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JLPT Guide/JLPT N1 Vocabulary/Row Ra

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  • 来場, らいじょう -attendance
  • 酪農, らくのう -dairy (farm)
  • 落下, らっか -fall, drop, come down
  • 楽観, らっかん -optimism
  • 濫用, らんよう -abuse, misuse, misappropriation, using to excess
  • 理屈, りくつ -theory, reason
  • 利根, りこん -intelligence
  • 利子, りし -interest (bank)
  • 利潤, りじゅん -profit, returns
  • 理性, りせい -reason, sense
  • 利息, りそく -interest (bank)
  • 立体, りったい -solid body
  • 立法, りっぽう -legislation, lawmaking
  • 利点, りてん -advantage, point in favor
  • 略語, りゃくご -abbreviation, acronym
  • 略奪, りゃくだつ -pillage, plunder, looting, robbery
  • 流, りゅう -style of, method of, manner of
  • 流通, りゅうつう -circulation of money or goods, flow of water or air, distribution
  • 了, りょう -finish, completion, understanding
  • 料, りょう -material, charge, rate, fee
  • 領域, りょういき -area, domain, territory, field, region, regime
  • 了解, りょうかい -comprehension, consent, understanding, roger (on the radio)
  • 領海, りょうかい -territorial waters
  • 両極, りょうきょく -both extremities, north and south poles, positive and negative poles
  • 良好, りょうこう -favorable, satisfactory
  • 良識, りょうしき -good sense
  • 良質, りょうしつ -good quality, superior quality
  • 了承, りょうしょう -acknowledgement, understanding (e.g. please be understanding of the mess during our renovation)
  • 良心, りょうしん -conscience
  • 領地, りょうち -territory, dominion
  • 領土, りょうど -dominion, territory, possession
  • 両立, りょうりつ -compatibility, coexistence, standing together
  • 旅客, りょかく -passenger (transport)
  • 旅券, りょけん -passport
  • 履歴, りれき -personal history, background, career, log
  • 理論, りろん -theory
  • 輪, りん -counter for wheels and flowers
  • 林業, りんぎょう -forestry
  • 類似, るいじ -analogous
  • 類推, るいすい -analogy
  • 冷酷, れいこく -cruelty, coldheartedness, relentless, ruthless
  • 冷蔵, れいぞう -cold storage, refrigeration
  • 冷淡, れいたん -coolness, indifference
  • 恋愛, れんあい -love, love-making, passion, emotion, affections
  • 連休, れんきゅう -consecutive holidays
  • 連日, れんじつ -every day, prolonged
  • 連中, れんじゅう -colleagues, company, a lot
  • 連帯, れんたい -solidarity
  • 連邦, れんぽう -commonwealth, federation of states
  • 連盟, れんめい -league, union, alliance
  • 老衰, ろうすい -senility, senile decay
  • 朗読, ろうどく -reading aloud, recitation
  • 浪費, ろうひ -waste, extravagance
  • 労力, ろうりょく -labour, effort, toil, trouble
  • 碌 (碌な), ろく (ろくな) -satisfactory, decent
  • 碌 (碌に), ろく (ろくに) -well, enough, sufficient
  • 露骨, ろこつ -1. frank, blunt, plain, outspoken, 2. conspicuous, open, 3. broad, suggestive
  • 論議, ろんぎ -discussion
  • 論理, ろんり -logic