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Japanese/Dialects/Tsugaru Dialect

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The Tsugaru Dialect (津軽弁 / つがるべん / tsugaru-ben) is a Japanese dialect spoken in Tsugaru, the western region of the Aomori Prefecture. There are often times when Tsugaru dialect is mistaken for "Aomori Dialect." Assuming that this dialect is used throughout the entire prefrecture is a misconception. Tsugaru-ben is reputed to be too divergent from standard Japanese for those who are not native speakers, to the point that even people living in the same prefecture may have trouble understanding it. In 1988, fans of the Tsugaru dialect proclaimed October 23 to be Tsugaru Dialect Day (津軽弁の日 Tsugaru-ben no hi). October 23 is the anniversary of the death of Kyōzō Takagi, a famous poet who wrote in the Tsugaru dialect. In Tsuruta, there is an annual summer Tsugaru-ben competition (津軽弁大会 Tsugaru-ben taikai) in which teams of foreigners create short skits or performances, usually humorous, using Tsugaru-ben. In June 2009, a short segment featuring the competition was broadcast nationally on NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).


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Recent Expressions

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Example Of A Conversation In The Tsugaru Dialect

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  1. Wow, what'll you do in a place like this?
TsugaruBen RōmaJi Standard RōmaJi Translation
直子: おー、おめこったどごでなーっちゃんず? Naoko: Ō, ome kotta dogo de nātchanzu? 直子: やあ、お前こんな所で何してるの? NaoKo: Yā, omae konna tokoro de nani shiteru no? Naoko: Wow, what are you doing in a place like this?
花子: あー、直だばん。わー今けやぐどまぢあわせしちゃんだばって、まんだだもこね。おめは? Hanako: Ā, Nao-daban. Wā ima keyagu do majiawase shichanda batte, manda da mo kone. Ome wa? 花子: あー、直ちゃん。私は今友達と待ち合わせしてるんだけど、まだ誰も来ていないんだよね。直子は何してるの? Hanako: Ā, Nao-chan. Watashi wa ima tomodachi to machiawase shiterun dakedo, mada dare mo kite inain da yone. Naoko wa nani shiteru no? Hanako: Ah, Naoko. I'm waiting to hang with my friends, but no one's come yet. What are you doing Naoko?
直子: わが? わっきゃ暇だはんでまぢあるいじゃ。てがもぐ一本け Naoko: Wa ga? Wakkya fuma da hande maji aruija. tega mogu ippon ke. 直子: 私?私は暇だったから街歩いていたんだよ。それより、タバコ一本ちょうだい Naoko: Atashi? Watashi wa hima datta kara machi aruite itan da yo. sore yori, TABAKO ippon choudai. Naoko: Me? I have some free time, so I'm just walking along the street. More importantly, could you give me a cigarette.
花子: んで持ってねんずよ。しゃーねー。ろ!火っきゃ貸さねでぃやー Hanako: Nde mottenenzu yo. Shā nē. Ro! Fukkya kasanediyā. 花子: 何で持っていないの?しょうがないなー。ほれ!ライターは貸さないよー Hanako: Nande motte inai no? Shō ga nai nā. Hore! RAITĀ wa kasanai yō. Hanako: Why don't you have any? Unbelievable. But look, I'm not going to lend you a lighter.
直子: なっちゃんず。だばわー吸えねーばん。たのむはんでけっさ Naoko: Natchanzu. Daba wā suenē ban. Tanomu hande kessa. 直子: 何言ってるんだよ。じゃあ私吸えないじゃん。お願いだからライター貸してよー Naoko: Nani itterunda yo. Jā watashi suenai jan. Onegai dakara RAITAA kashite yoo Naoko: What are you saying! In that case, I can't smoke. I'm begging you, lend me the lighter.
花子: わったった。ひゃーやるはんであいんど来るまでわの相手してけ Hanako: Wattatta. Hyā yaru hande aindo kuru made wa no aite shite ke 花子:わかったわかった。じゃあライター貸してあげる代わりに、友達来るまで私に付き合ってよ Wakatta wakatta. Jā RAITĀ kashite ageru kawari ni, tomodachi kuru made watashi ni tsukiatte yo Hanako: Alright, alright. Instead of lending you a lighter, I'll keep you company till my friends come.
直子: いいや。てが、きたくせぐね?あいんどだべ? Naoko: Iiya. te ga, kitaku segu ne? aindo da be? 直子:わかった。てゆうか、友達来たんじゃない?あの子達でしょ? Naoko: Wakatta. Te yū ka, tomodachi kitan ja nai? Ano ko tachi desho? Naoko: Alright. Speaking of which, aren't your friends here? Those girls over there?
花子: んだ。へばわーいぐはんで。ひゃーな Hanako: Nda. Heba wā igu hande. Hyāna 花子:あ、本当だ。じゃあ私行くね。バイバイ Hanako: Ah, hontō da. Jā watashi iku ne. BAI BAI Hanako: Ah, you're right. Then I gotta go. Bye bye
直子: おー、ひゃーろー Naoko: Ō, hyārō 直子:おー、それじゃあまた Naoko: Ō, sore jā mata Naoko: Yeah, see you later.
  1. The Five Riverbeds: The Appointment


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