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Japanese/Lessons/Word list 1

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This is the list of words you should have learned during the first five weeks of this course. Please ensure that you know these words.

Note: Many of these words are from the JLPT Level 4 vocabulary list.

  1. あう - to meet
  2. あおい - blue
  3. あたたかい - warm
  4. あたらしい - new
  5. あつい - hot
  6. あめ - rain
  7. あるく - to walk
  8. いい - good
  9. いいえ - no
  10. いう - to tell, to say
  11. いぬ - dog
  12. いろ - color
  13. うえ - top, above
  14. うち - home, house
  15. うまれる - to be born
  16. うる - to sell
  17. え - picture, painting, drawing
  18. えいご - English language
  19. えん - yen (national currency of Japan)
  20. えんぴつ - pencil
  21. おいしい - delicious, good-tasting
  22. おおきい - big
  23. おかね - money
  24. おさけ - sake
  25. おしえる - to teach, to instruct
  26. おちゃ - tea
  27. おとこ - man
  28. おとこのこ - boy
  29. おんがく - music
  30. おんな - woman
  31. おんなのこ - girl
  32. かう - to buy
  33. かく - to write
  34. がくせい - student
  35. かぞく - family
  36. からだ - body, health
  37. き - tree
  38. きく - to listen, to ask
  39. きのう - yesterday
  40. きょう - today
  41. きらい - dislike, hate
  42. きれい - clean, beautiful
  43. ぎんこう - bank
  44. くち - mouth
  45. くに - country
  46. くる - to come
  47. けっこん - marriage
  48. げんき - energetic, healthy
  49. こども - child
  50. ごはん - cooked rice, a meal
  51. さく - to bloom
  52. ざっし - magazine
  53. さむい - cold
  54. じかん - time
  55. した - under, below, beneath
  56. しぬ - to die
  57. じょうず - skill, skillful, good at
  58. しる - to know
  59. しろい - white
  60. しんぱい - worry, care
  61. すき - to like
  62. すごい - awesome, terrific
  63. すずしい - cool, refreshing
  64. せい - height, stature
  65. せかい - world
  66. せんせい - teacher, doctor, master
  67. ぜんぶ - all, entire
  68. そと - outside
  69. そら - sky
  70. だいじょうぶ - safe, all right, O.K.
  71. たいせつ - important
  72. たいへん - serious, difficult, awful
  73. たぶん - perhaps, probably
  74. たべる - to eat
  75. たんじょうび - birthday
  76. ち - blood
  77. ちいさい - small
  78. ちがう - different
  79. ちから - strength, power
  80. ちょっと - just a minute, just a little
  81. つかう - to use
  82. つづり - spelling
  83. つよい - strong
  84. て - hand
  85. てんき - weather
  86. でんわ - telephone
  87. どうぐ - tool, instrument
  88. とけい - clock, watch
  89. ところ - place, spot, one's place (room, home)
  90. とぶ - to fly
  91. なつ - summer
  92. なる - to become
  93. にく - meat
  94. にげる - to escape, to run away
  95. にっぽん - Japan (actually, にほん (nihon) and にっぽん (nippon) are both valid pronunciations of 日本, and moreover, there is no fixed rule to choose one pronunciation over the other; it seems like にっぽん is sometimes more preferred when talking about the Japan, and にほん - when talking about Japanese people; also usage varies from dialect to dialect)
  96. にょろにょろ - wriggling-ly, like a snake
  97. にわ - garden
  98. ぬぐ - to take off (clothing)
  99. ぬれる - to get wet
  100. ねこ - cat
  101. ねる - to go to bed, to sleep
  102. のむ - to drink
  103. のる - to get on, to ride in, to board
  104. はい - yes
  105. ばか - fool, idiot
  106. はたらく - to work, to practice, to commit
  107. ひと - man, person, human being
  108. びょうき - illness
  109. びょういん - hospital
  110. ふく - clothes
  111. ふるい - old (opposite of new, not young)
  112. へや - room
  113. べんきょう - study
  114. ぼうし - hat
  115. ほん - book
  116. まずい - unappetising, unpleasant (taste, situation)
  117. まち - town, street, road
  118. まつ - to wait
  119. まんが - manga (Japanese-style hand-drawn comic book)
  120. みず - water
  121. みせ - store, shop, establishment
  122. みち - road, street, way, method
  123. みょうじ - family name, surname
  124. むこう - beyond, over there, opposite direction, the other party
  125. むずかしい - difficult
  126. め - eye
  127. めがね - spectacles, glasses
  128. もしもし - telephone "hello" (first word it is common to say over phone)
  129. もの - thing, object
  130. もんだい - problem, question
  131. やさしい - easy, plain
  132. やま - mountain
  133. やめる - to stop, to resign, to end
  134. ゆうびんきょく - post office
  135. ゆき - snow
  136. ゆめ - dream
  137. よむ - to read
  138. よわい - weak
  139. りっぱ - splendid, fine
  140. りゅうがくせい - overseas student
  141. りょうしん - parents; both parents
  142. りょこう - travel, trip
  143. れきし - history
  144. わかる - to understand, to know, to realize
  145. わすれる - to forget
  146. わるい - bad