgroup objects[edit | edit source]

clearTemporaryValue Clear the temporary value for a setting[edit | edit source]

clearPersonalValue Clear the personal value for a setting[edit | edit source]

hasTemporaryValue Determine whether the setting has a temporary value set[edit | edit source]

hasPersonalValue Determine whether the setting has a personal value set[edit | edit source]

hasFactoryValue Determine whether the setting has a factory value set[edit | edit source]

matlab.appdesigner App Designer settings, including canvas editor and component browser settings[edit | edit source]

matlab.editor Editor settings, including language, backup, and display settings[edit | edit source]

matlab.fonts Code font settings[edit | edit source]

matlab.general General settings including matfile settings[edit | edit source]

matlab.keyboard Keyboard settings including suggestions and completions settings[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for Other Languages[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for Java[edit | edit source]

matlab.engine.shareEngine Convert running MATLAB session to shared session[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.engineName Return name of shared MATLAB session[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.isEngineShared Determine if MATLAB session is shared[edit | edit source]
com.mathworks.engine.MatlabEngine Java class using MATLAB as a computational engine[edit | edit source]
com.mathworks.matlab.types.Complex Java class to pass complex data to and from MATLAB[edit | edit source]
com.mathworks.matlab.types.Struct Java class to pass MATLAB struct to and from MATLAB[edit | edit source]
com.mathworks.matlab.types.CellStr Java class to represent MATLAB cell array of char vectors[edit | edit source]
com.mathworks.matlab.types.HandleObject Java class to represent MATLAB handle objects[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for Python[edit | edit source]

matlab.engine.start_matlab Start MATLAB Engine for Python[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.find_matlab Find shared MATLAB sessions to connect to MATLAB Engine for Python[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.connect_matlab Connect shared MATLAB session to MATLAB Engine for Python[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.shareEngine Convert running MATLAB session to shared session[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.engineName Return name of shared MATLAB session[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.isEngineShared Determine if MATLAB session is shared[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.MatlabEngine Python object using MATLAB as computational engine within Python session[edit | edit source]
matlab.engine.FutureResult Results of asynchronous call to MATLAB function stored in Python object[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for C[edit | edit source]

MATLAB Engine API for C[edit | edit source]
mex Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code[edit | edit source]
C MEX File Applications[edit | edit source]
Executable C MEX Files[edit | edit source]
mex Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code[edit | edit source]
Share MEX Files[edit | edit source]
ver Version information for MathWorks products[edit | edit source]
computer Information about computer on which MATLAB is running[edit | edit source]
mexext Binary MEX file-name extension[edit | edit source]
mex.getCompilerConfigurations Get compiler configuration information for building MEX files[edit | edit source]
Troubleshoot MEX Files[edit | edit source]
dbmex Enable MEX-file debugging on UNIX platforms[edit | edit source]
inmem Names of functions, MEX-files, classes in memory[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for Fortran[edit | edit source]

MATLAB Engine API for Fortran[edit | edit source]
mex Build MEX function from C/C++ or Fortran source code[edit | edit source]

MATLAB API for COM Automation Server[edit | edit source]

actxGetRunningServer Handle to running instance of Automation server[edit | edit source]
enableservice Enable, disable, or report status of MATLAB Automation server[edit | edit source]
Execute Execute MATLAB command in Automation server[edit | edit source]
Feval Evaluate MATLAB function in Automation server[edit | edit source]
GetCharArray Character array from Automation server[edit | edit source]
GetFullMatrix Matrix from Automation server workspace[edit | edit source]
GetVariable Data from variable in Automation server workspace[edit | edit source]
GetWorkspaceData Data from Automation server workspace[edit | edit source]
MaximizeCommandWindow Open Automation server window[edit | edit source]
MinimizeCommandWindow Minimize size of Automation server window[edit | edit source]
PutCharArray Store character array in Automation server[edit | edit source]
PutFullMatrix Matrix in Automation server workspace[edit | edit source]
PutWorkspaceData Data in Automation server workspace[edit | edit source]
Quit Terminate MATLAB Automation server[edit | edit source]
regmatlabserver Register current MATLAB as Automation server[edit | edit source]