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Investigating Critical & Contemporary Issues in Education/Open Letter

From Wikibooks, open books for an open world

Dear President Obama and Education Secretary Duncan,

We the future educators of American public schools have identified twenty pertinent challenges facing modern education. As undergraduates at the College of Coastal Georgia we have thoroughly researched and concisely condensed each of these issues. These contemporary troubles are presented in a manner for general public understanding. To investigate these challenges further we have interviewed and surveyed leading scholars from related fields and practitioners from within the school walls. Their thoughts and insight are also captured. From these conversations we have identified disparities in theory and practice. Based on this data we provide you with a one page action item statement to be implemented in future education policy. To seriously reform education and assist us as future educators we urge you to seriously consider the recommendations presented in this book. We all strive to educate and mold the next “Greatest Generation” of Americans.