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Italian/Vocabulary/Common phrases

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Translation Phrase IPA Pronunciation Audio
Italian italiano /i.ta.ˈlja.no/ (ee-tah-lee-AN-oh) (listen)
hello ciao /ˈʧa.o/ (chah-oh) (listen)
good-bye arrivederci /a.rːi.ve.ˈder.ʧi/ (a-ree-veh-DARE-chee) (listen)
please per favore /per fa.ˈvo.re/ (pehr fa-VOAR-ay) (listen)
thank you grazie /ˈgra.tsje/ (GRATS-yeh) (listen)
that one quello /ˈkwe.lːo/ (KWEL-low) (masculine) (listen)
quella /ˈkwe.lːa/ (KWEL-lah) (feminine) (listen)
how much? quanto /ˈkwan.to/ (KWAN-tow) (listen)
English inglese /iŋ.ˈglɛ.ze/ (in-GLEH-zeh) (listen)
yes /si/ (see) (listen)
no no /no/ (no) (listen)
sorry scusa /ˈsku.za/ (SKOO-za) (listen)
scusi /ˈsku.zi/ (SKOO-zee) (polite treatment) (listen)
I don’t understand non capisco /noŋ ka.ˈpis.ko/ (non kah pee skoh) (listen)
where's the bathroom? dov'è il bagno? /do.ˈvɛ il ˈba.ɲːo/ (doe VEH eel bah nyoh) (listen)
generic toast salute /sa.ˈlu.te/ (sall-OO-teh) (listen)
cincin /ʧin.ˈʧin/ (cheen cheen) (listen)
Do you speak English? Parla inglese? (formal) /'par.la iŋ.glɛ.ze/ (Par-lah een-gleh-zeh) (listen)