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Now, make use of the construction you have learned for telling what your or your friend's occupation is. Here are some professions:

  • aisteoir actor
  • aistritheoir translator
  • amhránaí singer
  • amhránaí sean-nóis traditional Irish-style singer. Sean-nós means "old way, old style", and it refers to the traditional a cappella singing style still extant in the Irish-speaking communities. Sean-nóis is the genitive form meaning "of old way". Thus, literally translated, amhránaí sean-nóis means "a singer of old style", but "an old-style singer" captures the sense better.
  • ateangaire interpreter
  • bean rialta nun
  • bitheolaí biologist
  • breitheamh judge
  • ceoltóir musician
  • cóipscríbhneoir copywriter
  • craoltóir broadcaster
  • cuntasóir accountant
  • díoltóir leabhar bookseller
  • dochtúir doctor
  • eaglaiseach churchman, clergyman
  • easpag bishop
  • fealsamh philosopher (philosophy is fealsúnacht)
  • fear gnó businessman
  • feirmeoir farmer
  • file poet
  • foghlaí mara pirate
  • gadaí thief
  • garda policeman, police officer (in Ireland; in other countries, péas and póilín might be more appropriate)
  • geallghlacadóir bookmaker, turf-accountant
  • innealtóir bogearraí software engineer
  • iriseoir journalist
  • mac léinn student
  • mairnéalach sailor
  • manach monk, friar
  • ministir (Protestant) minister
  • múinteoir teacher
  • nuachtánaí reporter
  • ollamh professor
  • peasghadaí pickpocket
  • ríomhinnealtóir computer engineer, computer specialist
  • rúnaí secretary (a secret is rún)
  • sagart (Catholic) priest
  • saighdiúir soldier
  • scoláire scholar
  • scríbhneoir writer
  • siopadóir shopkeeper
  • siúinéir carpenter, joiner
  • spásaire spaceman, astronaut
  • táilliúir tailor
  • teangaire interpreter
  • tiománaí driver
  • tiománaí leoraí lorry-driver
  • tiománaí tacsaí taxi driver
  • tuíodóir thatcher
  • údar author
  • úinéir owner. Well, of course it makes little sense to say that someone is an "owner" by profession, but you could say, for instance, úinéir monarchan, a factory-owner. Factory is monarcha in Irish, genitive form ("a factory's", "of a factory") is monarchan, and a factory-owner will thus be úinéir monarchan.